Tony Lemming Gets His Wish Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go... | | Will you shut the fuck | up, Victor? We're lemmings, | not fucking dwarves! | | ||// \\|| ||// / \\|| \ o\ \ o\ \ o\/ \ o\ //-\/ |-\/ //-\/ |-\/ //| |\ |||| //| |\ |||| ""\|__|" |""|_ ""\|__|" |""|_ \\/|__| |__|__| \\/|__| |__|__| ------------------------------------------------------- Christ! What's up with you today, you miserable bastard? | | I don't know... I've been | thinking about the pointlessness | of our mundane existence. Walk, | dig, float if we're lucky... | then do it all again... | | \\|| ||// \\|| | ||// \ o\ \ o\ \ o\/ \ o\ |-\/ //-\/ |-\/ //-\/ |||| //| |\ |||| //| |\ |""|_ ""\|__|" |""|_ ""\|__|" |__|__| \\/|__| |__|__| \\/|__| ------------------------------------------------------- Oh man, not this self-pitying crap again! Can't you just be happy with your lot for once? | | I dunno... sometimes I | wish I could just end it all... | | ||// \\|| ||// / \\|| \ o\ \ o\ \ o\/ \ o\ //-\/ |-\/ //-\/ |-\/ //| |\ |||| //| |\ |||| ""\|__|" |""|_ ""\|__|" |""|_ \\/|__| |__|__| \\/|__| |__|__| ------------------------------------------------------- Er, Tony? I... I think you might have Shit! There's got your wish. \|/ so much I / -5- haven't done! / /|\ / \\||/ ||// \\|| / ||// \ o\ \ o\ \ o\/ \ o\ |-\/ //-\/ |-\/ //-\/ |||| //| |\ |||| //| |\ |""|_ ""\|__|" |""|_ ""\|__|" |__|__| \\/|__| |__|__| \\/|__| ------------------------------------------------------- Well, see you next time around, guys... | \|/ | -1-...OH ||// \\|| | /|\ NO! \\|| \ o\ \ o\ \ | \ o\ //-\/ |-\/ \{|}/ / |-\/ //| |\ |||| //-\\- |||| ""\|__|" |""|_ \\_// |""|_ \\/|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| ------------------------------------------------------- Poor Tony. | Yeah. Look guys, /\ /\ | can we stop off || || | here for a min? \/ ___ \/ / I'm desperate for \\ / \ // / a piss. \\/ \// / / /| |\ \\||/ ||// / \\|| / | | \ \ o\ \ o\/ \ o\ / | | \ |-\/ //-\/ |-\/ / | | \ |||| //| |\ |||| / |_____| \ |""|_ ""\|__|" |""|_ | _|_______|_ | |__|__| \\/|__| |__|__| | |___________| | ---------------------------END-------------------------