lore @ 2003-05-14 12:05:00 |
Not evil, just wibble....
Mood: investigative
OK, people, this seems significant.
Let's see....
Nevil is at the reception. All systems normal.
Then, under the truth serum, Snape makes his accusations. Nevil is appropriately appalled and gets increasingly angry as the serum forces him to reveal more and more of his feelings. No questions are asked of Nevil here, however, Nevil reaches a boiling point and seems to bash the monitor with his head.
The next day he is wibbly and is "afraid he remembers enough."
He speaks with Harry & Hermione, probably telling them everything,
and reveals he had or has a memory block.
I think the truth serum was trying to force Nevil to tell some truths he doesn't even know he has locked inside of him. The reason he went nuts for a while is because the block and the serum were canceling each other out. Nevil seems to remember something, but I don't think he remembers everything. He seems to still have the block and he wrote his grandmother for permission to unblock it; perhaps by magical means.
Could the block be a spell, such as one Lockhart might have used? And what is it that Nevil doesn't remember? He keeps mentioning his parents...
Snape is going to be eating a lot of crow in the near future.
love, lore
wednesday_tea @ May 14 2003, 11:33:21 UTC |
This sure is strange. A memory block? I assume that has something to do with his parents. Weird theory, but maybe he saw them be tortured, or something like that, and had his memory of that blocked, so that he wouldn't go raving mad? No idea.
(parent)serpensortia @ May 14 2003, 11:49:57 UTC |
This is just what I was thinking too! ^-^ Some sort of memory charm or block placed on him that stopped him from remembering - we were having a discussion about canon!Nev on a Neville Slash ML not so long ago about the possiblity that he may have had something like that placed on him if he'd witnessed his parents being tortured. I'm wondering if this is the sort of direction they're going in here...
Nevil reaches a boiling point and seems to bash the monitor with his head.
That's the only thing I'd disagree with. I don't think he did hit his head, I think memories started coming back to him about something to do with his parents that were more important than shouting at Snape. These two comments in particular after he's been shouting seem to point to something about his parents bothering him to the point that he feels sick.
*shrugs* But Neville is so not evil. He's too adorable for that. ^-^;;
notapipe @ May 14 2003, 14:50:38 UTC |
*shrugs* But Neville is so not evil. He's too adorable for that. ^-^;;
I can think of another chubby griffindor who was a friend of a Potter that could be said of. The difference is that Neville has deeper Batman/Punisher style scars and larger aspirations than some Dark Lord's toady.
Yeah, so maybe my "Neville is evil" theories are becoming less and less likely.
As for the head-bashing, if you're right, McGonnagall thinks Neville is a moron. His head of house ought to respect his intelligence. Which is why he should get a different head of house. :P
serpensortia @ May 14 2003, 15:20:15 UTC |
I can think of another chubby griffindor who was a friend of a Potter that could be said of.
If his name starts with a P and ends in an R, then I still say: Neville's not evil. And that's ignoring the fact that Neville is different from him in many ways; just because you're chubby and befriend Potters doesn't make you a psycho. :p
As for the head-bashing, if you're right, McGonnagall thinks Neville is a moron. His head of house ought to respect his intelligence. Which is why he should get a different head of house.
I suspect that, yes, McGonnagall does think he's a moron - she can't be expected to like every member of her house. I'm with you on Neville getting a new head of house though...he might not be evil IMO, but the mere idea of Neville being transfered to Slytherin is just too precious. *grins stupidly*
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 01:17:27 UTC |
It's your icon's fault. Though I agree Neville is very different. Neville is diabolical, Peter is wimpy evil.
Also: Neville isn't psycho. Psychosis is a tawdry little mental illness; it's born of greed, or lust, or too much acid. Rapists and shopkeepers go psycho. But when a Dark Lord kills, when Voldemort killed -- he was evil.
![]() |
Anonymous @ May 15 2003, 04:20:26 UTC |
Re: McGonagal Maybe everyone's attitude to Neville might change if it is proved that he is under a forgetfulness spell. He's not a dunderhead at all--he's been subtly handicapped and can't be blamed for forgetting things.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 14 2003, 16:03:39 UTC |
Just have to stick my nose in...I don't know where NA is going with this but I hate the Canon-Neville-having-memory-charms theories. To me it's a lot like the fluffy!Draco fics--the main things about his personality get chalked up to some outside force. He must have been really young when his parents were attacked, young enough that he would have forgotten the events anyway. Plus if he'd had that kind of experience it would have showed up with the Dementors, imo.
(parent)spoke @ May 14 2003, 19:56:15 UTC |
I don't know where NA is going with this but I hate the Canon-Neville-having-memory-charms theories.
thank you! that drives me nuts as well; i mean, he's in Harry's age group, and Harry can only remember bits about his parents under some serious pressure!
the only thing i've seen worse than that, is a theory that Neville might have known something that his parents also knew, and he was memory-charmed so rogue Deatheaters couldn't get it out of him. augh! gives me this image of the DE in thier black cloaks and everything, gathered around Neville and trying to translate baby-babble into useful information. for crying out loud!
er, yes. and in summary: Thank You Again!
zorb @ May 14 2003, 23:30:54 UTC |
Totally with you. I think it really cheapens things to make magic the absolute cause for everyone's weaknesses. It's a lot more worthwhile to overcome something that's truly within you, as I believe Neville will in canon.
That said, it seems like NA's going with the Memory Charm theory, and that's cool. To each their own, and it's fun watching Snape go nuts. ^^
notapipe @ May 14 2003, 14:47:51 UTC |
Okay, so how does this fit Evil!Neville?
Simple. Neville performed the memory charm on HIMSELF, a la Zaphod Beeblebrox. Why? I'm not sure. It's possible that he did some dark deed that he wanted to prevent his future self from knowing, either so he could get by the Hogwarts staff or so he wouldn't be driven insane by it. Perhaps Neville is the one who actually drove insane his parents, with a childhood manifestation of his Dark Arts powers. Maybe he killed someone. Maybe he gave a vampire cat to Snape. I don't know yet.
spoke @ May 14 2003, 20:08:14 UTC |
Snape is going to be eating a lot of crow in the near future.
ah, but you see, he will not. for Snape is never wrong. never. notice how the potions mishap has been swept aside by the evil that is Neville.
also (and i need to look up the exact post where he said this) he made some comment about Dumblesore fussing at him for something ridiculous he'd tried to get Harry expelled over. claimed he couldn't remember having said any such thing.
now, who do we trust to have a more accurate memory of events? 3 guesses, and none of them start with S.
so i think even if he is proven wrong, he will find some way out of it. (is it wrong of me to be rooting for evil!Neville?)
spoke @ May 15 2003, 02:29:16 UTC |
I knew someone was going to post after I got off the computer! ack!
And, thanks!