Trip To The Egg Farm
I was in the kitchen around last Easter, happily cooking a Toast And Egg Plateful for my friend Humpty Dumpty, when I suddenly realised - I didn't have any eggs!
"OH NO! I don't have any eggs!"
So, I had to rush out and get some eggs. I didn't go to the supermarket, though - oh no! I went to the place where eggs are made - the Egg Farm! 'What a delightful Easter-themed excursion', I thought. It will also make a fun educational segment for my children's cookery show, which I do with my massive friend. Bonus!
11 hours' driving later, I arrived at my destination - the most exciting (egg-citing!) place in the whole world! The Egg Farm - it's the place where dreams come true! As long as your dreams are about eggs, powdered egg products, and egg mayonnaise. Most of mine are!

What could be more fun than spending a whole day here? Not much, I imagine! Look at it! You can almost smell the eggy fun!
Upon arrival, I was greeted by my friend, Mr Eggy. He's eaten so much egg that his whole head's turned into an egg! He showed me every aspect of egg production, from feeding the chickens to pulling the eggs out with his 'egg fist'. Ptang! His little hand shoots up those chickens so fast! No wonder they always look surprised!

"Oh, Mr Eggy! You got me again with your fist! Enjoy my eggs!"
Mr Eggy showed me his factory full of tiny oriental children, all working hard to turn the raw eggs into all manner of delights. Some of them love their work so much that they were literally crying! Such joy! I asked him why the children looked so thin, and he explained that eggs are really good for you, so they keep you trim and lean. Oh, egg. Is there anything thou canst not do?

On the way out, I noticed that the water in the ornamental fountains outside the factory is running yellow. Yellow water! That's because everything has absorbed egg from the Egg Farm. Even the ground itself spouts forth eggy delight!
So there you have it. A day on a working Egg Farm! Of course, it turned out that Mr Eggy only sells his eggs in bulk, to supermarkets and factories. So I popped into the Spar on the way home to buy some eggs.
So - if you're ever stuck for something to do over Easter - visit the Egg Farm! Its name? Why, it has the best name of all!