blue_lightning @ 2003-04-28 23:26:00 |
So Molly's feeling a little bewildered because so many of her children are professing to be gay...
and Draco just told his mother, via pansy, to 'stop trying to be Molly Weasley, as it isn't impressive'
I know the obvious interpretation of that statement is that narcissa's capslock-ranting outside slytherin's door is similar to molly's...
but still... I have to wonder... if there wasn't some double meaning to that. due to the timing of the statement, if nothing else.
hehe... ^_^ what do YOU think?
sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 20:47:23 UTC |
I believe he was referring to Vector's post where she told Narcissa if she wanted to prove herself a good mother she would "give Mrs. Weasley a run for her money in frantically hunting for lost children until he is found and found safe." Draco is, imo, telling his mother that he doesn't think she really cares about him and is just trying to prove herself a good mother like Vector said. He's not impressed by the display, iow.
(parent)imochan @ April 28 2003, 20:50:17 UTC |
Think you're quite bonkers, sweetums. *numnums*
No, in all seriousness, probably not what they were going for (then again who am I to judge), but then again, it's v. amusing to think of it that way. >:D< And hey, what's a few double-meanings between fanatics, anyway?
And I think Snape just keeps getting more and more delicious. I may soon actually profess my unlying love for potions_master. :O
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 21:09:34 UTC |
"And I think Snape just keeps getting more and more delicious. I may soon actually profess my unlying love for potions_master. :O"
I already have. Should we start a club?
imochan @ April 28 2003, 21:19:21 UTC |
Oh -- but this is just a big step for such a new relationship!! :\
I don't know if I'm ready to handle the commitment. ;D
I could make icons, though.
:D for the record, it should be undying love. Not that it is yet... but if it ever gets to that point, it will not be a lie, just not dying. :>
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 21:57:04 UTC |
The rule here at NA is to make icons for everything.
As for being ready for a commitment, this is why you need a club. He's just too much for one person. ^_~
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 21:16:09 UTC |
Actually it makes me just way way depressed.
potterstinks has always had about as many good qualities as you could count on one mangled hand, but here he's losing the whole "respect/obedience/love for parents" one.
Telling his worried mother that she is not "impressive."
I'm saying his parents are the bestest parents ever, but they don't seem (at this point in time) to have been actively abusive or cruel. If anything, they probably spoiled and ignored him too much.
But I always had a soft spot for the respect and affection he seemed to have for them. Now he's flouting both parents... and not about anything like "I won't join the evil Death Eaters." No, he's digging his heels in against a relatively normal attempt at discipline.
On the one hand, I suppose it's only to be expected, cosseted teen refuses to be reigned in. He thinks his Mother is only doing this as part of her self-improvement (conveniently forgetting all the gifts and money she gives him), as for his Father...
I am a bit confused. I always thought that his fear/respect of his Father was greater than that. Seems like maybe he saw even his Father as more a giver of largesse than someone to be feared?
Perhaps he is finally having his obligatory teenage rebellion. Charming.
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 21:18:30 UTC whups |
I'm saying his parents are the bestest parents ever,
left out an important word
I'm NOT saying his parents are the bestest parents ever,
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imbecilic @ April 28 2003, 21:35:27 UTC Re: whups |
true, but they haven't been great to him lately, and I think this sudden, kind of absurd turn in events (Looshie, Narcissa with the capslock, Narcissa reforming herself, um... shiny Looshie) is just making him go, "Uh, what the hell?" I agree it's kind of snarky of the kid to tell his mother, who he's always regarded with so much admiration, that she's not impressive, but she's definitely changed a lot recently, and in fact, a lot of other stuff has changed for him recently, and well... I can see why he might take it out a little on her.
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 22:30:59 UTC Re: whups |
Well, he didn't actually tell her - he said it to PANSY. Who happened to repeat it to Narcissa. Who knows if she was supposed to.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 30 2003, 07:06:21 UTC Re: whups |
I think Pansy said he told her to tell Narcissa if she asked.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 29 2003, 07:13:09 UTC |
I've never had more optimism for him. His "respect and affection" for his parents in the past has just meant he pretended he was great with how they treated him even when he had every right to feel upset. His mother hurt his feelings and he is letting her know--this is a major breakthrough for him. He's been doing it little by little lately. Some honest communication is exactly what this family needs, imo. Telling her what she wants to hear is just going to make everything as bad as it was before.
If Draco was speaking to Narcissa like Lucius when he was angry, telling her she looked old, she had a zit, etc., he would be out of line. He's telling her how she's made him feel (in an admittedly snarky way but pretty tame for ps). She's not ready to hear it yet.
This is why I think it's also good that he deleted his comment to Lucius. I assumed Draco was so happy to hear his father say that he jumped in, then realized he needed to stand his ground and, again, not settle. Lucius is stoned out of his mind. When he's ready to tell Draco he's proud of him sober it will mean something.
PS makes unreasonable demands of a lot of people. What he is asking for now is something he deserves, imo.
sistermagpie @ April 29 2003, 07:54:24 UTC |
Or maybe he deleted the comment because he didn't want to do something to blow it.