shusu @ 2003-05-04 15:29:00 |
discuss amongst yourselves.
Mood: contemplative
Has Draco been replaced by a puppy?
I know my parents have joked about that... the contrast is interesting.
(Otherwise, am I right?, and embrace the nailpolish, Remus.)
rain206 @ May 4 2003, 15:15:16 UTC |
I don't think he's been replaced, per se. I think it's more a case of Narcissa desperately needing affection and attention. The puppy pays attention to her, crawls into her lap and licks her. According to Lupin's post, she really needed someone to talk to, also. I think she's just lonely.
And I think you're right about Severus. He was just trying to join in on the prank war, in a way that he couldn't while he and the Marauders were at school, and is genuinely upset and concerned that he made a miscalculation.
In other news, in Lupin's post it sounds as if Harry is doing better. He went flying with Sirius and is practising his toast. Maybe the wedding will distract him from the Draco problems?
nightflight @ May 4 2003, 15:45:09 UTC |
This is a worthless comment, but I would just like to say that I am truly and madly in love with Lupin no matter WHAT his sex may be. Big, huge, gigantic CHEERS to his writer -- I am absolutely amazed at the care and the skill that goes into every one of his (her? ^_~) posts.
I also love all of the Tori Amos refs (the title of his most recent post, and the "everybody else's girl" icon), as it makes me feel like I might have some form of cultural background to be able to catch something. ^_~
(Oh, and I meant that love in a completely platonic and admiring sort of way, before I have any Grims stalking my window at night. ^_~)
::runs off::
![]() |
flyby @ May 5 2003, 03:14:00 UTC |
Ooh, I also adore Lupin, current gender irrelevant. Also, some of his woman icons with the shoulders are causing me undue lust. I can't work out whether that's disturbing or not. Moving right along...
Squeeble for Tori references! ::adores:: And for some reason now I have Leather stuck in my head.
non_inferno @ May 4 2003, 16:51:58 UTC |
Ha, haha, ha. The nail polish makes me laugh.
Also, the subject title reminded me of SNL's Linda Richman--maybe that was intentional, or I might just be acting stupid. But I can just see her sitting there: 'I'm getting verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I will give you a topic: Nocturne Alley is neither a nocturne nor an alley. Discuss.'
Sorry, that had nothing to do with the point of your post.
non_inferno @ May 4 2003, 16:58:51 UTC |
And that would be the subject title of this post that I was talking about, not Lupin's, because that probably should be clarified.
(parent)shusu @ May 4 2003, 19:07:41 UTC |
Yes that's exactly where it's from!! "Tawk amongst yourselves."