luleh @ 2003-05-09 22:12:00 |
Narcissa is getting pissed!
The Silent treatment is not going well.
Interesting that she put repressed in bold, eh?
sistermagpie @ May 9 2003, 19:23:24 UTC |
Yup, that's just what I noticed. I'm repeating myself, but it will be tres creepy if Mum starts joining with Sirius in poking at his sexuality. Ick. She could, though, just be talking about his memory. I don't mind it if she gets spiteful but, you know, Mum/weirdo son's horror of sexuality--not a good mix.
Generally, though, I think pissed is good. I like it. Of course, I don't know what Draco's plan here is, exactly, but getting people mad at him isn't out of character for him. I guess--fake psychology knowledge here--Draco may be trying to push Narcissa into announcing she likes Harry better or never liked him. That seems like the kind of perverse thing he does.
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 20:43:41 UTC |
Without being considerate about PS's further embarrassment, this provoking post might work, if her only purpose 's any kinds of his response.
I have no clue about PS's plan, but I don't think he'd like his mother to announce anything involving j_h. It's too masochistic for him in this current situation.
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fourscore @ May 9 2003, 20:46:56 UTC |
Well, there are two ways to look at Narcissa's post - either at face value, or that repressed was a hint. Myself I think that repressed was just an unfortunate choice of words that we being analytical slash fans automatically assumed meant that she was implying he was gay. But I don't think that's particularly NA's style, to have his mother do that. Of course I could be wrong but it doesn't feel like an NA thing to do.
(parent)black_dog @ May 9 2003, 22:14:19 UTC |
Oh I don't know if he's still focused on Narcissa/Harry so much. I think he's just really angry and hurt. I mean, he spent the weekend in the garden with a head of lettuce, waiting for someone to come looking for him, and no one did. So why should he reward Narcissa for her big melodramatic scene in the dungeons after Vector chastised her? Why should he serve as an enabler to some sort of maudlin, self-congratulatory reconciliation scene, which Narcissa will no doubt script as soon as he talks with her again, and after which she will no doubt go back to ignoring him?
I do think PS is playing a bit of a game with Lucius and Narcissa. See how he seems ready to forgive Lucius all, once Lucius talks to him nicely? Is he trying to make Narcissa jealous, or sorry? If so, he may be miscalculating, because I think Lucius is only being kind to him for the sake of reconciling with Narcissa.
BTW just a little art note, here -- I love the way Narcissa is pictured in front of Goya's Executions of the Third of May. Whose side of that conflict do you suppose the Malfoys sympathized with?
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Anonymous @ May 10 2003, 11:16:56 UTC |
I love the way Narcissa is pictured in front of Goya's Executions of the Third of May. Whose side of that conflict do you suppose the Malfoys sympathized with?
Isn't that just lovely?
sistermagpie @ May 10 2003, 14:39:39 UTC |
I think you've got the right idea here. I may have actually underestimated ps. I didn't think he was capable of this kind of control.:-) I know--although I'm not particularly proud of it--that I would probably do something like this in the situation; decide she didn't exist, but he doesn't usually seem to have the attention span for that. If he's actually sticking to a resolution to not speak to her because he's figured out this is what will happen if he does (and it is what I think would happen) he's possibly made a small breakthrough!
His response to Lucius didn't quite seem ready to forgive all to me, though. He's basically saying, "Of course I'm a Malfoy. Don't worry about me," which for ps is surprisingly self-reliant sounding. He didn't say anything about Lucius' gift or take him up on his offer for a mediwizard. It just sounded a tad more independent than normal, or maybe suspicious. He would never ignore Lucius outright but this was as close as he could come, I thought. He doesn't seem to have gotten in touch with him otherwise.
black_dog @ May 10 2003, 15:33:49 UTC Re: |
On second thought I think you're right about Lucius. The key point is that "he would never ignore Lucius outright." I thought that by speaking to Lucius he was making a contrast to his reaction to his mother, but you're right, basically he would never dare give Lucius the silent treatment. And with that in mind, his remarks are pretty tight lipped and minimal.
What you say about PS's "breakthrough" with Narcissa and increased self-reliance with Lucius feeds into some things I was thinking about about PS's last few posts. I'm going to toss out some ideas on this on a new thread, so they don't get buried.
black_dog @ May 9 2003, 22:23:49 UTC |
Your main point, of course, was about the use of the word "repressed," which I disregarded in favor of general Draco-schmoop and Narcissa-bashing. Sorry.
I can't see Narcissa using it as a deliberate dig at Draco's sexuality. I don't think she has enough insight for that, or enough subtlety to attack him that way if she did. It sounds, rather, like a Vector word, perhaps a word Vector would have reason to throw at Narcissa during one of their drunken conversations. But that's just speculation.
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Anonymous @ May 9 2003, 20:01:30 UTC |
I was wondering whether she'd ever clearly understand why her past actions and opinions causing PS tremendous pains and even preventing him from communicating with her. It seems like she 's frustrated because his lack of communication , but does not truly understand the actual reasons at all.