teardrop69 @ 2003-05-13 23:42:00 |
OK, so...
Mood: crazy
I realize the kitten already has a thread. and I realize that Evil!Neville has a thread. But I swear, Evil!Neville had to have sent that kitten. My proof? That darn cat is going to cute me to death. Every time I look at it, I get a mad urge to stalk NrAged until I find out who owns that cat and then bribing them or poking them in the ribs until they give me the cat. ARGH!
Evil!Neville... this is not over. You will not win. Severus Snape, I want your cat. You are dealing with a woman on the edge.
portkey @ May 13 2003, 21:46:16 UTC |
Honestly, I don't think it was Neville. I don't think Neville is evil, for that matter, but that's beside the point. It seems to be very much a Remus thing to do, but obviously he couldn't have gone to the castle in that time period. Though that's not to say he couldn't have owled someone else to place it there in his stead.
But I think there's been enough speculation on that already.
I love your icon. It's funny, and so, so true. Guh, indeed. May I ask who that is?
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neveth @ May 13 2003, 21:50:05 UTC |
Dom. Otherwise known as Merriadoc from LOTR. Guh indeed.
(parent)portkey @ May 13 2003, 21:53:17 UTC |
Okay, that's what I thought. Though he looks a bit different in that picture than the other several thousand I've seen of him. But yes, very much guh.
Erm. And to stay on topic, that cat is the single cutest creature ever. Though I believe that's already been stated many times over.
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ex_meiko437 @ May 13 2003, 22:49:32 UTC |
i'm sorry, but that cat has a lazy eye. it is cute in a "lame duck" sort of fashion.
(parent)notapipe @ May 14 2003, 01:19:35 UTC |
It is not the single cutest creature ever. The single cutest creature ever is a puppy I've seen around campus. I am not alone in this assement, it could kill someone with it's cuteness without even making an effort.
I do not say this lightly, for I am a cat person myself, but it is true.
teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 21:52:37 UTC |
Only someone Evil could use such an innocent little kitten face for his own nefarious plots. Ok, so, there's probably no plot. :) Maybe it was Harry. I don't have a reason for saying that, but maybe.
Dominic Monaghan... he's... uh.. yummy. Guh. :D
portkey @ May 13 2003, 21:57:21 UTC |
Perhaps it was Lucius, who will use the kitty as blackmail in the future? But really, I can't help but think it seems like something Dumbledore would do, despite the fact that he's not really a played character.
Harry, though? Even if he hadn't been in the bathroom all night, I doubt he would have done it, if only for the fact that it's Snape.
Yes, Dom is very, very yummy. I've never seen that picture in particular, though, so I couldn't tell it was him, but..*drools*
teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 22:03:10 UTC |
Lucius is a reasonable suspect. Or perhaps Narcissa? She's got all these motherly feelings she's trying to cope with. She also is, well, uh... naive? (self-absorbed) enough to just put it in a cabinet somewhere thinking that it will all be ok until Sevvie finds it. Or even Minerva. Oh hell. It could be anybody.
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 02:31:05 UTC |
I am getting such Snape/Neville feelings lately.
notapipe @ May 14 2003, 12:28:25 UTC |
People it could not be:
Crabbe (he never does anything), Lavender, Pavarti, Ernie, Justin, Sirius (I won't count out Remus, because he might have strings), Colin, Lucius (assuming his testimony), Percy, Arthur, Molly, Moaning Myrtle.
People it probably is not:
Hufflepuff house, Ravenclaw house, Gred and Forge, Charlie, Ron, Ginny, Seamus, Dean
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Anonymous @ May 13 2003, 22:57:58 UTC |
I nominate Draco because he is the least likely and therefore it obviously must be him!
checks to see if the sky's turned orange yet
teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 23:00:20 UTC |
See, I always go for the least expected too. But something just tells me that Draco isn't into pussy ... cats.
Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
lunadeath02 @ May 13 2003, 22:03:27 UTC |
Severus Snape, I want your cat.
Heh. I'm sorry, but... that just sounds so wrong.
^_^ *snerk*
teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 22:04:20 UTC |
It would have been worse if I would have asked for his little animal. :D
(parent)lunadeath02 @ May 13 2003, 22:06:26 UTC |
I thought you were going to say pussy.
Or maybe his little purr box.
teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 22:07:48 UTC |
Please... to just come out and say it? That's just too easy ;)
Hmm. Purr box. Scuse me while I fantasize a moment...
lunadeath02 @ May 13 2003, 22:21:16 UTC |
lol. someone needs to make that an icon.
an icon of Snape that says: "I have a purr box."
^_^ Or something like that.
"My kitty is gray."
teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 22:48:10 UTC |
Well, your wish is my command. Let's see if I get this right.
zorb @ May 13 2003, 23:08:16 UTC |
Excellent! Did you intend the double meaning in the first one?
(parent)teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 23:10:21 UTC |
Sadly, no. I got the quote from Lucius' reply to Sevvie when he found the kitten. I noticed it after I posted it. I wonder if Lucius meant it that way? :)
(parent)zorb @ May 13 2003, 23:10:27 UTC |
*facepalm* Nevermind, I just reread where Lucius said it. *crawls away*
(parent)teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 23:13:01 UTC |
Hmm... the more I think about the double meaning there, the more I think maybe Lucius *did* send the kitten. It was a rather suggestive thing to say.
Very interesting.
lunadeath02 @ May 13 2003, 23:12:36 UTC |
Cute! ^_^
Is the first one a double meaning? heh.
hey, it might have been Sirius. Something he'd do before leaving- give Snape a kitty... and run! (with Lupin, of course)
lunadeath02 @ May 13 2003, 23:16:15 UTC |
Or Silver. (if it's a girl?)
Hi Ho Silver!
Dur... nm. -_-
teardrop69 @ May 13 2003, 23:07:13 UTC |
I realized just now I'm probably going to get slammed for posting icons. My appologies. There was already a post about icons in comment threads. My only defense is at least they are in comment thread, and therefore technically behind LJ cut.
spoke @ May 14 2003, 00:29:14 UTC |
But you can't get the cat! Lavender and Parvati are already going to cat-nap it!
Good lord, Lavender and Parvarti... we must rescue the kitten before they reach it! (Er, again I mean, since they seems to have held off before.)
(Joins you in kitten-related stalking)
spoke @ May 14 2003, 03:50:39 UTC |
yes, but if Snape actually keeps that name, then he really has snapped.
(parent)spoke @ May 14 2003, 03:56:58 UTC |
no, not a bunny. definately not a bunny. (bunnies are more evil than cats anyway)
but what i meant was, the only way i could see him calling any pet at all 'bunny' is if, oh, he'd been slipped some purple beans, or perhaps Narcissa's medicene. (i typed Lucius's medicene first-gah!)
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hezzabeth @ May 14 2003, 03:59:23 UTC Re: |
I think he should call the cat blue , because of her lovely eyes.
Maybe we should hold a competition what should sevvie call his cat?
spoke @ May 14 2003, 04:01:39 UTC |
*g* yes! i nominate 'sevvie', so when people try to call him that he can claim they were talking to the cat.
this way, he would also get the justification of it having a 'purpose', however flimsy.
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hezzabeth @ May 14 2003, 04:24:58 UTC Re: |
I think he should call the cat blue , because of her lovely eyes.
Maybe we should hold a competition what should sevvie call his cat?