syddle @ 2003-05-14 17:26:00 |
(no title)
This doesn't disprove evility... does it?
I wonder whether he really expects to be able to do all of that, or whether he is just being Evil and Wicked and moving for sympathy unsuspicion.
...I never thought the cat was his fault, anyway.
notapipe @ May 14 2003, 19:06:10 UTC |
Re the cat: Nor I, giving a vampire cat to Snape isn't nearly subtle enough for a devious mind like Evil!Neville Longbottom's.
However, there are a number of interesting things to notice for an evil!Neville in the post.
The first is that if he memory charmed himself to forget his evilness, he would avoid questioning. He says Snape has to ask his questions quickly before the memory block fails, presumably. Once the memory block fails, he'll go all psycho, so he can't answer then either. It's very devious.
Next he says that he needs to know what he is "being made to forget". This reminds me, as well, of Zaphod Beeblebrox. He too needed to know what sinister things he made himself forget. My only conclusion is that he is probably in the place where he wanted to be before he memory charmed himself (probably shortly before he resumed posting), or that his plan to make himself un-suspectable got thrown a hitch when he was Veritaserum-ed too early.
Finally, he says "I thought about it, but it wasn't me who gave him the kitten." This probably means that Neville had time between reading Snape's post and his "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE RAT BASTARD MEANIE??!!!" posts to consider giving Snape a kitten. Sure sign of evil, predilberated response, if I ever saw one.
anjaliesque @ May 14 2003, 19:19:49 UTC |
Gosh, I love this post. I can't get over how clear and reasoned Neville sounds. I know that that may just be because he carefully drafted this post, but even otherwise the way he writes is so candid and reflective and eeergh- I think Neville is my new favorite character, after Colin.
Recently I was going through the Harry Potter Lexicon, and reading this post made a sentence describing the character of Neville Longbottom jump to mind: Snape picks on Neville mercilessly and it is a mark of his inner courage that he doggedly keeps attending those classes in spite of the abuse.
I really had been wondering how Neville would face Snape in class, if this issue had hurt him so very much. Apparently six years of taunts have at last come to a head. It is ironic that it was not Snape's verbal abusing that has finally made Neville lose it, but Snape's sudden Dark-Arts-related approval. Eek.
But now I adore him so much after this post that I guiltily feel that my newly-made icon is sorely out of place. *wibbles*
spoke @ May 14 2003, 20:17:43 UTC |
but it's not out of place! she who posted said it didn't disprove evility! and, evil!Neville could be freaked out because if he had to stay around Snape anymore than necessary he might screw up and leave Snape with tangible proof that he is evil!
then Snape could take said proof to Dumbledore and no more secret evil activities for Neville. :(
and my brain is high conspriracy mode tonight apparently, no don't mind me... ^^
spoke @ May 14 2003, 19:22:11 UTC |
i'm not sure either. i think there are 3... wait, 4 possiblities here.
1. as you said, sympathy unsuspicion.
2. he's trying to pysch Snape out, so that he'll retract his statements and wait for the next move...
3. he thinks it'll all blow over and be blamed on the Memory Charm... "i didn't understand what i was doing!"
"that's okay, Neville, we understand. just don't practice Dark Arts anymore, young man."
"yes sir, Headmaster, i won't sir."
4. we are all reading waayy too much into this and it should be taken at face value.
yeah. show of hands for #4? didn't think so.
syddle @ May 14 2003, 21:13:01 UTC |
*shifts weight nervily* Pffft, 4. Don't even consider it. Reading too much into it? Impossible! *scoffs*
...I think... maybe...
Oooh, they are tricky.
spoke @ May 14 2003, 21:21:20 UTC |
veryvery tricky. can't take our eyes off them for a second.
(parent)syddle @ May 14 2003, 21:29:19 UTC |
Evil evil, should be doing homework. Evil. Can't stop refreshing.
(parent)spoke @ May 14 2003, 21:39:55 UTC |
evil. definetly. i was blaming my jod for my always missing posts, but now i know they wait for everyone to be asleep.
ha! we have them out-manouvered, however: there are now far too many of us for everyone to be asleep! evil though they are, they can't avoid us all... ^^
spoke @ May 14 2003, 19:23:57 UTC |
whoops. didn't see other people had already responded. :( i type far too slowly...
(parent)adrienneherbst @ May 14 2003, 23:50:44 UTC buh? | I the only one who thinks Evil!Neville is a crock of shit, or what?
(parent)cirakaite @ May 15 2003, 00:26:25 UTC Re: buh? |
lmao. I think a lot of it is a joke on the part of nraged'ers, if you go back to the first evil!Neville thread. It's become self-perpetuating, with icons and everything!
But yes. Neville may not be as much of a wuss as he usually is portrayed as . . . but evil?
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 01:47:45 UTC Re: buh? |
I'll have you know that:
A) I was part of the first thread that undertook a real investigation of nEVILle and didn't just laugh it off and then proceed to hit F5/the refresh/reload button (bookofjude, bless his soul, excluded).
B) By about number 6, it was no longer merely a joke to me. Snape is right, Neville is a menace. Oh, he may not be a Dark Lord (yet), but he's definetly on the path of iniquity and deciet. I beleive firmly that others are with me. Right others? *ignores sounds of crickets*
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 02:54:49 UTC Re: buh? |
I have no idea why i always assumed you were female , I guess I gathered the assumption over at Parry Hotter.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:03:41 UTC Re: buh? |
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has thought me female at least one point in there life. Except Mar dear. I feel so andogynous/feminine.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:29:54 UTC Re: buh? |
I posted some pictures this morning. I'm sure you'll disagree once you've seen them. ^^;;
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:31:24 UTC Re: buh? |
Oh no you have very attractive features , and if that guy in soriety boys can get away with wearing a skirt I'm sure you can.
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:37:01 UTC Re: buh? |
Alright , lets rephrase the statement.
Draco while courting Harry in a series of impossibly cryptic innuendo's would look very attractive in a skirt.
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:44:42 UTC Re: buh? |
True. Unless he waxes or something... though he's british. Bowie's british. Bowie has lovely legs. Therefore all british have lovely legs. Therefore Draco has LOVELY legs.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:00:34 UTC Re: buh? |
I'm not done with Logic yet, so I have to take offense at your horrible fallicious undistributed middle. Try again in 17 hours.
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:37:26 UTC Re: buh? |
No, you should go right head, I don't think anyone's here to fuss at you for being off-topic.
Now that 5 minutes have passed for me, I would like to point out- Draco posts! 2 of them! ^^
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:41:55 UTC Re: buh? |
There was posts by anonymous people about icon squeeage earlier this week. o_O
I need to catch up on NA. I'm so busy. ;-; *wibbles*
spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:45:14 UTC Re: buh? |
I know. Meanies. (maybe they had a point, but.)
Also, I know about catching up on NA. (wibbles with you) My weekend is over in a little less than an hour! Wah! I will have to try and catch up in an hour here and there between work and i'll miss everything again!
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:53:59 UTC Re: buh? |
I'm just too lazy to read through all the comments, *embaressed*. I'm also supposed to be writing but I'm having too much fun just chatting with everyone and wondering if I'm use correct grammar.
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:56:47 UTC Re: buh? |
Is cool. I tend to skim through them sometimes, looking for interesting people I might like to talk to. ^^
And i'm forever waiting for someone to call me on my grammer, but no one has yet. Whew. << >>
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 04:01:03 UTC Re: buh? |
Same here.
I constantly replace 'to' with 'too' and make homonym switches... mainly because I read out in my head when I'm typing what I'm about to type. And then if I'm listening to music... well. The results can be hilarious.
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 04:14:42 UTC Re: buh? |
King of the Castle, I tossed 'we hope you choke' in while listening to Radiohead... and if someone say something like 'try' while I'm typing burn, I'll try turn, or something like that. I usually backspace it out, but.
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:10:17 UTC Re: buh? |
I cannot listen to music at all. I kept trying to twist it into a soundtrack for whatever I was reading... sometimes it got really wierd. (shudders)
(I just had to backtrack through this to make sure it was all past tense!ack!)
spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:22:37 UTC Re: buh? |
Oh No! More strange coincedences! The Ironic Overpower is already after hezzabeth, look out man!
(Begins peering around in certainty of impending doom.)
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 04:32:26 UTC Re: buh? |
*sticks postit note on forehead*
'do not wake unless you have tea or news of impended apocalypse*
*gets imprint of forehead on keyboard*
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:34:29 UTC Re: buh? |
punch and pie
spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:32:26 UTC Re: buh? |
Oi! That was *my* evil!Neville flag! No burning other people's evil flags!
I will make another one, though, so nyah! ^^
(still <3 evil!Neville!)
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:37:37 UTC Re: buh? |
* destroys the place where he/she manufactures themm*
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:41:52 UTC Re: buh? |
* destroys the place where he/ she manufactures themm*
It's part of the conspiracy, isn't it? You're helping him destroy all the evidence, aren't you?!
Can't stop me, though! I will draw one by hand! Ha! It will be a dinky paper flag, but it will still exist! (is a complete and utter goof)
(still <3s evil!Neville)
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:42:58 UTC Re: buh? |
Hey hang on , was'nt this origenally in a different comment thread?
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 03:45:31 UTC Re: buh? |
apparently. But it's great here as well.
Carry on.
Though he's not. Evil Neville will crush you. Especially because you do not see it coming, you fool.
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:47:11 UTC Re: buh? |
You underestimate me , there fore you are the foolish one.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:04:59 UTC Re: buh? |
You prove you have no skillz by underestimating Neville. I do not underestimate you. Unless you really do beleive in Evil!Neville, and are hiding because you wish to curry favor with the Dark One. In which case, carry on. However, he will crush you for beleiving him a fool when he rises.
Dark Lord Neville uber alles.
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:07:16 UTC Re: buh? |
You cannot even begin to comprehend my plans foolish one they are so complex they would cause a Draco/Harry slash theorists head to explode.
There fore I will not reveal them.
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:08:57 UTC Re: buh? |
I am an Evil!Neville theorist. I understand everything.
(parent)![]() |
hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:27:20 UTC Re: buh? |
You should'nt trust in one perception of reality.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:31:46 UTC Re: buh? |
Then why do you claim to know if I am a mortal?
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:33:12 UTC Re: buh? |
Because all perceptions of reality point to yes.
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:42:35 UTC Re: buh? |
Origen's does not.
1 (Ex) (PerceptionOfReality(x) ^ ~ErikIsMortal(x))
2 c| (PerceptionOfReality(c) ^ ~ErikIsMortal(c)) A
3 (x) (PerceptionOfReality(x) -> ErikIsMortal(x)) A
4 (PerceptionOfReality(c) -> ErikIsMortal(c)) Universal Elim 3
5 PerceptionOfReality(c) UElim 2
6 ErikIsMortal(c) ->Elim 4,5
7 ~ErikIsMortal(c) ^Elim 2
8 _|_ Contradiction Intro 6,7
9 ~(x) (PerceptionOfReality(x) -> ErikIsMortal(x)) RAA 3, 4-8
10 ~(x) (PerceptionOfReality(x) -> ErikIsMortal(x)) Existential Elim 1,2-9
Therefore, you are wrong.
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:46:18 UTC Re: buh? |
Actually... *raises hand* I see a bit of possible history repeating...
James + Remus + Sirius + Peter, Peter wasn't really one of their friends.
Harry + Hermione + Ron + Neville, Neville isn't really one of their friends.
See a pattern here?
evil!Neville is possible.
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:49:10 UTC Re: buh? |
Yes but Nevillie is nice.
Peter smells , and he probably masturbates over Voldie.
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:54:56 UTC Re: buh? |
And all the teachers though Peter was nice, but hopeless...? >=D
That would make for an interesting plot bunny... wanking!Peter/Voldie...
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:57:38 UTC Re: buh? |
I bet I'll see it up in Parry Hotter withen a week.
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 04:02:01 UTC Re: does this count as masturbation? |
You would. You made it. :p
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:16:40 UTC Re: does this count as masturbation? |
And a good job I did on it too
*smugly satisfied*
Though normally I'm very critical of my own work, and hate it. So you're wrong.
spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:47:41 UTC Re: buh? |
Yes. Yes it was. But I thought maybe we should move it (I don't know why) and besides, you burnt my evil!Neville flag. WAH! It is not wrong, because Snape knows. And so do notapipe and bookofjude!
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:49:53 UTC Re: buh? |
Oh so your following the popular kids now? woe is me! what ever has come to origenality?
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:54:38 UTC Re: buh? |
Oh so your following the popular kids now?
Am not! I am following them because I thought I was the only one who saw evil!Neville for what he was,(all alone on my mean nightshift) and then I got home and saw loverly theories and was happy! ^_^
And your originality has not been comprised, mine has. But I don't care! ^__^
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 03:55:40 UTC Re: buh? |
I am sad because the first friend I made at my first live comment thread , has given into peer pressure.
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:00:46 UTC Re: buh? |
*patpat* Don't be sad!
Is not giving into peer pressure, really! I mean it, I was thinking: evil!Neville before I saw the posts. << >>
Is a very wierd thought to have running through your head during the wee hours of the morning. But! It is also fun!
I will not go anywhere! (Until I have to go to sleep.) I still like you! (is worried you will not like me) :(
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:03:11 UTC Re: buh? |
Don't worry I like you to! lets see I have to go in half an hour because thats when it's my brothers turn to use the computer.
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:07:40 UTC Re: buh? |
Oh good! (is relieved) I will look for when I can be on in the morning again. I can't do that on worknights because I stay up way too late.
Stupid job!
spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:12:45 UTC Re: buh? |
All institution-type thingies are stupid. They don't understand being online is much more improtant! Meanies...
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:14:04 UTC Re: buh? |
I know , I should he writing an articule for my journalism class about Online communitys right now. How ironic can you get with out puking?
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:19:22 UTC Re: buh? |
I don't know; that would do it for me... uh-oh. The Ironic Over-power is watching. << >>
Luckily, you have warded it off for now, by mentioning irony, but you must be careful, as it is clearly stalking you.
As shown by the bizzare coincedence, first precursor of its prescence. (shudders) (looks over her shoulder just in case)
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:21:50 UTC Re: buh? |
You know that was a direct quote off " my so called life" man I love that show.
~ How Ironic can you get with out puking?
~ Sooner or later every body dies
and a perfect one for Draco and Harry.
~When you think stastically about the different random reasons why people tend to hook up it will make you want to kill yourself!
spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:25:34 UTC Re: buh? |
lol! Those are great. Especially the one for Draco and Harry, as that is so where they are headed.
I have not seen that show. I know i've heard that name before, though.
And i'm sure 'The Ironic Over-power is from somewhere, but I don't know where! Grr...
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:31:20 UTC Re: buh? |
I'm going to search for more My so called Life Draco and Harry Quotes tomorow.
Right now I need to clean out my inbox.
spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:41:00 UTC Re: buh? |
Yeah. Stupid sleep and work are calling, I really should stop posting...
Besides, I have a project for the awful slow hours tonight! Yay! Once again, NrAged has spread choas and insanity and happiness! ^__^
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:23:02 UTC Re: buh? |
You have a low irony threshold. Or maybe you just puke too much.
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:29:53 UTC Re: buh? |
I am explaining why I have a low vomit thresh hold.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:30:46 UTC Re: buh? |
And I am wondering why you are dying of food poisoning.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 03:55:51 UTC Re: buh? |
I'm not popular. *shifty eyes* And nothing happened to origenality...
Originality, however, is a different matter.
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:13:45 UTC I'm popular? That's news. |
Origenality got proclaimed heretical for supporting apocatastasis.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:21:33 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
Origen was an early christian theologian who was proclaimed a heretic largely for his views on apocatastasis. (as well as being very much for allegorical bible and platonism, though Augustine weathered that fine, so that's not nearly as important)
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:17:52 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
No. But that was the first useful google result for explaining apocatastasis to everyone.
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:19:59 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
Eh , according to my birth certificate I'm catholic.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:24:19 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
Your birth certificate mentions your religion? Weird.
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hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 04:27:37 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
It doe's if you were born in a catholic hospital.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:30:11 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
So do you get to be part of the pope's evil plan to take over the world and unite it under the Beast of Rome (though really, the Chruch ought to be the Whore. Just because John Donne says so)?
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:19:40 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
No. God. Catholics belong to God, not the pope.
And yes, I am. Eventually. According to apocatastasis.
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 04:21:54 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
Ah. That makes sense. And I shouldn't be so rude as to poke fun at a miscontraction in new friends. Sorry: mocking mood tonite.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:27:24 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
Yes you should. Mocking is fun for everyone. Including the mocked.
I beleive this because I am insensitive and enjoy mocking people, and being mocked, and do not consider that other people are not the exact same as me. Yay.
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:53:11 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
*gets offended, runs away crying*
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 05:04:04 UTC Re: I'm popular? That's news. |
One of these days, I'm gonna pack heat. Your brains on the wall. My face, my face on TV.
mc chris, number one with the ladies
spoke @ May 15 2003, 03:50:31 UTC Re: buh? |
*salutes you for evil!Neville theories*
One evil!Neville flag!
As soon as I can make them. Big meanie destroyed the factory, I'm going to have to do them by hand. Hmph.
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:02:01 UTC Re: buh? |
I'm thinking of starting a Church of the Evil Neville. We could be a doomsday cult. And there would be punch and pie.
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:04:42 UTC Re: buh? |
Yay! Finally a cult I could get behind! We will have to find out what kind of punch and pie, so not to offend the great and evil!Neville.
(parent)spoke @ May 15 2003, 04:14:01 UTC Re: buh? |
I think not. Unless we are aiming for horrible, painful death, in which case it would be perfect.
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jgoreham @ May 15 2003, 12:15:52 UTC Re: buh? |
Mmmmm pie. I want to be a part of a cult that serves PIES at its services!!!
Can we have apple pie?
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 15:27:18 UTC Re: buh? |
only if you bring it yourself. I won't be party to your nationalist lack of taste.
I say we get French Silk. That shit it good.
anjaliesque @ May 15 2003, 18:09:56 UTC nEVILle |
I know it's a little late now to voice my support, but here it is. This icon's gotta be good for something.
(parent)![]() |
hezzabeth @ May 15 2003, 02:39:48 UTC Re: buh? |
Heh , that will teach me to stop taking icons at face value.
(parent)adrienneherbst @ May 15 2003, 04:36:55 UTC Re: buh? |
Oh. *blinks* I must have been brainwashed. What was I thinking?
(And, um. Sorry about the really rude/bitchy tone of that post. Argh. o_o)
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 05:06:05 UTC Re: FINE THEN. |
*goes to bed because it's getting light outside*
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:43:34 UTC Re: buh? |
I have no idea.
But the time to repent and learn what you really believe is now.
notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:47:02 UTC Re: buh? |
Grammar mistake. The corrected sentance is:StupidSmart, witty, charming and artisticly talented, computerized evangelists. ;)
bookofjude @ May 15 2003, 04:48:27 UTC Re: buh? |
Formatting mistake: no need to insert your corrections in italics, because you scored out the stupid. *big grin*
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:50:02 UTC Re: buh? |
Reading mistake: I needed italics to point out where your sentence resumes.
(parent)notapipe @ May 15 2003, 04:51:59 UTC Ugh |
Reading mistake
I feel so dirty for writing that phrase.