bookshop @ 2003-05-10 01:53:00 |
(no title)
Mood: ecstatic
qrt qeri; j3ip6u3 rto;huq34thpo3htgu
bookofjude @ May 9 2003, 23:56:21 UTC |
Prized student? Terrorist house elves? *throws head back and screams laughter*
(parent)thessamunga @ May 9 2003, 23:59:41 UTC |
sdvlksh;dlv wevwoevhg sdvnsjdkvjg !!!! 5rg30548gy!!! :D :D
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 00:28:18 UTC |
I am looking at your icon, and I don't know what to think. I'm torn between liking it and insulting his neck.
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 00:59:57 UTC |
It is a nice chin. I'll give him that. Though it doesn't make up for his neck.
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ex_meiko437 @ May 10 2003, 01:43:38 UTC |
he could bring more to the character
WHOOPS. ::grin::
longtimegone @ May 10 2003, 00:03:28 UTC |
First time to comment or post here. Love NA and one day I am going to sit down and read through ALL the journals....
This post is a scream. I <3 potterstinks. He's just too spoiled and mean spirited. These guys are all brilliant!
moonlitpages @ May 10 2003, 00:11:44 UTC |
*falls over dead of shock* I have no words. Mainly because it's 3 am, but also because he's fine! Hee.
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Anonymous @ May 10 2003, 00:15:04 UTC !!!!! |
DUDE!!! What happened to the mood of enragement!!! What am I missing???!!
*runs around in circles*
Is it like, he and Harry are now trying their damnedest be be more okay and normal than before?
(noting the uncharacteristic ebullience of j_h in his replies and the happy new userpic... or perhaps he just thrilled about the wedding? Agh! Me I know nothing, and no one tells me...)
notapipe @ May 10 2003, 00:26:32 UTC Re: he strikes fear into the hearts of many |
I am so with you. I just sat there, in a state of shock repeating "holy fucking mother of fuck, what the fuck?" over and over for about a minute on seeing that.
And of course, we also get NO HINTS as to WHY he's fine. I'm certianly not fine anymore, I'm going insane.
wednesday_tea @ May 10 2003, 11:02:55 UTC Re: he strikes fear into the hearts of many |
The enragement is so commonplace-to see it changed is UOIGWEHLJ (O_o Ignore that.)!!! What's wrong, Draco?! We know something's wrong if you're not enraged. This is so weird.
(parent)darlulu @ May 10 2003, 00:25:56 UTC |
Somehow I wonder if he merely scrolled down too far to the 'f's instead of 'e's of mood, and that he'll be appropriately enraged when he notes his heinous error tomorrow. If not, what kind of statement is he trying to make?
He couldn't be more *not* fine if he tried right now, so is this just a rather pitiful attempt to save face, or something more..?
I guess we'll soon see...
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Anonymous @ May 10 2003, 00:31:42 UTC |
Perhaps he is just sinking ever more deeply into denial?
Like the Black Knight "I'm FINE! Just a flesh wound! Come back here; I'll bite off your kneecaps!"
notapipe @ May 10 2003, 00:33:56 UTC |
An excellent theory, EXCEPT it's WRONG. "fine" isn't even one of the moods on the scroll box(at least for the web updater and Sema. I don't know about Win32-MFC and Win32-LochJ, but I'm guessing it's the same). He had to TYPE IT IN. Not to mention all the stuff BETWEEN "fine" and "enraged". No, this is deliberate. Recommence squeeing.
(parent)imochan @ May 10 2003, 11:36:25 UTC |
*desperate squee of confused despair*
O___o i feel as if the world has been turned into a pineapple cake. the upside-down kind.
tabiji @ May 10 2003, 00:52:11 UTC |
Oh my. Fine indeed. Hmmmm. I for one am holding my breath that the "fine" mood has something to do with the showers that he also mentioned. :)
(parent)wednesday_tea @ May 10 2003, 11:07:23 UTC Re: and isn't Harry all of a sudden too chipper?? |
Totally not a coincidence! Was I the only one who thought the "Actually, I am" sounded really...truthful, or something? Like it wasn't really a cover for anything? Or maybe he's just being snarky again and I'm slow and dumb. *Plots* Sooomethiing happened, methinks...
(parent)tabiji @ May 10 2003, 00:59:59 UTC |
Whoa...and he was singing too?!
Ack...I certainly can't go to bed now!
notapipe @ May 10 2003, 01:02:09 UTC |
Dude, and he didn't stop by Pansy's. This may even be the cause of his feeling better, if we read his reply in the nastiest sense we can.
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 01:45:29 UTC |
Your icon is A) cool, and B) Causing epileptic seizures.
(parent)tabiji @ May 10 2003, 01:48:55 UTC |
ACK! Seriously? Is it doing a bad strobe thing? It's pretty slow on my pieceofcrapcomputer, so I can't tell. I better slow it down!
...and thanks :)
notapipe @ May 10 2003, 01:55:10 UTC |
I dunno, I think it's not so much FAST as much as the the strobe just looks all weird. It doesn't look like a proper strobe light, which is why I couldn't recognize it as such.
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 01:54:10 UTC Re: and moreover... |
except wouldn't he be using SLYTHERIN showers? How would that lead to fishiness? Some sort of illict shower-encounter with Goyle?
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fourscore @ May 10 2003, 03:36:35 UTC Re: and moreover... |
Hermione is the Gryffindor prefect.
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luleh @ May 10 2003, 02:08:20 UTC Re: and moreover... |
It might be extemely nitpicky and searching too hard for something of me, but I thought the lack of paragraphs was odd.
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luleh @ May 10 2003, 02:09:32 UTC Re: and moreover... |
Er, I don't know if I made much sense...
But I mean how his post is one big ole block of text instead of being broken up into paragraphs.
tonic_x @ May 10 2003, 09:02:19 UTC Re: and moreover... |
Definitely rushed. Not even a paragraph break. VERY WEIRD.
Fine. jkdlgsjeotgsega'f'a;flas!!!!!!
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 01:58:09 UTC |
And he isn't using his "I have a shapely girlfriend" icon with Pansy at all.
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hezzabeth @ May 10 2003, 02:43:12 UTC |
The fine was defentially kick in the crotch fantastic and the whole Pansy/Draco interaction was rather suspicious. I'm not sure if I buy into the whole Harry and Draco's fun time in the shower theory though.Lets remember that little more then a week ago Draco attempted to humiliate our poor Harry to the worst degree. For them to even resume a physical relationship seems far to soon. Perhaps Draco appologised for his actions? or they reached a some what tentive understanding?
Heh , anythings possible.
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Anonymous @ May 10 2003, 03:20:02 UTC |
Yes, possibly. What else could suddenly make Harry scarily perky like this?
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 12:41:18 UTC HOLD EVERYTHING |
I now have a new, improved and perfect theory:
Harry, taking pity on Draco's foul mood, did a cheering charm on Draco, and Draco responded in kind. Then they left, with no snoggage or understanding or anything. It was COMPLETELY INNOCENT.
Yeah, okay, it sucks.
shusu @ May 10 2003, 12:47:15 UTC Re: HOLD EVERYTHING |
What would we do without you to interpret our groggy three-word explanations?
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 12:50:07 UTC Re: HOLD EVERYTHING |
Probably get thrown out on the street and die destitute and full of syphillis in a cold, dark alley.
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 13:18:11 UTC Re: HOLD EVERYTHING |
Who has syphillis in Nocturne Alley?
(parent)notapipe @ May 10 2003, 16:44:30 UTC Re: HOLD EVERYTHING |
Doesn't that kind of contradict his name?
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fourscore @ May 10 2003, 03:23:52 UTC |
I agree. I really don't think they went off and had sex. I think that's kind of wishful thinking and degrades the seriousness of what Draco did. I think Draco was probably just looking for things to complain about and happened to mention the showers.
< For them to even resume a physical relationship seems far to soon. >
Again I agree but not with "resume" - I don't think they ever had a physical relationship or any kind of relationship at all. Maybe, though, Draco and Harry had some sort of talk, or reconciliation like you said. I don't think Harry is the kidn of person who would act THIS happy to look like he was fine. Pretend everything is normal, yeah, but not go overboard. I think Harry would probably just be happy if Draco said he really wasn't disgusted or something.
Calling it all about sex after this, like I said, feels like it cheapens the plot.
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hezzabeth @ May 10 2003, 03:30:49 UTC Re: |
Sorry about the whole resume thing I'm not exactly sure what their whole friendship involved especially considering how they can be so vague some times.
The whole oh yeah they had lots of crazy sex is pretty naive considering what happened. What I love about Nocturne Alley is the fact that it's above everything else real. It's not like those fan fics where Draco and Harry claim to be eternally in love with each other when they know next to nothing about each other. If they have a relationship it will take time to evolve. Harry is naturally a forgiving person but the way Draco behaved will take a lot of time to get over.
Theres also the fact that I'm not even sure if Draco or Harry are even sexually active. Draco seems almost cold and clinical when it comes to the issue and at times Harry is extremally naive.
I bet they would'nt even know what to do.
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fourscore @ May 10 2003, 03:36:01 UTC |
Well we had it confirmed that they've never even kissed, so I don't think they have a relationship. I think that Draco's homophobia is probably a hurtle they have to get over to get to a relationship. It seems like Draco's homophobia was sort of things coming to a head, Draco publicly saying Harry had tried to kiss him, Harry being outed - I don't think Draco would do that if they'd ever had a relationship because he could be incriminated if that was the case.
< It's not like those fan fics where Draco and Harry claim to be eternally in love with each other when they know next to nothing about each other. If they have a relationship it will take time to evolve. >
I agree totally and that's why I feel like thinking they would be having sex now - without a previous relationship and two weeks after Draco did that - is sort of cheap, and not like the Harry/Draco relationship in NA has been at all. I feel like we were in pre-slash before the homophobia, and now we're maybe going to start going into slash, but that isn't going to start at full throttle I'm sure.
notapipe @ May 10 2003, 16:59:29 UTC |
what about my welcome?
're, and I know I'm being a grammar nazi. there is a reason for this, namely that I got two "you're welcome"s in a row in my inbox, and one was misspelled, and then I kinda needed to do this so I wouldn't get obsessed.