neveth @ April 27 2003, 17:21:39 UTC |
3 cheers for Professor McGonagall!!!

wednesday_tea @ April 27 2003, 17:24:01 UTC |
Hooray! (I know that's only one, but my throat is sore.)

Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 18:00:05 UTC |
Hooray! (there's a second..)

luleh @ April 27 2003, 17:22:57 UTC |
And Draco is late for detention....

stefijeanw @ April 27 2003, 17:23:51 UTC |
Yea for McGonagall!

angerfish @ April 27 2003, 17:26:15 UTC |
McGonagall's the voice of reason or something...
There goes the anarchy. ;p

bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 17:57:09 UTC |
Poor anarchy, :(