neviachiel @ 2003-05-12 23:11:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Well, at least we know that Draco won't join because anything that Colin came up with would be too lame. Small comforts.
I enjoy the Draco-apologizing-to-Harry-in-the-librar
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luleh @ May 12 2003, 21:22:55 UTC |
Is Colin trying to imitate Draco now?
I should think that Goyle would want to join an Anti-Malfoy club since Draco robbed him of a finger!
neviachiel @ May 12 2003, 21:31:29 UTC |
Both of them, so afraid for their sexuality. *shakes head*
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 12 2003, 21:47:01 UTC |
Actually, in Goyle's view, it's probably the Weasleys that robbed him of the finger. After all, Draco was just doing what he said he'd do--much as Crabbe would say he was going to pound Draco and then do it. Draco tried to give it to him so he could get it reattached.
Love ps's snarky replies to Colin. Of course he'll come, being as they're such pals and all. Please let ps be planning something.
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 00:06:06 UTC Finger confusion |
I am confused about the finger.
Draco hexes it off.
There is a fake finger on ice at the infirmary.
Colin gets the real thing in his food.
Weasleys are blamed.
Now, are the Weasleys blamed because the finger is manufactured by the joke shop or because they actually did something?
It's hard to imagine Ginny or Ron doing it. And the twins? What would they be doing at the school anyway? Why would they want to? I know they were really cruel about the choking thing, but... why bother to do this to Goyle?
That's why it still seems to me like it must have been a Slytherin. After all, after the potato thing, we know they like to mess with the food.
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 21:53:50 UTC Colin sympathy? gone |
After his truth-serum posts, I thought that Colin was simply a kid who got a case of hero-worship bad. I had forgotten his truly obsessive, creepy, stalkerish nature!
He couldn't simply ignore Harry and go about his life, nope. He needs to continue to devote large portions of time and energy and organization into Harry.
Soblessa, run!
This also brings into play again nicely Harry's "celebrity" status. He can't disappear or have a crush or occasionally say snippy things without every little thing being blown up into more than it is and analyzed. (declines to make the obvious nraged joke)
Look at the p_s "outing" post. Would there have been half as much kick-up if he'd said those things about Justin or Neville?
mimulus_arbutus @ May 12 2003, 22:01:43 UTC Re: Colin sympathy? gone |
yeah, i really think colin is the creepiest character. as someone mentioned before he has "serial-killer vibes." even in cannon he's a stalker.
did you notice his music of choice was "nail the conquering hero"? hmm....
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 05:44:50 UTC Re: Colin sympathy? gone |
I agree. Harry is the resident celebrity of Hogwarts. People's reaction to anything involving him's always exaggerated.
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 21:58:31 UTC Immature giggles |
Just wanted to point out that the music is:
Nail the Conquering Hero
Remember the last person who went to so much trouble to be so publicly anti-Potter? Made flashing badges and everything?
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 22:13:58 UTC so friendly to Draco? |
Not that I don't get why Colin is now anti-Harry, but why is being so friendly to Draco? I thought that there was more to disliking Draco than just as a side-effect of Harry-worship. In fact, he seemed confused when Harry was being soft on the evil that was Draco.
And didn't Draco scare Soblessa with the blood?
Or, since Harry and Soblessa have "abandoned" him, is he just doing a complete 180? Will he start hating Soblessa now?
tabiji @ May 12 2003, 22:23:56 UTC |
Analyzing, over-analyzing and re-analzing...
Maybe Draco and Harry DID resolve things. What if Draco isn't really the one that's homophobic? What if it's an act to protect someone else? What if the Draco/Pansy thing is a cover to protect Pansy from an overbearing homophobic mother? Could the recent Draco-Millicent conflict have had something to do with jealously over Pansy? None of the Slytherins had Veritaserum...could be something that they all know and are covering...
I don't know when Pansy's webpage was last updated, but Draco is listed as her EX-boyfriend. She also has a page of writing...a poem, 'Beloved' describes a dark-haired lover, with the final lines "sunlight cleaves us in two when night time ends
morning transforms us into nothing but friends" Could that be about....Millicent??
Pansy on the wedding: "I must say I am definitely looking forward to today's wedding. My mother is planning to attend, and though I am apprehensive about it I think we can put aside any minor squabbles to enjoy the wedding." Was Pansy worried about being embarassed by something her phobic mother would do/say at a gay wedding?
Pansy on her mother, who only seems to approve of Pansy when she's with Draco: "Mother and I left for the Gasping Gargoyle shortly after that, which was as lovely as always. I had prepared myself for the worst as my mother does try but she often becomes overbearing without intending to. Well, you can imagine my surprise when she wanted to tell me that she was proud of me. As it turned out she thinks I am blossoming into a well-balanced young woman and continues to insist Beauxbatons did me a bit of good. I did try to take what she was saying at face value but it became clear that her change of heart has come due to the fact that Draco Malfoy is my boyfriend. I am not always patient, and I admit I may have overreacted a bit, but I do wish she would understand that I don't want to just be Draco Malfoy's girlfriend. I love Draco but that is not the only thing that I am, and the only person who doesn't know that is my mother. I told Draco all about it when I came home and the sweetheart offered to send an owl to my mother. Unfortunately I think that my mother has little room to change."
neviachiel @ May 12 2003, 22:27:19 UTC |
I think that overanalyzing is a trademark of Nraged. :)
I didn't know that Pansy even *had* a website, let alone wrote poetry. *stares*
tabiji @ May 12 2003, 22:32:13 UTC |
A few of the players have them. Colin's is HYSTERICAL. You can find them by clicking "Resources" on the Nocturne Alley webpage.
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 00:32:42 UTC darque Pansy |
Before the Malfoys chased her off to Beauxbatons, Pansy was a little gothette and wrote much bad poetry. The poems are a nice connecting touch to her past.
(brava to Pansy's player)
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 00:10:13 UTC Memory Lane |
Look back a year and behold goth!Pansy.
a sampling:
It is upon gloomy days such as today that I am called by the darquest forces of my black creativity to write. I wish to dedicate this poem of unparallelled angst to my BBG (Blonde Bitch God) Draco Malfoy. Simply unparallelled.
In the darkness I sit
looking upon the loneliness of my despair
the ravens cry out
My sadness is eternal.
I miss darquePansy in a way... she was such a lovely fangirl counterpoint to Lavander.
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 00:30:02 UTC |
Pansy has had the poems up for awhile, and there have been Pansy/Millicent hints aplenty. Her mother's general conservatism and shallowness has also been a long-running thread through her posts. In fact, one of the few things I think Pansy is purely honest about is her desire to have a job and be independent rather than being an ornamental society wife.
And if Draco was knowingly serving as Pansy's beard, surely he wouldn't need to make homophobic comments about Harry Potter and various other Professors and students to do it.
slinkhard @ May 13 2003, 03:42:10 UTC |
I feel you should know I am love with your icon, and am in fact, planning to bear it's children.
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 00:14:21 UTC |
I seem to remember at one point Pansy actually posted that poem on her journal and implied (or maybe stated?) it was about Millicent. too tired to go look it up now, but they were not shy about the fact that they often slept in the same bed. their "more than friends" relationship seems to have been fairly obvious at least at times.
but why would draco cover for her???
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 23:23:41 UTC |
Oh dear god! Draco has a new theme song... and Colin's resorted to bribery.
zorb @ May 12 2003, 23:29:08 UTC |
It's official. Colin is Draco's new fanboy. And I have a new song to run through my head.
*deader than dead*
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 00:18:24 UTC school rules |
Although Hogwarts seems to have, shall we say, inconsistent discipline, a hate club aimed at a student with official Professor sanction/support?
And McGonagall was annoyed at Black's lack of professionalism toward students. Will she let this pass?
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 03:02:02 UTC Re: school rules |
Last we saw, Professor Sinistra wasn't remarking about Harry's testicles, either.
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 23:11:25 UTC Re: school rules |
Sirius isn't the most professional guy, but that dig is unfair because he said that to Draco under veritiserum influence.
In this case, we have a Professor sponsoring a club--basically lending it her legitimacy. This is more than hot headed words, and (I think) much more unprofessional.
tabiji @ May 13 2003, 04:10:30 UTC Re: school rules |
...and Draco didn't get in trouble for removing Goyle's finger.
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 04:51:51 UTC Re: school rules |
PS 'd been hexed, cursed and thumped after he came back but apparently nobody seemed to have any punishment too. Millicent 'd destroyed the potion classroom and intentionally attacked some students ( I think she intentionally attacked Pansy) during her tank army period, but she did't get any trouble at all. Is it Snape who used to say that he wouldn't tolerate any destruction of school property or something like that?
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 06:56:27 UTC |
I really want to know j_h's reaction. Will he think it's funny? PS and Colin becomes friends? (I'm not certain.)
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 13 2003, 07:15:22 UTC |
General thoughts replying to a bunch o'stuff.
A brief look around different fandoms will show a lot of Colin's. They worship the person until the celebrity does something that doesn't fit in with their fantasy that they can't ignore and then they honestly think they've been "betrayed" and can get incredibly vicious. In Colin's case there's even more at stake because he's now seeing his former fanboy-ness as signs of latent homosexuality in himself. I can't believe a teacher can actually sponsor such a thing.
PS obviously knows perfectly well that Colin doesn't really like him and he hasn't forgotten why he hates Colin. His own "Potter Stinks" buttons are not actually like what Colin's doing here. In that case everybody was angry over a specific thing Harry had done--stealing the championship from Cedric--so everyone was making a point of supporting Cedric over him. Draco couldn't care less about Cedric but he saw a chance to annoy Harry with the buttons.
Colin, otoh, seems to think he's actually being righteous here, standing up to what Harry "stands for." Draco just personally hates Harry. In the past he's been creeped out by his resemblance to Colin and his attitude here seems completely disdainful. He's not going to become a pawn in CC's game against Harry--as he said, if there's a song to be written about himself HE will write it, thank you very much. Can you honestly see Draco joining a club, even being czar of a club, that was comprised of Colin Creevey and Lavender Brown? I can see him using it for his own amusement, but he's not a true believer in any of this. His hatred of Harry is his own and I don't think he'd ever want it lumped in with Colin's pathetic anti-worship. Draco (he insists) doesn't worship Potter and since he's never liked him Harry could hardly betray him. He wants people to know Potter's an idiot, not the anti-Christ. That's more Draco's role!
My secret wish is that he and M.B. will show up and cause chaos--note how Draco first described the club as an anarchist's meeting.
shusu @ May 13 2003, 19:43:12 UTC *wist* |
I have a wish for purple beans.
And yes, heaven forfend Potter takes over *his* rightly spot as anti-Christ. Or, the Boyfriend to the Anti-Christ.