imochan @ 2003-04-28 22:19:00 |
(no title)
Mood: awake
aw, Looshie.
I will start weeping if this gets any sappier. Too bad the bugger couldn't say that when he wasn't COKED UP.
moonlitpages @ April 28 2003, 21:28:53 UTC |
Normally I wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, but I'm starting to think that becoming addicted to cramp medicine would make that man a better father ;-) *laughs*
(parent)forevertwilight @ April 28 2003, 21:32:22 UTC |
Draco replied!!! Is this the first time he's commented since that fiasco on Friday? *can't remember* I think we've heard reports of him, but no actual comments -by- him...
Maybe Lucius' drugged pleading got through to him? o_O
anjaliesque @ April 28 2003, 21:35:17 UTC |
Eep! Draco replied?!? *refreshes*refreshes* Nothing's showing up! *wails*
(parent)forevertwilight @ April 28 2003, 21:35:43 UTC |
Am I seeing things? I could have sworn Draco replied and said "Father?" O_o;
tortietta @ April 28 2003, 21:37:19 UTC |
You're not seeing things, it was there!
*screams in frustration*
At least we know he's alive.
shusu @ April 28 2003, 21:39:06 UTC |
Guys, remember to screencap -before- you reload. *g*
(Obsessed much, am I...)
forevertwilight @ April 28 2003, 21:41:13 UTC |
It didn't occur to me that he'd delete it >:O. He used the "I am brutally attractive" icon, though, I remember that because I thought it was kind of amusing...
(parent)shusu @ April 28 2003, 21:45:10 UTC |
I did not realize being small and grammatically oblique rated a lightsabre!
imochan @ April 28 2003, 21:49:53 UTC |
d00d, if you and Darth Looshie were pitted against each other in a illegal galatical arena, you would SO come out on top.
I mean that in a kicking arse sort of way. god i need sleep
imochan @ April 28 2003, 21:55:35 UTC |
Forget Darth Looshie, I'm taking you home to cuddle! *pets*
moonlitpages @ April 28 2003, 21:36:04 UTC |
He did? Where? I can't find his comment anywhere but maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.
(parent)xnera @ April 28 2003, 21:36:29 UTC |
WHAT?!?! WHERE?!?!
There was a comment posted on the Shiny thread, but when I opened the page it was no longer there, so maybe it was deleted? WHAT DID HE SAY?
forevertwilight @ April 28 2003, 21:37:50 UTC |
It just said "Father?", but I think he deleted it :-/.
Bah. I got everyone all excited for nothing.
anjaliesque @ April 28 2003, 21:38:41 UTC |
Nah. I'm still excited. I guess Draco was going to say something, and now the player decided they're going to wait longer. *anticipating*
(parent)forevertwilight @ April 28 2003, 21:39:50 UTC |
it's a shame we're all so obsessed that at least one of us catches nearly everything o_O;.
*refreshing...just in case!*
imochan @ April 28 2003, 21:38:38 UTC |
liek, omg, classic refresh moment!!!!!11
:O Fuck. Am so frelling pissed I missed that. WAH!
trowa @ April 28 2003, 21:35:59 UTC |
aww but now it's gone! There's just a comment from Sirius now. :(
(parent)adrienneherbst @ April 28 2003, 21:38:34 UTC |
Ahahahaha, Looshie. I will never respect the man again. Man, both Malfoy parents. They are such ditzes. <3 them both. XD
(parent)shusu @ April 28 2003, 21:40:29 UTC |
I would make a blond joke, but I'm a Muggle, and I'm not that funny.
(parent)imochan @ April 28 2003, 21:44:27 UTC |
Aw, c'mon. Improve our dull little lives a bit. :DD
wah. is it bad that i despise him even when he's all w00by?
trowa @ April 28 2003, 21:46:47 UTC |
I never would have figured him to be such a Beatles fan.
(parent)forevertwilight @ April 28 2003, 21:48:18 UTC |
Randomly and off-topic, your icon cracks me up for some reason.
And back on topic, something makes me want to take drugged Looshie home and pet him. O_o;
whoyouinvent @ April 28 2003, 21:48:59 UTC |
Ahh, the joys of blackmail!
But, hopefully, not blackmail for said sexual favours...
cirakaite @ April 28 2003, 21:50:40 UTC |
No need to google it! Just come ask us =D
*has the strange urge to cuddle the shiny Malfoy*
shusu @ April 28 2003, 21:53:26 UTC single most drippingly suggestive comment to date? |
"Happiness is a warm wand, Lucius."
(parent)![]() |
princess_draco @ April 28 2003, 22:20:09 UTC Re: single most drippingly suggestive comment to date? |
*mumbles something about not being able to think of anything unsuggestive about that comment* Good to know that I was not the only one who noticed that :D
(parent)shusu @ April 28 2003, 22:21:44 UTC Re: single most drippingly suggestive comment to date? |
The song kicks ass too. "Happiness is a Warm Gun"
(parent)![]() |
neveth @ April 28 2003, 21:54:27 UTC |
Is it just me, or is Looshie's player having ALOT of fun with drugged Lucius. XD
(parent)![]() |
neveth @ April 28 2003, 22:11:14 UTC |
FOR THE OCCASION! NEW ICON (simple, but I likes it that way)
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 22:42:39 UTC |
Thank you! That was so sweet of you. I'm really flattered. As is Lucius, of course.
--his player
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ex_meiko437 @ April 29 2003, 00:59:10 UTC |
keep it coming ::grovels and sends love:: this shiny lucius makes me laugh hysterically
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neveth @ April 29 2003, 07:01:26 UTC |
The joys of JASC Animation Shop
Errh, it was linked in an earlier entry, but it's early and I have a paper to write for class today. You understand.
cirakaite @ April 28 2003, 21:59:31 UTC Re: new thread time? |
They're quoting something, and I'm sure I recognise it . . . *facepalms* My mind isn't working! NA is killing me!
(parent)shusu @ April 28 2003, 22:00:24 UTC Re: new thread time? |
Sounds Shakespeare to me. Could be wrong.
..... *Googles it*
imochan @ April 28 2003, 22:02:23 UTC Re: new thread time? |
Petruchio and Kate. Taming of the Shrew.
bap me if I'm wrong.
cirakaite @ April 28 2003, 22:05:44 UTC Re: new thread time? |
That's why I know it . . . I was stage director for TotS . . . *sobs* The blame for my total loss of mental powers lies soley on NA's doorstep.
*makes more icons*
shusu @ April 28 2003, 22:06:51 UTC Re: new thread time? |
It's okay.
Looshie took a minute too.
tortietta @ April 28 2003, 22:06:59 UTC Re: new thread time? |
Yep, you're right.
Taming of the Shrew. Katharine and Petruchio - Act II, sc ii, about line 209.
shusu @ April 28 2003, 22:18:30 UTC Re: new thread time? |
My brain broke.
Shakespeare and rimming.
(Go to bed, kiddies, you don't want to google that.)
tortietta @ April 28 2003, 22:22:23 UTC Re: new thread time? |
This is too much.
samenashi @ April 28 2003, 22:33:28 UTC Re: OH my gods. |
I'm loving Drugged!Lucius. :D! And, oh man, Remus';
"You did NOT just say that."
I think the drugs are wearing off, though. Damn. -.-
xnera @ April 28 2003, 22:56:01 UTC Re: OH my gods. |
But now Sirius and Sevvie are drunk! Heh!
(parent)woolf @ April 28 2003, 22:31:55 UTC Re: OH my gods. |
I can't even believe that he just said that.
(parent)shusu @ April 28 2003, 22:36:44 UTC Re: OH my gods. |
And might I add, that is some fast and fancy icon making.
(parent)woolf @ April 28 2003, 22:39:43 UTC Re: OH my gods. |
It was just too funny. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of *working* wands. Will fix that in a moment.
anjaliesque @ April 29 2003, 18:49:20 UTC |
Eep, how? I'd really like to know, cuz I'm Disney-crazy, but dire circumstances have resulted in me only seeing Lilo and Stitch once and even that a long time ago, so I wouldn't recognize something similar to it.
(parent)![]() |
notadrugtrip @ April 30 2003, 08:27:23 UTC |
"I'm lost!"
with the Ugly Duckling book and all that good stuff?
Or is it just me?
shusu @ April 28 2003, 22:26:40 UTC anyone else wondering... |
...if Draco is going "what the hell???"
(parent)xnera @ April 28 2003, 22:38:47 UTC Re: anyone else wondering... |
Let's see... most of the school hates him, he has detention up the wazoo, his parents want him to find a job, Narcissa is suddenly trying out for Mother of The Year, and Looshie is singing pop songs. Yeah, he's probably going "What the hell?!?!" No wonder he's laying low.
(parent)woolf @ April 28 2003, 22:44:27 UTC Re: anyone else wondering... |
but who is he laying low with?
(parent)shusu @ April 28 2003, 22:56:06 UTC |
Awwww, please let's not dwell... can we dwell on ps holed up with a sympathetic j_h exchanging inebriated adult stories and rumours of M.B.'s underthings?
*mutters* too bad ps seems to need a "quarantine"...