shusu @ 2003-05-16 09:47:00 |
latest from ps
Mood: cheerful
Ah, sarcasm.
...dude, he's mellow.
And look at that last comment. Cozy mental images, there.
[EDIT] I do apologize, there is earlier squee-age here. Ah well.
[EDIT2] No, really. ;) Far be it from me to skip over sistermagpie squees. But yes, let's party here ^^.
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neveth @ May 16 2003, 08:06:39 UTC |
I am so busy trying to decide whether it's all sarcasm, or if PS really is having a good time. I'm trying NOT to be paranoid, but argh. SO hoping ps is having a good time. ^^
(parent)shusu @ May 16 2003, 08:18:35 UTC |
Well I parse it this way...
Intent: Sarcasm.
Tone: Mellow.
Eh, who cares. SQUEE!
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fourscore @ May 16 2003, 08:08:58 UTC |
But that post is about a different post and is old! Let us move here. Squee.
(parent)eponis @ May 16 2003, 08:15:13 UTC Ramblings re: friendship renewal |
Hee, yes. Loved the entry (potterstinks is my god), loved the possibility of Sinistra putting PS and J_H together for the rest of the term (either I'm a sadist or a romantic, I'm not sure which), and loved loved loved the "Evidently Potter cooks." Did he demonstrate this, as with the Parseltongue? Or are PS and J_H just chatting about their hobbies over their assignments? :-)
Seriously, though (and forgive me if this was mentioned in another comment thread - I'm somewhat behind at NrAged), Harry and Draco seem to be back to the sarcastic but playful banter they were doing before the whole outing debacle. Now, I can understand that Draco was told to "play nice" by Lucius, but if he really did completely detest/resent Harry, it seems like he would avoid him and certainly avoid talking about him unnecessarily. I understand that Harry still likes Draco (based on Ron's comments as much as anything else) and probably forgave him, at least in an immediate sense, for everything that happened. However, that's not enough to account for a remarkably rapid renewal in their quasi-friendship-banter-flirtation-whate
I can think of a few reasons. Draco could have realized, after becoming resented by the entire school, that Harry was one of the few people who really saw past what was not intended as an irredeemably evil/malicious attack. However, Draco seems to be relatively back in people's favors now, and I doubt that Draco himself would use that as an ulterior, or even conscious, motive. Alternately, Draco could be intentionally using Harry's interest this time, either at the request of His Father or out of a simple desire to eventually turn on him and humiliate him further. Again, though, I dislike this theory, because it seems like too much of a conspiracy theory, and Draco doesn't seem the type to do that kind of emotional subterfuge.
The thought I most favor is the innocuous theory: someone broke the ice, probably Harry, and something happened that put them both at least a little more at ease with each other. There seems to be a definite change in Draco's tone between his first astronomy entry (in which Harry definitely made the first steps at moving from sniping into teasing) and his later entries. I'm guessing that Harry showed that he was willing to be friendly, figured out something that would put Draco at ease, and created an environment in which Draco would feel "safe" relaxing into his covertly friendly teasing.
::loffs Just_Harry to bits::
This still seems rather fast, anyway. I'm hoping, though, that Harry knows what he's doing. (Somehow I doubt the same of Draco, but that's okay. ::grin::)
Heh. So much for using hotel internet only for work. :-) ::disappears back into the aether::
sistermagpie @ May 16 2003, 08:23:04 UTC |
He's got this post archived under the intriguing title of "This is nothing unusual" under the "Why Potter should not have lived" section. Last night's is also there ("Why I don't visit the homes of others regularly") and it's also in "Proof of my many stalkers."
I admit, I see the opening of this post as incredibly affectionate for ps. Obviously it's sarcastic but still, it's a slightly different tone to take with the, "Golly gee whiz, I've got a great partner!" Because in taking that sarcastic tone he cleverly avoids having to come up with things that actually bother him about Harry. Of course, since all he could come up with yesterday was that he had superior mirroring charms (after much practice!) and Potter had bad penmanship it's probably a good way of saving face. Admit it, Draco, you find Harry adorable and any day now you're going to explode with and all these complilments will come gushing out.:-)
Squeeful H/D questions:
Has ps's current not-so-unpleasant partnership with j_h influenced him to lighten up on his mother and want to patch things up with her?
Did Harry talk to him about it at all?
Is Draco hoping Sinestra will carry out her threat of partnering him with Harry for the rest of the term?
Would Sinestra think she was doing something to annoy them both if she did carry out the threat?
If Sinestra does make them partners for the term and ps really did want it, does this mean that Draco came up with a cunning plan that actually worked?
shusu @ May 16 2003, 08:39:30 UTC |
I think the affectionate opening was meant to put NrAgers of a mind of Morning After.
.....well of course he toys with us too! :D
Will think on the other questions later ^^
eponis @ May 16 2003, 08:57:44 UTC |
Admit it, Draco, you find Harry adorable and any day now you're going to explode with and all these complilments will come gushing out.
Yeah, I noticed the complete lack of actual insults as well. :-)
::is squeeing happily with the rest::
::has a sudden shot-in-the-dark possible epiphany:: Hold on, and bear with me for a sec. Okay. So until recently, the only people whom Malfoy probably thought were gay were Black/Lupin, Seamus/Dean, and Cho/Ginny. (I'm guessing that he didn't know about Snape and His Father, for various reasons, and I'm assuming here that Pansy and Millicent aren't [publicly] a couple.) So, so far, we have six people whom he dislikes in the first place, mostly out of rivalry and Potter-associations.
The non-kiss happens. He doesn't conclude that Harry is gay (reference his surprise when Seamus outs Harry). The event weighs on him, though; he doesn't forget it, and he hauls it out much later, when (in general) that's not the sort of thing that he does. Finally something happens, he's upset at Harry, he says those things in anger, and he finds out that Harry IS gay and still attracted to him. In the process or later after the wedding, he finds out that two people he does respect highly (Snape and His Father) are also gay or bi.
Is there any chance that Malfoy is finally consciously wondering whether he, too, really is gay, and (consciously or not) putting himself in a situation where he'll find out by "experimenting" with Potter? I'm not saying he's manipulating Harry, but . . .
And Pansy (and his "shapely girlfriend" icon) have been rather absent recently . . . .
<end wild-speculation>
eponis @ May 16 2003, 09:00:21 UTC |
Er, rather, "<speculation type=wild> . . . </speculation>"
::hides in geeky perfectionism::
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Anonymous @ May 16 2003, 12:14:34 UTC |
yay I love H/D theorising! i agree. although i agree with everyone's theories even if they all contradict each other! *bows down to superior theorising skillz of nragers*
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 00:44:01 UTC But Black/Snape |
How far into the sand would his head have to be to have missed the Black/Snape fling? I mean, he *could* have missed it, I suppose, but it seemed pretty high profile to me...
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Anonymous @ May 16 2003, 12:15:58 UTC |
I love how he talks about 'retrieving' Harry. like a puppy or something. <333
(parent)myrddin @ May 16 2003, 12:44:10 UTC |
Evidently Potter cooks. <3 Squee.
I've got to draw him cooking for p_s now, with flour in his hair ect. ^_^
shusu @ May 16 2003, 13:18:35 UTC |
He said what he can cook is probably not good (enough) for Narcissa... given the Dursleys' diet, I'd have to agree.
(parent)cheshirethorn @ May 16 2003, 15:53:32 UTC sarcasm...the highest form of wit. |
Hi everyone!
I've been following NA for a while now but have kept quiet and such...Reading Draco's entry today though..I love where he is right now. The whole sarcasm, but not biting sarcasm per se...just teasing and such. Just made me smile. And that is not the type of sarcasm used on someone you "detest" or even "dislike" really, on a medium that anyone could read...mmhmm, yep. Squeeage abounds
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 17:45:52 UTC Re: sarcasm...the highest form of wit. |
Searched the web for sarcasm "highest form of wit". Results 1 - 10 of about 32. Search took 0.03 seconds.
Searched the web for sarcasm "lowest form of wit". Results 1 - 10 of about 813. Search took 0.19 seconds.
Which really just shows that the pun is the foundation of all meta-wit.
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hezzabeth @ May 16 2003, 17:02:56 UTC My conspiracy theory |
First of all , I find it incredibally bizzare that Harry has not once mentioned the "outing" or even commented on it. Also a few mere weeks after it's happened he is imediattly attempting to forge a friendship with Malfoy again.
*Puts on Ernie conspiracy hat"
It is all an elaborate ruse in order to trick us fans , and they are both secretly togethor!
merlion @ May 16 2003, 17:27:27 UTC time frame |
Now, I'm moderately new to NA, so I might have my time-scale off, but haven't j_h and ps been meeting at Dogear Wryde for the past two nights? And yet, ps says that after two nights of NOT working on the project, he should do it all himself. Is he just being sarcastic? If not, WHAT have those two been up to? ;)
(parent)notapipe @ May 16 2003, 17:49:29 UTC Re: time frame |
I don't think "missing two nights of work" is the proper form for sarcasm, myself. Mainly because it doesn't place enough blame on Harry.
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neveth @ May 16 2003, 19:27:30 UTC Re: time frame |
I love your icon.
And that's what I want to know. I doubt it's anything juicy, despite my slasher hopes.