darkflame173 @ 2003-04-27 17:03:00 |
Oh Good Lord!
Mood: shocked
Okay, apparently, I cannot have a job, and sleep is completely out of the question!!
Anyone wanna even *try* to outline *everything* that has happened since Draco's outburst last night?
myrddin @ April 27 2003, 14:11:40 UTC |
Arthur has his for head stuck to a computer, and god only knows what else. Snape showed up haven't heard from him since.
Fred has run off, George says it's ok if he's Gay. Ron has threatened to kill himself, turn gay, and is now going to Malfoy Manor to retrieve Harry who could either be looking for Draco or trying to stop Reamus from fighting Lucius for screwing around with Sirius.
And I think Draco broke the golf clubs. *wibble*
Aurther finally woke, narci has a hangover. All of the gay people are missing including an owl. Fred may or may not have kissed Lupin.
myrddin @ April 27 2003, 14:17:23 UTC Re: |
Don't feel too bad, my head isen't going to explode, but I have been up for almost 24 hours now. Oh, and I think Vector may have a thing for Narci.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 14:18:05 UTC |
Looking at it from this angle, I frankly would not blame you throwing yourself on an NA pyre. I really can't summarize, so just try reading the posts and comments since Draco's outburst. The post with current action that we're all discussing is the latest one by Fred. Though there was some recent commenting earlier today in this other one. Good luck on your wibbling way.
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 14:38:16 UTC Re: |
Don't feel too bad, my head isen't going to explode, but I have been up for almost 24 hours now.
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 14:14:24 UTC |
Actually, Ron is AT Malfoy Manor now. Floo powder.
Hm. Yeah, that pretty well covers it. Oh, and Lupin challeneged Lucius to a duel, no one knows WHAT IS HAPPENING AT THE DUEL, and Harry's gone. O.o
darkflame173 @ April 27 2003, 14:35:11 UTC Re: |
Well, that answers a few questions, doesn't it?
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 14:34:41 UTC |
You forgot the bit with the peeled cucumbers and the pingpong balls.
- Era Yelp
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 14:36:00 UTC |
could not see pingpong balls through rabid gay owlsex.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 14:37:39 UTC |
Narcissa is now sober enough to realize that her Host/Guest of Honor is missing.
(parent)adrienneherbst @ April 27 2003, 14:48:25 UTC |
--Draco outs Harry; Hogwarts comes down on Draco's head like an anvil.
--Ron yells at Draco; Draco freaks out.
--Harry deletes his journal.
--Millicent wonders what the fuss is about.
-- Mrs. Weasley sends Draco a howler.
Remus and Sirius have their bachelor party, during which
--Narcissa gets totally snockered; Colin Creevey gets drunk on Weasley-spiked chocolate milk, makes homophobic comments, and lets slip that Soblessa may have dumped him because she thought he was crushing on Harry.
--Fred makes out with a v. drunk Lupin and runs off.
--Lupin has a fight with Sirius, within which is revealed that Sirius was getting mack (at the party) with Lucius Malfoy and then lied about it.
--Lupin challenges Lucius Malfoy to a duel; Arthur Weasley pratfalls for 40 comments.
--Ron and George have a long confused grate discussion; CAN OWNS EVEN BE GAY???
As it stands, it looks like Lupin (who is nowhere to be found) is at Malfoy Manor, along with Lucius, possibly Harry, and probably Draco. Ron, who Floo'd there, got stuck in their fake fireplace for an hour (ahaha) and is now back at Hogwarts. Fred is (probably) hiding out in Hogwarts, sick to his stomach from eating too many eclairs with toffee sauce, George is possibly on his way to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade with Pepto Bismol for his twin, and Mr. Weasley is apparently still out cold in Remus' office, surrounded by various debris. O_o
*dances at the weasleyfest*
neviachiel @ April 27 2003, 15:15:53 UTC |
Yep, I think that pretty much wraps things up. And all in the course of less than 48 hours.
(parent)eponis @ April 27 2003, 15:40:54 UTC |
Very good summary. My only addition: Lupin was not necessarily making out with Fred. All we know is that:
- Fred is interested in Lupin.
- Lupin was making out with someone.
- Fred left the party soon afterward and won't rejoin George.
My money is on Fred walking in on Lupin snogging Snape, but that's just me, and I believe I'm in the minority.
adrienneherbst @ April 27 2003, 14:53:38 UTC |
Oh, and.
myrddin @ April 27 2003, 15:59:11 UTC |
Shit, I pass out on the floor for fifteen min and look what happens.