Gaming Nightmares #1: Frogger Daddy, where are we going? Well, first we need \ to pop to the shops, \ then we're picking up \ your sister from the \ swimming pool. \ ___/_______________ \ / _/ | \ \ \ / /o \_ | \ \ \ / \_/o \| \ \ _________\-----\__/|________|______\_____ / | | | \ / _____| | | _____ \ |_______/ ___ \_______|________|/ ___ \_______| |______| / \ |_______________| / \ |______| ------------------------------------------------------ Are we nearly there? I need the toilet! Oh, I told you to go before \ we left! Can't you - OH JESUS \ FUCKING CHRIST! What the FUCK \ is that thing in the road? \ / \ ___/_______________ \ / _/ | \ \ \ / /o \_ | \ \ \ / \_/o \| \ \ _________\-----\__/|________|______\_____ / | | | \ / _____| | | _____ \ |_______/ ___ \_______|________|/ ___ \_______| |______| / \ |_______________| / \ |______| ------------------------------------------------------ |_______ _______ _______ | |\ \ /\ \ /\ \ | |/______/ \/______/ \/______/ | | | | _______ _______ _______ | | /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ | | \/______/ \/______/ \/______/ | | | |_________________ See, son? THIS is ___________| | -=---=- why I'm against -=---=- | | | | animal testing... | | | | -=---=- \ -=---=- | |==== ==== ==== ==== \ ==== ==== ==== | | \/"\/ -\---=- | | | | | | | | /\\_//\ -=---=- | |==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== | | -=---=- -=---=- -=---=- | | | | | | | | | | -=---=- -=---=- -=---=- | ------------------------END---------------------------