blue_lightning @ 2003-05-11 11:50:00 |
you know...
the esteemed players of nocturne_alley can be really really sneaky sometimes. Almost teasing, if you will.
After all, isn't it just the slightest bit infuriating to find EVERYONE under Veritaserum EXCEPT for the one person we all want to be interrogated about *coughcough* certain matters?
*shakes head* Oh, so manipulative. *pouts* I'm sure I'm not the only who wanted Draco to be under the influence. Gah. 'Twould've been great. Earth-shattering, really.
*smiles* Brilliantly played, guys. And the suspense/build-up continues...
P.S. Oh, and Neville has been great as of late. Poor kid. Stupid Snape.
nightshade24 @ May 11 2003, 09:22:17 UTC |
I know what you mean. I was so disappointed when Draco didn't go to the wedding, and even more frustrated when everyone was drugged with veritaserum. Damn the luck!
OH well. Of course they wouldn't have Draco dosed up with the truth serum. We'd find out too much about a certain someone I bet. And what he really thinks.
*whistles innocently*
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 09:43:26 UTC Dramatic tension |
We are not close enough to the end of the RPG yet for all the cards to be on the table. Pansy also got to escape and keep her secrets.
I do find the absence of Dean and Seamus from the wedding a bit baffling, but I don't think they had any secrets we were panting to find out.
It's actually very amusing. How many times do nRagers comment that we wish we knew *more* about what was going on in the characters' heads? This was our wishes almost fulfilled and then some... with disastrous results (although, of course, without the insights into the minds some here have been the most curious about--because N_A is a tease)
I must also admire the way the entire RPG seems to be progressing as if following an overarching plot/development arc.
wednesday_tea @ May 11 2003, 11:58:51 UTC Re: Dramatic tension |
E-end? WHAT? *Meeps* Itwillneverend,Itellyou!
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 09:56:26 UTC |
Oh no no--we can't have ps be the one revealing secrets! Really, doesn't he reveal far too many as it is? I mean, I think that's a big reason he gets talked about so much. His facade has so many holes in it. But you don't know exactly what's underneath. Besides, he's also the character that lives a lot in denial. Hermione, for instance, KNOWS what she really thinks of House Elves but tries not to think about it. Harry knows how insecure he is about Remus and Sirius but doesn't want to say so.
PS, though, the thing with him is that you want to see him find out how he really feels. You know what was one of his most interesting posts, I thought? When he told Vector he needed little more love and affection than a cactus.:-)
Randomly, because I see no better spot, I'm so happy he and M.B. went flying. Going in that was my one big hope for the evening, that ps and M.B. would spend some time alone and get some things out. Loved their conversation re: Terry.
notapipe @ May 11 2003, 10:03:05 UTC |
Cactii need lots of love, it's only water they don't need much of. Given his showering tirade, he's not even that stoic.
(parent)notapipe @ May 11 2003, 10:00:16 UTC |
Well, M.B. wanted Pansy to show, but she didn't. We're not the only ones denied, and Draco wasn't the only one wanted under the influence.
In fact, Slytherin, except for Snape and Looshie (and possibly Sinistra or Arithmantra or another of the teachers), who are emeritus anyway, was completely un-revealing. Pansy was gone, M.B. and Draco didn't go, Crabbe was absent, Blaise didn't show (no surprise there), and Goyle just complained about his missing finger.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 10:58:40 UTC *in awe of the NA players* |
Intruding here because I've had such a wonderful time reading all the entries that I just can't keep from commenting.
It's been incredibly entertaining to watch the characters make pretty much utter fools of themselves. I've been hitting the refresh button madly except for those moments when I had to stop because I was laughing too hard. A tenth of the comments made would have been enough to make me giddy with joy from the speculation material provided, but all of them together...*overload* From the funny (Black's loooong list) to the sad yet interesting (Lavender) I'm going to obsess over them for days.
As much as I'd like to know if Draco's told everything regarding his thoughts on Harry I'm glad it will (hopefully) be revealed gradually. I think it's more enjoyable if a slow buildup leads to an apology and perhaps a relationship. I do wish Pansy and Millicent had been around to follow Draco's example. They could have come up with some wicked questions.
NA is addictive, and I'm loving every minute of it.
- Cyr
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 17:58:07 UTC |
Draco didn't go to the wedding because he is DRACO. Why would he go to Sirius and Remus's wedding? I'm surprised even Lucius went, but not too surprised given recent events. I definitely agree with sistermagpie as well - Draco being under veritaserum would ruin any suspence whatsoever, destroy the plot we're all waiting to read, and force Draco to confront ANY feelings he might have without getting to do so on his own.