darlulu @ 2003-05-11 03:19:00 |
(no title)
Mood: bouncy
You forgot 'y.'
And if PS' chosen icon is any indication, he's 'smugly satisfied' with Harry's half-admission. ;)
dancingrain @ May 11 2003, 03:30:58 UTC |
and now i have something to be truly happy about so i can finally go to sleep. bless you for noticing, i'd stopped refreshing.
(parent)darlulu @ May 11 2003, 03:35:47 UTC |
Whoops, forgot to include the link...and as I haven’t quite figured out how to edit a comment in a journal other than my own just yet, I’ll simply have to look the fool and reply to myself.
No worries; unfamiliar foolishness ain't.
So here it is...
bookofjude @ May 11 2003, 03:46:35 UTC |
If you look at the comments page, and then scroll up to the small section of tools below your usericon, there's a left arrow, a red heart, a blue pen (if the topic is yours), a flying envelope, and a right arrow. Click the blue pen to edit, :)
(parent)darlulu @ May 11 2003, 04:13:29 UTC |
Thanks for the heads up. Someday I *will* get the hang of LJ, for if not may PS' lightning strike me down. ;)
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hezzabeth @ May 11 2003, 03:36:29 UTC |
My friend Vivianne and I nearly started squeeling hysterically when we read that.
But why could'nt have Draco taken the potion as well? why oh why?
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hezzabeth @ May 11 2003, 03:54:46 UTC Re: |
Well yes I know that , let me rephrase my question.
Why oh why could'nt have Draco gone to the wedding and drunk the potion?
notapipe @ May 11 2003, 04:18:16 UTC |
Because he's a little wanker who hates Lupin and Black?
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hezzabeth @ May 11 2003, 17:26:45 UTC Re: |
Hmm true , but still him spilling all his secrets involving his mother and his father would have been wonderfull to read.
(parent)prettynightfall @ May 11 2003, 03:40:59 UTC |
*also dies*
Also... anyone else see any other meanings that could have?
thessamunga @ May 11 2003, 03:53:55 UTC |
I thought it was just his default icon, so he wasn't going to any great lengths for Harry, like even picking an icon out for him, haha.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 11 2003, 04:23:29 UTC |
Yes. That's what I meant. He's a jerk to just_harry.
bookofjude @ May 11 2003, 04:30:52 UTC |
Yes! He is! A big jerk.
wank + harry fic was god, you know?
(parent)thessamunga @ May 11 2003, 04:36:27 UTC |
I must admit, his jerkiness is hot.
offtopicness! embarrassment! abort, abort! hahaha, thankssss.
bookofjude @ May 11 2003, 04:43:15 UTC |
True. There's something to love about the sneer. Mmm.
Sneer. Such a sexy word.
welcome, :)
(parent)darlulu @ May 11 2003, 05:14:15 UTC |
Jerk or not, I *so* want PS to fall head over heels for JH, crawl on his hands and knees, begging for forgiveness, only to have his efforts brutally rebuffed. JH could emphatically scoff in his face, then PS could be all woeful and pathetic and wee, eventually attempting to mature into a semi-normal human being, one that JH would deserve. It's a stretch, but not entirely impossible.
It's bizarre; I vacillate between wishing JH would just move on with his life already and find someone more worthy to crush on and continuing to desperately cling to my inescapable H/D devotion. I honestly have a different opinion on the situation from day to day. But indecision isn't as bad as all that, I suppose.
Branching off from PS' jerk-status, I found it odd that everyone and their brother in their truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth states seemed to think PS an honest bastard. At times I would agree, but mostly I believe he twists the truth into something far removed from its original core to suit his own ends. He’s always prided himself on being brutally honest, on not sugar-coating everything like others inevitably do, but if one skims through his posts, one recognizes that his take on Hogwarts’ happenings is just as skewed, if not more so than any other NA character. He actually has a fair amount in common with Pansy who weaves webs of deceit with such ease and fluidity and flair.
I'm one of the few who'd even go so far as to say that up until PS/JH’s briefer than brief tentative friendship, PS’ prejudice (and consequent blindness to the truth regarding JH) could be equated with Colin’s biased favor. Colin worshiped Harry for his status as Boy Who Lived, just as Draco hated him for it. That’s shifted a bit now, but the point is that prejudice distorts the truth, and unfortunately Draco is a rather prejudiced fellow. In all ways, it would seem.
Okay, now that I’m all good and depressed, I’ll shut up already. Sorry for being so long-winded in my ranting; whenever I get on a roll, things tend to spiral wildly out of control. ;)
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 09:23:37 UTC word |
Agrees so much w/ you about everything it is almost scary.
(On your KNEES Draco!)
Although it seems that N_A's just_harry still likes Draco as much as ever (gag) and we are still not given any real reason. Am sad that j_h may be so shallow and uncaring about the whole bigot thing, but he *is* a teenage boy.
Even Hermione can't seem to think it's anything but looks and quidditch, although Ron seems to echo the nraged thought about "right about certain things"--which is not the same thing as complete truthfulness in all things, but does acknowledge that sometimes his barbs hurt so much because he has hit on an underlying truth. I don't see that as anything so wonderful or special though--even Colin can hit on unpleasant truths when he wants to be mean to someone, but since he isn't as smooth as Draco, there is no love. Alas.
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hezzabeth @ May 11 2003, 04:12:09 UTC |
Hey if he really did'nt care he would completally ignore Harry's comment. I mean he has prooven his capable of ignoring some one i.e Narcissa before. Also the way he answered, I may be reading way to much into this but it almost seemed like he was teasing Harry. He did'nt jump down Harry's throat telling him not to "talk" about the incident. He treated the whole situation as if it was rather trivial.
Eh , I rant to much.
catiadoodle @ May 11 2003, 04:14:07 UTC |
"You forgot... Why?"
That's how I understand it. He would like to know why Harry likes him...
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 04:15:59 UTC |
I really doubt there was any double meaning to that. I mean, the word ended in the letter y.
(parent)notapipe @ May 11 2003, 04:20:05 UTC |
Draco is the type to correct the spelling. I don't think there's any reason to read any more into it.
(parent)catiadoodle @ May 11 2003, 05:55:00 UTC |
So he's really just a jerk, then... That's so sad.
Man, if he goes on like this he will lose the little feelings Harry has left for him...
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 09:32:46 UTC just_harry=wet noodle where potterstinks is concerned |
Unlikely. It seems just_harry=wet noodle where potterstinks is concerned.
If the whole his Father tried to kill him, believes that people with mixed bloodline (like Harry) are lower than dirt, calls close friend racist epithets, throws blood on harmless students, dissects Neville's pet, steals Ginny's stuffed animal and finally...
makes horribly homophobic comments about himself *and* the 2 parent figures he loves dearly all in service of just trying to publicly humiliate and hurt him after they'd started a tentative friendship.
If all these things don't turn just_harry off, what will?
Those must be extra-powered teenage hormones at work.
*kicks just_harry*
Have some self-respect, man!
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tickingclock @ May 11 2003, 18:10:41 UTC |
I took it to mean "You forgot [to include] 'why?'"
Initially I was sort of confused as to whether there was any subtext or not, but if Draco had meant to simply correct the spelling, he would have said, "You forgot the 'y'."
It also coheres with most of the other people's responses which included why they like/dislike Draco.
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tickingclock @ May 11 2003, 18:22:56 UTC |
Oops, I forgot to say:
I think it would be rather in-character for Draco to both correct the spelling and covertly ask why (Harry likes him).
My guess is that Draco is very curious as to why Harry likes him, because logically, they should be enemies. None of Harry's friends like Draco (they may find him good-looking, smart, and brutally honest but they loathe him), so why should Harry?
So, just out of an interest, not because Draco likes Harry back or anything (although that's entirely possible), Draco might be just asking why. He can't ask Harry outright, of course, otherwise people might think that he is reciprocating feelings for Harry.
Or so I think. =/
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 21:46:14 UTC |
Not to mention, does it really seem like just_harry's player meticulously plotted out a word that ended in the letter 'y' to cut off just so Draco could revert to plebe speak?
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 09:44:00 UTC |
I thought so too.
Dream shattered!
*tears out hair*
nightshade24 @ May 11 2003, 09:35:57 UTC |
I wish J_H would move on (or just looks like he moved on) and start flirting with some cute, new boy.
I'd like to see PS' reaction to that. I mean, it's not like Harry is some hideous troll. You can't tell me that PS, as much as he says he hates it, doesn't feel flattered that Harry likes him (besides the fact that he's in deep denial).
I think PS would get a little jealous. And then he'd wonder why. And then he'd become enraged (or get more enraged) and hilarity will ensue.
*laughs wickedly and scampers away*
sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 10:10:59 UTC |
Okay, let's think about the word "jerk" with regards to ps. If you do, I think his post comes off as completely NOT ps in jerk mode.
J_H has just taken veritaseum. PS has not. PS, as usual, seizes the opportunity for some low-down fun, asking people embarassing questions he hopes will cause problems between them. He does not ask Harry anything, despite a plethora of possibilities for humiliation. The only question that relates to Harry at all is his asking why James and Lily died which, frankly, shows more personal interest in Harry than most. I mean, Harry would wonder this but I don't think most people do.
He lets Harry off the hook. He responds to his post about himself with an acknowledgement and nothing else. He doesn't use it to remind anyone how Harry makes him sick, or tell Harry he's pathetic, or encourage him to humiliate himself further. Bottom line is that while several months ago ALL of ps's questions would have been about Harry, this time Harry is not the target of his humiliation. So yeah, he's still the same jerk as ever but this is hardly an incident that would make Harry finally decide he didn't like him.
With regards to ps being honest or not, I think there's different types of honesty. I wouldn't at all say that Draco has Pansy's ability for subterfuge. Draco never fakes niceness or politeness to people he doesn't like. He's never pretended to be someone's friend while really planning to stab them in the back (and that includes Harry--ps was somewhat okay to him for a brief time and when he decided he hated him he let everyone know immediately).
His posts are biased of course, but the bias is so obvious that it's honest in itself. I mean, of course ps twists the truth to his own advantage: Ron threatening him to make him take out his wand in Muggle London just after confessing he thinks Draco is superior? It doesn't get much more a twisted presentation of the facts than that! But there's facts and then there's truth and Draco is, in many ways, the most honest person at Hogwarts because he's so obviously playing a role in his journal. Twisting the facts to make onesself look better is what everyone does most of the time, ps is much more honest about that than anyone else. What has he really ever deceived us (or Hogwarts) about ever? I honestly can't think of anything.
moonlitpages @ May 11 2003, 11:53:09 UTC |
Exactly- I think that as much as PS does intentionally twist things to make himself look better, sometimes I do wonder how much of this skewing is intentional and how much is how he honestly sees things, in a way. At least in the past, seeing as now it seems he might be undergoing a bit of a disillusionment. But we know from his behaviour when he was disowned that he often prefers to live in denial of things that he can't handle, so there is an element of seeing things how he wants to see them. I get the feeling that often times he convinces himself that things happened the way he reports them in his journal. It seems as if we are getting his point of view rather than an elaborate web of lies. But that's just my two cents.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 12:49:31 UTC |
I think so too. It's like...of course he's not usually giving an honest representation of what happened, but I don't usually feel like he's lying either. It's more like this is the way he responds to everything so it's just second nature now. He seems very cut off from a lot of his real feelings about things because it's always filtered through the character of ps that he's created, if that makes sense. He doesn't seem to allow himself to think of things that upset him--like Lucius' ignoring him.
But recently he's had a lot of nasty incidents where he's had to do just that, like when Colin posted all those things about him and then the whole school was after him, making it probably difficult for a while to go on with the fantasy that he was king of everything. , or his being ignored for several days.
What do you think about everyone being weirded out by his good mood, though? It was kind of interesting the way he remarked on how everyone seemed to prefer him in a bad mood--and that seemed to reflect the truth. It seems to also back up some of the remarks from the wedding night about people finding him snidely amusing at times. He definitely is something that people count on, whether they admit it or not. As much as they hate him they actually do sort of feel like something's missing when he's gone.
moonlitpages @ May 11 2003, 14:15:23 UTC |
He seems very cut off from a lot of his real feelings about things because it's always filtered through the character of ps that he's created, if that makes sense.
Oh, definitely. Once again you put things into words much better than I can manage to *laughs*.
What do you think about everyone being weirded out by his good mood, though? ...He definitely is something that people count on, whether they admit it or not. As much as they hate him they actually do sort of feel like something's missing when he's gone.
Hmm, I think you're right, that's definitely an element of why many around him were wierded out by the change of mood. PS's 'enraged' mood has become a constant, almost something you take for granted will always be there and don't expect to ever change like the colour of the sky. And also because this is PS, people are probably quite suspicious of any perceived change on his part because one always suspects the worst from this boy *laughs*. For PS to go from enraged to 'fine' makes it sound just the opposite, and I can see where it would make one a little unnerved, as if he is going to explode or some such any moment.
But looking at it from PS's standpoint, it made me a little sad to see him making remarks such as people preferring him angry. If he was perhaps testing the waters with making a few changes, everyone reacted so badly to the tiniest change that he concluded it's not worth the bother. As you said, as much as people don't like the way he is now, the idea of him changing is unsettling because they count on him being that way.
bluekivrin @ May 11 2003, 15:03:02 UTC |
What do you think about everyone being weirded out by his good mood, though? It was kind of interesting the way he remarked on how everyone seemed to prefer him in a bad mood--and that seemed to reflect the truth.
In regards to that, anyone else catch this? It seems almost like he's bitter that he's been trapped into feeling angry/evil/unhappy all the time. The reaction to the "fine" post showed how suspicious everyone gets when he's not "enraged" and dark, and so now he feels like he's meant to be unhappy.
I wonder if he would like to be comfortable and happy, if he would like to let go of the facade and be "normal". I wonder if the violent reaction to his Harry post (some of which was well deserved) showed him how much he is despised, and made him weary of being in that position. I can't imagine that even with all of ps's [fronted] arrogance and apathy, being shown nearly universal hatred would not affect him in some way.
Oh, and in regards to ps being a jerk, I completely agree with sistermagpie. I was on late enough to see j_h's post to the draco thread, but gave up before ps responded. I got on this morning expecting to see some scathing comment that would further humiliate or hurt j_h for exposing his feelings like he did (he admitted to trying to kiss ps). There wasn't one. Instead, there was a comment over spelling (and/or other things, if you read into it enough), which is the opposite of his reactions to everyone else. While I'm not reading loads of j_h/ps into it suddenly, I find it interesting, in regards to ps's personality.
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fourscore @ May 11 2003, 18:11:22 UTC |
< In regards to that, anyone else catch this? It seems almost like he's bitter that he's been trapped into feeling angry/evil/unhappy all the time. The reaction to the "fine" post showed how suspicious everyone gets when he's not "enraged" and dark, and so now he feels like he's meant to be unhappy. >
It's that that makes me think that Draco really was in an okay mood. Maybe even a good mood though he probably wouldn't admit that. And I have to feel bad for him. He's in a good mood, good enough that he actually notes it in his journal for the first time evver, and everyone is disappointed and relieved when he goes back to "enraged" (including nraged).
Sorry if this posts twice...
darlulu @ May 11 2003, 16:22:47 UTC |
So yeah, he's still the same jerk as ever but this is hardly an incident that would make Harry finally decide he didn't like him.
Comparatively speaking, this most recent post was admittedly a bit less biting and offensive in tone - anything less than viciously outing Harry is a step up! - though still good and truly fell within the realm of jerkdom, in my opinion.
Here’s the problem I have with dismissing JH’s utter acceptance of PS’ behavior as reasonable...
JH is supposed to be a good person, a kind person, so with that in mind, I find it hard to believe that just because he himself escaped PS' little troublemaking rampage, he would think it totally fine for him to essentially play with his friends and family, particularly Sirius and Remus, the two men he considers to be his fathers.
As far as PS’ honesty or lack thereof, I don’t think it matters whether his lies are transparent or not. He shouldn’t be considered honest simply because his lies and exaggerations are so extravagantly absurd and self-serving, and therefore more easily identified than others’. Colin, for instance, couldn’t be more transparent if he tried, and yet no one has ever labeled that git Mr. Honesty. Instead he’s rightfully been called on his delusions. Pretending to be something you’re not, and possibly coming to believe in those lies is not honest, in fact it couldn’t be farther from it, no matter how you look at it.
With regards to ps being honest or not, I think there's different types of honesty. I wouldn't at all say that Draco has Pansy's ability for subterfuge. Draco never fakes niceness or politeness to people he doesn't like.
Above I made a parallel between Pansy and Draco and their careful distortion of the truth. To me both are worthy storytellers, and weave the height of true drama throughout their tales. They just have different ways about doing so. Pansy attempts a more subtle approach to drawing people in - subterfuge, you said - while Draco lambastes them with his truth, smirking it out as decisively and snidely as he can with the hopes that someone will consequently believe its validity if it’s repeated vehemently enough.
To me the two approaches are equally intolerable. No one likes a two-face or a cruel dictator wannabe. Or I don’t, in any case.
But there's facts and then there's truth and Draco is, in many ways, the most honest person at Hogwarts because he's so obviously playing a role in his journal. Twisting the facts to make onesself look better is what everyone does most of the time, ps is much more honest about that than anyone else.
I don’t exactly follow this train of logic. Yes, PS is putting up a front as most everyone else unwittingly does, but when precisely does he admit that..? Who cares if he ‘so obviously’ is playing a role or not? If he admitted it then I’d be inclined to concede that he’s more honest - in that respect, anyway - but he doesn’t. He hides behind a façade just as everyone else does, and as far as I’m concerned I don’t really understand why the fact that his façade is involuntarily cracked should be related in any shape, way, or form with honesty. After all, he’s not being honest to others, or himself, it would seem, by donning that façade and playing his part ineffectively.
Word limit...tbc...
darlulu @ May 11 2003, 16:28:23 UTC |
What has he really ever deceived us (or Hogwarts) about ever? I honestly can't think of anything.
Again I must ask, does it really matter that he fails at deceiving others if he’s trying to at any cost?! Canonically, should the fact that his devious plans always backfire completely erase the very real intent behind each and every scheme? The intention to harm, to humiliate, to undermine..?
Okay, maybe Big Fat Liar shouldn’t be stamped across his forehead just yet, as he’s more about stretching the truth and insinuation than anything else, but just because he hasn’t ever out and out lied successfully - we wouldn’t know it if he had, of course - doesn’t automatically make him an honest, upstanding student. It’s not all or nothing.
Although even with claiming his façade to be ‘cracked,’ I must admit he isn’t as transparent in my eyes as others seem to gather. I don’t know where the line exists, where truth becomes fiction in PS’ posts. For JH’s sake (and my own), I hope that his voiced prejudice veers more on the side of fiction than that of truth, though it seems doubtful.
We’ve seen his prejudice in several forms thus far - He’s homophobic, racist, classist, and I’m sure a great deal more we’ve yet to touch upon. So if that prejudice is his truth, if spewing blood at a ‘Mudblood’ is acceptable behavior, and that prejudice is condoned by JH, I’ll be forced to reassess just who Harry is as he won’t be the character I believed him to be, a character I supported wholeheartedly.
Generally speaking now, a rather disturbing phenomenon I’ve seen spring up all over the place with respect to the response varying TV/book characters receive is that of the power of comparison.
When a character is shown to be consistently mean or prejudiced, the slightest glimpse of compassion or kindness on their part will inevitably yield a swift shift in support in their favor. Because in comparison to what we perceived to be their former self, that glimpse allows them the possibility for eventually being redeemed on some level, and people love to root for a person who is flawed and has suffered, and doesn’t know how to be anything other than what they were taught. And conversely, when a character is relatively good and just, any divergence from that path no matter how small will prompt the audience to come down especially hard on them because our expectations are so much higher in their case.
For me, I think this concept pitifully reflects my views on NA!H/D - I can’t help but be drawn in at times by PS’ plight, and his irresistible sense of humor. It’s only through JH that I begin to question PS’ actions and beliefs as I get infuriated that JH can still want PS in his life after he proved himself utterly unworthy. I’m not saying PS could never be worthy; I’m saying that he clearly isn’t yet, that he has a long road ahead of him if he wishes to step outside of his parents’ shadows and become his own person.
Okay, I didn't mean to ramble on for this long, but once I started typing I just couldn't stop. ;)
sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 16:49:34 UTC |
I can't believe I happened to check in right in the middle of this! So you get a quick turnaround in reply!:-)
I totally agree with you on j_h forgiving ps as being unreasonable for all those reasons. I don't think j_h is the type of person who is going to look at ps only from the pov of, "Ooh, he doesn't hate me!" This is probably why at the moment I don't really see any H/D happening (currently, I mean). I do think there's still reluctant attraction on probably both their parts but I don't think Harry has any illusions about ps being a better person now. This attraction is something that Harry understandably hid for a long time, but he now seems to have stubbornly accepted it no matter what anybody thinks. So even though I don't yet understand it I support his sticking with it as long as he feels it. Usually it's in j_h's nature to dismiss his own feelings when someone tells him they're wrong...and everyone's usually got an opinion on his feelings. I would love to see H/D in the future, but I agree with your feelings on j_h becoming a different person if he just stands beside ps while he rants about mudbloods etc. Right now I think he's just trying to explore what he feels himself, not becoming more accepting of the things he's always despised about ps.
I also pretty much agree about the honesty (I know that sounds like a complete turnaround, but like I said, there's different kinds of honesty!). ps is very honest in some ways and in other ways he's the least honest, especially with himself. Ironically, I would consider Colin one of the more "honest" characters in NA at the moment for one reason that's similar to ps--he says things that nobody else would say. That's a double edged sword. On one hand it's often a relief to have a character who says something that's true. Otoh, I've always hated people who go around hurting others claiming they're "just being honest." Maybe it's honest to tell someone they're, say, fat, but that doesn't make it any less mean to do so.
Usually, that's what ps and Colin both do. They voice what other people might not want to say, but that's not necessarily a good character trait--what's keeping other people from saying it is often kindness! I would never call ps honest in a moral sense because if he can get away with a lie, he will. It's not a point of honor. What he is cursed with, though, is an emotional honesty--something that might be very attractive to Harry. He just can't hide his feelings about things. That, I think, is what people mean by saying he's honest.
Also, I see exactly what you're saying about the temptation to leap on anything good as proof that the character's on his way to turnaround. I definitely don't want to say anything like that about ps here. It's true I do sieze on his not attacking Harry is the most important thing in his post, but not because I think it cancels out the rest of him. It's just that I already know he hates everyone, so in trying to figure out exactly what he's going through now it's the fact that he lays off Harry that gives me something new. I don't think it necessarily proves that he's being "nice" to Harry at all, though. I think we're definitely seeing some changes in ps but I don't think he's turned a corner toward being a better person yet.
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fourscore @ May 11 2003, 18:07:20 UTC |
Is it just me or did anyone else notice that the original questions in the post (not the ones that went further in) of Draco's seem a bit like he was reaching? Like he wanted to ask questions and just struggled to come up with them? I mean he really has no reason to ask George the last time he cried, and the time that he posted them seems odd to me. It was right when everyone was making Harry upset. And as soon as they all saw Draco's post they were distracted.
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hezzabeth @ May 11 2003, 19:26:21 UTC |
Yes I noticed that as well , Draco's questions defentially were odd considering his nature. Yes some of the questions were horrible and embarressing but considering how far his gone in the past the NA denziens got off pretty light by comparrison. Also the timing was rather odd it was almost as if PS was thinking " oh quick I better cause a distraction as soon as possible" because lets face it some of his questions were pretty childish and lame. Why would he even care about the last time George cried? he barely even knows George. Would'nt it be far more apropriate to ask when was the last time Ron or Harry cried?
Asking questions about James and Lily also blew me away. It seemed like the sort of question Harry would want to ask not PS.
This is all so confusing.
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 22:00:49 UTC |
He responded!
Not much, but! still! Something!