nightshade24 @ 2003-05-01 16:02:00 |
Did anyone notice....
Mood: amused
...that everyone else has either been zapped or hit with hail from Malfoy's rain cloud--except Harry?
Even Ron was hit and I don't think he actually said anything. But Harry came to his Care of Magical Creatures class and Pansy said there was almost a tornado.
Andlightening broke a branch off of a tree. Notice it hit the tree and not Harry? So Draco must be having some really intense emotions concerning Harry, and possibly it's not all anger.
*still wondering what would happen if Harry just pounced on Draco and snogged the hell out of him*
Would the rain cloud turn fluffy white or will the whole of Hogwarts blow up? ^_~
blue_lightning @ May 1 2003, 14:18:30 UTC ^_^ |
I'm still reeling over the fact that Draco goes all rain-stormy whenever Harry's about.
For now, it's the only way Harry can make Draco wet.
*admonishes self* Oh! BAD fangirl. BAD fangirl.
*evil grin*
Actually, I think it'd be really great if Harry came up to Draco in the hall and offered him an umbrella. Or a towel. I think I might implode from over-squeeing.
I think it would also be great if Draco took the umbrella, stared at it for a moment, whacked Harry with it, and then proceeded to carry it EVERYWHERE.
nightshade24 @ May 1 2003, 15:36:15 UTC Re: ^_^ |
For now, it's the only way Harry can make Draco wet.
Dear merciful mind went straight back into the gutter after reading that! And it had just come out too! I blame you for all of my perverted boy on boy thoughts blue_lightning! ^_^
(icon borrowed)
blue_lightning @ May 1 2003, 18:32:08 UTC *takes a bow* |
Believe me, your charge of guilt is one responsibility I'll bear with enthusiasm.
And the gutter can be a great place. I have already created a nest of wet leaves to dwell in when I go a-visiting. Feel free to make your own sewage-home alongside mine!
(better hurry... gutter!space is a hot commodity around here, and the lots are going fast ^_^)
nightshade24 @ May 1 2003, 19:44:33 UTC Re: *takes a bow* |
And the gutter can be a great place. I have already created a nest of wet leaves to dwell in when I go a-visiting. Feel free to make your own sewage-home alongside mine!
(better hurry... gutter!space is a hot commodity around here, and the lots are going fast ^_^)
*sets up leaves next to blue_lightning and places all four Harry Potter books on the ground*
We're going to spend all night discussing every friggin' contortionist position Draco can possibly get Harry in, and then we're going to write our huge slash novel. And it will be dedicated entirely to lj user=nocturne_alley.
Your post totally cracked me up. ^_^
(icon borrowed)
blue_lightning @ May 1 2003, 19:57:47 UTC ohgodYES |
*slips mat under HP books to keep them from getting soaked*
Hon, that's the most deliciously brilliant idea I've heard in a while. Just for that, your name can come first on the novel cover.
I will be waiting with two glasses of swill- I mean porter.
*winks* You don't have to be there with bells on. Just bring some for Draco.
nightshade24 @ May 1 2003, 22:51:47 UTC Re: ohgodYES |
I'm bringing bells, whips, chains and scarves. You can never have too much of that stuff with Draco around. But first...first we have to find him.
And then we have to get (ambush) Harry. Just remember it's for the good of mankind.
And how did you know I love swill (porter)? *giggles*
Now, let's go collect our boys. It's much better to have visual displays anyway. ;)
jitter_bug @ May 1 2003, 14:19:40 UTC |
I did notice that Harry hasn't gotten hit by lightening yet.
But considering the fact that Draco's probably still living in Denial-Land and is 'dating' Pansy I doubt a snog would solve everything. Most likely he'd just end up zapping both himself AND Harry.
metaphoracle @ May 1 2003, 14:21:20 UTC |
Actually, I was puzzling over the 'Draco gets soaked whenever Harry and I are around' comment from Ron. It seems that it must go beyond 'has feelings for' to 'has feelings of intense self-loathing/destructiveness'.
It seems to me, by Lupin's explanation, that if the spell is to reflect the feelings and wishes of the caster (lightning bolts at Ron and Ginny), that the rain must be symbolic of Draco's self-loathing. Why else would something that is supposed to protect you actually punish you? It would be worse around Harry due to guilt, I imagine.
The only problem with this theory is . . . Draco feeling awful?
Must puzzle some more.
nightshade24 @ May 1 2003, 15:39:35 UTC |
Good points. I have no idea though. I'll have to puzzle over it right along with you.
(parent)![]() |
kearie @ May 1 2003, 16:16:22 UTC |
Hmmm I thought that too. I also thought that perhaps this tornado when he sees Harry was a "whirlwind of emotions." Haha... I have to learn that not everything is subtext! (Don't want to though :D)
(parent)nightshade24 @ May 1 2003, 19:49:28 UTC |
But everything is subtext! I see H/D subtext everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I once saw a brunet guy and a blond girl on this other show and they were having this romantic scene. It was completely boring until I turned the girl into Draco and the guy into Harry.
I can't see a blond or brunet guy without thinking of H/D. But in no way am I obsessed.
*whistles innocently and gestures vaguely at the ground*
Pull up some leaves and have a seat. Gutter!space is rapidly dwindling. :D
delfeus @ May 2 2003, 00:36:42 UTC |
Where's the original thread for the rain cloud thing? I've managed to miss it... Point me!
(parent)nightshade24 @ May 2 2003, 02:07:20 UTC |
Here's what Pansy had to say on the subject
I believe that it was seekercho who first mentioned the cloud. It was just a small mention at the end of her post, but I'd check there if you want the absolute beginning. No one goes into great detail until Pansy posts her two cents. And then Lupin confirms Pansy's observations in his own post. But I can't seem to find that link, so I'd go to NA and scroll down a bit until you see Lupin talking about weird happenings around school.
Sorry I couldn't help more.
delfeus @ May 2 2003, 02:10:02 UTC |
Thanks anyway! :D I actually didn't read all of Cho's post, that's probably why I missed it...