notapipe @ 2003-04-30 08:55:00 |
The Myth of the vanishing straight witch or wizard
Music: Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
The thread before this mentioned "why is everyone gay at Hogwarts? (well, almost everyone...) " Ron and Colin have brought up the same concerns. So I checked it out. Turns out, there are lots of straight, or supposedly straight people in NA!Hogwarts (plus the Weasleys and Malfoys). I made a little list, but it's probably incomplete. It's kind of tangental to the previous thread, so I'm starting a new one.
Apparently straight people at Hogwarts (plus Weasleys and Malfoys):
Hufflepuff House is apparently all straight (unless we are to accept Draco's claim about Millicent's escapades with the female population of Hufflepuff, but no one listens to Potterstinks)
Most of Ravenclaw (all except Terry and Cho)
Sir Cadogan
3/5rds of Griffindor
2/3rds of the Weasleys
a third of the Malfoys
probably a number of the staff
Lots of NPCs
When you look at it that way, there really aren't that many homosexuals or bisexuals (confirmed or Draco) at Hogwarts (plus the Weasleys and the Malfoys).
moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 09:06:23 UTC |
When you look at it that way, there really aren't that many homosexuals or bisexuals (confirmed or Draco) at Hogwarts (plus the Weasleys and the Malfoys).
That's what I was thinking as well when I had the same conversation with a friend. It's not that 'all the students in NA!Hogwarts are gay!', because not all the students at Hogwarts are represented in NA. It's just that a fair number of the ones who have journals happen to be. Probably because they just have more to say ;-)
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 09:14:14 UTC |
Isn't it a slash rp though? If so, isn't it sensible for the characters to act...slashy?
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 09:25:36 UTC |
Well that too. I was just speculating that it's not quite as ridiculous as some people seem to think it is, but I suppose it matters not either way so long as the players and fans are having fun :-)
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 30 2003, 09:25:21 UTC |
3/5, 2/3 and 1/3 are all already way higher than the 10% that's generally considered the amount of the population to be gay. Yeah, I'd say it seems like the NA Hogwarts isn't exactly a reflection of things in general. It's not how many gay people there are but the proportion to the general population that's off.
Not that there's anything wrong with that in NA.
notapipe @ April 30 2003, 10:25:07 UTC |
1) These are straights. So 2/5ths and 1/3.
2) There are higher gay populations in certain portions of the population, secondary education and urban areas, for example, so I don't think that the 10% should be strictly applied.
3) 2/5ths of about 1/4 of the entire sample population (one year + Cho, Ginny and Colin) WOULD be 10%. That means it would be NORMAL if you excluded Draco, Pansy, Millicent, Cho and Terry. Okay, that's a lot of exclusions, but still.
4) I think Godric had the gay, so that explains the concentration of homosexuality among Griffindors. :P
5) I don't understand the Weasleys, though, that's just weird.
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kearie @ April 30 2003, 10:33:36 UTC |
Also, I don't know if you'd count the bisexuals in the 10%. So that's Terry, Looshie, lord knows who else, possibly Pansy and Millicent etc etc. I mean, it could be Cho and Ginny too technically. I'm kind of under the impression that if you count bisexuals you'd come out with a far higher percentage than 10% in both the real world and NA. :D
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 10:38:46 UTC |
Hmmm, who can we say is gay, not bi (in that direct statements to this effect have been made)?
Seamus (? - not sure)
That's all I know.
notapipe @ April 30 2003, 10:52:00 UTC |
Maybe. I don't have much to go on, besides taking drunk!Sirius at face value.
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 10:55:24 UTC |
Also, a more direct drunk!Sirius statement, with unspoken Snape approval.
(parent)bookshop @ April 30 2003, 11:17:08 UTC |
He is. In case you weren't around for the Snape/Sirius fling that occurred earlier last year: Snape had been dating or at least heavily flirting with Sinistra, but he and Sirius had been play-flirting/fighting for a very long time. Sirius left Remus for Snape, but it didn't last long before Sirius returned to Remus with his tail between his legs.
Ah, angst.
sistermagpie @ April 30 2003, 11:43:38 UTC |
That's true.
Certainly there's nothing impossible about the situation in NA. Anybody can be gay or bi, so when it comes down to the individual student everybody's got a 50/50 chance of being anything. Especially, too, since these characters are younger so their sexuality might be more fluid as they find themselves anyway.
milenalupin @ April 30 2003, 13:48:06 UTC |
Oh, but the 10% quota are either 100% gay or 100% straight each.
According to statistics, the 80% majority lives with different degrees of in-betweeness (including actually 50/50 bi people).
eponis @ April 30 2003, 14:11:42 UTC |
Maybe a silly question, but why do we assume that Terry is bi? He's definitely comfortable with his sexuality (in that he can wear eyeliner and jokingly flirt with Seamus and Dean), but have we ever seen him actually in a relationship with another guy?
(parent)milenalupin @ April 30 2003, 14:31:03 UTC |
Because a 100% straight boy wouldn't flirt with Seamus and Dean, would he?
- He looks like one of those 80% "in-betweens" to me. Doesn't have to be 50/50 bi, of course.
notapipe @ April 30 2003, 16:09:56 UTC |
He might. But probably wouldn't do it to the extent and method which he does.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 30 2003, 16:11:37 UTC Re: |
That's exactly what I meant.
It doesn't look like actual mock-flirting to me, more like - a testing of the waters. *g*
milenalupin @ April 30 2003, 13:54:48 UTC |
Remember that we're not discussing the whole Hogwarts population, but just the characters actively played in NA. We tend to forget all those who are merely mentioned by name or just ignored in the game (like pretty much all of the 5th and 7th year students or all the younger ones).
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 09:58:40 UTC |
You forgot
notapipe @ April 30 2003, 10:12:46 UTC |
Mandy is in Ravenclaw
I did forget Penelope, perhaps because she is outside the scope of what I defined as NA, silly me
Sinistra and McGonagall are in the teacher category, but thanks for giving specifics. I would append Vector too. I want to stress that for these teachers, however, we say this by default rather than observation.
I did not forget Draco. I just happen to think that just pretending to be straight does not equate with actually BEING straight.
I did forget Crabbe, I guess he goes on by default.
As for Goyle, he appears to be asexual, not straight.
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 12:08:35 UTC |
Okay, I was just trying to help with pointing out that not every character in NA is gay, but I guess that was rude of me, since you appear to be irritated.
No one has ever said that Draco is gay, though, including NA.
eponis @ April 30 2003, 14:05:21 UTC |
Nobody's ever said it, but there have been hints to that effect, albeit none of them terribly conclusive. A few that come to mind:
- M.B. commenting that PS and J_H would make a good couple
- Lucius saying that PS's homophobia may hit closer to home than he thinks (prolly a reference to Lucius himself, but could be taken both ways)
- Pansy commenting that it remained to be seen whether Draco followed his father in "other ways" (possibly referring to being bi)
- Pansy's odd comment that her mother wanted to know why she didn't date PS, but that they were both happy with the situation
- PS declaring the start of his het!relationship search immediately after J_H tries to (?) kiss him
- Parts of PS's description of the J_H kiss-attempt that sound like he might have actually let J_H kiss him, then regretted it afterward
- The way that PS treated the "non-kiss" - at first, he was actually making friendly (flirting?) with J_H, which seems like the opposite of what you'd expect from someone who truly was repulsed and generally out to get J_H. Unless he was just leading him on, but that strikes me as something more patiently devious than PS would do.
- And, of course, the fact that the RPG is listed as a H/D RPG, so unless J_H is planning on a gender change . . .
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thegirlingreen @ April 30 2003, 15:23:53 UTC H/D RPG? |
I am a proud H/D shipper.
- And, of course, the fact that the RPG is listed as a H/D RPG, so unless J_H is planning on a gender change . . .
Where is it listed as a H/D RPG? That's Very Exciting indeed.
eponis @ April 30 2003, 15:52:31 UTC Re: H/D RPG? |
Aja said so here and here. So, while it's not on the actual N_A website . . .
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 16:19:34 UTC |
I'm not really irritated, except by the "you forgot" bit and opening with Mandy Brocklehurst.
I'm not saying Draco is gay either, I'm just saying he doesn't belong on the "probably straight" list.