elite_stoat @ 2003-04-30 23:46:00 |
Sirius/Remus/Severus... I see how it is.
Mood: amused
And I do not bloody snore! You're thinking of Se someone else.
Personally, I think that pretty much answers the question of did they or didn't they.
They so did.
Can you say... "orgy"?
Thought as much.
adrienneherbst @ May 1 2003, 00:27:57 UTC |
Dude, Remus getting hot flashes? O_ounless he's pregnant argh goyle's post of recap grateness
elite_stoat @ May 1 2003, 00:35:14 UTC |
Apparently he is. The sudden crying... is worrisome.I hope he's pregnant and no one knows who the daddy is.
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eltie @ May 1 2003, 01:03:15 UTC |
Oh dear. Wah, poor Remus.He is going to get food cravings next. For sure.
elite_stoat @ May 1 2003, 01:05:48 UTC |
I know. I feel sorry for him, really.And morning sickness, too. But at least he'll have TWO people there to rub his back for him and make him feel better.
milenalupin @ May 1 2003, 05:42:37 UTC |
Indeed. Unfortunately Sirius tries to feed him veggie food. Stupid Padfoot. Moony needs ferruginous food now. Maybe Sevvie should be in charge of his diet plans now.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 01:07:11 UTC |
Remus is a sensitive soul. He's getting married soon, Harry (who might as well be his own child) was cruelly outed by some he cared about (and is now more emotionally with-drawn than he was before), and to top it all off, poor Remus had to place a protection spell on said person. He also watches over said person's mother who isn't sure how to deal with her son's behavior.
I would have fallen apart LONG before he did.
Luckily for him (and us), he has Sirius with his high sex-drive, tofu, love, all-natural teas, support, and vegetarian menu ideas. He also has Severus who does whatever he does to make Remus happy.
Anyway, cheers to Remus for weathering life in ways we only wish we could. We love you! (and ALL the men in your life ^_^)
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 01:21:32 UTC |
*Blushes like mad*
Um, gee, thank you very much. I'm touched you think so.
elite_stoat @ May 1 2003, 01:26:33 UTC |
Well, I was only being honest. It was, and you were absolutely right about everything lupercus has on his plate, so to speak.
milenalupin @ May 1 2003, 05:45:11 UTC |
Be honest, Remus.
You could happily live without the veggie food and tofu part, couldn't you? *smirks*
metaphoracle @ May 1 2003, 06:45:06 UTC |
The Ot3 makes me worried, though. I mean, Sirius and Remus are the main couple. They are getting married. I question potions_master's willingness to just be a fling on the side. Although, considering his history with Lucius, obviously bedding married partners doesn't bother him. Perhaps I'm just worrying over nothing, but Sirius and Remus do seem to genuinely care about Sevvie. It's not everyone who could seduce the big, mean, potions_master with origami and playful banter. I can't help wondering what's going to happen after the wedding.
I want them all to be happy forever together. *wibbles*
elite_stoat @ May 1 2003, 22:46:37 UTC |
I mean, Sirius and Remus are the main couple. They are getting married. I question potions_master's willingness to just be a fling on the side.
That's a good point... *worries*
lore @ May 1 2003, 11:09:08 UTC |
Cool, is this the thread where we come out as Remus/Sirius/Severus shippers? Count me in, because I've been feelin' this love for a long time.
I thought the Severus/Sirius breakup was a lot more bittersweet than expected. I kept waiting for there to be some serious fighting, but it never happened. Then I waited for constant snarking and that died down rather quickly too. Hum.
As far as we know, Sirius and Remus have had a long-standing relationship. It makes sense that they are finally getting married and settling down. I see their relationship to Severus as...newer. More in a dating stage. They are all wooing each other and there's still room to walk away. But the day may come when we see a new kind of Marriage announcement. If they can work it out. And this is fantasy, so I expect they can if they want to.
Anyway, that's how I think it can still happen even though two of them are getting married soon.
love, lore
P.S. All their first names end in "us." Hummmmmmm ;)
trigaria @ May 1 2003, 11:25:56 UTC |
a new kind of Marriage announcement
heee. That would make me awfully happy.
And yes- I think Sev is trying to work out how he fits into the t00by loff of Sirius and Remus, and is sort of at a loss for how to realize he's a part of it.
Yeah, this is the thread where we all come out as R/S/S shippers. God I've been one forever.
:sighs: feel a new icon coming on.. my otp is lupercus/
potions_master ... I'm going to fail out of school.