karabou @ 2003-04-30 17:30:00 |
Cho's entry
Mood: amused
Cho is so sweet... and what an interesting future job she's considering. And I'm sure a lot of us can commiserate about exams. ;)
Apparently Draco is being followed by a storm cloud, and it zapped kids who were laughing at him.. likely it's the protection Lupin was talking about. I don't know, but when I read that part of Cho's entry my mind went immediately to Eeyore. *grin*
eponis @ April 30 2003, 14:45:29 UTC |
Interesting . . . you think that the cloud is protection? I'd gathered that it was the result of non-protection (a cloud that reflects his feelings [gets angrier when he approaches Gryffindors] and, by doing so, manages to ensure that they continue).
I'm not sure what to think about Cho from this entry. Yes, he threw some very offensive insults at her, but he does the same to many other students all the time (in the wizarding world, I don't think that "mudblood" is any nicer than many of the homophobic slurs he used). Her "I bet he got cursed. Ha ha ha." is just very . . . vindictive for Cho, particularly several days after his insults. The only thing I can think of is that she's getting angry and defensive because Ginny, Harry, or both were hurt.
(And I still really want to know what J_H thinks about all this. I keep getting the unsettling feeling that everything that Malfoy's suffering is only making him feel worse.)
neviachiel @ April 30 2003, 14:57:28 UTC |
(And I still really want to know what J_H thinks about all this. I keep getting the unsettling feeling that everything that Malfoy's suffering is only making him feel worse.)
I'm very curious as to what they will talk about in their next posts. Having the journals, aren't they required to post so often? I can see them both trying to avoid the situation, J_H because it might be a tad uncomfortable and PS because he doesn't want to worsen his situation. But what can they say to avoid the subject?
karabou @ April 30 2003, 15:03:12 UTC |
Good question. I mean, Harry wanted his journal deleted. He probably doesn't even feel comfortable posting right now.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 30 2003, 15:35:48 UTC |
Besides, he's already had a history of "not participating as much as he should"...
I remember Snape giving him (or better: everybody else in his place) detentions for not updating his LJ back in summer/autumn.
non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 16:46:21 UTC |
Introverted people always get picked on for not participating enough. It is sad.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 30 2003, 17:13:39 UTC Re: |
You're right, of course, but actually I don't think Snape's really picking on him for the not-participating matter.
Snape's picking on him - full stop. *grins*
non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:24:34 UTC |
Yes, this is true. I was partly speaking from my own sad, sad experiences. When it's Snape and Harry, any excuse for punishment will do.
(parent)karabou @ April 30 2003, 20:22:23 UTC Re: !! |
My friend nefeleo made it from this picture I drew her. :D
![]() |
thegirlingreen @ May 1 2003, 13:45:42 UTC Re: !! |
!!! your picture!!
hee! it's all so amusing.
non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:26:25 UTC |
And they shamelessly reckon with the devil to win puppy dog calendars also, I'm sure.
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 17:29:05 UTC |
Or, more likely, they don't understand what it means to reckon (or calculate) numbers.
(parent)karabou @ April 30 2003, 14:58:11 UTC |
I do think so, because it zapped the kids who were laughing at him.. perhaps they had insulted him. Ooh, and I like the idea that it reflects his mood, too...
And I think Cho can be vindictive... I mean, for one thing, when has she ever gotten along with Draco? Remember how she acted about Ron when he was going nuts about the Ginny thing? I think she's a very honest person. And with the things Draco said to her and about her and her friends (and girlfriend) I can see why she'd be mad. Also I can't imagine she'd get over being called "that Chang dyke" right away.
adrienneherbst @ April 30 2003, 14:59:44 UTC |
Hee, "Ron said she I should just hit the bird on the head with it and that would do the trick". Yeah, Cho is sweet. Ee. She's also probably one of the most reliable recappers we have at NA.
..oh hey, who wants to bet there's going to be an angry post from Ron yelling about that sod Malfoy hitting him with a lightning bolt sometime soon? XD
karabou @ April 30 2003, 15:04:48 UTC |
She's also probably one of the most reliable recappers we have at NA.
I agree!
who wants to bet there's going to be an angry post from Ron yelling about that sod Malfoy hitting him with a lightning bolt sometime soon? XD
I wouldn't doubt it!! ^^;
anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 19:16:28 UTC |
Eep! It really was Ron! *is expecting a caps-locked post very soon*
(parent)milenalupin @ April 30 2003, 15:42:38 UTC |
Yes, well, the exams...
As far as I know, OWLs are taken in 5th year in canon (and generally in Britain, actually, just with a different name). There are only the usual "end-of-year exams" in 6th year, and then the NEWTs in 7th year.
darlulu @ April 30 2003, 15:44:14 UTC |
Oh lord, now I've got the darned song stuck in my head, along with visions of bumblebee!Pooh skittering around outside of a hive.
I, too, feel that the cloud is in fact a means of protection for Draco. Perhaps no one took Remus up on his offer and volunteered their services for that lone defenseless student - I seriously doubt PS would appreciate that label, though in deference to his inevitable hypersensitivity to such weakness, I obligingly dropped the initial 'wee' that found its way smack dab in the middle of that train of thought! ;)
Oh, and I'm betting that bolt of lightning struck poor Ron right between the eyes! Hmmm, who now has a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt again? Ironic that he's being protected by a force that could essentially be considered a metaphor for his archenemy! Yep, JH seems to haunt him (infuriatingly lending protection) wherever he goes - PS just can't seem to catch a break...
anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 17:55:34 UTC |
I LOVE Eeyore. He's just so adorably depressing. Poor guy.potterstinks is a lot more exuberant than Eeyore for sure, and certainly his snobby self-conceit is the exact opposite of Eeyore's mournful lack of self-esteem, but they do have their cynicism is common. I think he would agree nastily when Eeyore noted, "A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference. Or so others say." :D
But just_harry? A LOT like Pooh. <333 Granted, the former has more than Very Little Brain, but I can still see him idly contemplating, "Supposing a tree fell down when you were underneath it? ...Supposing it didn't?" Both are idiotically brave, sensitive, loyal to their friends, everyone's favorites yet very shy and humble, genial to all but enjoy solitude, and oh, Pooh's always comforting Eeyore. :D
*guilty* I don't think Christopher Robin ever slashed his toys. But that reminds me...
'Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you." '
*coos* Theirloveissoplush!
karabou @ April 30 2003, 18:06:38 UTC |
Eee! *is thrilled at the Pooh talk* And oh man, I can so see the similarities between just_harry and Pooh... LOL!
'Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you." '
That is SO darling! <3333
anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 19:12:53 UTC |
Loffly, isn't it? I do worship A.A. Milne.
And, while not necessary, it's easy how his prose could be... re-interpreted. :D
Harry walked over to Draco, who perched on the wide windowseat and he gazed out at the downpour pounding against the glass.
"Draco?" he whispered hesitantly from behind.
"Yes, Harry?" Draco didn't move, the rain reflected in his expressionless eyes.
"Nothing." He reached over and took Draco's hand, which tightened over his own. "I just wanted to be sure of you." His head fell to Draco's shoulder, and they sat in comfortable silence until the storm died.
Pooh/Piglet is the new Harry/Draco! Or is that the other way around? *ponders*
eponis @ April 30 2003, 18:06:40 UTC |
::sees Pooh-slash::
::eyes bleed::
::eyes burst::
::curls up in a small ball, rocks back and forth, and tells herself that Everything Will Be Okay::
karabou @ April 30 2003, 18:09:09 UTC |
...! I -love- your icon! I wanted to put that exact comment on an icon but I couldn't figure out how to make the scrolling words. But the way you did it is fabulous! <3
(parent)eponis @ April 30 2003, 18:09:31 UTC |
::realizes, but refuses to admit, the possibility that you're just talking about awwww-cute-friendship-companionship, because that would mean that I myself made up the slash part, and that's even more disturbing::
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 18:23:54 UTC |
Well, it's an actual quote from the books. So if you jumped to conclusions- we're in the same boat. Pass the hunny?
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 18:13:05 UTC |
Eep! *wibbles* I do so apologize. Best wash that blood out of your eyes, dear. Look, see the adorable platonic plush love in that actual quote? Keep telling yourself that. Hug the nearest Pooh plushie, and Everything Will Be Okay.
(parent)eponis @ April 30 2003, 18:30:34 UTC |
Hug the nearest Pooh plushie, and Everything Will Be Okay.
anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 18:47:27 UTC |
Um. If there are supposed to be pictures there, they don't show up on my computer. But maybe that's a good thing overall, as this professes to be- A Kama Sutra of Pooh?!
See, now I'm downright frightened. Oh, the humanity! I can never look my Pooh plushie in the eye again.
nimblelads @ April 30 2003, 18:07:52 UTC |
Granted, the former has more than Very Little Brain, but I can still see him idly contemplating, "Supposing a tree fell down when you were underneath it? ...Supposing it didn't?" Both are idiotically brave, sensitive, loyal to their friends, everyone's favorites yet very shy and humble, genial to all but enjoy solitude
You've hit on it. J_H is Pooh in disguise. <3333 No wonder I love him so. :D
'Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 18:25:22 UTC |
It's the Pooh theory! No one can ever hate Pooh, unless maybe you're Hitler or Hussein or Castro. j_h fits the Pooh theory in that it's impossible to hate him. If you do- well, then it's my civil duty to inform the UN. :D
(parent)nimblelads @ April 30 2003, 18:35:40 UTC |
Haha yes exactly. It's like, "OMG you hate Pooh/just_harry???? O_O What's RONG with you huh??"
Infidels. ;D
<3s them both
![]() |
jgoreham @ April 30 2003, 19:46:13 UTC |
I don't really care for Pooh... does that make me a horrible person? I was subjected to the Winnie the Pooh heritage moment on tv growing up ("Why Pooh, son?" "I don't know... just Winnie... the... Pooh!") so my hatred of heritage moment!Christopher Robin could be the reason...
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 30 2003, 19:51:46 UTC |
Ah, well, we forgive you. Commercialized!Cheapened!Pooh can really burst one's bubble. But as long as you aren't the sort who stomps around throwing Poohs into bonfires, I'm sure you still- wait, you DO love j_h, yes? *worried*
(parent)nimblelads @ April 30 2003, 20:21:23 UTC |
I don't really care for Pooh... does that make me a horrible person?
>:O Whatchoo sayin'??? Yeah, you're definitely evil.
oh, and commercialized Pooh of the brilliant yellow "fur" gives me migraines. -.- The original is the best.
whoyouinvent @ April 30 2003, 20:27:19 UTC |
"I'm going to name him Winnie, after my home town, Winnipeg" and then something about this is how a soldier's bear became the inspiration for a well-loved children's story. Or something.
Ahh. Heritage Moments.
dr penfield, i smell burnt toast!
wait, wait lois! take it, it's a gift! *all together now* You never know, it might be worth something some day!
nimblelads @ April 30 2003, 20:16:29 UTC |
thanks! She's a smart one, that M.B. :D
*loffs her*
marysiak @ May 1 2003, 03:51:51 UTC |
potterstinks is not Eeyore he is Perkin from The Flumps, check out the synopsis of ep 2. Yay found pictures!
sistermagpie @ April 30 2003, 19:49:12 UTC |
It made me think of that song from the Disney Winnie-the-Pooh, in fact:
"I'm just a little black rain cloud
Hovering over your honey tree.
Only a little black rain cloud.
Pay no attention to little me.
You know a hungry old Poo--cloud
Never gets hungry, no not a nip.
I'm just floating around,
Over the ground,
Wondering where I will drip."
Poor Draco. Yeah, I don't think it's protection. Lupin would hardly do something so cruel and humiliating--or something that's going to get Ron or Harry killed. Poor Harry knowing he causes tornadoes now.
slinkhard @ May 1 2003, 04:08:13 UTC |
Anyone else catch this in Ron's reply to Ginny on Cho's journal?
"stupid idiot moron if not for Ha- UGH I HOPE ALL THAT RAIN MAKES HIM SHRINK EVEN MORE"
If not for Harry what? Telling him to leave Malfoy alone?
karabou @ May 1 2003, 06:54:00 UTC |
I think perhaps Ron doesn't want to be violent toward Malfoy because of Harry. When he and Harry made up after Draco made the post about Harry being gay, Ron said that he wouldn't kill Draco because Harry likes him for some reason. So I think Ron is trying to tone it down maybe for Harry's sake.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 1 2003, 07:27:26 UTC |
Yeah, I think he's clear saying that if not for Harry telling them not to Malfoy would have been murdered by now. Which is kind of scary.