stefijeanw @ 2003-05-09 14:45:00 |
(no title)
Harry has posted!
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 13:02:05 UTC |
I wonder if anyone here has tried to figure out who the players are?
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 14:10:24 UTC |
lupercus @ May 9 2003, 13:34:25 UTC Re: dangerous!lupin |
Well, don't hold anything back, now.
notapipe @ May 9 2003, 16:21:53 UTC |
I guess saying that "You're sexy when you're angry" is too cliche?
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 13:22:47 UTC |
that isn't even snape! it's fake!snape. i'm the real snape!
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 13:32:26 UTC |
grr argh boo!
six million points from gryffindor!
i hate everything!
notapipe @ May 9 2003, 13:10:17 UTC Pretend the sound of squeeing you hear emanating from me is much more dignified, don't ask me why |
Best line? "The wedding would have been just too weird if he wasn't a man again." It was a very nice counterpoint to Lavender and Pavarti's bullshit about "normal weddings" with "Mummy and Daddy and little babies".
Also, because I cannot stop about Lavender, check out her response to Neville, the opposite of Harry's positive reaction to Remus turning back.
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 13:51:46 UTC Re: !!!!! |
Harry would give anything to be normal, so he only talks about normal things. Like today's post; lots of Best Men have this same issue. It seems that he is deathly afraid of burdening people with his troubles; I wish he'd find someone to talk to. It breaks my heart to see him like this.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 9 2003, 18:06:08 UTC Re: !!!!! |
I love the way just_harry's always been very clear on this journal issue--his player sticks to it even though at times I'm sure it's tempting to want to get dramatic. He's doing this journal under duress and does not want anybody really knowing his feelings on important things. He would never think of referencing anything so intimate and painful as the whole ps debacle--particularly since he wants everybody to just forget about it, but what he doesn't say speaks volumes.
It's so sweet, though, the way everyone is obviously trying so hard to do something. Ron's letting him win at chess, which Harry appreciates as a gesture but isn't excited about in itself--he knows Ron's not really playing and he doesn't really care about chess anyway. Everybody else is just so trying to pat him on the back via the speech because it's the only thing he's dared post. There's all this affection packed into, "You'll do fine. Whatever you say, you'll do fine."
I wonder, too, whether his post isn't somewhat timed against ps's. Not in a flirting way. Just that wasn't looking forward to posting again so it would make sense, imo, if he waited until ps resurfaced to see what to expect. Since ps has obviously decided to go back to bratty normal Harry may have now pushed himself to post as well--very neutrally, of course.
novembersnow @ May 9 2003, 14:02:19 UTC |
Ron wants to play chess again now, since we get a free hour. I've won about ten games off of him in the last two weeks, which is kind of new.
Awwwwww. <3 Ron.
darlulu @ May 9 2003, 17:25:12 UTC |
The wedding would have been just too weird if he wasn't a man again.
As someone above said, this was a nice, subtle response to Lavender's previous assertions as to the 'rightness' of a union between a man and a woman, unnatural though it may be with respect to the particular scenario at the heart of her comments. In hindsight, I quite appreciate how vividly Lupin's transformation to a woman challenged all of the NA players' assumptions of normality and the very definition of what most would consider natural.
Ron wants to play chess again now, since we get a free hour. I've won about ten games off of him in the last two weeks, which is kind of new.
*schnoogles Ron for sacrificing his claim to fame by bolstering Harry up in his time of need*
I know what I want to say, but I'm not even very good at giving speeches in class, so I'm pretty nervous about it.
*schnoogles Harry for his adorable nervousness*
I can't wait for the wedding to commence!
*schnoogles NA*
And no, I cannot be held responsible for my incessant schnoogling today - I'm in much too good of a mood to manage anything else. I suppose I could glomp if glomping were required though... ;)
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 21:43:08 UTC <3333 |
God, Harry is such a sweetie! I adore how he's very careful about what he puts in his journal.
Looking at replies:
I'm assuming Pansy replied just to spread the smarm, but find it very interesting that Narcissa replied. Has she ever commented to Harry before? Of course, she's closer to Remus and Sirius lately, and she did seem to find Harry polite and sweet, but I can't help but wonder if she's 1. trying to make up for Draco's behavior (feeling abit responsible as his Mother) or 2.doing this to provoke Draco in some way. Or a mixed bag of all of these.
Also: Neville's back! It's nice to see his character active again! I still have hopes that he and his grandmother's reaction to Lavander might hit what I see as an "issue" N_A hasn't tackled yet: prejudice against muggles. (We've touched on the werewolf prejudice metaphor, homosexuality, being a woman, and we're starting eating disorders...) Looking at some of Snape's posts I'm also thinking that maybe Neville--not Harry--is his suspect as "the one behind it all"
Finally: Harry's back to not using userpics again! Back in his little turtle shell. *wah*
*pets Harry*