Remus Lupin
Arthur Weasley
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Ernie Macmillan
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
Ron Wealey
Pansy Parkinson
Millicent Bulstrode
Handcuffs chafe, and are therefore overrated.
Yes, they played Quidditch, and the party was fine.
Draco is pointy, in perhaps an amusing way.
Uncertain about Harry and Draco's tumultuous friendship.
Werewolves are immortal, unless killed properly: he doesn't like to discuss it often.
Remus is the alpha, if Sirius likes it or not; he started smoking when he was 17, seriously when 20, but gave it up when teaching; prefers muggle brands; Sirius' toast (and hand gestures) was the most memorable part of Lily and James' wedding.
He hates Lucius because 'if you threaten or attempt to kill one of my own' he will never not hate them.
He could write a book about the Marauder's antics; he details one; the details of the relationship are none of his business.
He would like children of his own, but he has Harry, who is all the child that he could ever want.
Referring to Sirius' hatred of Draco.
Not a cover for Gryffindor orgies, that he knows of.
Friendship with Narcissa is reconciled for her being blissfully unaware.
Scorpio in canon is a completely flat and utterly wretched character; Harry is fine.
Fell in love: "Hi, my name's Sirius."
Snape's middle name.
The obscenity of Harry's victory dance.
Harry is taking last nights "spectacle" as well as can be expected; tender subject.
He is in contact with several other werewolves; they generally keep to themselves.
He doesn't consider himself charming.
Sirius is content with his carnivorous appetite and will prepare separate meals.
Over here!
Harry often speaks of his friends [Draco]; James was brilliant and a complete snob.
Women are lucky.
It was just that one cake server.
Earliest happy memory; met Harry 15 minutes after birth; still wriggly.
Dated Lily; was closer to her, due to her fellow prefectness.
No "cool" tricks, rather, those that would make him burst into flames.
Suspected Harry's sexual preference; first kiss.
Sirius had his hair hexed pink.
Platypus is a noble creature; likes Queen.
Modern music is bouncy and loud.
Yoga; being untangled; (mmm dairy)
Been to Berlin with his grandmother when 16.
Movies; very rarely; Robin Hood.
Never been to Moscow; speaks some Mermish, Gnomish, "more Welsh than is healthy", Gaelic, a little Romanian. (And then proceeds to astound us by speaking in Gaelic)
African or European?
Sirius attempted to do "adult films"; transfigured camera.
Would perhaps date Severus, who "has his charms".
J is for Jude. (Which always makes me laugh.)
Feelings on Harry being trapped and unfound; feelings on what it was like when Harry would be allright; staring contest: Harry would win.
Favourite musical is Chess!
Has a fabulous arse.
Cadbury's make the best confection for Easter; favourite muggle chocolate.
The joys of parenting: that smile.
Would consider Chimera, Manticore, Acromantula; would fight the one that did the least damage; would fight Chimera and Manticore together, if only not to fight the Acromantula; hates spiders; Harry has a small green snake as a pet (compliments Sirius).
Marauders vs. Weasley Twins (plus Lee Jordan): outcome, Marauders 1, WT+L nil.
Used to knit, but has forgotten; would like to relearn; doesn't know where Molly is/she's gone.
Sirius has never told him when he first fell in love with him.
Faith got Sirius and Remus where they are now.
His friend in SoHo is quite well, but doesn't like the company that he takes with.
Severus cleans up well; was shocked.
Harry was stopped from whistling anymore.
Chintz curtains; Narcissa and Remus need to have a chat.
Was never involved with James or Peter; Sirius monopolizes the pillows; glad of Harry's friendships.
Boggart is the full moon; hears himself with the Dementors.
Very difficult to find a career as a werewolf; worked at Zonko's.
While female, still in love with Sirius; Harry isn't smoking.
They [+Sirius] both love Harry immensely.
How a wolf mourns; Lucius and Remus argue/Remus calls Lucius names.
James/Snape rivalry compared to Harry/Draco rivalry and friendship.
Azrael will never be a Death Eater; Duly Noted.
Harry leaving school would be of his own volition to live elsewhere; he has no choice while living with "those people"/the Dursleys.
Cannot answer as to what is going on; biting Lucius Malfoy.
2.85 questions; cannot answer them as they are of a personal matter.
An explanation as to why the Wizarding world needs money, outside of transfiguring objects.
Cannot remember what happened while Severus and Sirius were severely drunk.
Matters of health.
Remus and Sirius's relationship.
Unanswered question; secret keepers; foster parent; Harry; Sirius; James; Peter; Lily.
Twins take after his fondness of tinkering.
Yes he wants the microwave!
Forks in toasters; children being treated like animals is despicable.
First time he saw Molly; first time he knew he loved her; first kiss; favourite thing to tinker with.
Burnt hands.
Gossip: Father's are the best secret keepers.
The lemon face is gone! Arthur's middle name is Ronald.
Children; Molly has the final say.
Shed is obviously insulated.
First best friend; Alastair Crumpet.
The party; Ron and Ginny.
Smashing fez from Romania.
Which child he found out was gay first; Charlie.
Favourite musical; why they hate the Malfoys; the Sentimental Bloke.
Molly or him dating anyone else; no.
Ron's first crush; pictures of Hermione; once again, best Secret Keeper.
Favourite son; hearing when the Dementors are near; Erised; Boggart.
Sexy in the wedding icon.
Marriage; hilarity ensues.
Divorce and theoretical marriage.
Crushes; other girlfriends; careers outside of muggle studies.
Most outrageous thing while drunk.
Why firewhisky and no Molly lookout?
Non-illegal things are in the SHED.
Talking Ron into finally asking Hermione out.
Friendship with Harry and Draco.
The children in one sentence.
Five questions.
Favourite "muggle moofie!"
Lucius and Arthur argue.
Three questions; daughters; pregnancy; learning as a father.
Pansy and Arthur's disagreement at the Ministry.
Living as a muggle; "dress sense" is off.
A brilliant icon; he thinks so as well.
Veritaserum; one question wouldn't like to answer.
Charlie's current relationship status.
No new child, as no time for one; must concentrate on Draco's needs.
Feeling well; Harry is a "nice young man"; no comment on Harry/Draco.
Never dated Remus; doesn't understand the "friendship" question.
A fond memory from Draco's childhood.
Draco and Narcissa's relationship; how it's changed.
Lucius; first interaction with.
Bellatrix; Andromeda; more on Narcissa's sisters.
How she met Lucius.
A day in the life of Nobility.
Lucius and Sirius's "continuous flirtation" and the toll it has on both marriages.
Academia; Narcissa's life as a student.
Draco; planned children; nature's decision.
Friendship with Narcissa; how it works; Lupin's hate of Lucius.
Cucumbers; hilarity.
Lucius' proposal; Remus and her as relatives; flying lessons.
Millicent and Pansy.
The portraits; Young Draco; the paintings and their rather odd behavior.
Draco's first words; baby photos; "funny-bunny names"; mispronunciation of words.
France; England; life in both; differences.
If the world was a Cuban restaurant…
The length of hair; favourite type of vodka.
Happiest memory.
Gemstones; healing; favourite jewelry; first learnt of pregnancy; Lucius' work and strain on marriage.
Tea with lemon, thank you very much; Lucius and Remus.
Harry and Draco's relationship, once more.
Career as a style consultant; beauty tips.
Favourite musical: Hedwig and the Angry Inch (my my, she has good tastes!)
The origins of The Cane.
The proposal and ring; answers to such questions linked.
Veritaserum; unwished for question under.
Hair care.
Clubs; fanatical interests in; pressure on relationships.
Cologne; boxers or briefs?; declines to answer.
The origin of the cane; affianced; gift from.
Vacation homes, other than Malfoy Manor.
Reaction to drugs.
Running for minister of magic; changing image of said office; favourite location out of all the places visited around the world.
Snape Dog; icon.
Hairstyle; Draco's favourite quality.
Better in bed: Sirius or Narcissa?
His favourite room in the manor.
What he sees in Draco: himself, or his wife.
Better in bed take two.
How long has known Arthur Weasley; why their hatred.
Would add Theory of Magic (say: Dark Arts) into the Hogwart's Curriculum.
Three books on a deserted island; David Copperfield; Moby Dick; Chronicles of the Pharaohs.
Boxers or briefs? Take two.
Pansy and Draco's possible relationship; how good their match is.
Dobby attempts to blackmail Lucius; doesn't succeed.
Comparisons of Lucius and Draco; Sirius' hostility to Draco.
Favourite childhood memories.
Harry and Draco's credibility as a couple.
Not a question.
Hair; length of as a child.
Several questions; muggle cars; muggle movies; stay in London; Cannes Estate.
More children.
Favourite musical; greatest regret in life; his nose.
Did he know James; opinion of; Harry's possible placing in Slytherin; Shiny.
Patron saint of hopelessness; hair is all natural.
Draco and his "friend" [Harry].
Three questions; possible Harry/Draco relationship [again…]; friendship between wife and Lupin [again…]; free accounts.
One wonders what a "Klondike Bar" is…
The developing relationship between [you guessed it!] Harry and Draco; the meaning of Lucius' comment in April.
Declines to answer; theoretically, if Narcissa was a muggleborn.
Happiest memory, once more.
The explanation to fascination with Egypt.
Grudge against cucumbers; boxers or briefs take three.
Muggles; population wishing to be exterminated; associating with.
WHY NO BOAT?; Bulstrode has sufficient funds.
Favourite food; etymology of Draco.
Veritaserum; unanswerable question under.
Needed to sleep with Severus.
Top or bottom; Lupin; Black; Snape; best.
Unanswered question; cane; origin of; wand; custom made?
A blast from the past; who are you?; Hooch/Narcissa.
On offer; not taking up; an insult; ten points from house.
A desert island; Lupin; Black; hot fudge sundae.
Favourite flavour of ice cream; useless knowledge.
Favourite potion; relationship with Lily Evans while at Hogwarts.
How he was roped into the journal project; why only him and not other Professors.
Refining of the Wolfsbane Potion; permanent cure for Lycanthropy.
Defense Against the Dark Arts; Professorial position.
Books for pleasure; favourite author.
Room of requirement; required objects; cucumbers.
Unjust trials; long-term goals.
Hogwart curriculum; favourite shampoo; "another spanking".
The dark mark; pain.
Langauges and alcohol [a very fine mix].
Four questions; lederhosen; magic in the creation of potions; relationship between Lucius; "always" choose to loose; strip poker.
Muggle devices that can be useful for Wizards.
Boggart; Dementor.
Have you ever been in love.
Pets; familiars; Lilitou.
"aesthete": fabric; clothing; colours; silk.
Place of residency; away from Hogwarts; family home.
Robes; black; Hogwarts, A History; muggle cars; muggle movies; washing of hair.
Being placed in Gryffindor; Ravenclaw; Slytherin.
Music; instrumental; romance.
Happiest memory.
Qualities for a good Potions student.
Lucius and Narcissa; Death Eaters.
Patronus; bird of prey.
Family life.
Veritaserum; questions under.
Plans to visit Canada; tiara.
Rage regards Harry; James; Lily.
Nicknames: The Nightmare Before Halloween [take one]
Nicknames: The Nightmare Before Halloween [take two]
Personality; changes thereof.
Favourite kind of tea; Lupin and Black situation.
Icon; innie or outie; boxers or briefs?
Dancing; Narcissa.
Boxers or briefs.
Queen; tapes; spells; cars.
Dressed as a cowboy; weight.
Robes; billowing; fan?
Affinity to Patrick Swayze; no licking.
Lilitou; condition of health.
Ticklish; nipples; belly-button; feelings.
Opinions on the houses; separation of students; stereotypes.
Green eggs and ham.
Offspring; not wanted.
Faouvirte musical/opera.
The origin of Sigfreid; relative; dead; painfully so.
Not care for tacos; women.
Time turners; tragic events.
Gender confusion.
Harry being placed in Slytherin; his views.
Commando; trousers.
Hugging and death.
History of just after Hogwarts.
Weather; comments; questions and answers.
Whose hand was it?
Harry/Draco relationship.
Children; gene pool.
Early childhood; player should run for Governor of California.
Thoughts on thoughts.
OWLs and NEWTs; other types of magic.
Felidae lamia.
Ravens and their relationships to writing desks.
Ablutions; time between; bathing.
Fix up Sirius and Remus' relationship by knocking their heads together.
Shilajit the owl; extermination.
Sexual orientation; labels.
Sxual relations; French.
Windex; unanswered.
Travels; muggle clothing; state dress.
Snape's attitude.
Lubricants; "lubricating spell".
MPREG; potions.
Flesh; cannibalism; felidae lamia.
The way Remus is treated.
Paranoia; trauma as an infant.
Defensive of house; Hufflepuff shame; compensation of.
Admirition of Hufflepuff; Hufflepuff pride.
Parseltongue; code; radishes.
Harry; Draco; relationship.
Dating Hannah.
Conspiracy theory; JFK.
Matrix; Glitch.
Hufflepuff; houses; house system; house pride.
Justin; Susan; what's going on?
Martin Miggs; 105.
First aspirations; conspiracies.
Houses; favourite subjects; codes.
Hufflepuff; houses; sorting hat; muggles; colours.
Favourite joke.
Sneak-o-scopes; Internet Security; tinfoil hat; conspiracy theories.
Hufflepuff; Severus.
Six random questions.
Seamus; Hannah; Mandy.
Boxers or briefs; attics.
Hug; paranoia.
Yanking Justin's chain; conspiracy theories; codes.
Colours; full names.
Muggle music.
Four questions.
Heir of Hufflepuff; Draco Malfoy.
Five questions; music; etc.
Unanswered question; Lord Voldemort's wand; fishies.
Justin and Ernie; top hottest guys/girls.
Apparition test; unanswered.
Queer Eye for the Wizarding Guy; thoughts on.
Codes; unanswered question.
Pig latin; unanswered question.
Questions; straight answer; unanswered question.
Thoughts on Minerva McGonogall; unanswered question.
The Hokey Pokey; unanswered question.
Sara's favourite flower.
Memory block; worries.
Tea party; redige; memory block; practice of.
Favour colour; dessert; spell; and why?
Handcuffs; opinion of.
Relationship; muggles; Sara; magic; secrecy act.
Sara; liking of.
Teaching after Hogwarts.
Work after Hogwarts; Herbology; plants.
Changes in the last six months.
Friends at Hogwarts; liking of.
Six questions; nEVILle theory.
Boxers or briefs?
Muggle bands.
Hair colour.
Observing of people; keeping in touch with Sara through school year; anything for a day.
Trevor; other pets; taking Sara to meet his parents.
Can I have your babies?
Living as a muggle.
Slighted over people not commenting.
Favourite plant; fruits; flowers; medicinal herbs.
nEVILle theory.
Secret dream.
Friendships outside of the houses.
Herbology; philosophy on life.
Harry and Draco's relationship.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Sara; phsyical affection.
Busses; Sara being told about being a wizard.
Skool; unanswered question.
People responding to his entries.
Parents; [aka, Lucius is a mean bastard].
Motorcycle; 70s triumph 650; since it was new.
Best memory of life.
First dating.
Severus Snape.
Leather at fifteen.
Soul searching.
Falling for Remus; "Hi, my name's Sirius".
First kiss.
Harry's location.
Languages; scholarly pursuits;
Regrets; accomplishments.
Favourite spell; song; Quidditch.
Animagus; animagus transformation; etc.
Meeting Lily Evans; James and her's dating.
Canda; diet; nude beaches.
Marauder memory; teaching positions.
"Soul searching"; temporary split?
Sexual diversity; bestiality.
Biscuits; teaching experiences; cranberry leather.
Night of Sirius' birth.
Kama Sutra; lotus position; feet behind head.
Favourite song and why.
Remus' best qualities.
Holidaying spot; favourite; where.
Harry; Dogear Wryde; muggle sports; activities; things he likes to do with Harry; what they get up to at.
Body piercing.
Attraction to Lucius Malfoy; unanswerable questions.
Origin of Snape's nickname.
Gay marriage; legally binding; unliked music.
Musicals; chess; muggle music.
Rice pudding.
Lucius Malfoy is good with his mouth.
Harry's well being; wedding present to Remus.
James and him; things they got up to.
Marauder antics; leaders; musketeers.
Boxers or briefs?
Differences between Harry and James; Remus knowing the details of his and Lucius' relationship.
Sex advice.
Fisting: yes, no, or maybe?
Weasley twins vs. Marauders.
Friendship with James Potter.
Harry; advice giving; love life, studying, sexuality, career, future; said advices.
Remus and him.
Forgetting of clothing; Harry; Remus.
Harry and Draco's relationship.
If hapiness could be bought.
Narcissa; cooking.
Severus; in common; black clothing.
Malfoys apart from Lucius; pride as an issue.
Azkaban; nightmares, etc.
Future for Harry; career; first reaction to Remus.
Moon; full moon; aspects of.
Yoghurt Yoga.
Joy from parenting.
Remus being the spy.
Muggle songs; favourite.
Remus' favourite song.
Several questions.
Length of hair.
Password; boxers or briefs?
The watch.
Harry in five words.
Size of wand.
Choice of words; learning to share.
Sirius and Remus's current relationship.
"great and t00by love for Harry".
Watch; Dogear Wryde; scraping of Draco's elbow.
Gossip about each other; favourite.
Wanting to be friends with Harry in first year; Harry wanting to be friends with Draco in first year.
A muggle device that Harry misses most at Hogwarts; Draco's opinion of muggle devices and if any are any good at all.
Fraternizing with Harry.
Lucius' sexual orientation; kissing.
Definition of love; being in love.
Harry being friends with Draco; Draco tolerating Harry.
Detentions; Snape; Kissing Draco.
Draco attaining Harry's password; Harry's feelings on Quidditch; flying; winning; playing; feelings of.
When Harry first started supporting the Chudley Cannons.
Fashion; accessories; favourite ice cream; song.
Taking sides; Rosie's health.
Stuck on an island with either Harry or Pansy; Harry's opinion of Millicent.
Closest friends at the moment.
What Harry finds most frustrating about Draco; first childhood memory.
Thoughts on Draco; attraction to.
Not a question.
M.B as God; Ron and Hermione; player questions.
Ego; wishes.
Erotic dreams; the entire time in the washroom.
Romantic interest; obsession; irritation thereof.
School; role model; other's opinions of self; greatest strength.
Voldemort killing Harry; Lucius; platonic relationship; Lupin and Black.
Best Man's speech; split lip; locking spell; Oreos; looking forward to on return to Hogwarts.
Favourite musical; Blaise Zabini's gender; most idolized non-family member.
Ukeru to semeru.
The true embodiment of Slytherin; done well in Slytherin.
Power of Squee; pre-Hogwarts friend.
Changes; enraged.
Thoughts on Harry; love.
Glasses; wonder.
Best qualities; confusion of the Wizarding World; Volga Boat Song; enraged.
Tallness; most embarrassing thing; endearing qualities.
Free time.
Perfect day; post-Hogwarts existence.
House elf problems; post-Hogwarts existence; favourite candy; Dudley's obesity.
Opinions on a video.
Tales of Harry's incompetence.
Harry's sexual orientation; first discovery of.
Christmas presents; neither eats Boot's beans
The Sex Thread. Harry's done it, but...
Favorite colors. Draco: navy blue; Harry: black.
Draco not worrying, Harry isn't looking for a boyfriend, Harry's happiest moment.
Leather trousers; Harry wants to be remembered for Quidditch
Harry's various friends, including Draco.
Draco has no boggart, Harry's animagus skillz
J_H and PS usericons
Draco's attractiveness; Harry and S/R
Best gift; being friends with each other; last year at Hogwarts.
Implications of being outed; unsupportivity of other students.
Roses are red…?
The troll incident; best friend if Ron didn't exist; Draco's pratiness; adoptivity.
Pet names; Hogwart's house colours.
Harry Potter merchandising.
Liking of self.
Opinions on fan art (of selves).
Best part of kissing.
Auror; playing Quidditch professionally; Draco's friendship with Millicent.
Harry being friends with Millicent; thoughts on; Pansy dating.
Serial dating; paper dolls; visiting Draco in the infirmary.
Worst thing about muggles.
Guilty pleasures; something to change about selves.
First flying; Harry.
Likes about Hogwarts; Draco's.
Kissing; Draco's.
Opinions of Pansy Parkinson; Harry's.
Malfoy Manor; Dogear Wryde.
Staying up late; with each other?; Narcissa's relationship with Harry.
Non-sexually sharing a bed.
A lot; opinions of Weasleys.
Draco and Harry's platonic relationship.
N_A as a violation of the secrecy act; scar; fencing; others.
Passwords; other couples; floss; favourite stories; killing one schoolmate and getting away with it; limit of questions?.
Reading; pride; of actions.
Knowledge of Draco's twitching during sleep; Draco's knowledge/little secrets of Harry.
Pansy's flirting; falmouth pennant; tea party with Seamus.
Hypothetical relationship.
Apparition test.
May/June's falling out.
Questions under veritaserum.
Clothing on backwards; reason for.
Apparating license; tickle wars; ticklish spots.
Sucking up to Snape.
Hary coming friends with Draco.
H & D friendship just an excuse for sexual activity?
Offspring; wanting of.
Bodies; crushes; Halloween Ball; dead bodies.
Crush on Weasleys; other than Ron.
Remus question of "is he talking to you yet?"; explanation/meaning of.
Harry; friends with Terry Boot; friendliness of.
Hufflepuff; exclusive clubs.
Harry; sexual relations with Snape.
Pizza; sulking; not a question.
1000 mark.
Dementors; happiest memory; meeting in the flesh.
Zacharias Smith.
Love interests; advice on sex life.
Blondes; fun; adorability of Potter.
Family situation; how is Harry holding up?.
Draco; friendship with Harry after graduation.
People; sex with; how many?.
Caring; platonic love.
Scars; changing of appearance.
Other students; Ravenclaw; Michael Corner; Theodore Nott; friends with.
Names; calling off; last names; Christian names.
Sleep talking.
Harry; last thing making laugh.
Platonicism; sexual orientation.
Roger Davies?.
Harry; being close to Remus; Godfather/Godson relationship.
Speaking with Harry after outing him.
Plantonicistic fun; happiest memory.
Relationships and romanticism.
Harry; discussion of Voldemort/Death Eaters.
Quidditch; magical creatures/beasts.
Cannes vs. Malfoy Manor.
Waking up.
Promises and crushes.
Murder; islands; best thing anyone has said; childhood memories.
Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.
Something you'd like everyone to know.
Potted plants.
Pansy; romanticism; relationship with.
Personalities; hands.
When and where?; meeting in person.
Kissing Harry Potter.
Life; ten years from now.
A person from each house you'd like to become better friends with.
Worst thing anyone has said; Quidditch moves; earliest memory; boxers or briefs?.
Birthday presents.
Tales of incompetence; of Harry.
Current love interests.
Comments in older entries.
Fancy; kissing.
Kicking; apparition.
Invisibility cloak.
Love interests; Quidditch players; Birthday presents.
Circumcision; endowment.
Memories; platonic friendship.
Spells; magic; charms, etc.
Romantics outside of kissing; sex.
Harry's whereabouts.
Homework and Hermione.
Fred; Harry; Ron.
Jumpers; Dementors; on the Train; Keeper; Hermione.
Subjects; chess; best friends; sisters/brothers.
Handcuffs; crushes; likes and dislikes.
Harry; state of health.
Musicals; chess.
Invisibility cloak.
Apparition; friendships; Ron/Hermione; other questions.
Career after leaving Hogwarts.
Jumpers shrinking in the wash.
Spiders or Snape?
Funniest thing while growing up; siblings.
Quidditch; point behind.
People; fangirling of self.
Sol radii.
Word association.
LiveJournal layout.
Friday night.
Harry's location.
Future career; Ministry?
Draco's height; being bothered by.
A Weasley.
Muffins; ownership of.
Dress style.
Return to Hogwarts; things looking forward to.
Boggarts; arranged marriages; "Draco telling me I was fat, stupid, ugly, and someone he would never be interested in even being friends with".
Most favourite Weasley.
Ravenclaws; Hufflepuffs; friends with.
Better friends with; one person from each house.
"More than just friends."
Weasley; Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Advice on winning friends and influencing people.
Cats; ice cream.
Worst habit.
Marriage proposals.
Designer lables.
Racy images.
Sex; love.
Darque phase;
Subjects; pets; History of Magic; Binns.
Ideal date; traditions and ideals.
Top five males; in detail.
Baking; other foods.
Family situations; if she was Narcissa.
Sushi; yoghurt/yoga.
School debacle; small, incirminating details; about Draco.
Her favourite of Ron's icons; why?
Trees; types of; if were a tree.
Understanding of parental units; contacts at the Ministry of Magic.
Harry; Draco; thoughts on; amusing together?
Kissing Draco.
Rumours; Dating; Harry and Draco; speculation.
Draco vs. Arthur.
House sorting; if Slytherin, why?
Sally-Anne Perks; transfer to Durmstrang; why?
Muggle cinema; Bauxbatons;
Baking; food hero; scones.
Ron Weasley.
Television; quoting.
Political career; earliest memory; happiest memory.
Other than baking; relaxation; first impression of the journal project.
Sorting hat; Mr. Weasley; disagreement with; saw something in the lake that made her cry; what was it?; discrimination towards Muggleborns.
Player question: Pansy's characterization.
Draco's portrait; boat.
Harry's birthday present.
Trees; animism; dendrophilia.
Ron's kidnapping.
Sleepover; tents.
Literati vs. Hangman; tents.
Malfoy family troubles.
Favourite teachers; unfavourite teachers.
Ringlets; Draco convincing; Millicent wearing of.
Busy; sex.
Worst memory; favourite memory of a previous year.
People having sex with; student past/present.
Draco; Pansy; embaressing stories of.
Annoying qualities; nice qualities; Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Harry, Pansy, Ron.
Middle name?; plant.
Pins vs. Crookshanks.
Terry Boot; S/M; is it over?; causing trouble; Draco.
Where is Harry?
Pins vs. Lilitou; after Hogwarts; altar.
Email sent to Ron while in Cannes.
Malfoy family situation; discussion with Draco about; Weasley; Lupin-Black-Potter.
Hufflepuff; conspiracy theories; where there's smoke, there's fire; cake, Draco saving Harry from; something Draco wouldn't like us to know.
Spending the night; planning on heading home.
Funniest thing Draco has done; Pansy, blonde or brunette?
Love; where is Terry Boot.
Greatest talent; question thread, deciding when to get one.
Beaters; Quidditch talent.
Harry making Draco blush; Draco reading over Millicent's shoulder.
Nuns; marriage to.
Eyebrows; unanswered question.
Not a question; unanswered.
Draco's enjoying company of men over women; Draco enjoying Harry's company, talking much about Harry.
Dreams; Tori Amos; life after Hogwarts.
Nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
Boggart; Dementors; favourite romance novel; best friend; Theodore Nott.
Better friend; Draco vs. Pansy.
"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"
God; August; refugees.
Pansy; like best about; Harry's crush on Draco.
Sex life; Draco/Pansy; Harry dating.
Godly status; upholding of.
Signing of initials ala MB.
Draco being furious when acused (by Ron) of being Harry's boyfriend; calming him down, how?
Favourite food; treasured object; inside of the Slytherin's girls dorm.
Harry and Draco kissing.
Silk Souffles.