nattish @ 2003-04-27 20:29:00 |
Narcissa's most recent entry states that a house elf saw Draco going off with his broom last night.
Didn't someone say the same thing about Harry?
Is that a clue?
Edited for clarity: Post is meant to ask for opinions on whether their separate actions have to do with one another, not to persuade others into whippping out H/D flags.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 20:38:17 UTC |
Yeah, but Draco left well before the duel, apparently, so I really doubt it has anything to do with Harry. He probably just wanted to leave.
(parent)nattish @ April 27 2003, 20:40:52 UTC |
Yes, I suppose so. I don't guess Draco wanted to hang around....
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 20:45:55 UTC |
Oh, for crying out loud, do you honestly think they were together? Why?
It's really starting to bug me that every single thread in nraged has some kind of H/D speculation attached to it, even when the subject has nothing at ALL to do with either character. After last Friday how can ANYONE even speculate that Harry and Draco would be within fifty feet of each other voluntarily?
Am I even reading the same RPG as everyone else?
Come on, people. I love the H/D as much as the next person but how about backing off a bit with the wild speculation and jumping to bloody conclusions? It takes away from the rest of the RPG and negates everything that happened last week.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 20:52:41 UTC |
I probably wouldn't have phrased it quite like this, but I kinda agree with the general sentiment above.
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imbecilic @ April 27 2003, 21:08:21 UTC |
Hmm... yeah, it is true. Harry and Draco don't seem to be in a good position to be even looking at each other, never mind indulging in secret love affairs.
(parent)tropes @ April 27 2003, 21:08:55 UTC |
Well. That was awfully harsh.
Given the fact that this is a slash RPG, as was stated on the old home page (I have yet to peruse the new one), I hardly think it surprising or, in fact, presumptuous of someone to wonder what happened during those missing hours. The H/D is strong in this particular RPG; I would go so far as to say that I think it's the main ship. As avid readers of Nocturne Alley, many of us enjoy trying to tease clues out of seemingly unconnected events. I'm very sorry to hear that this offends you.
That said, I agree that we won't be seeing Harry and Draco willingly or comfortably sharing the same continent for quite some time. But it can be fun to speculate.
tropes @ April 27 2003, 21:16:54 UTC |
Upon rereading my post, a caveat: When I said that I think that H/D is the "main" ship, I was in no way implying that the other characters are in any way inferior to Harry and Draco. What I think I meant (I'm tired) is that, for whatever reason, events tend to swirl around those two characters, probably because they are so pivotal in canon. Oh, fuck it. I'm a shithead.
Man, I really put my foot in it there.
cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 21:23:25 UTC |
I think I understood what you mean- and also, I think that the H/D discussion *isn't* overpowering. People just see a wider range of clues because the relationship *is* so mysterious. The other ships that have mystery attached to them involve just as much speculation, when the clues are given. Or when there are things that can be interpreted as clues. But they tend to be a little more straightforward, and people don't expect to see other characters referring to them as much.
Plus- two days ago, there was a major H/D development- whether negative or positive- now, things have to be interpreted in that light, and people are looking for clues to do it. Doesn't make H/D more important than the others.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:38:56 UTC |
The H/D discussion isn't overpowering? Now I wonder if i'm reading the same Nraged.
Maybe I am being harsh, but I don't think people understand that when you try and extract meaning for ONE pairing from everything NA does, it distracts from the main issue at hand. Case in point: Ron posted earlier that "Harry is h..." What did people do? The immediate assumption was that it was something sexual.
Was I the ONLY one who thought it might have meant, "Harry is HURT?"
The same thing with the "snake in the grass" line from last week. It immediately became innuendo. It HAD to mean that H and D fooled around. There just wasn't room for the possibility that maybe they just hung out together.
More and more it seems like a lot of people are missing the OTHER really good stuff inherent in NA because they're so focussed on the little things. And 90% of the time? The little things ARE NOT clues, they're NOT significant, it's NOT code or anything to do with H/D at all. There are other characters in this RPG, other lives, and theirs don't revolve around Harry or Draco.
So, why should ours?
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 21:41:03 UTC |
Personally, I thought it was "Harry is here."
That is all.:-)
taradiane @ April 27 2003, 21:48:48 UTC |
In regards to the 'snake in the grass' innuendeo, I feel the need to comment because I posted in that thread...
I in no way think they actually did anything. The innuendo itself was just funny. That's all...funny.
I don't think the majority of us were thinking they actually had sex or fooled around.
It was a giggly Thursday night...what can I say.
cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 21:53:50 UTC |
Ummm- something sexual, meaning something H/D related? I don't quite get the relevance. And I think most people assumed he was saying Harry is hurt, or harry is here, and were worried about why it got cut off.
And I'm not seeing the total focus on H/D that you are. I see people being gleeful over M.B./Boot, and worried about R/S, along with reading innuendo into every slight R/S/SS interaction. A few weeks ago, people were combing posts for clues about Ron/Hermiono, and Cho/Ginny. Yes, it often comes back to H/D, because a lot of us are H/D shippers, and those are the characters that we started off knowing, or thinking that we did. PS is an amazing character- but so are others, and I think that's recognised.
And honestly, if reading things into everything is what people enjoy, why try to prevent them? You don't need to do it. Past storylines have shown that NA *is* layered, and that all the posts *are* thought out in incredible depth. If we stopped looking for clues entirely, wouldn't that negate the effort that the players put in?
imochan @ April 27 2003, 22:18:45 UTC |
"Harry is h..." What did people do? The immediate assumption was that it was something sexual.
Not being antagonistic here... but, I'm pretty sure that was just a bunch of sleep-deprived fanatics foolin' around to pass the time. In other words: a joke.
nattish @ April 27 2003, 23:01:26 UTC |
Agreed, not everything that is suggested to be sexual is meant whole-heartedly. (Though I simply assumed, in that circumstance, that Ron was just being a mumbling Ron and intended nothing specific at all.)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:22:48 UTC |
I am not the anonymous commenter before this, or the one after this. I am a New Anonymous Commenter.
That said. Sometimes it feels like potterstinks and just_harry's players shouldn't even bother working on a real plot. Because when they do bring it in, every time, what they've done isn't good enough. It has to be more. They had to be having sex when they were out with snakes, because everyone was 'desperate'. Desperate for what? Harry and Draco spending an evening together wasn't good enough, it seems.
The story is no longer being written the way they're telling it; things are being assumed as facts ('We all know Draco wanted to kiss Harry') and I just wonder if they even need to write it at all. If anyone will even be listening. Because sometimes, it seems like the only story the audience wants to hear is the one they can make up. And it seems a shame to me, as an audience member, because I wonder how it makes them feel.
I am posting this anonymously because I don't wish to be flamed, and don't wish for the NA players to be angry at me if I am wrong.
cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 21:28:40 UTC |
Part of the fun of NA, because the information that you *do* get in the journal style is so limited, is speculating. I don't think that anyone was saying "They had to be having sex"- they were just saying what if, and reading more meaning into the words given. It's the same thing that happens with the complicated, WIP fanfics (the DT springs to mind . . . ), and I don't think that it's meant to "rewrite" the story- if assumptions turn out to be wrong, people go back and revise them, and reconsider what they saw. Part of the game is interpretation. I know that I don't want to take away from what the players are doing, and I don't think that anyone else does.
Am rambling.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:32:25 UTC |
Me again, just to clarify.
I understand the speculation, and being an Nraged member I do it myself. The problem with it with NA is that the players don't get the opportunity to correct it all the time in the game.
And what I really think is happening with Nraged is that few people will take anything the characters do at face value anymore. There is a bit of a contest to see who can write the best speculation (unspoken), and so even when the players try to tell us what happened, no one will listen. For instance, Draco's post about what happened after Remus's. No one wants to take that as it being only what happened. I realize that it's Draco. But what if that's all? What if that's the one time they're telling us what happened? And no one is listening.
tropes @ April 27 2003, 21:41:09 UTC |
But, christ, I mean, how the heck is anyone supposed to be able to divine whether anyone else is telling the truth, even if they are paying attention (which I certainly think they are)? I think the point of the game, the part that makes it so very addictive, is the fact that the players are openly toying with us. We DON'T know that anything anyone says is true, ever! It's all subjective, it's all colored by prejudice, and the fact that the journals are a consciously public project. To shut down speculation and open interpretation would be betraying the very spirit of the game.
We ARE listening. They know we are listening. Every post is intricately planned. I think it would be disrespectful of the effort they make to create this incredible game to assume that a cigar is just a cigar.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:44:29 UTC |
No. We are not toying with you. We are trying to tell a story through journals, and sometimes that's hard. So we come up with ways for characters to tell the truth when they normally wouldn't.
- a player.
tropes @ April 28 2003, 06:28:12 UTC |
Ah, well. Perhaps "toying" was harsh. My point was, as creative as you are in getting the characters to "tell the truth when they normally wouldn't," it's kind of impossible for us to tell what is the truth and what isn't, by virtue of the fact that it seems unlikely that the truth would be coming out on a public journal. Only by having something corroborated by someone else is anything even partially confirmed. So there's a large margin for error and a wide range of interpretations within every post. That's certainly the way I'd want it. It's not like anyone would want or expect you guys to be straightforward about things. The way it unfolds right now is much more delicious.
(parent)cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 21:43:24 UTC |
But so much of NA is layered, and layered again that the speculation *is* expected. I'm sure the players realise that nothing they say will be taken at face value- unless there's a reason to take it at face value. So far, there's no reason been given to accept Draco's original recounting of the event at Remus', but his interactions with the others- Ron especially- gave us a pretty good idea of what actually went on. There are still some blank spots, and that's speculated on, and some of the speculations are wild. Do people actually believe them? I don't know about others, but I don't. It's fun to read, and propose wild speculations, but for the actual storyline, I wait for the characters and if they don't give us more detail, I accept it as a fuzzy part of the history. I don't think that takes away from the game, or from the skill of the players. If I did, or found myself wishing it didn't happen, I'd probably not read most of the comments on Nraged- which, granted, speculates quite madly.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 21:51:53 UTC |
Well, I personally do take Draco's post about what happened after Remus' at face value or at least as an accurate accounting of the facts. In case anybody's wondering, btw, we got confirmation of that so: Harry did not kiss Draco, Draco did not kiss Harry, Draco did not want to kiss Harry. Harry said he was going to kiss Draco. Just like ps put in the post.
But remember that ps as a character usually doesn't post anything accurately. Remember his version of how he ended up with Ron's stew and a lottery ticket in London? He's an unreliable narrator by definition. Recent events are important because, imo, Draco is being deadly serious about a lot of things now (even though there's still, imo, a huge barrier between what is really bothering him and what he is ready to admit is bothering him--and I'm not talking about sex there). Unfortunately when you are someone who lies as easily as breathing people don't believe you when you tell the truth. The thing is that we have seemed to have been given out lots of signals that he had a crush on Harry: the stalking, the jokes about bananas, the golf tips, the flirty banter with Harry, the disasterous dates. We've now realized we were wrong, but not totally. There was something H/D going on, it just wasn't as simple as anyone thought and even more surprising, it wasn't at all about Draco waiting for Harry to sweep him off his feet.
I'm very glad for this weekend because it really has, for me, made me completely revise my ideas of exactly how Draco felt about Harry. Now, I'm afraid, I'm haring off on new speculations based on the information I have now. I've tried to be very careful with my thoughts on this because it's getting into some areas that could embarrass me later.;-) But yeah, I'm still speculating. Not so much on H/D to be honest, because that seems less important to me than H & D right now. (Among other things on the group.)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:56:54 UTC |
Me, again.
I saw the same confirmation you did, which is why I felt so badly. It felt to me like the players posted what happened so that we would know. We were dying to know, and we were told. And no one seemed to really, well, care. Other than, 'Draco secretly wanted to kiss him obviously'. I wonder what Harry was thinking. How he felt afterwards. How he feels knowing that Draco made himself sick to make sure he didn't have any of Harry's breath on him.
Since the confirmation disappeared, I think the person who posted it must have had second thoughts. So I don't want to reference it really. And didn't want to look like I had inside information. So didn't say so.
sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 07:55:12 UTC |
Yeah, I wasn't sure about revealing it. To be honest, it freaks me out when we're told actual facts. I know it must be frustrating for the players when they make an effort to get information across and we miss it but still, the breaking of the fourth wall freaks me out. :)
(parent)nattish @ April 27 2003, 21:29:24 UTC |
Oh of course not! I'm not trying to argue here, but YOU are the one to jump to a conclusion about ME. For all you know, I could have been insinuating they they were off dueling each others brains out.
All I was implying was that their actions could have had to do with one another, and wondered about others' opinions on the matter, which obviously you've given me, so thank you for that.
nightshade24 @ April 28 2003, 00:00:56 UTC |
Um, Ruv wasn't implying that they were together. She/He asked if anyone could speculate on where each boy was.
And what the hell crawled up your butt anyway? That post was very hostile sounding.
nightshade24 @ April 28 2003, 00:05:07 UTC |
My above post is referring to the anonymous poster at the beginning who got all snippy.
(parent)chapstickmess @ April 27 2003, 21:05:41 UTC |
For those inquiring minds.
Padma says she saw Harry leaving with his broom and some "silvery stuff." Invisibility cloak.
My guess is that he tried to go see what was up with Remus and Lucius. And if he got near the manor and happened to see Draco in the process...well...that was just peachy.
Especially as he was invisible. And could kick Draco's arse all the more easily.
I'm not bitter. ;)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:11:56 UTC |
Harry left for the Manor AFTER the duel/challenge of the duel started.
Draco, on the other hand, left the Manor sometime before then. Narcissa's journal states:
One of the house elves told me that they saw Draco leave the Manor sometime before the dreadful duel began on an old broom.
There is NO way their paths crossed and the other anon poster was right on with what he/she said. After Friday night, no WAY would H/D want to be anywhere near one another. A good majority of the readers are only looking for anything remotely suggesting H/D shippiness to cling to on some sort of hope.
PLEASE get over this. H/D will probably happen if you just GIVE IT SOME TIME. Do not go looking for depth and meaning in a golf ball in Cho's breakfast or the fact that *gasp* two characters post about seeing Harry and Draco getting on brooms at some point in the night. The times don't work out. Squee about it all you want but DO realize that you are looking for something that is simply not THERE yet.
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 21:08:01 UTC |
Erm...well, I agree with the above post (about not everything leading back to the H/D), just a little more calmly.;-)
Draco left before the duel, completely unnoticed. If Harry was at the Manor it would have been after that. Harry is now back at the school. Draco seems to not be--last we heard he was late to detention so he doesn't seem to have gone to school. Or if he did he went someplace and hid there, I guess. (Unless we hear differently, that is.)
I think Narcissa's post brilliantly echoes what is most important about this incident with regards to Draco and it's not the H/D. Narcissa is back cuddling with Lucius, she's thrilled that he's doing woozy spells for her. Oh, and buried somewhere three quarters down the page a house elf mentioned that Drakie-do left the house in the middle of the night on a broom so she'll drop him a note after she talks to Remus. Yes, I think this does make a lovely contrast to the Weasleys hunting all over for each other for the past several hours, with Mum flooing all over to Europe and Arthur duct taping them together.
If there is something significant about both Draco and Harry fleeing on brooms in the night I think it is that Harry's disappearance got a post from Padma right afterwards and sent Ron into action looking for Harry (he only passed out when Harry was found), as well as got a lot of people worried.
I am very apprehensive about where he is. I have no speculation to offer since we don't know what happened in the discussion with his parents.
xnera @ April 27 2003, 21:11:46 UTC |
Well said. Though this just makes me feel for Draco even more. Doesn't anybody honestly care about him? Harry, maybe, but yeah, it's unlikely that he'll go anywhere near Draco right now.
I've been waiting for Draco to post all day, even more so than Harry. Really want to know what's up with him.
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 21:55:42 UTC |
This is the only thing I have used it for this entire weekend.:-)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:20:52 UTC |
Yes, I was planning on catching up on my zoology reading.
That didn't happen.
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 21:32:24 UTC |
There need to be a WORD emoticon.
Anyway, total agree about the Narcissa post. I was reading and kept waiting for a mention of Draco. Finally found it towards the end of the post. What happened to her previous concern about the behaviour of her son? And her post was written after McGonagall's post mentioning that Draco is late for detention.
As for why Draco left, perhaps he left because he thought Harry might show up and he didn't want to be anywhere near him. Or perhaps the duel set him off in some way? The thought that his father might've been doing something with Sirius? I suppose part of the question would be if Draco knew about the duel before he left or if he left for reasons unconnected to the duel.
As for where he is now, anyone's guess is as good as mine. I'm guessing that he didn't make it to detention? But then again, if he hadn't shown up, I'd expect some posts from Vector.
nattish @ April 27 2003, 21:42:04 UTC |
I'm guessing that he didn't make it to detention?
I recall a post from McGonogall stating that Draco was late for his detention and had better show up soon (or something along those lines). My assumption is that he never made it. Anyone's guess is as good as anyone else's. Perhaps he was too embarrassed (or angry) to face anyone at the moment? Though, I don't analyze the characters' timing as much as the next person so I don't know exactly when he took off.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:00:29 UTC |
What time did the duel actually happen? And did Draco already have a meeting with his parents? A House Elf said he left the Manor before the duel. Narcissa said he's supposed to stay until Sunday Morning.
Considering the time:
- Lupen 's dual challenging post (26 Apr-23.35)
- Padma's post, after Harry left Hogwarts (27 Apr-00.29)
- McGonagall 's post, mentioned that Draco's late for his detention ( 27 Apr-19.13)
- Lupin's post from the Hosptial Wing, he's with Sirius and Harry (April 27 -19-10)
I'm not sure whether an lj clock is okay or not.
If Draco left the Manor in the middle of the night, why was he late for the detention in the evening?
takeonelook @ April 27 2003, 21:36:13 UTC |
I am also very worried about Draco. He must be in a very scary/lonely place right now emotionally. Also, you made good points regarding Narcissa's post. If Draco left the Manor before he was supposed to, don't you think one of his parents would try to keep tabs on him and at least make sure he was safely back at Hogwarts? I mean, I know that Lucius was hurt in the duel and that Narcissa was hung over, but still. My parents would never be so careless with me. And like you said, look at the Weasleys. It's the Malfoys though, so what do I expect.
At this point I just want some news on Draco. McGonagall said he was late to his detention and that makes me wonder. I don't think Draco is in any state to want to post right now, so I'll take what I can get. Perhaps a post from Pansy, M.B., Crabbe, Goyle, a professor? Just a mention of poor Draco. It's all I ask. What if he's tried to run away? The boy does have a flare for the dramatic. And I want to know what was said during the conversation between him and his parents. ::frets:: I just hope he's okay, and perhaps even doing some serious reflecting on his life and behavior. But mostly, I just want to know he's okay.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:47:48 UTC |
Okay. Draco left at some point before the duel. The Manor is a big place and Lucius had been ignoring him for two weeks. Why would he go seek out his father after some lecture we haven't heard the details of yet? Narcissa was not at the Manor at this time as she returned to Dogear Wryde after the lecture.
She did not know that Draco left MM until oh, an hour or so ago according to her post. Her husband is grievously wounded. Do you expect her to let him lie there on the bed and go running off after her child who is old enough to take care of himself for the time being? That's like putting her between a rock and hard place. Honestly, I would have stayed with Lucius and done what she said she planned on doing - check up on the child later after she was sure that her husband was taken care of for the evening.
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 22:00:26 UTC |
I was expecting something like anger from Narcissa about Draco leaving. He was supposed to stay the night, I think.
I am a bit confused about the meeting with his parents and Narcissa's latest post.
Lucius told Draco to meet him tomorrow morning at 10am, that was on a friday night. Millicent said that Draco left for home in her post on saturday, yet Narcissa says this:
He was supposed to stay here until this morning as he arrived yesterday morning for a meeting with his father and myself to explain his earlier actions.
If the meeting was supposed to be with Lucius and Narcissa, why was she still at Dodgearcannotspellit on saturday?
Was the meeting to really take place on sunday?
Argh! Am confused now!
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 22:02:49 UTC |
D'oh, have just remembered that Narcissa could have flooed or apparated to the Manor but wouldn't she have posted about the meeting if it had taken place?
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:08:31 UTC |
The family meeting has not been posted about yet. However, Narcissa does mention that it did indeed take place Saturday morning here (
~A player
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 22:11:28 UTC |
Must work on those reading comprehension skills.
Thank you for the clarification!
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:03:43 UTC |
Draco had the meeting Saturday morning at 10 am with his parents. He was supposed to stay the night there then returnt to Hogwarts Sunday morning. Narcissa returned to Dogear Wryde after the family meeting. She threw the Remus bachelor party. Sunday after she finally found out that there had been a duel, she left Dogear Wryde and went to the Manor where she found Lucius all knocked up.
The end.
~A player.
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 22:13:10 UTC |
Lucius all knocked up.
Ok, the wrong thoughts popped into my head when I first read this!
But the end? Surely not!
Thanks for clearing things up!
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:14:37 UTC |
Perhaps I should not have said 'knocked up'. It is late. I am tired. You are welcome.
~A player
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 22:20:35 UTC |
Perhaps I should not have said 'knocked up'.
But then the amusing Sirius/Lucius mpreg bunnies wouldn't have popped into my head!
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:25:42 UTC |
I take it back. KnockedUPKnockedUPKnockedUPKnockedUP...
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:19:38 UTC |
Narcissa is a selfish, narcissistic woman. She's had a rough weekend as have all the characters. She is not a Super!Mom nor has the slightest clue how to parent her child. She is trying but she gets distracted. She's trying to change; she KNOWS she isn't the best mother. I'm not making excuses for her, just pointing out that all mothers are not the same and she hasn't been very good at parenting. Ever.
Cut the woman some slack, will ya? ;) Let's wait and see if she does check up on Draco tomorrow before unleashing the fangs.
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 22:27:57 UTC |
LOL! Um, fangs? What are you on about?
I posted exactly what you did: Narcissa gets distracted. I'm not damning her for this, I'm pointing out that this is what is going on with her. I don't know why you feel she's being attacked and needs to be cut any slack--she's a fictional character, I'm not yelling at her. Are you suggesting I should refrain from posting my impression of what the character is saying in a post or my impressions of what is meant to be happening in the world (Draco gone and it may be quite a while before anyone knows where he went) because it's rude to the character? ::shakes head in puzzlement::
takeonelook @ April 27 2003, 22:40:17 UTC |
I second what you just said. I'm in no way trying to attack Narcissa. I was simply stating that I thought Narcissa would have been more worried about Draco. And I have to say, that I felt like someone had 'unleashed the fangs' on me for my earlier post about Lucius and Narcissa.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:43:55 UTC |
What fangs?
You're kidding me right? Why don't you go back and read the things you've written regarding this character. Yes, she's a fictional character, just like Draco's fictional, Harry's fictional, they're all fictional. Not worth obsessing over, am I right?
HOWEVER on NA, these fictional people are played by flesh and blood people. Can we all agree to keep that in mind, whether we're squeeing over H/D golf clubs, complaining about the Malfoys or whatever? Yes, it's fun to debate or speculate on what might happen, but let's all lighten up and remind ourselves that it's a game. It's s'posed to be fun
I know you'll see this as a personal attack magpie, and I'm sorry for that. I think you come off as a very intelligent person, and I salute you for your writing style. But I've been sitting silently all weekend long while you go on and on and on about what a horrible person/mother Narcissa solely because she doesn't live up to a mother ideal.
I'm logging in under anon. as a lot of people have been doing lately to keep from getting bashed. Some people are getting really mean spirited with their posts lately.
Let's all just take a breath and lighten up a bit, okay? Can't we all just laugh a little.
I mean, Lucius' pimp cane survived the duel. Right? RIGHT??
~~Concerned for the cane
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 23:28:29 UTC |
Okay, how sad am I that I actually got out of bed because it was bothering me that my last post may have come across too harsh at you.:-)
I really hope that I'm not insulting Narcissa's player. See, I know this will sound strange from what you're saying but honestly, I thought I was commending her player--she's, um, one of my favorite players and characters. I know I'm going on and on about Narcissa is a "terrible' mother--but to me it seems like this is part of the point of her character with regards to her role in this incident (not at all times). She tries but she is narcissistic so that no matter what's going on the little things are still important to her. She gets distracted. I like this in her character. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's outrageous, sometimes it drives other characters crazy, sometimes it amuses them and sometimes it hurts them.
I honestly don't get--and I don't mean that sarcastically--why this is an attack on her player. My last post, I admit, was a bit exasperated because the original poster was being inaccurate, imo. I thought it took a beautiful post by the player with very important information about events and dismissed it as if it was just a filler post telling us what Narcissa was up to that we didn't need to think much about.
There has apparently been a lot of concern over judgements of ps this weekend, because some people fear that his actions are being excused etc. I take that to mean that the players really are attempting to present characters with a whole range of behaviors, good and bad. I realize now that it sounds like I hate Narcissa but honestly, I like the character. A lot. I just really do feel the need to point out when, for instance, something she says is taken as saying one thing when I really feel like it's saying another. To me this is a great thing people are missing out on. Of course with any character there are going to be things that hit hot buttons--and I do admit that some of the things she's said have reminded me of careless ways I've seen children hurt, but I didn't want the character to stop doing it because of that and it's honestly never made me angry at the character. Exactly the opposite, usually, in fact. A lot of characters in the game do things that are probably going to get emotional reactions, but I don't think anybody means it as an insult to the players.
But if it really is offending the players I'll be glad to lighten up here. I do usually try to post with the idea that the players are reading in mind. Any insults I've given have definitely been unintentional and I hope are forgiven. And also if I am, thank you for telling me--I didn't take it as an attack.:-)
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 22:18:57 UTC |
Okay, first off a parent who has learned that their teenager flew off in the middle of the night generally immediately looks in to where he went lo these many hours later. A quick perusal of NA would show Narcissa he's not where he's supposed to be.
I don't know exactly how long ago Narcissa ran into the house elf but her post is not about a husband who is "grievously wounded." The grievous refers to the awful malady that ::gasp:: made him have to trim his luxurious hair. When she arrived she states that Lucius was awake and pleasantly dopey. He's fine.
They are now cuddling and canoodling. She tells us this. She is not caring for him, she's snogging him. Well, actually now she's watching him sleep because he's so cute under the duvet. She describes it in ecstatic detail. And tells us she'll be sleeping with him as well. That's the big event in her life at the moment.
Edited to remove erroneous cramp medication information!
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:25:34 UTC |
The other thing that really bothers me about this is her posting about Remus earlier. She posted several times saying things like "Remus, where are you?". But the fact that Draco is missing from the Manor doesn't seem to faze her much.
Something here isn't right.
takeonelook @ April 27 2003, 22:26:12 UTC |
You make a good point about Draco not telling his father that he was leaving. Like you said, after the lecture Draco probably didn't want to speak to Lucius. However, wouldn't Draco think that his father would be angry with him if he left without notice? He was supposed to leave in the morning as Narcissa said. I don't think Draco would really want to go against his parents wishes at a time like this. So the fact that he just left bothers me. Perhaps he noticed that his father had left for the bachelor party and took that as an opportunity to leave. Which worries me because then in a sense he was sneaking out, and with parents like his, I don't think Draco would normally do that. I know that Draco is old enough to take care of himself, but something about the whole situation bothers me.
As for Narcissa, her comment about Draco just seemed very off-hand. I realize that Lucius was hurt, but I don't think he was as you said, 'grievously wounded.' A few broken bones and bruises does not constitute 'grievous.' Not to mention he had taken drugs and seemed to be doing fine. I would think that once she heard about Draco, she would finish up checking on Lucius and then try to make sure Draco is safe at Hogwarts. Especially since McGonagall mentioned that Draco was late to detention. If he left the Manor before midnight last night, why is he not at his detention the next evening? Narcissa posted a few times throughout the day asking after Remus, so I would think she saw the comment about Draco being late. It was posted before she realized there had been a duel. Once she heard the news from the house elf, you'd think she would wonder. Therefore, the whole, "I'll just owl him later" sentiment just does not cut it. At least not in my 'How To Be A Good Mother' book. I know she has not been the best mother in the past, but if she cares oh so much about her little Draco, I would have thought that would have caused some alarm.
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 22:46:21 UTC |
Also, if Draco has indeed missed his detention, he has to know that that would piss Lucius off in addition to leaving the Manor before Sunday morning.
Assuming he has missed detention, I am surprised that no one has mentioned it yet, which is why I waffle on him actually missing detention.
Perhaps they all got caught up the the duel, which is why Vector has yet to comment about him missing detention if he has missed it?
I'm going in circles here....
But why would Draco be late to detention if he left the Manor early and returned to Hogwarts? Though he could be hiding out somewhere in Hogwarts....
takeonelook @ April 27 2003, 23:02:14 UTC |
I had a moment of histrionics where I worried he might have run away, but that was just me. There are definately more plausible reasons as to why Draco was late to his detention. And it's not like we know whether he missed it or not. Like you said, in all likelyhood if he had missed detention Vector would have said something already. Though who knows. She could have been looking for him and has yet to post. Or if he's not at Hogwarts, Pansy would have said something. He is probably just keeping a low profile, which is understandable after friday's events.
Like I said before I'm just worried about the boy, and can't wait to hear a mention of him.
Could you imagine though if he really was missing though?
Gah! I don't even want to think about it. I think I'd die of angst.
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luleh @ April 27 2003, 23:11:56 UTC |
I could see him running away, perhaps if his emotions reached such a turmoil that he couldn't cope.
He did go into hiding briefly after Colin's outburst. But then he might think that running away would indicate to other people that he knows he's wrong and is scared. But maybe he is beyond the stage of caring about how his actions would be interpreted by others and just wants to escape.
But you make a good point about Pansy saying something if he has indeed gone missing, but she did send McGonagall those 6 owls.... were they about the punishments or about Draco?
I dunno. As always, my finger shall be poised above the refresh key in anticipation.
Except when I am stuck at my internet-less job. :(
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 23:30:40 UTC |
Personally, I did think the most obvious conclusion was that he had run away. He left in the middle of the night and hasn't been seen since that we know of. He may have gone somewhere specific, though. Or even to Hogwarts, but it's hard to tell given the little information we have.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 23:32:20 UTC |
I agree that with the (lack of) info we have right now, he could be *anywhere*.
Which only makes me worry more. He is not in the right frame of mind to be wandering around.
takeonelook @ April 28 2003, 00:36:14 UTC |
Well, Vector has said that he missed his detention. All I can think right now is that he either did run away, or is hiding out with Pansy somewhere in Hogwarts. Though I don't think he'd risk having his parents get angrier at him for missing detention. Yet, who knows? He may very well be past the point of caring. Which would not be a good sign.
I'm off to get some shut eye now, but I hope that when I wake there is some news on the boy's activities/whereabouts.