notapipe @ 2003-05-01 17:12:00 |
(no title)
Books are sacred.
Ron will get the smack down he deserves for doing that, hopefully. If not, maybe Hermoine will deliver a smack down as well.
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 18:10:15 UTC |
That's too funny. Millicent seems to have gotten a notice, also. Poor Ron, always getting into trouble like that.
Hermione wouldn't really have a right to deliver the smack down on Ron, though. I mean, in CoS she ripped a page from a book. The basilisk one. Well, her reasons were slightly more noble... er, yea.
petitemillicent @ May 1 2003, 18:55:06 UTC Re: |
I know about you Potter fans.
M. B.
katrionaa @ May 1 2003, 19:18:53 UTC |
A lawyer informs me the correct term is copyright infringement.
(parent)petitemillicent @ May 1 2003, 19:29:57 UTC Re: |
A lawyer also doubts your right-mindedness.
M. B.
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 19:00:45 UTC |
Oh dear, it seems I have. Not intentional, really. Must have misplaced it there by accident. These things tend to happen.
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 19:12:20 UTC |
Of course you didn't. Neither did I say I was sorry.
Boxers or briefs?
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 19:38:42 UTC |
That is reassuring. Perhaps there is still hope for me.
You still haven't answered my question, Millie.
petitemillicent @ May 1 2003, 19:41:04 UTC Re: |
Because calling me Millie is just the way to get answers out of me.
M. B.
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 19:43:59 UTC |
We're not up to the nickname stage of our relationship yet? Pity.
(parent)petitemillicent @ May 1 2003, 19:49:28 UTC Re: |
Join the queue behind Boot and Planet Earth.
M. B.
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 19:52:51 UTC |
That's the sound of my heart breaking. You are truly evil.
I like that in a woman.
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 20:05:17 UTC |
I shall file that away for future use.
Again, boxers or briefs?
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 19:55:26 UTC |
How does one get behind a set which they are a part of? Is this some sort of magical logic? Or did you mean the actual, physical planet?
(parent)notapipe @ May 1 2003, 20:04:22 UTC I come with an icon, and this time one that doesn't imply that you're a whore! |
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 20:08:15 UTC Re: I come with an icon, and this time one that doesn't imply that you're a whore! |
I shall be stealing it after you fix that small error, thanks. It's quite lovely. I'd proclaim my love to you if my heart didn't belong to Millicent.
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 20:12:07 UTC Re: I come with an icon, and this time one that doesn't imply that you're a whore! |
ooops. Fixed it (above). And I completely understand about Millicent.
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bassoonist @ May 1 2003, 20:17:32 UTC |
Thank you kindly. I now have two Millicent icons. Obsessed? Me?
(parent)spoke @ May 1 2003, 21:23:04 UTC |
now why do i suddenly want an icon that says this:
Join the queue behind Boot and Planet Earth.
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 21:39:04 UTC |
Because you can somehow concieve of an element in a set that is less than every element in that set, or more specifically, something less than itself?
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 1 2003, 21:52:35 UTC |
...reading that gives me the urge to swallow a handful of purple beans. Or cramp medicine. I'm really hoping Looshie goes for the cramp medicine again.
(parent)rain206 @ May 1 2003, 21:54:17 UTC |
The fact that he wants more leads me to believe that he *enjoys* being shiny and sort of incoherent, which is always a good thing. Hopefully this will lead to more singalongs.
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 1 2003, 21:57:41 UTC |
Is it wrong of me to secretly hope he'll become a cramp medicine junkie?
I could use some of it myself right now. Come on Looshie, share and share alike! ;-)
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ex_meiko437 @ May 1 2003, 21:56:51 UTC |
I miss shiny lucius. It's such a juxtaposition to see "serious death-eart Malfoy who wants his son to no longer be a Malfoy" turn into "feel shiny. looshie."
XD i loved the sing alongs..
moonlitpages @ May 1 2003, 22:01:00 UTC |
I'm starting to think that medicine comes from the same stuff they put in those purple beans *grin*
I loved the sing alongs. What the world needs is more sing alongs.
spoke @ May 1 2003, 22:09:07 UTC |
oh that would be beautiful! then Boot could supply him with some beans, and they could go shopping for makeup together!
Narcissa comes home to find them hiding under furniture because Boot wanted a substitue for his staircases, hehe!
moonlitpages @ May 1 2003, 22:25:21 UTC |
*laughs* Boot/Looshie! Terry could cover him with glitter to help him feel "shiny". *rolls*
(parent)spoke @ May 1 2003, 22:32:24 UTC |
Yes!!! It would be a mystery wehre the copious amounts of glitter at Malfoy Manor came from...
until someone noticed it also showing up at Hogwarts..,
and there would be a huge scandal when they were discovered under the stairs! XD
spoke @ May 1 2003, 22:04:24 UTC |
Yes. Yes I can.
but then, i've had a dream in which i was Boot's supplier for purple Beans, so my sanity may safely be questioned anyway. :)