shusu @ 2003-05-11 19:03:00 |
....are we all burned out?
Mood: confused
I was waiting for someone to beat me to this, but hours later no one has posted this. Not that I know of. :o
I do so regret that the marriage certificate I produced during the wedding was a fake.
Now I'm just confused.
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neveth @ May 11 2003, 17:07:04 UTC |
*joins in the confusement* Now, where is sistermagpie when you need her?
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neveth @ May 11 2003, 17:11:04 UTC |
I figure everyone is sleeping or Mum's Day-ing. Luckily for me, my mum is off writing, so I can watch NA and nraged.
(parent)notapipe @ May 11 2003, 17:14:53 UTC |
Some of us have work to do. Because we spent all the time we should have spent studying on NA last night.
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neveth @ May 11 2003, 17:33:55 UTC |
Work? What is this thing you speak of?
XP Kidding. I work part-time on weekdays and classes are already out for me, so I've just been trying to stay un-bored.
sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 18:55:52 UTC |
LOL! What would a soap wedding be without someone speaking up in response to the "is there anyone here...?" question?
I love how Lucius is so shifty about coming up with a fake wedding certificate. So I guess that was the reason for the Veritaseum? Or perhaps the twins had always planned to get some secrets out of Lucius anyway. Note Lucius' excellent use of the passive voice in explaining how he got caught. It's not that he lied. It's that the certificate was "found to be false."
neviachiel @ May 11 2003, 17:14:53 UTC |
I think that Lucius just dug up a fake marraige certificate in order to try to ruin the wedding. Thankfully, it didn't work, whether he thought it was real or not. But this tells us why Veritaserum was even *there* in the first place and why Remus was blaming Severus for the whole thing (in his entry, right before the "I want a kitten, my mother was a Hufflepuff" thing). Because he had the serum in the first place, even though it was the Weasley twins and Ron's fault.
(parent)zorb @ May 11 2003, 17:20:48 UTC |
*nods* It gives us more background as to what happened during the wedding, not just the aftermath, which was plenty exciting and informative all on its own. Not just random Twin mischief!
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 11 2003, 17:47:25 UTC |
Pretty good explanation above, that's also what I think happened.
I'm wondered how Lucius got a fake marriage certificate. Did he conjure it himself, or have it made specially? The latter is just his style. There's also the possibility that he's implying the truth, that it just happened to be in his hands and he really thought it real, but this is not very probable.
I'm also curious as to who the certificate proclaimed Sirius married too. There's certainly a lot of choices. *waggles voluminous eyebrows*
I love how he describes what happens as if he was not to blame for a bit of it. His self-righteous logic is hilarious. And we know very well when he says that "the document was subsequently revealed to be false" that there was probably a lot more of a hullabaloo than he's admitting to. Tsk tsk, Lucius. :D
neviachiel @ May 11 2003, 18:00:07 UTC |
I would imagine there might have been quite a few threats of castration going on.