notapipe @ 2003-05-16 03:56:00 |
Evil lurks.
Mood: ecstatic
Ernie and Justin are men after my own heart.
I can't shake the foreboding feeling that they're poking fun at not just at nraged analysis of H/D subtext but at me and my fellow nEVILle theorists (who do not express disapproval of our Dark Lord Neville's actions at all, so he has no reason to kill us). I don't know if Neville had anything to do with this (though he probably has, as a star at herbology, considerable hedge with their head of house), but I'm sure that the distraction brings much glee to him.
As for their theories of an Evil!Colin, I have to reject them, not only because Nevile could kick his ass, but because he tries much to hard and is motivated by nothing more than pettyness. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't use proper soul-stealing camera film.
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jgoreham @ May 16 2003, 07:46:07 UTC |
I agree. I think Colin's too high-energy, he'd definately burn out before accomplishing any evil deeds. He's a weiner.
How's that troll workin' out for you? =P
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 09:49:49 UTC |
How's that troll workin' out for you? =P
It appears there are things I don't understand.
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jgoreham @ May 16 2003, 09:56:41 UTC |
*sob* You've forgotten our transaction of a troll for a sparkley pen?!? *melodramatic*
(parent)notapipe @ May 16 2003, 09:59:42 UTC |
Well, I didn't exactly keep it as a troll, it being dead and all, did I?
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 16 2003, 10:42:15 UTC |
I'm loving them. Even Susan was going to go to the meeting! I love all the Hufflepuff players--imo, they've always got that house so perfectly down. It's not so much a house as an angry mob looking for direction. Any one will do. Their motto should be, "Hufflepuff: We fear what we don't understand."
Also, this is only slightly related but I needed someplace to say it, I am SO wanting to schnoogle Ron right now for for this exchange:
Justin: Look, I'll just meet you in the courtyard, okay?
Ron: No! No kay!
No kay! Ron said No Kay! With complete conviction and utter seriousness! Because Harry is his best friend and he is Ron! No wonder Hermione loves him!
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jgoreham @ May 16 2003, 15:47:34 UTC |
Hufflepuff house reminds me of my one-horse-town high school =^^=;;
(parent)black_dog @ May 16 2003, 22:44:44 UTC |
I love all the Hufflepuff players.
Is it just me, or does Oily!Ernie really outdo himself in this thread? I mean, he's always funny, but this was just brilliant, brilliant genre writing. From "Unimpressed, Justin," to "There's a boy," there's not a note wrong. It's beyond Oliver Stone. It's G. Gordon Liddy himself, in his glory days.
And it's almost sexy, in a hyper-alpha, violate-your-space-and-finger-your-lapel
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 01:26:26 UTC In Defense of Hufflepuff |
I love all the Hufflepuff players--imo, they've always got that house so perfectly down.
Why why does fanon Hufflepuff always come out as a house of quivering doltish wimps (who are probably also dead boring)? Sure, Justin and Ernie were little idiots in book 2, but Cedric always seemed a decent enough sort to imply that they weren't the epitome of Hufflepuffian behavior.
Sorting hat song, for what its worth, lists Hufflepuff as "just and loyal", "true and unafraid of toil."
Leaping to conclusions and conspiracy theories as "just?" (and just to be mean, they're not always so "loyal" to their girlfriends, now are they?).
I adore how Justin and Ernie are being played, but am irked when they are held up as examples of fine Hufflepuffian behavior! I'm glad that there are also players like Hannah Abbott to show that the entire house isn't mad and full of drama queens.
It's the "unafraid of toil" people that will get all the necessary work done in the wizarding world while the Gryffs are off being noble and idealistic, the Slytherins are politicking, and the Ravenclaws are writing scholarly articles.
bizarre hot-button, me?
/rant on Hufflepuff perception
sistermagpie @ May 18 2003, 09:06:30 UTC Re: In Defense of Hufflepuff |
The Hufflepuffs in canon, to me, always represent the kind of character who is very loyal and liking to belong to something but who is also very quick to act on fear. That's why they always seems to be the ones reacting to whatever rumor about Harry happens to be going around even if everybody is supposed to believe it. It's not that they believe conspiracy theories but that they work as a group and therefore think as a group. I wouldn't say being a drama queen was a very Hufflepuffian trait, in fact.
So yeah, I think that Ernie's and Justin's conspiracy stuff is a perfectly logical spin on canon. They're always looking out for somebody trying to do something to them as a house. In the real world I think the Hufflepuff personality is probably one of the most common ones out there. It's not that they're all like NA Ernie but that, imo, they'd be likely to consider somebody like Ernie's warnings about danger just in case.
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hezzabeth @ May 16 2003, 17:10:58 UTC |
You cannot even begin to concieve what is about to unfold.
(parent)servalan @ May 16 2003, 21:52:55 UTC Dark Lord Neville Supporters |
Dark Lord Neville Supporters:
If you truly support him, you must rethink your strategy in showing this to Him.
Your open support of the Dark Lord Neville is reason enough for him to want to kill you. After all, no one else really believes in this cockamamie theory save for Professor Snape. If you really supported him, you'd be loudly and clearly giving your opinions of how silly the Professor is being and of how Neville is so cute and harmless. He's a little clumsy, but that doesn't make him a bad guy.
And you would be giving this opinion so stridently that your listeners would be afraid to disagree with you. I am sure he doesn't appreciate having vocal "supporters" on the "I'm not evil I swear" propaganda team.
Thus ends my conspiracy theorizing for the evening. **grinning madly at the slickness that exemplifies Neville's postings on this subject**
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 17:09:47 UTC Re: Dark Lord Neville Supporters |
I've got a more Ernie-esque conspiracy theory: Perhaps notapipe is doing this to save his own hide, and dooming us all. If he dies he will be a martyr, and all will know he was silenced for speaking of Neville. The gospel of nEVILle will spread far and wide. It could be
notapipe is hedging on the fact that Neville isn't stupid enough to silence him. Those among us who are the recievers of his wisdom, however, can be eliminated with impunity, since no one would tie our deaths to nEVILle theories. Our only defense is to reach a level of nEVILle "wackiness" that goes beyond
notapipe's wildest dreams.
I'll get us started:
Neville is not only evil, but a cross-dressing alien from Mars. Discuss.
servalan @ May 17 2003, 17:35:35 UTC Re: Dark Lord Neville Supporters |
Please elaborate on the cross-dressing:
Cross-dressing as Terrans?
Cross-dressing as members of a second or third Martian gender?
Maybe we should go with "Neville doesn't know he's evil because of the memory charm, but he's really a Martian cross-dressing as a human." That covers all bases: Not evil and more outlandish (or "outworldish" as the case may be).
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 17:47:35 UTC Re: Dark Lord Neville Supporters |
A Martian male who likes to dress as a female pretending to be Terran male. But now that I think of it, that's not so good. I say we go with yours.
(parent)notapipe @ May 17 2003, 17:54:47 UTC Re: Dark Lord Neville Supporters |
Certianly, that would be a reason for a memory charm. However, I am inclined to think that simply because an idea is insane can be counted as sufficent reason to support it. Besides, Martians really don't like toads. They're like tribbles to Martians.
(parent)servalan @ May 17 2003, 20:10:41 UTC Re: Dark Lord Neville Supporters |
Venusian male cross-dressing as a Martian third gender cross-dressing as a male Terran. Venusians love toads... it's a water/gas planet after all.
See that whole memory charm is useful. This is why no one's letting him take the Veritaserum. If he took it, he'd remember being evil again, and stop being cute-and-clumsy!Neville.
notapipe @ May 17 2003, 17:51:02 UTC Re: Dark Lord Neville Supporters |
I am not a Dark Lord Neville supporter. I am supporting the Truth.