stefijeanw @ 2003-04-27 21:41:00 |
(no title)
Harry's journal has been reinstated!
angerfish @ April 27 2003, 18:50:03 UTC |
Scones for all, and to all a scone night!
(no, I won't get tired of the scones!)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 18:50:32 UTC *wah* |
And he has no bio info or pictures or anything!
Pauvre Harry... I can understand him not wanting to have a LJ...
I almost wish he'd find a nice boy and forget all about Malfoy... N_A... slowly crushing my H/D love...
portkey @ April 27 2003, 18:55:45 UTC Re: *wah* |
Almost? Pah! I admit, I'm a fan of Harry/Draco to a certain extent in fanfiction, but NA's Draco is so much of a prat and I commend his player for it that I really wish Harry would move on. :/
I'm making a stand. I'm now shipping Harry/Fred. Muah.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 18:59:33 UTC Re: *wah* |
I am with you! *crying*
...but Fred... hm... maybe Charlie? Or maybe dating a Weasley would be too awkward.
We need a beautiful gay transfer student.
eponis @ April 27 2003, 19:08:30 UTC Re: *wah* |
::laughs aloud::
"Students, I'd like you to welcome Dionymisiphys L'Argenta, a transfer student from the States. He has a gorgeous singing voice, sparkling violet eyes, and shimmering raven hair, just long enough to fall over his eyes when he doesn't brush it back with his fingertips. Dionymisiphys is an accomplished student - I do believe he may even outclass the Ravenclaws with his talents and learning - but he was, of course, Sorted into Gryffindor for his brave heart. Harry, would you like to show the new student around? I'm sure that you two will immediately like each other."
portkey @ April 27 2003, 19:17:31 UTC Re: *wah* |
*tries to picture Mary Sue in NA*
*fails utterly*
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 19:23:13 UTC Re: *wah* |
Dumbledore tapped his goblet for attention.
"Attention everyone, I would like you all to meet Darian D'Artagnan. A new transfer, from, well, we can't tell you due to Ministry regulations concerning him, but I'm sure you all recognize him as the famous singer/actor/poet/slayer of dnagerous creatures 'Blade'"
All eyes were drawn to the slim, lithe figure. His firey hair burned like a flame as it cascaded down his broad shoulders. He moved with a quick, yet silent, yet graceful, yet sexy step and seated himself on the sorting stool. The hat quivered, as if in extasy in touching his auberm locks.
Never before had the hat been so unable to decide!
"Obviously he is so amazing at everything would kick ass in any house," said Dumbledore, eyes twinkling as was their wont.
"Put me in Slytherin," said D'Artagnan with a saucy wink "I look good in green."
eponis @ April 27 2003, 19:30:31 UTC Re: *wah* |
Oh Lord. That is perfect.
::is doubled over with laughter at this point::
Thank you.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 19:37:56 UTC Re: *wah* |
Loud cheers went up from, well, every table. D'Artagnan really had the most amazing voice--just the slightest hint of a parseltounge accent.
Gracefully, yet lithely he purposefully strode over to the Gryffindor table and sat right next to Harry in the inexplicably empty seat.
"Um. D'Artagnan. This is the Gryffindor table," said Harry, shyly, yet assertively.
"Oh, we have assigned seating? Pity, you're truly the cutest thing in here." D'Artagnan did something fluttery with his eyelashes and flipped his hair artistically.
"Um. Terribly sorry, but my heart belongs to another."
eponis @ April 27 2003, 19:43:15 UTC Re: *wah* |
::is in love:: More? Please????
(PS: In the unlikely case that you're not a player and don't have an LJ, PLEASE HAVE A CODE!) :-)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 19:49:09 UTC Re: *wah* |
Dude, I only *wish* I was a player.
D'artegnan narrowed his eyes dangerously.
"Who?" The word dropped softly and dangerously off his lips and seemed to settle somewhere in Harry's netheregions.
Swallowing, Harry replied, "Um, that cute blond chap over there."
The fire-haired boy looked over to the Slytherin table, and foud himself meeting the smoldering gaze of Draco Malfoy.
eponis @ April 27 2003, 20:02:40 UTC Re: *wah* | - Mary Sue parodies will win codes from me any day. :-)
(gotta run, so I shan't respond if you post more, but please do - I'd love to see the showdown!)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 20:30:47 UTC Re: *wah* |
Alas, the showdown is still far in the murky bad-AU future.
No need for a code, though <3
It might distract me from the HP/MB EPIC I am producing.
D’ARtagnan tuned to Harry in disbelief, "That girly-ish, inbred looking fellow with the smouldering eyes?"
Harry’s bottom lip trembled slightly. "Not that I can’t see why you’d go for him," D’artagnan continued, releizing he’d insulted the emerald-orbed boy’s taste. "He’s um, very, blond."
Harry’s jaw worked.
"Well, I’m sure he has a great personality."
Milk SPEWed across the table as the long-faced redhead across from them choked and laughed.
Harry stared down at his now-milky chicken and blinked very rapidly.
delfeus @ April 28 2003, 07:41:07 UTC Re: *wah* |
Hey, you can't just end it there! Amazing! :D
(parent)imochan @ April 27 2003, 19:00:20 UTC Re: *wah* |
I'm now shipping Harry/Fred. Muah.
Muah nothing, little man. You KNOW the only PROPER ship is Fred/Scone. And don't try to tell me otherwise!!!!!11
yay harry! i <3 you
portkey @ April 27 2003, 19:14:33 UTC Re: *wah* |
Fred/Scone? *dies* The..mental..images...guh.
portkey @ April 27 2003, 19:20:04 UTC Re: *wah* |
Sadly, yes.
But Harry still deserves a loving, caring boyfriend..
imochan @ April 27 2003, 19:28:36 UTC Re: *wah* |
I am going to start crying.
You don't want that, do you?
No, you don't.
portkey @ April 27 2003, 19:32:26 UTC Re: *wah* |
I'm sorry if I mad you sad! But it's true, you know. Harry deserves a lot of things. A lot of things he never seems to get. *sighs*
imochan @ April 27 2003, 19:37:33 UTC Re: *wah* |
*wibbles polygonically*
WAH. Theirloveissodetrimental....?
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 21:37:50 UTC Re: *wah* |
And FRED will be that loving caring boyfriend? *stares, unbelievingly*
(parent)portkey @ April 27 2003, 22:14:23 UTC Re: *wah* |
Well, perhaps not, but he'd be an infinitely better candidate than Malfoy.
And give Fred some credit. I think he would make a good boyfriend.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 19:25:42 UTC Re: *wah* |
Haven't you always liked Harry? Well, haven't you.
And your mum adores him, you know.
Plus, he's rich!
imochan @ April 27 2003, 19:26:31 UTC Re: *wah* |
Did I say Fred/Scone?
I meant Scone/Draco.
imochan @ April 27 2003, 19:31:33 UTC Re: *wah* |
That's a new one. :D
Eek. potterstinks, you better pick yourself up in a hurry. People are starting to think you're unworthy of baked goods.
I always did think Pastry!Draco would make a good PWP. *snicker*
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 21:39:05 UTC Re: *wah* |
Pastry!Draco? So would this be Harry/Pastry!Draco kind of like Harry/Flobberworm!Draco?
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 19:27:18 UTC |
See now, what did I tell you about being a bottomless pit? You have a reputation to maintain!
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 19:03:04 UTC Re: *wah* |
They have that certain tension.
Didn't Snape say he had his eye on him?
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 19:21:13 UTC Re: *wah* |
Harry/Lupin. Who else is worthy of such a paragon?
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 19:24:24 UTC Re: *wah* |
Aw, no... we can't break up Remus and Siri!!
Years in Azkaban! YEARS!
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 21:39:58 UTC Re: *wah* |
As sirius has said, their sex lives are pretty complicated already, they can add another wheel without breaking.
(parent)curiouslyjade @ April 27 2003, 19:08:33 UTC |
I get called away for 10 minutes, look what I miss...
*cheers madly*
Back to lurking...