luleh @ 2003-05-11 03:00:00 |
Well, now.......
The reaction to this should be interesting.....
Adopted, eh?
dancingrain @ May 11 2003, 02:15:10 UTC |
I am waiting for Draco's reaction to that more than anything.
For Draco to not necessarily be a pureblood -WOW. I mean, this is possibly the biggest thing yet revealed tonight, except maybe what Lucius said to Draco which then got screened. It has the potential, IMHO, to force Draco to radically shift his whole world concept. I am *so* watching for the reaction to this.
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 02:49:16 UTC |
I also wonder if Draco asked those questions about the DE's and Riddle because he's started to have doubts about all of it.
dancingrain @ May 11 2003, 03:04:09 UTC ooooh. |
Me too, me too! It clearly shows that out of all the questions he could be asking, those are the ones at the top of his mind, liably ones he's been thinking over and wondering about for a long time. So he is looking to find the missing pieces to the puzzle. He's a smart guy and he wants complete information before he makes any choices.
Which, now I think of it, could partly explain both why he's been distant to his parents lately and why he's been distant to Harry, maybe even why he outed harry. He is looking for complete information. IE, if he likes Harry, he needed to do something to get a sense of just how much harry liked him. And seeing if harry would still like him even after draco outed him is as good a test as any, though hardly done with social finesse. And now with this, he took a chance to prod his parents to get more information for that side of the puzzle.
If you want to read it like that, if you're obsessive like me and all, it can completely be read as Draco trying to position himself and get his bases covered and see whether it would be worth it for him to align himself with Harry and not his family. IE, to see whether harry loves him enough to stick by him and stand up for him and protect him, so he wouldn't be giving up his family's protection for nothing, and to see just how much his father personally knows and is involved in.
Now I am getting incredibly excited. :D
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 03:27:14 UTC Re: ooooh. |
Whoa! Very interesting stuff!
Draco did respond to Harry's cut off post in Fred's thread:
You forgot 'y.'
Double meaning? Or just me looking to hard?
sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 09:44:11 UTC |
It's like NA waits until I go to sleep and then, snickering, explodes in wonderfulness. Good God, Veritaseum?! How could I see that coming? It's probably really good I'd gone to sleep otherwise I never would have.
Regarding Narcissa's adoption, it's a little like the gay thing from Draco's pov, I should think. Here he's been told a Malfoy can't be gay and then, oh wait, yes they can. Now he's been told being pureblood is all and oh wait, we don't know if Narcissa is. (In passing I'd say I find it hard to believe families that care about purebloodedness would adopt for that reason--you can, after all, demand a pureblood baby...if Narcissa was adopted there would have to be some specific reason, I'd think.)
I don't think this would be an impossible thing for ps to deal with, odd as that seems. The past few months, possibly have made him more confident about seeing whatever he is is the best instead of seeing himself as best because of what he is (pureblood). At one time it might have rocked his world more but now I think he's removed himself a bit from the whole idea. He's already becoming more independent of his parents so that makes him a little better to deal with one of them not being what they claimed to be.
It's just too excellent that ps is one of the few characters who wasn't effected by this. This was such a triumphant night for him after all he's been through:
*When asked how they felt about Malfoy most people didn't hate him as Colin had claimed. Like the rest of us, they couldn't help but find things to like about him. I liked Lupin's post the most: he was arrogant and honest and amusing in a snide way. It's funny but only Narcissa came out as being the most removed from him in a way, because she still doesn't really "get" who he is and why he's upset with her, even under Veritaseum. There's a lot of reasons to like ps, but his being polite isn't one of them! His conversation with her showed real impressive control for ps--he was so completely unmoved by her answers. That her answers were true may have made him even more cold. Even better, several people said he was handsome.
*He asked his father direct questions about canon things and presumably got an answer. I LOVED that because I think in canon and in here that Draco really does want to know what's going on with things like that and hates being on the outside of it. I didn't take his question about Lily and James to be cold, btw (I know someone mentioned it). Obviously he wasn't being sensitive to Harry by bringing it up but I think it's a genuinely important question and that he didn't ask it to upset Harry. In fact, it shows rather more personal interest in Harry than most people show. Isn't this, after all, probably the question Harry would wonder about...?
*Finally, the most important thing, imo, about it: He didn't ask a single question of j_h. Think about that! There was an incredible possibility to humiliate him there. (Really, Colin probably put into words some of ps's thoughts.) Even his reply to Harry didn't involve kicking him when he was down. He acknowledged Harry's post but didn't say it made him sick or laugh at Harry and say how uninterested he was. Just smugly satisfied: "You forgot y." In general the whole H/D thing was kept very discreet. Harry didn't go into depth about exactly what he liked about Malfoy, he neither disputed nor agreed with Hermione's assessment of it being about Quidditch and Malfoy's looks. He doesn't want to share his feelings about Malfoy with anybody (Loved his threatening to punch Colin if he mentioned his name once more!) Remember Malfoy could easily have asked Harry why he liked him or how much but he didn't.
I think this may very well show a little progress on Draco's part. Let's face it, in the past in this situation ALL of his questions would probably have been to Potter. (I cringe thinking about them: How often do you masturbate? Who do you think about? Does Granger ever annoy you? Are you scared of You-know-who? The possiblities are endless.)