OCTOBER 22 is INTERnational caps lock day!!!

self proclaimed official home page of caps lock day

SKATE!!!!! SKATE!!!!!

this is a capslock:
motherfuckin capslock biatchat the bottom, where it say CASP LOCK

cappy cappy cappy cappy

every year we get together and make salmon for toast

every year we get a crockety bloat

every year we get drunk on the docks

and every year we have sex with our caps locks!!!!!!

Days til caps lock day: too fucking many


angel love yeah if you would like to make a donation to the victims families please email capslockcapslockscapslock@hotmail.com. they will always be in our hearts!!!!

there are some people who don't like the idea of celebrating our caps lockness and they are at this page and they suck. this dumb ass thinks that it is a day in august that is caps lock day but he is mistaken.

omg omg omg

SKATE!!!!!i lovin t

capslock activitees

mad fuckin props to this page


caps lock day is a celebration of life and forever screaming text for all eternity and love

derekarnold.net is a fart AND LAZY-VILLE MAKE ME HORNY