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neveth @ 2003-05-14 10:58:00 |
Mew! Mew!
Mood: amused
Silly Snape. He has no clue what to do with the little fuzzball. This will be interesting to watch. I love how he compared the kitten's yowling to Student Whinging.
Neville, what are you up to? Is it true? Are you Evil? O.o
cirakaite @ May 14 2003, 09:01:20 UTC |
It's a vampire kitty!
*dies repeatedly from choking on laughter*
flyingcarpet @ May 14 2003, 09:06:33 UTC |
OMG!!! I totally did not get that, but I think you're right. That's definetely what he's talking about:
Will need to go to Lupin's office to procure necessary element required to prove suspicions about cat.
Oh, Lord. Am getting nothing done at work today.
cirakaite @ May 14 2003, 09:12:22 UTC |
It's the first thing that came to mind, says the ex-BtVS fandomer. Seriously- it's starving, yet won't eat; was found in the dungeons, not wandering out in the sunlight; and when it finally starts to look healthier, it's right after munching on Snape's hand!
(parent)flyingcarpet @ May 14 2003, 09:14:47 UTC |
No, you are definetely right. This makes me wonder, though: what is the "necessary element" he needs to prove it? And why would Lupin have one? DADA, I guess.
cirakaite @ May 14 2003, 09:21:42 UTC |
Garlic kitten food? A silver cross on a collar? *g* Isn't Lupin the Care of Magical Creatures professor? That's why he has the menagerie in his quarters that Draco has to clean for detentions. He seems to be the one that everyone goes to for equipment though . . .
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neveth @ May 14 2003, 09:22:08 UTC |
Lupin is the one who knows the most about magical (and non-magical I'd assume) animals. If he wanted to verify that someone gave him a vampiric cat (shades of Bunnicula!), he'd probbably check Lupin's books.
(parent)flyingcarpet @ May 14 2003, 09:25:44 UTC |
er, am dumb. Thanks for the correction, both of you.
Heh. Bunnicula. I *knew* this was reminding me of something.
I'm glad y'all thought of something. My first thought was "oh no, a wooden stake!!" but I am obviously just too worked up about this.
Shouldn't Snape, as a potions master, have some blood sitting around somewhere? He could feed that to the cat.
cirakaite @ May 14 2003, 09:26:05 UTC |
First Lupin's celery comment, now this . . . They want to make us reread our childhood favourites, don't they?
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neveth @ May 14 2003, 09:32:30 UTC |
Indeed! I wonder where I stashed those Bunnicula books...
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neveth @ May 14 2003, 09:11:38 UTC |
This would explain why I keep wanting to name the kitten Fang.
*wonders if this is why all of her friends have her name their cats*
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 09:04:22 UTC |
I think she's winning him over:
"Edit: Attempt at feeding resulted in severely bitten hand. However, cat now seems more alert and functional. Intriguing. Creature may require some study...."
Only with Snape could this ever happen; cute none the less.
shusu @ May 14 2003, 09:15:18 UTC I would like to point out: |
And don't call her Bunny.
Hee hee. Sorry, I couldn't figure a way to paraphrase that. Go look :p
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neveth @ May 14 2003, 09:20:23 UTC Re: I would like to point out: |
XD He likes her, but being Snape, has to be all "grr boo argh" as he so cleverly put it. I still say he should name the kitten Fang.
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 09:30:52 UTC Re: I would like to point out: |
I think he should name her "Elizabeth" after Elizabeth Bathory (1560-1614). "The Blood Countess" was said to have black hair and cat-like eyes.
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neveth @ May 14 2003, 09:31:56 UTC Re: I would like to point out: |
Oooo. That would be nifty, taking in the speculation that Kitty is vampiric.
(parent)xnera @ May 14 2003, 11:48:55 UTC Re: I would like to point out: |
This calls for a new icon. *grin*
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neveth @ May 14 2003, 12:40:57 UTC Re: I would like to point out: |
Bunny.. bunnicula... I'm senseing some refrenceing. XD
LOVE the icon!
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 12:00:53 UTC |
The caption on the picture at ratemykitten.com says "Interview with the little vampire"!
cirakaite @ May 14 2003, 12:27:55 UTC |
Well, I guess the teeth do look like fangs . . . and unless my eyes are deceiving me, that mouth is very, very red *g*
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neveth @ May 14 2003, 12:39:31 UTC |
Where is the kitten at that site? I'm not having much luck finding it....
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Anonymous @ May 14 2003, 14:02:31 UTC |
Here it is:
notapipe @ May 14 2003, 15:00:37 UTC |
I think the kitten should be called Evil. Also, Snapekin should make it a sandwich.
(parent)notapipe @ May 14 2003, 15:12:42 UTC |
Neville, what are you up to? Is it true? Are you Evil? O.o
I am not Neville, I cannot answer for him. However. The answer is yes.