Prince Of Persia

    | .>        God, this dungeon's so
    |  |--------depressing! Everything
     \/         looks the same...
    | |
    | |
       | .>    Tsk! Do they really
       |  |----think they'll catch
        \/     me out with such
       //\|    blatant traps? Another
       ||||    identical set of spikes!
       ||||    Big shitting deal - I'll
    \  ||||  /      just walk slowly...
     \ |""/\/  /  /
    \ \| /\/\ /  /
     \/ / /\ /  /
     /\/\   /_|/
     ==\   /===
        \    /
           Defend yourself,-------- /    \
           valiant Prince!  \       \____/
                             \       <' |
     ~~~    YAWN. I just      \       \_|
     | .>   killed an undead   \/____/   \
    _|  |---skeleton! I'll     /|____    |\
   / /\/\   crush YOU, prick!      | ====| \
  / /   /\____ \                   |     |_/
  \ \  /\_____}|============        \    |
  |\/  \       /                   / \    \
  | /\  \                         /  /\    \
 / /  \  |                       /  /  \    \
/_/    |_|                       | |    \___/
===    ===                       \ /        \\
                                ===        ===
 | .>
 |  | --------HA! I can make this
  \/          jump from HERE! No need
 //\|         for a run-up!
 | |
 | |
---------------                         ------
              |                         |
              |                         |
              |                         |
              |                         |

        / \   /\   \
       /   \ /  \   \
          /\\   \    \
         /  \\   \    \
             \  \ \    \
---------------   \             Ouch!   ------
              |    \             /      |
              |                 /       |
              |       CRUNCH   /        |
              |               /         |
    | .>        God, this dungeon's so
    |  |--------depressing! Everything
     \/         looks the same...
    | |
    | |