sourcinderella @ 2003-05-13 16:19:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Coliin, Colin, Colin...
I'm also feeling very sorry for Neville at the moment.
moonlitpages @ May 12 2003, 23:30:09 UTC ack! |
Oh good god. Get it away! That song is getting in my head, and it's so much creepier than the Volga boat song.
I also find it interesting that Colin seems to be turning his inner fanboy on Draco. Ah, I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning ;-)
tabiji @ May 12 2003, 23:42:14 UTC |
Can someone please, please post the link to the other Draco Malfoy song?
(parent)bookshop @ May 13 2003, 00:25:14 UTC |
I know, I want it!!!
Er, did anybody ever make that NA icon community? I realise this doesn't quite count, but still, hmm. *goes to look*
altricial @ May 13 2003, 00:48:41 UTC |
Um!!! Colin rules me. There. Not OT anymore.
notapipe @ May 13 2003, 01:55:50 UTC |
If no one has, someone needs to.
If they did, I don't think they posted about it to nraged.
dayafternext @ May 13 2003, 16:18:13 UTC |
After listening to it a number of times, I believe the lyric is actually "he rules over all of the Slytherin House and all of Hogwarts."
Either way, Colin is insane.
dayafternext @ May 13 2003, 22:37:17 UTC Re: further review |
I think I listened to it...oh, maybe 15 times? Hee.
longtimegone @ May 13 2003, 00:31:54 UTC I can't decide |
Which is the more hysterical image...
Draco singing the Volga boat song
Colin recording the Draco Malfoy rules song
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 12:14:56 UTC |
oh well... if he has to join at least he's doing it in style
anjaliesque @ May 13 2003, 19:02:25 UTC |
Gosh, Colin. :(
I'm really wondering why Colin feels the need to do something so drastic. It seems most probable that it is to win Soblessa back, and ultimately prove to her that he is not obsessed/interested in Harry in any way.
It would be scarier to think that he is not doing this for that reason, that instead he is being vengeful. It's hard to think of Colin as truly vengeful, but then, no harder that to suppose Neville the next Dark Lord. Colin has had a lot of problems fitting in lately, resulting in attempts to change houses, and so perhaps he has decided that everything is Harry's fault. After all, life was fine and happy before Harry started chasing-after/hanging-out-with/having-re
Speaking of Draco- Colin has based so much of his life in Hogwarts on Harry. He is quite the fanboy. Draco is irrevocably labeled in his mind as the enemy, so to see Harry associating with him must've turned Colin's world upside-down. This is possibly one outlet from which he gets enough ferocious anger to start an Anti-Potter campaign. It's really sad that he wants to change houses so much. I wish someone could just reach out to him and explain things without being cruel about it. I had to wince when McGonogall said under influence of Veritaserum, "-I am not entirely certain why you are a member of my House oh dear."
I still don't think Colin is homophobic. Well, it sort of depends on your definition of homophobia, and I know there's been a lot of discussion on this. But Colin doesn't have anything against others being gay, just against Harry being gay. And this only because he thinks it will reflect on himself and deprive him of Lessa. Maybe this is some form of homophobia, I'm not altogether sure. If one were to look at his latest post as an attack against homosexuals- well, it's horrifying. But I don't think it's that.
Being a fanboy is simply what Colin does best. And if he can't fanboy Harry, there's nothing to stop him from being the best anti-fanboy ever, right? I wonder if he's roped Dennis into this too. *thinks it'd be very amusing if Dennis made an appearance on the journals*
Some random-ness: I think Colin and Goyle make the funniest partnership. Sinistra is surely only adviser so she can observe all the conflict first-hand. The professor is certainly relentlessly devious in her forms of amusement. Also, who is that a picture of in the background of Colin's flyer? Is it supposed to be Harry? Or is it just some symbolic thing I don't recognize? And yes, that song's fantastic. Now all we need is a Just_Harry anthem. :D
moonlitpages @ May 14 2003, 00:23:17 UTC |
But Colin doesn't have anything against others being gay, just against Harry being gay.
I agree somewhat- I think Colin definitely seems to take Harry being gay as almost a personal offense. Because if Harry is gay, and Colin idolizes him (or did), Colin feels this must therefore mean _he_ is gay. He does not seem to have a problem with homosexuality so long as it is far removed from him (ie: Ginny/Cho, Sirius/Remus), but when it hits closer to home with Harry, it becomes apparent that he is absolutely revolted by the possibility of people thinking he is gay. It is okay for professors and friends to be gay, but when it comes to his hero, someone whose behavior he has always sought to model, he not only cannot accept it, but seems absolutely horrified. It is as Lavender mentioned on the big outing thread, I think- that role models aren't supposed to be gay. Because they are people we are supposed to emulate, and clearly the only way to do this is by 'turning gay' *Gasp*. It is that mentality, I feel, that is rather homophobic at heart, but I'm not even going to touch the issue of defining homophobia with a ten foot pole. I'm really in no position to dictate what it is or isn't.
I just find it amusing that in his quest to remove himself from Harry as much as possible, he seems to be attempting to turn his fanboy attempts on PS, of all people. I almost had to wince for Colin here, because, really, does anyone besides Colin actually think PS is taking this remotely seriously? Dear Colin seems to be completely unable to grasp sarcasm. I think this is part of Colin's problem in relating with others- he's unable to grasp subtle hints that people give, and does not realise what people are trying to get across until he is knocked upside the head with it, and then he is hurt.
I probably would feel sorry for him if the little bugger didn't always just annoy the hell out of me. ;-)
sistermagpie @ May 14 2003, 17:56:16 UTC |
I think the negative reactions are sort of pressing into different levels of what is generally called homophobia. Colin's horrified at Harry being gay because he admired Harry. That could point, on one hand, to just an semi-innocent adolescent squeamishness about having to confront issues about his own sexuality. But since he's continued to fight against it I'd say that yes, it shows that Colin considers homosexuality to be some kind of bad thing, just as Lavender does. To turn against Harry because of his sexuality indicates he and Lavender think this does reflect badly on Harry and therefore on them.
I've been wondering if we might see something similar in Narcissa if Draco ever speaks to her again (her chocolate strawberries post really did make me feel sorry for her--It's very sweet but then you realize that she wishes she could be the child in this relationship and that's just never going to work). That is, she's now decided that Remus and Sirius are okay, as is Harry. But for years she denied homosexuality and flatly said it didn't exist in Malfoys. Would she be as accepting of Draco if he were gay? I think it would be harder for her to deal with, especially given hints that it's important to Narcissa that Draco find a girlfriend.
That's what's interesting about this issue. A person can take a generally supportive position on homosexuality and nothing more--that itself is something. But if you really examine your attitudes you might find a lot of little prejudices hidden within that general support. I think that's what we're seeing with Colin. He's fine with Ginny and Cho because he really doesn't care about Ginny and Cho. When it comes to someone he identifies with sexuality is wrong. I'd say that shows contempt for homosexuality.
moonlitpages @ May 15 2003, 12:18:12 UTC |
Would she be as accepting of Draco if he were gay? I think it would be harder for her to deal with, especially given hints that it's important to Narcissa that Draco find a girlfriend.
Hmm- I agree. However, as much as Narcissa has put her foot down against homosexuality in her family in the past and I am sure she would in the future, I wonder how much of this has to do with homophobia and how much of it has to do with the 'Malfoy legacy', ie: producing an heir. On the one hand, if she is against it occurring in her family because she feels homosexuality is a disgrace and does not exist in the Malfoys because it would tarnish the name by doing so, then yes, this shows a disgust for homosexuality. But, on the other hand, even if this were not the case, I think she would have an extremely negative reaction to Draco being gay because this is her only son. If he is gay, she will never have grandchildren (most likely), never have an heir to carry on the Malfoy name. As much as I think she has come a long way from where she used to be after spending time with Remus and seeing that his relationship with Sirius is a beautiful and not a disgusting thing at all, I cannot see her taking this news well regardless of her stance on homosexuality in general. I also think that Lucius would not take this news well either- because he himself obviously is at least bisexual, and he would most likely not see any reason why Draco could not just marry someone for the sake of responsibility and do whatever he wanted on the side as Lucius has. I don't think being an open and practicing homosexual is something that Lucius would consider to be an option at all for a Malfoy.
And yet I think this is something that Draco is struggling with. As I've discussed often with others, I don't see Draco as the sort who can do anything by halves. I think his relationship with Pansy is him attempting this, attempting to imitate the relationship that his parents have, with the indulgent girlfriend who simpers to his every whim in public while living a rather separate life of their own completely (as his parents always have in the past, with Narcissa living in her own wing of the house and meeting with Lucius occasionally). I think this is Draco trying to follow his parents example and I do think that he is finding/will find it to be rather empty and unsatisfying. He isn't the sort that can have a hollow marriage and fool around with men on the side, because if he were to admit to himself that this (being attracted to men/being gay, etc) was apart of himself at all, and accept it, it would mean putting all of himself into it- he must either fully accept being gay or fully reject it, but he can't do anything half heartedly, if that makes sense.
As I think you mentioned in another comment on another thread, Draco isn't like his parents, and the artificial way his parents have chosen to live isn't something that he can be happy with. I think right now he is very much beginning to question things and find his own identity, and searching for what does make him happy if that doesn't. He's going through a difficult time right now, as a lot of teenagers do, but I have hope that he will find his way eventually, even if it isn't easy. He's faced with a lot of choices to make right now, and they are very important ones that will determine the sort of person he is in the future.
And I think I've managed to rather successfully careen completely off topic onto Draco on a Colin thread. Whoops. *laughs*
sistermagpie @ May 15 2003, 17:15:24 UTC |
It's true I have a harder time imagining Narcissa actually being disgusted by homosexuality. Her reactions to Lupin and Black seem genuine. But I think you're right about the heir problem.
I totally agree on Draco's having real problems living a lie. That's one of the thing that probably has always made him seem so much nastier than his parents. I hadn't thought about the Pansy/Draco parallel but it makes a lot of sense. It also makes a neat parallel to Pansy's problems with her own mother, who seems to want her to only be Draco's girlfriend. Pansy is personally ambitious as well. Like Draco, maybe, she's trying to do what her mother wants but also realizing she's not the type who can live that way. I'd love to see Draco and Pansy end up helping each other and becoming friends.
Also, I'm so so happy to see M.B. taking Draco under her wing again. Even if she's, you know, thwapping him on the head repeatedly with her wing.
moonlitpages @ May 15 2003, 22:06:25 UTC |
I like how NA is handling how these young people are growing up, coming into their own and wrestling with issues such as realising they are not carbon copies of their parents and the lives their parents had aren't necessary the lives they want. I think this falls in well with one of the themes raised in the book, which is "it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be". I know that quote was used by Dumbledore in reference to the mudblood/pureblood issue, but it can very well be applied to something like this as well.
Also, I'm so so happy to see M.B. taking Draco under her wing again. Even if she's, you know, thwapping him on the head repeatedly with her wing.
Oh, me too. It's so good to see those two seem to have reached some kind of understanding. Perhaps Millicent has realised Draco is not quite the threat to Pansy's affections she originally thought? Or something else- who knows. Draco and Millicent make such amusing friends, mainly because she does give him such a hard time, but in more of an endearing than a hostile way. What are friends for, if not to tell you when you are hitting the enter key with your pinky rather than your index finger? *laughs*
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 00:15:02 UTC The difference a year makes... |
In May last year Colin started a very different sort of club:
Wonder what he'll be doing in another year...
I'm sure it will involve pamphlets, though.