meemobunny @ 2003-05-05 17:09:00 |
Newbie! ^_^
Mood: curious
Eep -- newbie here!
I stumbled upon Nocturn Alley a few days ago -- and I found the entries quite amusing!
I've been flipping through all of the characters' entries and stuff -- but I'm still a little confused and I have some questions still (i.e. why did Severus turn Remus into a woman? Why does Draco think that Harry is gay? and what's up with those golf clubs -- not to mention all Blaise's entries about them)
So what are the pairings so far? (I figured Sirius/Remus, Cho/Ginny, Terry/Millicent)
And could someone give a sort of background story please? (I checked out the nocturn alley website, but they didn't have the back story. ^^;;)
nabiki @ May 5 2003, 14:46:36 UTC |
i believe snape tricked lupin into taking the sex change potion instead of his usual wolfsbane to get him back for a practical joke they played on him in which his office was stuffed with paper cranes :P only it backfired a little, and now remus seems stuck like that. harry was sort of "outed" without actually even coming out, we havent heard much from him lately..this is supposed to be a hp/d slash rp but so far they havent gotten together. draco is with pansy parkinson at the moment. hmm i dont really understand the golf clubs but they're pretty funny nonetheless :P as far as other backstory you really gotta just read everything :X
(parent)siren52684 @ May 5 2003, 15:12:08 UTC |
oh goodness...the only thing i can really say is to go back and read all the back entries. or at least the ones posted in the community journal (easily accessable by the CALENDER). NA is an H/D RPG...which should explain quite a bit. the golf clubs...are part of a particular field trip where harry and draco bonded, and blaise's entries about them are basically one huge innuendo for the harry/draco relationship (or so we think).
[] remus is a woman because he turned snape into a crane at a party.
[] remus and sirius are getting married.
[] each had their own version of a bachelor party
[] narcissa and lucius are on the outs...lucius recently discovered midol and gets "shiny" (just read, you'll see..)
[] colin got dumped by his girlfriend
[] terry and millicent may not actually be a real "pairing" many NA-ers are pulling for a seemingly inevitable pansy/millicent pairing, and as terry may just be a real flake.
[] dean and seamus are a pairing. dean's family is less than thrilled about his sexual orientation.
[] prior to draco's "outing" of harry, he was deciding on a suitable girlfriend, and going on dates with certain hogwarts girls, after a thorough analysis, of course.
that's the most recent stuff, really. the only way to really know what's going on is to read all (or most) of the back entries (as i can say i have done. oh my god i have no life...). anyway, welcome to NA, and kiss your F5 button goodbye (from all the constant refreshing you'll be doing to keep up with comments and plot and whatnot). :)
notapipe @ May 5 2003, 15:56:51 UTC |
A few corrections and amendments:
[]Colin has been taken back, probationally, by the OC Soblessa
[]Though Remus and Sirius are getting married, they seem to be (or, were, until this prank probably changed some additudes) cool with threesomes involving Snape
[]Draco is overtly with Pansy
[]Arthur and Molly are together, though Arthur spends much time in the Shed, apparently
[]Though no one besides me believes it, Crabbe and Goyle are a pairing. Justin/Ernie is just a misreading of the subtext, however
[]I think Neville and Lavender are a pairing, but they're pretty much non-entities anyway
[]Ron and Hermoine are both being stupid and broken up even though neither want to be
siren52684 @ May 5 2003, 15:59:46 UTC Re: |
wow, i totally missed the colin-soblessa-reuniting thing. and i hate to say it, but i miss lavender and her rainbow text and little happy images. right now it's pretty much the remus-narcissa show.
(parent)notapipe @ May 5 2003, 16:06:45 UTC |
FINALLY! Someone else to agree with me on missing Lavender. Lavender is one of my favorite characters because I hate her so much. There needs to be much much more of her. Her brief flares back during the Boot/Malfoy duel (with her animated banner for Malfoy, which I called, btw) and the Harry outing were great.
(parent)siren52684 @ May 5 2003, 16:09:44 UTC Re: |
yeah they were. hehe. :) i remember her blinkie lightening bolts and mini-PETA campaign from way back when draco killed trevor, and snape getting all pissy at her because they WERE so obnoxious. oh, good times...and meanwhile, we sit in anticipation for the outcome (and possible pictures) of the impending wedding.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 5 2003, 16:18:34 UTC |
Do you remember the Ron Weasley layout Lavender style? - All rainbow colours, blinking stars and twitchy noses.
Yes, Lavender has been truly inspiring to the House of Slytherin, when they were working on his plain old layout.
sistermagpie @ May 5 2003, 17:29:52 UTC |
That was one of my favorite Lav moments as well--especially the little twitchie noses. Not that you could read it very well--the baby blue writing on baby pink background made your eyes swim. Aw, and that was one of those early H/D moments as well, when Harry was tentatively taking a gentle piss out of Ron about it with Malfoy. Poor Ron. What was he thinking?
Come back, Lavender. We love you!
sistermagpie @ May 5 2003, 19:29:44 UTC |
You're prettier than last week and you'll be prettierer next week!!!
notapipe @ May 5 2003, 16:36:27 UTC |
I think the PETA campaign was the best, when she replied to everyone's posts with the banners. Which is why I enjoyed Draco's campaign to get rid of HER so much...
(parent)milenalupin @ May 5 2003, 16:15:54 UTC |
[] Arthur is also very much for the flirting (Longlegged!Female!Remus, Pansy-subtext, Millicent-inbox on his desktop)
[] Fred is openly gay, but single (except for the Remus!snogging on Remus' bachelor party)
[] Percy claims to be with Penelope Clearwater, except that not even his siblings believe in this relationship
[] George claims to be the only straight Weasley child next to Ron (but I don't believe him, he's definitely bi)
[] Ginny is with Cho Chang
[] Goyle keeps hitting on Colin, but Colin is too dense to get it
[] Sirius had broken up with Remus in favour for a hot relationship with Remus back in August to September, then came crouching back to Remus after Remus split up -in friendship- with Charlie Weasley
milenalupin @ May 5 2003, 16:22:39 UTC |
Just for clarification:
[] Sirius had broken up with Remus in favour for a hot relationship with Remus Severus back in August to September, then came crouching back to Remus after Remus split up -in friendship- with Charlie Weasley
(Note to self - use shorter sentences)
milenalupin @ May 7 2003, 09:22:58 UTC Re: |
George. Ron doesn't even know what to do with a guy. *smirks*
(parent)siren52684 @ May 5 2003, 16:49:01 UTC |
come to think of it, i've never seen penelope post. she's commented, but never ever posted. and i know eloise midgen was (is?) a character at some point too...whyyyyyy don't they post!?
(parent)non_inferno @ May 5 2003, 20:06:35 UTC |
Last I heard, Ron is actually pansexual and carrying on an affair with a pocket sneakoscope.
(parent)notapipe @ May 5 2003, 20:36:19 UTC |
No no no, that wasn't his pocket sneakoscope he was playing with in Potions yesterday.
(parent)![]() |
fourscore @ May 9 2003, 03:26:49 UTC |
<[]Colin has been taken back, probationally, by the OC Soblessa>
Where did that happen? I don't see that anywhere on NA! *confused*
non_inferno @ May 5 2003, 18:41:50 UTC |
The nocturne_alley memories might be helpful for some of the background story.
meemobunny @ May 5 2003, 20:25:08 UTC |
Thanks for the help and info everyone! (*is still a little confused, but will get by ^_^ -- and loffly little faces, Lavender! ^^)
I went through all of the memories -- next step: read through all the old entries (*eeps*)