neviachiel @ 2003-04-27 14:26:00 |
(no title)
Mood: contemplative
Well, since Fred isn't home yet, Ron thought he saw him at Hogwarts and Mandy saw a house elf with toffees for a "Wheezy", I'm going to safely assume that Fred is at Hogwarts and has been for a while. Thoughts on this?
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 12:36:08 UTC |
Does anyone the book Mandy is looking for?
I'm sure it will important later on.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 12:36:20 UTC |
Does anyone know the book Mandy is looking for?
I'm sure it will important later on.
neviachiel @ April 27 2003, 12:44:56 UTC |
I have no idea, but why is she trying to transfigure her feet? o_0
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 13:12:38 UTC |
From the HP Lexicon: Malécrit was a playwright who wrote "Hélas, j'ai Transfiguré mes Pieds (Alas, I have Transfigured my Feet)" (QA) "Malécrit" is French for "badly written."
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 13:23:14 UTC |
Well, the French is very badly written, but that's not the player's fault.
Correctly, it should be "Je me suis transfiguré les pieds".
- Era Yelp
anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 12:38:58 UTC |
Completely OT, but does anyone else find it utterly sweet that George is always having to buy food for BottomlessPit!Fred? *coos*
Yes, I think Fred is hiding somewhere around Hogwarts. The twins surely have several nooks and crannies that no one else knows about. What worries me is that George can't find him, though surely they both know every hiding place in Hogwarts there is to know. With some exceptions, like the Chamber of Secrets. But what it means is that Fred never told George about the place where he is now, which means that he'd been keeping things from him even before all this. *wibbles*
neviachiel @ April 27 2003, 12:42:30 UTC Re: |
Where is George during all this? I didn't think he was even looking for Fred in Hogwarts, and he didn't even know that's where Fred might be until Ron told him so. I think that he could be anywhere in Hogwarts because no one is really searching for him there anyway. I think everyone is either busy looking for Harry or with their own business.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 12:47:41 UTC |
Oh, shoot, I think you're right. He didn't search Hogwarts, did he? Just the two parties, I think. And George is telling him to come home now, so I suppose that's where he himself is. I wonder where exactly "home" is? For some reason I have this vision of the twins living in a flat in London, near their store or maybe over it, but I could just be imagining things.
(parent)eponis @ April 27 2003, 12:44:32 UTC |
I think, by Ron having to tell George that he's at Hogwarts, that George hasn't really looked in Hogwarts.
However, if we assume that he has (and that Hogwarts doesn't mind him going through all their hiding places!) . . .
First of all, something last night established that he was gay (the leading theory being that he kissed Lupin, though I have my doubts).
In that case, since the other person in question is probably at Hogwarts, could he be staying with this person? Even if it's Lupin, I could definitely see Lupin (since he feels bad about "taking advantage of" the young man) helping him hide. And I'm *sure* that George isn't looking through the staff (or even all the student) quarters, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have anything like a Marauder's Map.
anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 12:58:06 UTC |
Woo, great theory. Very plausible, and it just makes so much more sense to me.
And gah, your icon. I looked at it, and said stupidly, "I don't get it." Then I stopped and went, "OH. MY. GOD." I just love imagining potterstinks off wherever he is and contemplating that. <333
eponis @ April 27 2003, 13:12:37 UTC |
Hee, thank you!
I agree that Draco's actions were awful, and that he's being a git, and that doing the things he did is absolutely inexcusable and not romantic in any way. Still - this icon is, mostly, what I wish would happen: that Draco would react to this not by lashing out and not by turning to cheap fulfillment (dating every girl in Hogwarts, playing pranks, etc.), but by actually being hurt that everyone is furious at him. As much as I wish he didn't have to be hurt, I think that truly being in pain is exactly what he needs to show him how silly everything he's doing is.
And, of course, once he's in that state, he might - might - remember that the one person who's been consistently kind and understanding is Harry. And that he could have had him, but he rejected that, too.
Of course, the part of me that believes that also believes that Harry and Draco spent last night hugging and snogging in a dark corner of Malfoy Manor, after Harry came in his invisibility cloak and found Draco crying in frustration at everything, so you know how unrealistic that particular part of me is. :-)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 14:02:20 UTC |
Regarding ps/j_h, I have an awfully low expectation after that disastrous night. Probably taking them another couple of years to start snogging, which I hope not. Couldn't wait that long.
(parent)imochan @ April 27 2003, 13:03:25 UTC |
George seems to know it was Fred snogging Lupin.
We may have confirmation.
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 13:06:13 UTC |
The Weasley Boys are on the case! ^^ We may have at least THAT half of the mystery cleared up soon.
PINKY MEDICINE. Okay, I'm both scared and curious, George.
anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 13:06:53 UTC |
Worrisome. Teacher/Student always makes me a bit hesitant. Ex-student in this case, but it does make me want to scold Remus. He's attached, for goodness sakes. But I'm sure he more than regrets it now, and it's not like his partner hasn't been up to something himself. *bangs head on desk* Bachelor parties always seem to cause trouble.
(parent)percyneedsalife @ April 27 2003, 13:05:05 UTC >:O! |
Am not bottomless pit and am feeling very fragile. :((
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 13:08:13 UTC |
Oh, terribly sorry, Fred. Why don't you go home to George and get your share of the scones? I hear they do wonders for the fragile.
(parent)eponis @ April 27 2003, 13:16:11 UTC Re: >:O! |
::gives Fred a tight hug, offering him some fresh-baked oatmeal cookies and date-pecan bars::
You'll make it, Fred, dear . . . your brothers and your friends care about you very much. And so does Lupin, whatever happened and whatever he thinks about it.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 13:28:54 UTC Re: >:O! |
So that's where Fred's been hiding out -- here at NrAged! (no wonder they couldn't find him.)
(parent)percyneedsalife @ April 27 2003, 13:36:59 UTC Re: >:O! |
It's like the Matrix, mate.
Only without Keanu.
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 13:44:13 UTC Re: >:O! |
Well damn. What's the point if there's no Keanu? XD
*should be working on her final projects and take-home final*
kidding kidding, please no one kill me. *nervous glance*
zorb @ April 27 2003, 12:51:53 UTC |
Fred speaks!
I'm guessing this confirms the toffees were for him.
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 12:55:30 UTC |
*Curses her computer's inabily to seemingly post properly*
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 12:57:46 UTC |
And where are the rest of people? Draco, Harry, Lucius, Sirius, Lupin, Snape and Arthur.. Is it possible that they 're all at Malfoy Manor?
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 13:46:42 UTC |
~Draco--In Detention
~Harry--Back in hiding
~Lucius--In pain. I hope he's bleeding over a VERY expensive rug.
~Snape--Writing in his journal about how people shouldn't drink and the world is going to hell in a hand-basket.
~Arthur--At the Burrow tied up in the shed. Is only allowed out for work, meals, and Wife-approved activities. No computer until Wife says so.
anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 13:56:10 UTC |
*applauds the Wife* Even if she HAS cut off such a wonderful source of amusement. :(
And Snape's got it right. The world really is going to hell in a handbasket. NA and NrAged have a whole corner for ourselves, of course. *wibbles*
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 13:12:05 UTC |
Most definately.
Oh dear. George shouldn't have said that about Fred and Lupin. O.o
(also it doesn't take much to confuse poor Ron, does it?)