Prince Of Persia ~~~ | .> God, this dungeon's so | |--------depressing! Everything \/ looks the same... //\| |||| |||| |||| |""/ | | | | \_/ === ---------------------------------------------- ~~~ | .> Tsk! Do they really | |----think they'll catch \/ me out with such //\| blatant traps? Another |||| identical set of spikes! |||| Big shitting deal - I'll \ |||| / just walk slowly... \ |""/\/ / / \ \| /\/\ / / \/ / /\ / / /\/\ /_|/ ==\ /=== \ / ---------------------------------------------- ____ Defend yourself,-------- / \ valiant Prince! \ \____/ \ <' | ~~~ YAWN. I just \ \_| | .> killed an undead \/____/ \ _| |---skeleton! I'll /|____ |\ / /\/\ crush YOU, prick! | ====| \ / / /\____ \ | |_/ \ \ /\_____}|============ \ | |\/ \ / / \ \ | /\ \ / /\ \ / / \ | / / \ \ /_/ |_| | | \___/ === === \ / \\ === === ---------------------------------------------- ~~~ | .> | | --------HA! I can make this \/ jump from HERE! No need //\| for a run-up! |||| |||| |||| |""/ | | | | \_/ === --------------- ------ | | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------- / / \ /\ \ / \ / \ \ /\\ \ \ / \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ --------------- \ Ouch! ------ | \ / | | / | | CRUNCH / | | / | ---------------------------------------------- ~~~ | .> God, this dungeon's so | |--------depressing! Everything \/ looks the same... //\| |||| |||| |||| |""/ | | | | \_/ === ---------------------END----------------------