shusu @ 2003-05-14 11:44:00 |
icon post
Mood: accomplished
As I have nothing intelligent to say, other than I heard an old Russian recording of the Volga Boat song (marvelous singer, I wonder if ps is holding those notes), I was awake at 6am refreshing, and does anyone else remember the X-Phile running joke about "Fine"? because I sure do...
More icons. For some reason the same glow effect is working differently, and I didn't notice it till I was finished. No clue why. Sorry -_-
Icon messages do not necessarily reflect the opinions and wacked out theories of the iconmaker. Quotes belong to respective lj users.
Font used is Bastard, with Love Letter TW for punctuation and some messages.
![]() |
neveth @ May 14 2003, 10:00:34 UTC |
Yay! More icons!! (Question, may I alter teh Neville one?) And thanks for the font name. I have one but not the other.
shusu @ May 14 2003, 10:21:53 UTC |
Sure, pillage to your heart's content. They are dead easy to make, with a few exceptions; in this case I see no point demanding credit. Quite happy being the anonymous source of the icon scourge. ^^
*yes, gets all squeeful when someone uses them ^__^ *
evil_erato @ May 14 2003, 12:12:04 UTC |
does anyone else remember the X-Phile running joke about "Fine"? because I sure do...
"Sure. Fine. *glove snap* Whatever."
Hee! Glad that I haven't been the only one thinking of this :)
longtimegone @ May 14 2003, 13:12:00 UTC I'm fine, Mulder *sigh* |
Scully was ALWAYS fine...
Kinda like Draco's "enraged." You paid attention when Scully said she wasn't fine. That meant something.
I miss the X Files.
shusu @ May 14 2003, 15:00:42 UTC Re: I'm fine, Mulder *sigh* |
The Fine-O-Meter!!
To keep on topic, there is a resemblance between Scully saying "Fine" when she's NOT, and Draco using "enraged" when he's... merely annoyed. He's seemed so much mellower, lately. His reaction to everyone's reaction about his "fine" mood seems to indicate he'll keep that part of the mask.
And I so miss it too...
takeonelook @ May 14 2003, 16:20:36 UTC Re: I'm fine, Mulder *sigh* |
::is nostalgic::
to think that that was my first fandom and what introduced me to fanfic
now mulder/scully is harry/draco and fine is enraged
how things change
sistermagpie @ May 14 2003, 19:27:13 UTC Re: I'm fine, Mulder *sigh* |
I too began in X-Phile fandom. Such a sad sad end.
tabiji @ May 15 2003, 00:54:22 UTC |
Heheh...that's Snape's whole problem...he just needs some kitty-lovin. (Ugh...don't picture that literally!)
(parent)katrionaa @ May 14 2003, 18:44:03 UTC |
Great icons! And thanks for pointing out the X-Files 'fine', I haven't watched that (even in reruns) for years.
(parent)spoke @ May 14 2003, 19:32:34 UTC |
icons! iconsiconsicons! i can see them now! (grabs my first live comment thread)