boysnoggage @ 2003-04-30 16:13:00 |
(no title)
I would just like to say, I am totally ashamed of myself for not finding out about NA sooner.
It is brilliance.
Sheer. fucking. brilliance.
And must I say, Ginny/Cho is just the cyutest thing ever.
non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:12:39 UTC |
NA brings shame upon everyone. I am ashamed of neglecting my real life in order to keep up with it. But not ashamed enough to stop.
And I also am ashamed of not finding it earlier.
notapipe @ April 30 2003, 17:25:32 UTC |
I will be ashamed when I pass out from lack of sleep from papers, problem sets, labs, NA and the Notepad, and miss the drunken last day of classes. But not yet.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:31:21 UTC |
This is beginning to sound like a self-help thread. Nocturne Alley Anonymous, or NAA. Even the acronym sounds like its in denial.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:32:19 UTC |
I forgot the apostrophe in 'it's' , and I am ashamed once again.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:44:42 UTC |
This is why I am here. To solve my problems. Never mind that being here is probably the cause of my problems.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:51:48 UTC |
I'd say that you could insult me until I decide to leave, but I've come to realize that giving you permission to do that is dangerous. So I really don't know.
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 17:54:02 UTC |
Besides, I doubt you would leave just because I called you an unintelligible moron or something to that effect.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:59:17 UTC Re: |
Yes, well, it was kind of you to give it a try.
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 18:01:09 UTC |
Well, I'm nothing if not kind.
Note: Read the above statement as saying that I am kind, not the possibly more "accurate" reading that I am nothing.
non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 18:05:15 UTC Re: |
Really, how could anyone think that you are anything but kind and considerate?
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 19:29:35 UTC |
Ha, haha, hahah, ha! This brings me joy!
May I borrow it?
shusu @ April 30 2003, 21:35:48 UTC |
All yours. You'll need it, seeing as you're being shipped. :p
And I do believe one of the original 69 is a "we even ship ourselves".
non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 15:50:42 UTC |
Thank you. I will cherish it forever. Somehow I do not mind that it is slightly biased.
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 23:58:52 UTC |
Weeee! I am amused, and would like it more, except it appears biased towards the viewpoint of certian subversive elements (I understand that this is nessecary to get the message across, but still). That's not so good.
(parent)shusu @ May 1 2003, 04:37:47 UTC |
I blame the size of the font, and your sentences. I could not fit in the $10 bet.
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 04:40:44 UTC |
Then I shall endeavour to be more succinct and condensed in my future commentary.
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 00:04:32 UTC |
That kind of neglects an important peice of information which indicates that I am, in fact, doing you a favor at your bequest. See? Nice.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 16:05:08 UTC |
I said, 'Feel free to call me an idiot', not 'I yearn to be called an idiot!' It's like those little sugar packets at restaurants. They're free to take, but you're not necessarily doing anyone a favor by doing so.
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 16:22:10 UTC |
I'm not? Then why the hell do I have a big pile of sugar packets on my bookshelf?
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 16:41:42 UTC |
Yeah, but WHY? I mean, I used to have a reason, but now they're just wasted sugar. It's so disheartening.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 16:53:16 UTC Re: |
Maybe you are a restaurant leech. Disheartening indeed.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 17:10:47 UTC Re: |
'Food service leech' doesn't sound as good. But then, 'restaurant leech' didn't sound that great in the first place. Alliteration is probably the way to go, like 'lousy luncheon leech'.
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 17:14:44 UTC |
I like "Bon Appetit Leech" because it rhymes and Bon Appetit is the name of our food service.
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 17:21:12 UTC |
Well, unless your school's food service is actually CALLED Bon appetit, at which point it loses the class and reminds you of brownies and chicken queisadillias
(parent)non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 17:31:17 UTC Re: |
Brownies are always classy, unless they come out of a box. Are they out of a box?
Side note: Garth Brooks is now playing on the radio, yay.
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 19:22:25 UTC |
No, I don't think so. Though at times they can be awfully bad. (at other times awfully good)
You are sick. Not only do you listen to Garth Brooks but you listen to commercial radio. Can you sink any lower?
non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 19:47:02 UTC Re: |
What can I say, I've got friends in low places, so I may as well join them.
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 17:39:42 UTC |
I'm not in denial. I have a problem. I'm 1/12th of the way there, which is good enough for me.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:42:34 UTC Re: |
You are ignoring the severity of your problem. DENIAL.
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 17:44:48 UTC |
Look, I even made an icon about it. I am so not in denial.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 17:49:34 UTC |
You mean, the icon that says you are denying yourself of study time?
(parent)notapipe @ April 30 2003, 17:52:33 UTC |
Yes. $10 you're gonna interpret my words in new interesting ways that don't have anything to do with my denial.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 18:02:37 UTC Re: |
Now the fate of $10 rests in my hands. I cannot type a suitable response when faced with such a responsibility.
(parent)xnera @ April 30 2003, 19:31:10 UTC |
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you notapipe and
non_inferno, the H/D of
nraged. Now with 24-hour bantering!
*is highly amused*
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 00:07:21 UTC |
So I guess this would be your cue to drop the Bronze and Busts icon on my metaphorical table and walk away and hate me and never speak to me again.
Which just goes to show that these people are loons.
non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 15:41:44 UTC |
No, Bronze and Busts is still going strong. I am keeping up with the H/D we-are-always-sniping-at-each-other image, and doing a fine job of it too, no? Not to say that these people aren't loons--l00ns, whatever.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 16:55:01 UTC Re: l337 15 600d |
Good to know that you are multilingual.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 20:22:31 UTC |
*rolls* Someone should make an icon! (what? This is NrAged, we have icons for everything)
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 22:11:26 UTC *laughs!!!* |
*dies* I love this community. Now the question is- who is brave enough to use it? *ponders the issue of her well-being vs vast amusement*
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 22:22:46 UTC Re: Done. |
Apparently livejournal does not believe in the OTP. It seems to think the icon is only allowed to be 40 KB. *sigh* Ah well.
(parent)eponis @ April 30 2003, 22:36:38 UTC Re: Done. |
Try again. :-) I noticed that right after you replied to me . . . there should be a smaller version up now.
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 04:18:51 UTC Re: Done. |
Do me a favor and grab the new, jokerman-font-less, version here. That font is EVIL. Plus, you can't make out my name properly, it looks like "n-gear-hash-a-blob-i-blob-@".
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 00:22:12 UTC Re: Done. |
You used JOKERMAN???!!!! I'm sorry, but that font is simply offensive.