whoyouinvent @ 2003-04-28 00:23:00 |
(no title)
Yes! The wedding is still on!
That makes everything a whole bunch better.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:28:56 UTC |
"Mine merely served to remind me where, and with whom, I'd rather be for the rest of my life." is quite possibly the most romantic line ever.
However, one thing about his post confused me.
He states that: "But the far more hurtful maliciousness came from a much closer source."
The way he says it makes it seem like he *isn't* talking about Lucius. So if that is the case, who *is* he talking about?
hermione_like @ April 27 2003, 21:32:03 UTC |
I thought that was in reference to whatever Remus was doing.
(parent)xnera @ April 27 2003, 21:34:54 UTC |
*sputters* Your icon... <3<3<3
Normally I don't like jadedsirius, but that post is positively gooey. *sighs happily* Ah, romance!
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:37:31 UTC |
Hmm. That makes sense, I guess, but the "at least on good terms with" line leads me to believe that it's not Remus.
hermione_like @ April 27 2003, 21:39:46 UTC |
Or maybe he meant the other person involved? I'm thinking it might be awhile until we hear all the specifics, given that certain people aren't going to want to talk about it.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 21:45:55 UTC |
I think he meant the twins, specifically fred.
(and really he might as well be talking about us, because some of the posts last night were pretty mean. it amazes me how people can actually JUSTIFY what draco does even when he's being utterly horrible yet sirius is crucified even when he hasn't done anything wrong. that is a double-standard.)
poor sirius. he needs to be happy now.
whoyouinvent @ April 27 2003, 21:53:47 UTC |
Was Sirius crucified? I think I missed that... I thought that they (Remus and Sirius) had both done something they ought not to have done (or, so it appeared for a while), not that one or the other was completely in the wrong.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 07:36:29 UTC |
I missed it too. Along with, apparently, a lot of posts proving that Draco giving Harry a virtual slap in the face, humiliating him, then viciously attacking other students for their sexuality was a just, right or reasonable thing to do.
I'd love to see how somebody managed that. Did Anita Bryant drop by when I wasn't looking?
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:06:16 UTC |
I immediatly thought George, as he was the first to imply something went on with Sirius and Lucius.
vellum @ April 27 2003, 21:29:25 UTC |
i'm gonna be asleep during the ceremony.
::slumps over::
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notadrugtrip @ April 27 2003, 21:32:58 UTC |
*seconds that*
I may not have been here very long, but I have an extrememly low tolerance for sleep deprivation.
Even now the self-mothering part of me is telling me 'Bed. Now.'
myrddin @ April 27 2003, 21:36:00 UTC |
*Coffee - Check, Tent - Check, I'm glad they're still together. At least Harry just went to retrieve Lupin, not act as his second.
(parent)notapipe @ April 27 2003, 21:48:29 UTC |
I cannot guarantee in all certainty that my body will never touch another's; in fact, the details of our sex lives are quite complicated enough already, consensual, and none of anyone's business.
ARE NOT none of our business!
So what's the complication? Sevvie? Just a lot of kink? Inquiring minds and all that.
myrddin @ April 27 2003, 22:23:27 UTC |
That would explain why Sev rushed to Lupin's office woulden't it? He had to of known something.
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 22:40:17 UTC |
Anyone read Lupin's longer speech yet? I have a feeling George is going to get it.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:43:01 UTC |
George is *so* in trouble.
And the rest of the post, especially the words about Sirius, is absolutely lovely. It's nice to know that at least one relationship is still on (somewhat) steady ground.
sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 08:30:45 UTC |
I suspect Lupercus is an X-Phile! (Points for who also spotted the Mulder/Duchovny line in his lovely post...