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ex_delz @ 2003-05-08 06:21:00 |
(no title)
potterstinks is back!!!
Ahem. *runs off to compose self and read entry*
bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 04:24:48 UTC Re: Where to Start |
I agree. Lettuce?
If somebody says 'lettuce eat', I'm--
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 04:27:27 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
*groans and rescinds your lettuce priviledges*
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:28:44 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Lettuce not be hasty. How about a probationary period?
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 04:29:41 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
That *was* your probationary period. Go and make nice to M.B. She might give you another one.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:35:59 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Lettuce not forget whose fault this pun-off is.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 04:36:59 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Wah. *goes to kill self for depravity*
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:48:40 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Lettuce bow our heads in remberance of our good friend bookofjude who has leafed us.
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:03:39 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Pour out a lettuce liquor for your homies.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:35:05 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Another probationary period, another head of lettuce or another tank bullet in my head? She can't drive, I don't want to go near her tank.
Besides, I honestly don't think M.B. is the type to lettuce make bad puns all willy nilly.
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 04:36:46 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Take your pick, I'd just pay to see you asking M.B. for anything *wicked grin* Just think! She might decide that she likes you . . . *has visions of Terry Boot*
*stops NOW*
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:46:14 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Don't lose your head over it.
Besides, I don't look very good in a dress.
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:58:06 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
You could try, but I'm not so sure it would do much good. Plus, I just don't do the transvestite thing very well (though, I must admit, I don't try often).
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:09:41 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Well, see, there's your problem. It's all in the practice. And the high heels. Heels are a definite must.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:12:41 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
I count the fact that I don't have to wear high-heels as one of my most precious blessings, thankyouverymuch.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:14:11 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
But, as Remus has discovered, heels count among the highest pleasures of womanhood! Along with crash diets and fretting about the way you look, of course.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:17:04 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
The last two apply to gays all too often as well, though. Heels, OTOH, are sacrosanct, it would sacrilege for me to wear them.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:19:32 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Not even platforms? Aw, shucks.
And actually, it's just occured to me: straight women, gay women, and gay men wibble about their looks. Why are straight men the only ones to get off easy?
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:28:55 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
Because God loves straight men best?
I think it's women's fault. They're very self-critical, physically but not so critical of men, whereas men are critical of everyone. Therefore, gay women and straight women suffer the critical gaze, and gay men do as well, but straight men get off easy since women are too busy hating on themselves. Also, I just pulled that out of my ass. It's really historical precedent.
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:37:12 UTC Re: Lettuce Pray |
This, on top of fruit pr0n, had me laughing hysterically.
Everyone loves straight men best. They even make gay women lose their gay!
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:27:58 UTC Re: Where to Start |
But hanging out with lettuce for a whole weekend? That's just wrong.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 04:36:23 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Well, he's a drama queen, and since no one else seems to care [in his opinion] maybe he decided he might as well spend time with the lettuce... it'd probably be as good company. :D
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:37:35 UTC Re: Where to Start |
But why would he take it with him to London? There's no need for it in London.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 04:43:54 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Traveling alone is boring. If he took it with him, he would have someone to talk to... and something to throw if he ran into Weasley younger following his steps again...
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 04:58:09 UTC Re: Where to Start |
One should not be too picky of their friends. :D
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:49:18 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Maybe he could play golf with it too?
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 04:57:15 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yes, but it's not nice to hit one's friends, and I don't think the lettuce could hold a golf club... well, unless Draco helped it. :D
Do you think the lettuce is a he or she?
Oh. And Draco's not nice. Good point.
bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:10:21 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Maybe Draco was utilizing it's... head?
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:15:38 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Hmmm . . . when contemplating vegetables, I've always been more inclined towards zucchini and carrots . . .
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:20:25 UTC Re: Where to Start |
It was the bananas, really. The melons were just a foil.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:26:11 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Banana and Melon fruit salad is DEVINE.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:27:59 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Nah- melon and orange for me. With some berries tossed in for good measure.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:32:25 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Cherries are good, yes. But not for Draco, mind you.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:36:12 UTC Re: Where to Start |
True. I don't think Slytherin's would like cherries: to soft, to be honest. I think they prefer harder fruit...
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:33:36 UTC Re: Where to Start |
What about peaches? Everyone can get behind peaches.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:35:08 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Mmmmm. Yes, Draco can have peaches, with his bananas.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:37:11 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Meh. I don't really like peaches much... never have done. I found them too sweet. Draco probably dosn't mind one on the odd occasion, though: he has a bit of a sweet tooth, methinks.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:37:34 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Peaches, the fruit for everyone! Though Draco does need his bananas.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:23:13 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Bananas taste good. But I think Draco has to stick with cucumberrs, since he claims to be allergic to B's...
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:24:23 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Well, a little variety is always good. Harry can have the bananas.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:25:16 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yes. I'm sure Harry can appreciate them... :D
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:28:51 UTC Re: Where to Start |
No no no! No melons for Harry! Or oranges!
Just babanas. And he can share Draco's cucumber...
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:30:23 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Exactly. Giving melons to Draco would be encouraging him in the delusion that he LIKES melons.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:38:20 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Bananas, cucumbers, and peaches. Anything else for the fruit salad?
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:47:20 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Spikes = bad. Except in some circles . . .
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:49:12 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Mmm.. spikes good. And you're not supposed to eat the spikes!
How about kiwi? I like kiwi.
bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:49:42 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Filch might agree on the spikes bit...
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:50:32 UTC Re: Where to Start |
I don't want the mental image of Filch eating fruit.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:51:36 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Getting you back for the lettuce comments.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:54:19 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yeah, but lettuce not forget that everyone else saw BOTH the brilliant puns AND your horrible Filch fruit fantasies. That's just not fair.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:55:58 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Lettuce note that I don't care, ;)
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:58:23 UTC Re: Where to Start |
I know. I do feel for my inbox tomorrow, though. *grips delete-button tightly*
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 06:02:14 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Ah, but think how delz's mailbox must feel.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 06:04:24 UTC Re: Where to Start |
*shudder* I feel for it. I must go to bed.
Goodnight everyone!
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 06:05:28 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Ah, the sun is coming up, I should do the same.
One more spam for the inbox!
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:55:29 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Are you feeling sorry for the poor little fruit that's so mercilessly being beheaded?
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:56:21 UTC Re: Where to Start |
But I thought that head was the good part?
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:57:53 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Which is why it's BAD to have it cut off. I was wincing in sympathy for my fruity brethern all the way over here.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 06:01:09 UTC Re: Where to Start |
I guess I just don't appreciate the joy of head. *shrug*
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:02:41 UTC Re: Where to Start |
I do. :D
I bet Harry & Draco do too...
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 06:04:49 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yes. They probably do. So we will avoid the cutting off off important bits.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:05:37 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yes. Wouldn't want to upset poor dears...
(parent)imochan @ May 8 2003, 08:59:36 UTC Re: Where to Start |
you're all the reason Toucan Sam called his cereal what he did.
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:51:27 UTC Re: Where to Start |
He'd probably use them in detentions...
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:52:56 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Oh yes... with peaches. And bananas. And a whole grocery aisle of fruit.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:54:18 UTC Re: Where to Start |
So.... does this mean the missing ingredient from the salad was Filch?
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:57:32 UTC Re: Where to Start |
So... does he need to be cut into smaller pieces, or do we just throw him into the bowl?
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:58:38 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Maybe it's just me, but I think Filch is already pretty small.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:00:12 UTC Re: Where to Start |
*lol* Well, he must be, if the Filch/Mrs.Norris rumours are true...
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:58:18 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Maybe if we bathed him first? Veggies are supposed to be washed before use, after all...
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:59:43 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Really? How strange. I don't. Maybe mine are already washed...
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:01:30 UTC Re: Where to Start |
You don't? *shocked* I thought everyone did it. Then again, I don't wash berries, but mother's neighbour does.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 06:03:07 UTC Re: Where to Start |
No! But then, most of my veggies are more store-bought, and pre-washed in packets or frozen. If you know what I mean. Unless it's calliflower.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:08:14 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Well, I don't wash frozen veggies of course, but I do wash them in packages as well... It's just something mother taught me. You know, all the chemical substances they use to preserve them...
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:55:34 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Eeeeeeeek. Image. Not. Wanted.
*has coffee all over the keyboard*
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:56:49 UTC Re: Where to Start |
What? You don't find Filch delicious? *lol*
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:57:09 UTC Re: Where to Start |
*giggles insanely* I agree with notapipe though, cat hair wouldn't be very fun.
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:58:05 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Not in the slightest. It would get stuck to the fruit juices.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:59:00 UTC Re: Where to Start |
The poor juices! The juices are the best bit! You can't waste them!
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:59:53 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Exactly! And cat hair would completely destroy the taste, and the texture.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 06:01:42 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Oh. Ewww. Yes, yes, that's horrid! No Filch! Bad Filch!
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:04:31 UTC Re: Where to Start |
What do we put in it then? Or who?
I wouldn't mind tasting Draco...
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 06:05:41 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Well, I'll distract Pansy and M.B. for you, you can cope with Dracy & Harry.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 06:05:46 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Harry. Mmm. Bed. Mmm.
;fdg;sdlkgha *falls asleep on keyboard*
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:11:17 UTC Re: Where to Start |
At least you'll be having sweet dreams... :D
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:49:07 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Oh yes. Lets hope she doesn't drain the salad!
I want pineapple juice... *whines*
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 06:08:29 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Okay, then I get Harry.
Also, Terry might be interesting.
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:10:34 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Feel free to! :D You might need to share Terry with someone, though... You can't keep both dears, can you?
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 06:11:31 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Well you could all 5 of you get together in one big happy family =D
*goes to work*
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 06:15:39 UTC Re: Where to Start |
*sings* We are family...
Great idea...
*friends back*
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flyby @ May 8 2003, 11:34:49 UTC Re: Where to Start |
No kiwi please. I am allergic. :( However, I have no problems with melons, bananas, grapefruit or cucumbers. Or any combination thereof.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 23:02:23 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Grapefruit = yuck! Others mentioned are fine.
Are you allergic to Filch? Oh yes, we decided not to use him 'cause he might leave cat hair to the salad...
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:26:46 UTC Re: Where to Start |
After all, he didn't waste time fiddling about with melons.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:00:04 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Lettuce is also not talking back.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:04:30 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yes, he can complain about anything and the lettuce just agrees.
Maybe I should buy a lettuce...
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:15:52 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Listening without talking back or buying lettuce?
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:20:01 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Given that she seems commited to the banana diet for Draco, I think the former is probably more likely.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:57:16 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Pansy committed herself to banana while Draco was away?
*innocent look*
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:11:41 UTC Re: Where to Start |
That's it. We've solved it. He called it Harry and it didn't talk back. He must have been *crushed* when it was taken away . . .
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:58:15 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Well, the lettuce definitely was. According to Draco, it was close to dripping.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 06:55:10 UTC Re: Where to Start |
*smirks, points at icon and pats your back*
Now, now.
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:00:43 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Certainly. This is usually the best part in a lettuce.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 05:09:19 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Bad puns are fine when you're the one making them.
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 04:42:00 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yes, poor him! He really needs Harry to cuddle him & make it better... too bad Harry probably isn't too excited about the idea right now.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 04:48:16 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Yes. In fact, the lettuce is all Harry's fault. He's just being mean. And spiteful. And . . . oh, no, that was potterstinks.
I just get carried away with the adorableness of his snarky loneliness!
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 04:59:11 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Maybe he calls the lettuce Harry? He must have been upset when it was taken from him... :D
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:10:25 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Wah! Poor PS! *clings* He had Harry taken away from him AGAIN!
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:22:28 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Hate to rain on your parade, but I don't think it was taken from him unwillingly.
"She also took the head of lettuce off of my hands, which was starting to get a bit soft. "
delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:27:02 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Now that gives me nauhty thoughts... He likes Harry the lettuce only when it's hard? :D
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:33:41 UTC Re: Where to Start |
All the lettuce and fruit pr0n, and NOW you get naughty thoughts?
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:35:03 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Well... let's say naughtier than the previous ones. After all, all that banana/cucumbet/orange/melon stuff is so old...
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:41:32 UTC Re: Where to Start |
lolol. In truth. Hmmmm. Maybe going to work would be a Good Thing. But I'll miss out on the cucumber/lettuce pr0n!
(parent)delfeus @ May 8 2003, 05:43:56 UTC Re: Where to Start |
No no! No work. Fruit salad good, work bad.
Of course, the work might pay for the fruit salad...
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:35:43 UTC Re: Where to Start |
Vegtables are much dirtier than fruit.
(parent)![]() |
flyby @ May 8 2003, 11:29:44 UTC Re: Where to Start |
After all, so many of them grow in the ground.
(parent)cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 03:29:17 UTC |
*cuddles the ever-so-nasty and yet adorable wuss* Everyone's being so mean to him! Now, if only he didn't *deserve* it . . .
(parent)darlulu @ May 8 2003, 03:44:53 UTC |
Of course, I only heard about this through word of mouth, as I've not had the time nor interest to check these wretched little journals as of late.
A bit convenient, huh? Best not to dwell on Dear Old Daddy's humiliating lapse into shiny Looshionia, I suppose... ;)
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:03:06 UTC |
At least - best not to comment them and have a nice excuse for not participating.
(Of course he read his journals. What Slytherin would not make use of a perfect source of information?)
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:54:16 UTC |
Precisely, and he's had plenty of time if no one's been talking to him. Poor shiny!Lucius. Not even acknowledged by his own son.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 06:49:04 UTC |
I think After-Shiny!Lucius would be rather thankful.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:04:09 UTC |
Okay. I don't normally do this, but: squee. Squee, squee, squee.
Notes, composed as I read:
"Nurse Feratu" - \m/
I've caught a cold. - You're breaking my heart. Really.
However, none were there, so I ended up spending the entirety of the weekend alone in a theatre with a head of lettuce. - I still haven't recovered from the blinking seizure this sentance has caused.
He kept the lettuce until Monday morning. Wow. Umm.... *blink*. That's just so... yeah. It's like a more insane version of pathetic!Harry.
my application was rejected. - So then there's no use for this? Damn.
IHowever, I suspect she has somehow slowed time, as these detentions appear to last approximately eight years each. It is no small wonder that I've managed to maintain my youthful glow in the old age I've surely wandered into from all the time spent in detention. - Oh how I missed you, potterstinks.
On Tuesday I was given an hour to feed all of the animals at Hogwarts, which I could only assume included Weasley, who tried to shove a potato down my throat when I attempted to lay out a trough for him. - See above
I concluded that the lake is deep. - Oh how I wish I could have lab writeups like this.
So Draco feels like a raincloud, and Millicent like an Army Tank. How A) cool, B) muggle and C) confirming of so much our theorizing.
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:04:38 UTC |
So then there's no use for this?
You can always make it your icon. WE would appreciate it.
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:13:46 UTC |
No, still nice.
Do you know the "next Minister Of Magic" yet? - How often are they elected anyway?
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 05:48:44 UTC |
Well, if the election were held today, Fudge would win by a landslide against the centrist Percy who basically just agrees with everything Fudge says but does it with a more hesitant voice and more belief in censorship...
(parent)milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 06:50:15 UTC |
Not if Draco applied for the job.
Definitely still the prettiest contestant.
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 06:59:18 UTC |
Sure, he's pretty, but he doesn't have much governmental experience. Only one term as a Prefect. And he doesn't have much support outside his racist geographic base.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 07:27:05 UTC |
Okay, so Percy would at least have two years as a Prefect and one year as Head Boy. And nearly two years of administration background in the MoM.
But he's still unable to decide unless he doesn't know all the facts. (And I mean ALL the facts.)
While Fudge has been MoM for years, cannot give a single decision without having Dumbledore backing him up, messes up majorly all the time and no one trusts him to do anything right.
I think I wouldn't want to vote in that one. *runs off to New Zealand*
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 16:06:39 UTC |
Well, there's always Arthur Weasley, who has lots of experience in the MoM and with a comphrensive stapler plan for all.
Do you think Dean Thomas could put on a few pounds, get a bad haircut and run for MoM?
Hmmmm, it's a bit harder finding parallels after that. Especially for my favorites.
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 16:15:10 UTC Re: |
I'd rather keep Dean as nice to look on as he is now. *smirks and leers at Dean's icons*
(parent)greenapricot @ May 8 2003, 08:03:23 UTC |
Umm.... *blink*. That's just so... yeah. It's like a more insane version of pathetic!Harry.
Exactly what I thought.
bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 04:16:16 UTC |
*cuddles Draco* I mean. First off, I think that it was rather stupid of him to out Harry like that--but being punched in the back? o__O For goodness sakes, I honestly think that's a trifle TOO much, don't you? I mean...
*blinks repeatadly*
*cuddles potterstinks*
notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:24:16 UTC |
He wasn't punched for outing Harry. He was punched for losing points. The House suffered much more than a punch in the back. This doens't excuse Crabbe's actions, but explains them.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 8 2003, 04:28:21 UTC |
True. But it's very out of character, you have to note. Crabbe and Goyle are his protectors--they're not likely to beat him up, even if he has lost all the points that the house has. I just found it a little... unloyal, from very loyal (and stupod) bodyguards.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:31:09 UTC |
Draco also is an asshole to Crabbe. Goyle did not do it, but Crabbe does not seem to be nearly as much a Draco worshipper as he was or Goyle is. Also, the elements of Millicent and Pansy in Draco's social dynamic probably upset the childhood protector setup.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 8 2003, 08:38:45 UTC |
Which presumably was the whole point of taking the House Points away, to give any Slytherin students who might not have cared about what Draco did another reason to be angry at him.
(parent)notapipe @ May 8 2003, 04:25:42 UTC |
Now that my squeeing post is out of the way, let's get down to serious bullshitting.
As I mentioned above, the raincloudness of the raincloud is all Draco's fault, as indicated by Millicent's tank. If he didn't live in the UK or the Pacific Northwest, I would say that he's got issues. However, given his geographic location, I think he's probably just feeling normal. Okay, maybe not. I think that the previous speculation on this mood-related aspect of the spell is pretty thorough and I'm not gonna try to top it. The new element is the very shape of the spell as a cloud. Obviously, moods alone do not decide the form, since, as Millicent notes, her "mood is nowhere near "growing army tank"." I would suggest that the protectionary element of the spell means that not only is it reflective of moods, etc, but it does so in a way that protects them.
Millicent's militant anger is manifested in a protective, safe, military vehical, the tank, so she can destroy, but not be destroyed. This probably has implications Re: her relationships with Terry and Pansy, but I leave that as an exercise.
How can a cloud protect someone? It can do it several ways. There is always the "zap the weasel" factor, but this could be accomplished just as well by a giant tesla coil. Draco does not want to lash out, but rather needs a less physical form of protection. A raincloud following him can protect from several things. First, it protects oneself from proper enjoyment of life, unless you're a crazy person who doesn't live around rain, that is. Second, it protects from the sun, it keeps one in Darkness. Draco either feels he does not deserve the light, or shuns it for some other reason, and 10 bucks says this is because of Harry. This is a horribly incomplete and unfulfilling exegesis here, I'm sure, and I apologize.
Note to self: Preview is your friend.
milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 05:12:33 UTC |
I would suggest that the protectionary element of the spell means that not only is it reflective of moods, etc, but it does so in a way that protects them.
Hmph. Millicent's does, Draco's didn't. He was hit by his own anger flashes and drowned in his pouring depression. Whereas Millicent gets to destroy everything around her - especially other persons' belongings. Why does she get all the fun?
... Maybe because Millicent enjoys her nastiness and the results. Does Draco? I think he's got a bad case of bad conscience.
cirakaite @ May 8 2003, 05:53:03 UTC |
You're making me feel sorry for him again . . . What is it with the Malfoys? They're both so cuddly, and yet, so . . .
(parent)milenalupin @ May 8 2003, 06:51:29 UTC |
Hey, next thing you'll give Draco some cramp medicine...!
(parent)kat99999 @ May 8 2003, 07:46:26 UTC |
I really like the points you raised here, they make a lot of sense. :-)
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 8 2003, 08:33:48 UTC |
Yeah, that seems to be the idea. As angry as Draco seems at everyone his mood is essentially self-directed and depressed. Of course this was kind of obvious beforehand, and Dumbledore Knows All, so Draco's getting rained on and zapped does seem to be the point. Perhaps the idea was to make him realize his moods hurt himself, but of course to someone in that state of mind that's not going to work, particularly when his situation is also providing the entertainment of others.
Meanwhile, other students and (and teachers, I suspect) impressively show themselves to be just about as stupid and lacking in compassion as Draco, once given a righteous cover to hide behind. Muggle studies should plan a field trip to the Jerry Springer Show. That seems to be about the moral level Hogwarts operates at. Draco hardly seems to be the only person walking around with a moldy head of lettuce hoping to find someone at which to throw it.
moonlitpages @ May 8 2003, 23:32:56 UTC |
Exactly- I was rather horrified to hear of Madame Pomfrey refusing to treat Draco's problem by feigning ignorance. How grossly unprofessional. Not that much of the professors are behaving so at the moment anyway (and how we love them for it ;-) ), but still. The idea of a school nurse not treating a student in her care because of personal grudges is just...I just find that so appalling.
(parent)kat99999 @ May 8 2003, 07:45:13 UTC |
I'm actually so glad to see him back, and I love the way there is absolutely no mention of Harry in that long journal post- not because I think Draco should be proud of what he did, but because if he were to offer us anything more, I would be surprised. He's back, he's amusing as ever and I still love the little git despite myself.
More please! *grins happily*
greenapricot @ May 8 2003, 08:06:44 UTC |
Ah, It's so good to see his scowling little face again. Or atleast I imagine that he is scowling. This has made my morning (and also wasted an awful lot of time, but it's a happy wasting).
(parent)zorb @ May 8 2003, 08:25:30 UTC |
As if it weren't bad enough to spend time with house-elves, drunk house-elves on top of that are hardly my idea of a fine time.
Note to eyes: do not skim over important words like "of that." Squickage will result.
imochan @ May 8 2003, 08:52:56 UTC |
>:D< Lettuce!Draco and Raincloud!Draco all in one post. My life is not only complete, it is in excess.
blue_lightning @ May 8 2003, 08:54:10 UTC however... |
one has to wonder when the animosity against him will stop. Will it? Will the fact that he's posted again in a manner befitting all his posts (snarky to the max, and with a sense of humour all his own), which shows that he's ready and willing to return to normal, be enough to stay the violence? Or will the school continue to pummel and hex him without end? I'm sure Vector's detentions aren't letting up just yet, but surely there'll be a point when student vigilantes stop harming him for this particular offense.
-_- and don't tell me "of course they'll stop attacking him for this! when he moves on to his next offense!"
*sigh* I really hope that there will come a point when someone - Harry, Remus? - just tells the school to STOP. *crosses fingers* I really hope it's Harry. Even though I know this Harry is too quiet to do that.
Ah well... Yay, Draco! Good to see you're alive and well.
sistermagpie @ May 8 2003, 09:15:11 UTC Re: however... |
But then, why would anybody want to stop hexing and pummeling Draco when they've got tacit staff approval, not to mention most of the school to back them up? Many of them have probably convinced themselves they're quite heroic. They might get bored with it, eventually, of course, but I don't think anybody wants to give up that nice feeling of power and superiority one gets thinking they're inherently better than somebody else (Draco certainly knows about that).
(parent)blue_lightning @ May 8 2003, 09:24:33 UTC exactly |
the madame pomfrey thing was especially disappointing. He went there for help. Maybe the wizarding world is just a tad different, but don't their physicians also have an oath to which they've sworn?
*sigh* You're quite right. The school is still revelling in the fact that it has a scapegoat the students can pick on whenever they're feeling a little cruddy themselves. Even Dumbledore's assistance, via the raincloud, was not exactly helpful; it did as much damage to Draco as it did to everyone else. Which is why I realize only people like Harry and Remus can possibly bring an end to this. But what are the chances of that happening? Harry's too quiet and Remus is too distracted with other matters right now.
*snerk* Unless his female/protective instincts kick in. lol.
ah, draco... whatever shall become of you?
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fourscore @ May 8 2003, 09:45:14 UTC Re: exactly |
Well, I don't think they're playing Kick the Draco just because they're in bad moods - it's obviously because of the homophobia. In fact, it's kind of like the reverse of what would happen in a typical school during this time. If a kid came out accidentally in the later nineties, it's quite possible that he would have been treated exactly as Draco is being treated. Here, in the middle of a very gay-friendly environment, the homophobe is treated that way. It's interesting.
I doubt Draco would be interested in Remus's help. Besides that, Remus really isn't the only teacher in the school. He may think and act like he's the answer to everything, but he's not.
blue_lightning @ May 8 2003, 10:20:21 UTC ... |
"I don't think they're playing Kick the Draco just because they're in bad moods "
well, of course they have good reason, but I was only highlighting the fact that if anyone DID want to vent, Draco is a pretty good target right now.
". Here, in the middle of a very gay-friendly environment, the homophobe is treated that way. It's interesting."
yes, that is rather interesting, isn't it? ^_^ Only at Hogwarts.
"I doubt Draco would be interested in Remus's help"
It's not about Draco wanting Remus's help, but the fact that Remus is respected enough by most of the students that if he were against the continued vigilante violence against Draco, the students would fall in line.
"Remus really isn't the only teacher in the school."
He may not be the only teacher in the school, but he's one of the few who would and could stop this. Snape certainly isn't going to, and neither is Sirius. Pomfrey refused him treatment, and Dumbledore gave him a kind of protection that was also a punishment. Vector's always going to bear down hard on him. the arithmancy teacher used to be all for draco, but I haven't heard much from her as of late. I can see you're not an emphatic Remus fan, but he is the one who warned the students not to go vigilante on Draco in the first place, and he told Ron to stop ranting at Draco in response to The Post that started all of this. He's already proved that he wants punishment to be delivered fairly, and by the school, not the students. That's why I figure he's one of Draco's best chances at stopping the attacks by the other student.
However, in the end, I don't think anyone will come out and st
sistermagpie @ May 8 2003, 11:00:53 UTC Re: exactly |
Well, I don't think they're playing Kick the Draco just because they're in bad moods - it's obviously because of the homophobia....Here, in the middle of a very gay-friendly environment, the homophobe is treated that way. It's interesting.
I mostly agree although I think there are other things going on as well. Draco probably represents a lot of things to a lot of people and they're happy to have a "good" reason to go after him--after all, it's not like Colin's been attacked by random people. I think a lot of people love watching Draco suffer no matter what the reason; he brings out this reaction in a lot of people. In general though, yes, it's just the reverse of what might have happened elsewhere (not in my high school, kids appear to be much scarier elsewhere or nowadays!). There is, of course, a difference between attacking people for what they are (which homophobia does) and attacking them for beliefs or actions that harm others (which is what attacking homophobia is more about), but I don't think the attacks on Draco really have much to do with changing his views or protecting Harry et al.
I doubt Draco would be interested in Remus's help. Besides that, Remus really isn't the only teacher in the school. He may think and act like he's the answer to everything, but he's not.
LOL! It's true--we do need to remember that Remus is human with his own agenda like everybody else. It doesn't seem like he takes ps's feelings regarding his family very seriously and his alliances in that unit are all too clear for Draco to listen to him. For instance, right after things happened he said Narcissa shouldn't dwell on the past and just be a good parent now, like she was. And I thought, well, who is Remus in that specific situation which obviously comes from a lot of hurt on Draco's part towards his family, to absolve her entirely? I'm not talking about blaming Narcissa for Draco's actions there, just saying that if one really wants to understand what he's feeling I think he's made it clear his family is part of it. Lupin's encouragement in this matter is really not as neutral as he describes it.
I feel like the Malfoys have obviously been screwed up for centuries--on a visit to grandma's they never see grandma unless she's criticizing things; Lucius says he never saw his father except for punishment; Narcissa's mother is completely unsympathetic when she shows up at her house. The difference with Draco, it seems to me, is that he seems unable to play the game the way his parents learned to. HHe keeps demanding things from his parents that perhaps they never got themselves. Because of that, in his own beastly way, he's the salvation of this family.
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fourscore @ May 8 2003, 12:30:53 UTC Re: exactly |
a difference between attacking people for what they are (which homophobia does) and attacking them for beliefs or actions that harm others (which is what attacking homophobia is more about), but I don't think the attacks on Draco really have much to do with changing his views or protecting Harry et al.
Oh, there definately is but I think a lot of the attacks can be traced back with a clear reason. Crabbe threatened to give Draco "a pounding" when Draco got the whole school detention, and so it's clear he did it because of Slytherin without really caring about the rest. (Although he could.) The Gryffindor who cursed his esophagus... obviously that's impossible to tell, but it seems likely that it would be because of Harry. Of course that can only be speculation.
I do think that the attacks definately started in defense of Harry/homosexuality/etc, but I think from there people went, "Hey, everyone else is hexing him, what a great opportunity!"
It doesn't seem like he takes ps's feelings regarding his family very seriously and his alliances in that unit are all too clear for Draco to listen to him.
Yes, I agree. I've noticed a lot of people here in Nraged looking to see Remus as Draco's savior, and it makes me kind of want to twitch. I love Remus in NA. I think he's written brilliantly. But I also think that Remus Lupin the character (canon wise) is written to be too perfect. If he were a female teacher (no pun intended) in the books, I think people would probably call him a Mary Sue.
The dark, secret past. Everyone's favorite teacher. Friends with Harry's parents. Leaves on his own behalf so no one gets upset.
Now, that has nothing to do with Remus in NA - that's just how I feel the character is written. I also think he's a little too perfect in NA - which again is nothing against the player, because that's how I see him in canon, so it's a canon characterization. He is there for Narcissa, he's there for Harry, he palled around with Ron, he talked books with Hermione, he bests Snape, he makes Sirius want to be monogomous (and I love the Sirius/Remus), he gives advice to Seamus and Dean, and his is the mild, appropriate temper. Which is why the idea of Remus being Draco's personal savior makes me twitch. It's just a little over the top for me.
But again, I think this is all canon - my agony with the character being too perfect are perfectly suited to the way I feel about him in canon.
I also think this is the kind of person that Draco really hates, which is why I was mystified when I saw someone say (and I don't even remember where this was) that Remus was the only teacher Draco respected. I'm not even sure where that came from, but since then all the Savior!Lupin threads have stuck out to me and made me very confused. Mainly in the idea that Draco would discover Lupin is his favorite teacher - Draco really seems to loathe anyone who does anything/everything perfectly. Maybe because he can't do it himself, and of course his jealous nature. Harry is obviously an example of that. I think in Draco's eyes, Harry does do everything perfect. Or at least, in Draco's eyes, everyone else sees everything Harry does as perfect.
I feel like the Malfoys have obviously been screwed up for centuries--
And they continue being screwed up to this day! I'll never forgive Narcissa for pulling what she did on Draco - of many things, the one that sticks out the most to me is the fact that she continuously said homosexuality was against being a Malfoy, that it didn't exist, and then pulled the carpet out from under him when he finally (publicly) agreed with her. Given that that post was made after he blew his top over Harry and Narcissa, I think he probably picked that topic in part because he knew Narcissa was so against homosexuality. And then to call him disgusting for practicing what she preached? I know this has been gone over many times, but I really can't get over it!
And even now, Narcissa's only concerns about Draco seem to have to do with herself - finding him because it's upsetting her, making certain he's not lost when someone points out it makes her look like a bad mother, but not caring when Remus makes it publicly clear that Draco needs a BODYGUARD to go to class.
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Anonymous @ May 8 2003, 17:07:44 UTC Re: exactly |
i don't think it's just a coincidence that girl!Remus's default icon is Rowling herself. ^_^
sistermagpie @ May 8 2003, 19:38:47 UTC Re: exactly |
I do think that the attacks definately started in defense of Harry/homosexuality/etc, but I think from there people went, "Hey, everyone else is hexing him, what a great opportunity!"
Ah yes, that's just how I see it.
Draco really seems to loathe anyone who does anything/everything perfectly. Maybe because he can't do it himself, and of course his jealous nature.
I'd never thought of it that way but I think you're right. Also I don't think he's the type to ever believe someone is helping just to help--there would have to be an ulterior motive from his pov. Plus, look at who Remus is connected to: Harry's godfather, Sirius' fiance, the guy who encourages Narcissa to stay away from home, friend of the Weasleys and oh yeah, the guy who introduces her to Harry.
And then to call him disgusting for practicing what she preached? I know this has been gone over many times, but I really can't get over it!
Oh, I am so there with you on that. Also, the phrase, "apparently I can't do anything right," makes me growl no matter who says it. I just shake my head in amazement how this has become "A Mother's Tragedy" based on her son not answering her owls for a few days and not being there when she came to his school. Based on the descriptions we've gotten of his childhood I imagine she's used to getting very very positive reaction whenever she initiates contact because it was so often witheld. I admit to being very pleased that this particular line of attack has no effect on Draco. He's the bad guy with Harry, he's not the bad guy with her.
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Anonymous @ May 8 2003, 20:15:39 UTC Re: however... |
tacit staff approval
I'm not so sure about that. Lupin explicitly said that there should be no "vigilante" actions on the part of students. There's the nurse, but we only have Draco's biased take on that interaction. Other professors have expressed displeasure with his behavior and assigned punishment, but I'm not seeing that we should take the extra step and assume such bad professorial behavior in the corridors.
Also, it's uncertain how many people agree/disagree with Draco's homophobia. After all, theoretically the people on LJs are only a very small cross-section of the school. Whose views are more like the majority: people like Lavander and Colin or people like Seamus and the Weasleys?
I'd say that just as much as people might see themselves as defenders of Harry/homosexuality, it just as possible that people that he's hurt/hexed/thrown blood on in the past are just using this as an opportunity to get some of their own back.
Very high school that when the cruel school bully /popular kid starts to finally slip in power we have a feeding frenzy where all those he's stepped on remember their grievances.
(Also: go me! theory on Dumbledore involvement confirmed!)
Ugh. Other people find potterstinks charming... and he does have a certain spoiled brat endearingness, but I'm just starting to find him tiresome (not the player, who is acting wonderfully, the character itself). blah blah self-pity blah blah sneering nasty comment blah blah twisted half truth blah blah why is the world not revolving around me properly.
I know my desires have no effect on how things proceed and I am still strangely hoping for the H/D, but right now: oh, please, please let Harry be cured of his crush.
sistermagpie @ May 8 2003, 22:08:53 UTC Re: however... |
I'm not so sure about that. Lupin explicitly said that there should be no "vigilante" actions on the part of students. There's the nurse, but we only have Draco's biased take on that interaction. Other professors have expressed displeasure with his behavior and assigned punishment, but I'm not seeing that we should take the extra step and assume such bad professorial behavior in the corridors.
I'm referring more to the fact that he seems to have been hexed etc. repeatedly over the week. Now, I know that ps is hardly a person you go to for an unbiased version of events but I believed him about the specific hexes etc.
Ugh. Other people find potterstinks charming... and he does have a certain spoiled brat endearingness, but I'm just starting to find him tiresome (not the player, who is acting wonderfully, the character itself). blah blah self-pity blah blah sneering nasty comment blah blah twisted half truth blah blah why is the world not revolving around me properly.
That's the drill, yeah. And I do think we're seeing people who have plenty of reasons to dislike him getting back at him. (Although I do find it kind of impossible to imagine that Colin et al. are actually the majority opinion. Yes these ljs only represent a segment of the population but they're mostly what we have to go on. It seems to be asking a bit much for us to assume that these kids are unique amongst the whole school.)
In general, I'm not even thinking about the H/D at the moment. It doesn't seem like it's something that ps, at least, is in any way ready for. I'm not sure that Harry would be cured of his crush, though. Whatever he liked in him is probably still there. It's funny...I've found this post less like you described it. I mean, he's always like you said sneer, nasty comment, half-truth, twisted story, why is the world not revolving around me... but here I found it much less tiresome given his circumstances. This is sheer stubborness where before it was more...I dunno...trying to be annoying.
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Anonymous @ May 8 2003, 20:15:40 UTC Re: however... |
tacit staff approval
I'm not so sure about that. Lupin explicitly said that there should be no "vigilante" actions on the part of students. There's the nurse, but we only have Draco's biased take on that interaction. Other professors have expressed displeasure with his behavior and assigned punishment, but I'm not seeing that we should take the extra step and assume such bad professorial behavior in the corridors.
Also, it's uncertain how many people agree/disagree with Draco's homophobia. After all, theoretically the people on LJs are only a very small cross-section of the school. Whose views are more like the majority: people like Lavander and Colin or people like Seamus and the Weasleys?
I'd say that just as much as people might see themselves as defenders of Harry/homosexuality, it just as possible that people that he's hurt/hexed/thrown blood on in the past are just using this as an opportunity to get some of their own back.
Very high school that when the cruel school bully /popular kid starts to finally slip in power we have a feeding frenzy where all those he's stepped on remember their grievances.
(Also: go me! theory on Dumbledore involvement confirmed!)
Ugh. Other people find potterstinks charming... and he does have a certain spoiled brat endearingness, but I'm just starting to find him tiresome (not the player, who is acting wonderfully, the character itself). blah blah self-pity blah blah sneering nasty comment blah blah twisted half truth blah blah why is the world not revolving around me properly.
I know my desires have no effect on how things proceed and I am still stragely hoping for the H/D, but right now: oh, please, please let Harry be cured of his crush.