zorb @ 2003-05-01 00:50:00 |
You know you're obsessed with nocturne_alley when...
Mood: guilty as charged
1) You have developed an eyebrow fetish.
2) You downloaded "I've Got A Theory" despite being a complete non-fan of Buffy.
3) Someone in class said, "duck." You thought, "Bill!" Containing your laughter was a problem.
4) Your LiveJournal entries are starting to come out in toneless, one sentence blurbs.
5) You searched through your Jelly Bellys to find the purple ones. When there were none, you became depressed.
6) Typing in ALL CAPS no longer seems to be the evil faux pas that it once did.
7) You work out the logistics of how it is possibly to have a physical fight and still update LJ. It makes sense to you.
8) You have three browser windows open at any given time. One for nocturne_alley, one for
nraged, and one for whatever you're supposed to be working on. The third stays minimized.
9) You are craving scones.
10) You are seriously considering cancelling next weekend's trip to Disneyland on account of having a wedding to attend.
So how has it invaded your lives?
eponis @ May 1 2003, 01:05:43 UTC |
::wibbles:: Me too. . . (all apply)
You sit in the library, and instead of starting on the 10-page paper that's due in 14 hours, you make more NrAged icons . . .
You go around one evening, very depressed. If asked, you say that it's because a close friend of yours came out, but that he met with a lot of opposition and harassment from his friends for doing so. You refuse to say exactly who this friend is, for fear of losing all dignity.
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 01:32:52 UTC |
HAHA! I have 10 more hours to do MY paper! IN YOUR FACE! Though I suppose the lab writeups and physics problem sets probably make up for that.
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 01:39:21 UTC |
OH GOD! All of them except for 1, 2 and 3 apply. I had a thing for eyebrows before, it's just worse. Also, I downloaded the whole episode, but I like Buffy.
You have Photoshop open all the time now, so you can make icons
You have thought about some phrase "that would make a good name for a wizarding band". (co-listed with "You know you read Dave Barry too often in the past, even though you have since abandoned him for funny columnists like Gene Weingarten")
You're on so much that some un-scrupled people have turned you into an icon.
teardrop69 @ May 1 2003, 01:59:29 UTC |
I was looking at my playlist and thinking "you know... werewolves of london... how apropos" as I was reading Show a little faith, there's magic in the night...
I knew you were a scary person. You are in my brain. ;)
Still madly infatuated with Remus, Sirius and Severus... be still my beating heart. Titilate me. Move in together. Feel the vibes. Guh.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 01:43:23 UTC |
tabbed browsing in safari = best invention ever. one window! both nraged and na open at same time! <3!!
(and na-related dreams. don't forget those.)
spoke @ May 1 2003, 02:02:56 UTC |
crap. that's happened to me, actually. apparently smuggling purple Beans is very lucrative. lol!
(parent)saffronlie @ May 1 2003, 06:29:13 UTC |
I once had a dream about checking NA. That's all that my dream was, 'refresh'. I can't remember what was happening in the game in my dream, but I woke up with that insatiable hunger to go find out what's new. It is our bane.
(parent)flyingcarpet @ May 1 2003, 07:13:08 UTC |
(and na-related dreams. don't forget those.)
Yeah, my life is over. I had a dream that some crazy shit was going on on NA, and had to check it this morning before I got in the shower. The dream was that realistic. Oy, vay.
retired_ego @ May 1 2003, 01:50:18 UTC |
number 10..haha.. i'm moving to orlando next weekend. :)) dammmmmmmmit.
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jgoreham @ May 1 2003, 05:21:53 UTC |
Is your icon from a weird flash cartoon? God, I don't remember the name, is it at homestarrunner? O_o
(parent)retired_ego @ May 1 2003, 09:27:03 UTC Re: |
yeah, strong bad email XD! it's from the teen girl squad episode. watch, love, watch again.
(parent)trigaria @ May 1 2003, 11:32:17 UTC |
STRONGBAD IS THE SHIT!!! I'm in love with that site, I swear to god... my roommate has a Strongbad hoodie and I have an "everybody to the limit" sticker on my car. mmmm...
(parent)eponis @ May 1 2003, 07:18:56 UTC |
W00t, people in Orlando! Welcome welcome! (okay, so I'm technically an Orlando expat at the moment, but I still have fond memories)
::rolls out a Mickey Mouse-emblazoned red carpet::
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flyby @ May 1 2003, 02:12:00 UTC |
Bizarrely, was complimented on eyebrows while at pub on Monday night. "Your eyebrows look nice." Yes, this is what I have always wanted to hear. ::rolls udaaw eyes::
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flyby @ May 1 2003, 10:50:32 UTC |
Ooh. Got herded out of building by fire alarm half an hour ago and saw two guys, one dark-haired and bespectacled, one blond. With golf clubs. Immediate brain meltdown; had to prevent self from ogling them scarily and asking them how they really felt about each other.
(parent)conversant @ May 1 2003, 10:03:19 UTC |
I'm all about #8, especially "the third stays minimized."
(parent)trigaria @ May 1 2003, 11:33:40 UTC |
guh. These all apply to me.
But let's not forget "You have a term paper staring you down but rationalize that it's okay, it'll get done once we find Draco..."
londonfog @ May 1 2003, 14:50:48 UTC |
YES. To all except #2. And especially #8-- I can't do homework on the computer anymore, honestly. I just get distracted.
...not that I'm complaining. :D
- Allie