xnera @ 2003-04-30 21:25:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
Pansy confirms our thoughts on the rain cloud.
And she's doing more baking. Why am I suddenly suspicious of this? Pansy's a devious girl; anyone else thinking she's been slipping potions in her baked goods?
non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 19:57:03 UTC |
You know, most people have a cow, or a heart attack, or, I don't know, something, but Draco must be all original and have a tornado when Harry walks into the room. Tornadoes are kind of..heart-shaped. Maybe. Or not at all. I'm trying.
Also, I would be highly amused if Pansy put potions in the food. I would love to see Millicent in a drugged-up state. She might go completely crazy and use an exclamation point.
ungemmed @ April 30 2003, 20:05:10 UTC |
If she's dating Boot now it's only a matter of time before she's introduced to the wonders of purple beans...
Shiny!M.B. would be amusing. I wonder which songs she would quote.
sistermagpie @ April 30 2003, 20:12:10 UTC |
Is Pansy going to have the same effect on M.B.'s date as she had on Draco's I wonder??
(parent)xnera @ April 30 2003, 20:26:57 UTC |
I sure hope so, as that would mean Pansy really does care about Millicent. *ships Pansy/MB*
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 00:54:06 UTC |
It would also mean she is very very selfish. Wanting to have her chequerboard cake with mint icing and eat it too.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 30 2003, 20:15:01 UTC |
The song quotage would be interesting. I have a feeling that there is a New Kids on the Block fan in there somewhere, because isn't there one of those in everyone? No?
Side note: I have just realized that a cross between a tomato and a tornado would be heart shaped! Whee!
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 00:52:42 UTC |
No. Only in garth brooks loving fools. I think her dirty secret is that she listens to Thai pop. It would explain why she is so bitter.
It does so only if you took cross sections, a person on the outside would see a carrot shape.
non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 15:59:10 UTC |
What, is his name not worthy of capital letters? Say it with pride. GARTH BROOKS!
And the fact that you have to look at a cross section to see the heart is symbolic. It means that one cannot see Draco's love for Harry until they dissect him and slice apart his heart, I think.
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 16:35:50 UTC |
scorn != pride.
So the subtext of the tornado is that Draco's love is subtextual? Or that one ought to look to the subtext? Or just that Draco's heart would be good eating?
non_inferno @ May 1 2003, 16:48:42 UTC Re: |
It's all about the subtextual love within the subtext.
Do you usually eat things after dissecting them?
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 20:15:21 UTC |
Is it Lupin's idea? WOW !! If so, he's much more sadistic than I thought.
(parent)blankcanvas @ April 30 2003, 20:51:19 UTC |
Yeah, really. This is like Draco's worst nightmare. He's usually so careful about what emotions he shows, to have them layed out like that for everyone to see must be like hell for him. I feel the worst about Pansy saying the cloud was raining. :( Draco must be really sad.
By the by, I wouldn't put this cloud passed Professor Vector. It seems like the sort of thing she'd do.
whoyouinvent @ April 30 2003, 21:56:26 UTC |
I hadn't before thought of the cloud being a way to force Draco to show his emotions... Poor boy. He's generally so closely guarded and defensive. I'd feel, well, naked, if I were him.
It'll get even harder once the other students realise the implications of this, too.
Also: I hope that j_h is the one to make the cloud disappear. Those two need to have a talk, they do.
sistermagpie @ May 1 2003, 07:01:28 UTC |
But doesn't Draco basically always show his emotions? I mean, the cloud is showing all the things he projects anyway: sourness, anger, desire to hurt others... In a way the cloud is more defensive than ever because his anger is what generally covers up every real thing he's feeling underneath imo. The rain might be the closest thing to showing vulnerability I guess, but I don't think people quite get that if that's what it means.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 09:13:35 UTC |
He is very obvious with his emotions, however he did ignore Harry for a good while. So I think having the tornado come out when Harry's about would be horrible for Draco because it would show everybody that Draco is scared/angry/whatever, when I think Draco would have pretended he wasn't sorry about what he did to Harry. He would probably show anger towards Harry if he ever came near/tried to talk to him, but having the cloud freak out whenever Harry is near is a bit...much for him, I think.
(parent)whoyouinvent @ May 1 2003, 13:26:45 UTC |
Without sounding like I'm trying to redeem him too much, I guess I just think that Draco is capable of more than just grey rain cloud sort of feelings, you know? I think that in a lot of cases, anger is used to hide feelings of vulnerability and mistrust. Right now, yeah, he is angry and does want to hurt others. But what if that changes? Externally, he might keep up the front, because that is easier than explaining himself to others, putting himself on the line. But if that cloud sticks around, he won't be able to avoid it.
I guess that I just don't believe that all Draco feels is anger and hatred, that some of the time he uses those very external emotions to cover others that he isn't as able to express, that perhaps he sees as a weakness. And growing up as Draco did, the last thing a Malfoy is, is weak.
sistermagpie @ May 1 2003, 17:31:07 UTC |
Actually, I totally agree. I think right now anger blots out his other feelings, which is something that does happen to people, especially kids growing up in certain situations. Right now, of course, Draco's got double the reason to be angry. It's the emotion he's probably the most comfortable with--because I think even now he's feeling more than just plain anger, it's just that that's the one that takes over.
I guess what I meant is that these particular emotions are ones that he always shows--lightning, black clouds etc. It will be too cute of Harry creates a rainbow over his head, though. LOL!
adrienneherbst @ April 30 2003, 22:16:08 UTC |
I think you're right; I wouldn't put the cloud past Vector either. In fact, it seems just like the kind of thing a person who would liquor somebody up then publicly make fun of them for the way they talked when they were drunk would do. I'd guess that it works both as protection (zapping people etc if they provoke Draco) and as a punishment both for missing detention and for The Post. Gah, that woman is so vindictive; she gives me the creeps. *shakes head*
(parent)karabou @ April 30 2003, 20:39:16 UTC |
Alright, if the raincloud goes off Draco's moods and is also a form of protection.. perhaps this is also a way to help Draco control his emotions? Draco isn't exactly Ron in the way he loses his temper.. but, he seems like a very emotionally intense person. And if it reacts off of fear, because something that protects would probably do that.. then it would explain the tornado when Harry came in.
eponis @ April 30 2003, 21:22:01 UTC |
That's actually a really good point. In theory, if the cloud reflects his mood, then if he's actually calm (rather than "enraged") it would be gone, or at the very least a pretty fluffy unobtrusive cloud. Maybe once Draco figures it out, it might do him a lot of good.
Of course, it still seems more sadistic than something that Lupin would do. Vector, maybe.
Incidentally, and maybe I'm reading too much into the weather, but a tornado is an interesting product. Unlike lighting, which strikes purely aggressively, tornados suck people in and whirl them around and spit them out. This isn't even necessarily an H/D thing; it's just an interesting reflection of how P_S's thoughts on JH are, at this point, a whirlwind (no pun intended) of conflicting anger, envy, respect, etc.
adrienneherbst @ April 30 2003, 22:21:31 UTC |
*agrees with points about emotions, etc*
Vector, eesh. Or, inspired by your icon, maybe the cloud was the vengeful product of hungover, "I hate the children" Snape?
sistermagpie @ May 1 2003, 07:03:10 UTC |
Yes, I thought that as well. It's very significant that Harry produces a tornado--whirling feelings--rather than a lashing out. I think that's a very big part of why ps acted so out of control about him. He likes him and he hates him always.
(parent)vermithrax @ May 1 2003, 09:53:42 UTC |
Well, I have to point out that seeing Harry didn't actually produce a tornado. Pansy says that she thought that a tornado would occur from the violence of Draco's reaction, but what actually happened was a bolt of lightning that took off a branch from a tree. Still very turbulent (one might even say his emotions are tempestuous -- pleasedon'thitme), and I do find it interesting that while Draco's reactions usually seem to directly affect those he's angry with (Ron and Ginny being hit by lightning, Roger Davies with hail), Harry was not hit. Probably a good thing, considering how much damage it did. But then, one has to wonder why not.
(parent)altricial @ May 1 2003, 11:40:58 UTC |
Would Harry even go near Draco after all that's happened though?
(parent)vermithrax @ May 1 2003, 12:08:04 UTC Re: |
I sincerely doubt it. So yes, it's likely that the lightning simply couldn't reach Harry.
moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 20:56:01 UTC |
I have a thought- instead of a form of protection, perhaps this is Draco's punishment for skipping his detention. Being followed around by a rain cloud that reflects his mood for all to see sounds like something a creative professor might do, especially seeing as it hasn't been taken off. If it was a curse inflicted by another student, I would think a professor would insist on it being removed because of the distraction and destruction it no doubt causes in the classroom.
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:20:04 UTC |
If it was a curse inflicted by another student, I would think a professor would insist on it being removed because of the distraction and destruction it no doubt causes in the classroom.
Good point, but it also makes me think that just because of this a Preofessor wouldn't have put it on: the punishment would be too disruptive to everyone else. (of course, a creative Professor could have made a bad professional call)
I'd also think that people would know if it was a school punishment. There would have been an announcement.
Yet, it doesn't seem quite *cruel* enough to be a prank from a student, and too disruptive (and not meaningful enough) to be a punishment from a professor...
Another theory: Draco was trying to cast something nasty on someone else, or a protection on himself and messed it up.
Have to add, even though I am not usually this corny: no one can see you cry in the rain. NOT that I think he's crying in public or anything, just somehow was compelled to mention it...
moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 22:47:04 UTC |
Good point, but it also makes me think that just because of this a Preofessor wouldn't have put it on: the punishment would be too disruptive to everyone else. (of course, a creative Professor could have made a bad professional call)
That would be my best guess- these dear professors aren't exactly at the height of professional maturity. I'd be willing to bet if a professor put it on Draco, they wouldn't really have much regard for how it affected his other classes and would still forbid his taking it off. I can definitely see Vector doing something of that nature *shrug*
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 21:03:39 UTC |
J_H should try approaching, talking to (or even kissing) PS, let's see how the weather will be. I'm really curious.
PS. PS/J_H haters, please stay away from me, I have no excuse.
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:08:40 UTC Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
I certainly wouldn't trust Pansy's cake.
But I don't know if her sabotoge of Draco's dates has anything to do with her "liking" him. I still cling to my pet theory that she is serving up a very cold revenge for Beauxbatons.
There's even this nice almost-kinda-I-am-reaching-too-much-symm
Pansy wanted to be Draco's girlfriend, threw a fit, made a tiny reference to Draco being gay/too obsessed with Harry (I'd look it up but her old LJ is gone), and gets thrown out of Hogwarts due to Malfoy machinations (only returns due to the loffiness that is Snape!)
Draco asks Pansy to be his girlfriend, Draco makes homophobic comments, gets wrath of school upon him, loses prefect status, loses support of most faculty, and due to Pansy's sabotage (and his own nastiness) is increasingly isolated
Her final step: enginering his expulsion?
Or am I not thinking big enough?
Just a pet theory.
I'm unsure about the Millicent thing. I think they've said they've been friends since childhood, but my hazy memory doesn't remember much pre-Beauxbatons interaction between the two.
adrienneherbst @ April 30 2003, 22:18:40 UTC Re: Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
Whoah, Draco got Pansy kicked out? Pansy was some sort of goth? O_O *new to NA*
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:23:28 UTC Re: Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
After many anger managenment sessions Sirius and Snape had a extended fling
whoyouinvent @ April 30 2003, 22:26:19 UTC Re: Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
Oh, there's all sorts of craziness in the archives...
For the benefit of newcomers... has anyone kept a running chronology? I feel that might be helpful to quite a few of us.
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:36:43 UTC Re: Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
Also, I think this RPG originally started on deathjournal, so there might be archives over there to look over as well, though I don't know if the "count" in the current continuity
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 01:02:20 UTC Re: Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
I scrolled down to the comments. Pansy laying the smack down on Lucius Malfoy is fun.
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 01:09:06 UTC Re: Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
Also, while searching the Pansy archives, I found this gem that made me fear Beauxbatons like it were a demon hellbeast.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 1 2003, 07:22:36 UTC Re: Fear Pansy... FEAR HER! |
But Pansy's machinations against Draco's dates, to me, seemed to reinforce his own desires anyway. Draco left Queenie before Pansy attacked her, for instance, and Draco's driving off of Padma really didn't have to do with the dress Pansy may have sent her. I'd say that throughout Draco did more to drive the girls away personally than Pansy did. Pansy does seem to have made it clear that she will accept no other girlfriend for Draco than herself and I do think she's taking advantage of his need to have a girlfriend (maybe to please his parents?) and trying to make herself his one ally. I think Pansy still does want to be Mrs. Malfoy and that is her goal rather than the more short-term satisfaction of getting Draco expelled. She may have gotten to the point where his actually being in love with her doesn't matter as much.
But I think this lashing out of Draco is very personal to him and not something Pansy could have forseen. Part of what I've "liked" about this incident is that I think it shows that ps was never quite as easily understood or estimated as he seemed. He's unstable, imo, and so while he can be somewhat manipulated due to the state of denial he insists on living in and emotions he refuses to deal with I don't think he can really be controlled that much. There are a lot of things about him that are shallow and melodramatic and thoughtlessly cruel, but on some things he is deadly serious and this is one of them, imo.
Ps, imo, has been reacting to a lot of different influences lately and Lucius, Narcissa and Harry were all probably effecting him a lot more than Pansy would be able to at that point. So I tend to think she's making things work for her after the fact rather than making things happen. What happened after the party seemed to effect Draco a lot--moreso than Harry realized and moreso than Harry was effected, imo--and I don't think he told anyone about it until now. Pansy may have suspected something but I'd be very impressed if she could have guessed the actual events.
It's hard to say exactly how Pansy could get ps expelled simply because...what more could he do? If throwing mud and fake blood on students doesn't get one's prefect status revoked and earn at least a suspension what could Pansy possibly think up that was worse?
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:24:18 UTC More NA art |
Hello! This is Sarah again, back like a bad curse. (The one who did the Remus valentine pic).
I have two versions of stormcloud!Draco that I'd like to share. :) [Feel free to make icons if you like.]
Version 1: A twitchy (pissed off) PS with J_H looking miserable behind him. Highly chibi-fied (for me, anyway).
Version 2: Same thing, but with a different texture.
(Sorry for the hideously long links!)
I was going to put text on it, but I decided not to at the last minute. Might add some later, though. Any suggestions?
moonlitpages @ April 30 2003, 23:06:05 UTC Re: More NA art |
Adorable! I love it :-) I never did get to see your Lupin pic, since the link refused to ever load for me. Do you still have it up somewhere? *hopeful*
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 05:58:19 UTC Re: More NA art |
Thank you! The Lupin pic can be found here: http://a4.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/QAyxPpr3W9B
It's chaotic and messy and was very quickly done. And there is a bra in Lupin's pile of valentine gifts, tossed over from another table by one of his fangirls. Forgot to mention that. (Ew, het! :p)
Picture is based off of this thread: http://www.livejournal.com/community/nra
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 05:52:40 UTC Re: More NA art |
Wah! Sorry about that, Yahoo's being screwy again. Okay. Let's try this again.
Version 1- http://f3.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/QAyxPmyFd19
Version 2- http://a4.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/QAyxPtu6G8F
If that doesn't work, then you'll have to go to groups.yahoo.com/group/PillarOfFire; click on 'Files'; click on 'Fanart by StarEyes'; then scroll down until you see the Stormcloud_Draco pictures (somewhere near the bottom...). Hope that works!
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 06:05:08 UTC Re: More NA art |
You could always link them by the url, since the specific server yahoo has up is liable to change:
Version 1 - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PillarOfFi
Version 2 - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PillarOfFi
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:44:01 UTC |
Lupin- or should I say Cho? (http://www.livejournal.com/users/seekercho/4156.html?mode=reply) - confirms that the raincloud is protection, not punishment.
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:51:32 UTC |
I would call this player-error but in this case it was LJ-error, and for some reason Lupin's post wound up in Cho's journal. Still have no idea why. Nobody can figure it out. I blame the gnomes.
Anyway, a humble request from a humbled player - if you fine folk should spot player-error/LJ-error, it would mean a lot not to point it out. It's embarassing enough to have LJ screw up on you, or to screw up yourself, but having it recorded on Nraged for posterity is even worse.
*bursts into flames*
- Lupin's player
PS: Sorry Cho, to make you sound like a wordy werewolf. :D
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Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 22:56:09 UTC |
Sorry!- I thought it was some sort of mystery journal-sharing thing like harry posting thru hermione and charlie thru cho. No, the obvious does not occur to me *chagrin*