shusu @ 2003-05-17 12:41:00 |
Art war??!
Mood: enthralled
How was -this- missed?
It seems PS is not only skipping out on Daddy's obligations... but he has skived on M.B.
Oh. My. God. My eyes... XD
( O.O Draco drew a Dark Mark.)
In-keeping with my post-consolidations... Seamus makes sense in a mad mad mad mad world.
EDIT Guess who got a picture. H/D sqqqqqqqqqquuuuuuuueeeeeeeeee.
tabiji @ May 17 2003, 11:00:17 UTC |
I'm loving their drawings. Too cute.
M.B.'s self-portrait icon is great.
Hmmmm gotta wonder what kept Draco from the Quidditch tryouts that HE scheduled?!
Hey...Narcissa left Echo with the boys...maybe we can get the dog to talk??
shusu @ May 17 2003, 11:09:29 UTC clews? |
I think thus far we have... a water stain on wood, need for a locking charm, Harry's cut lip, from last week. Fewer clues besides PS's posts about the current astronomy thing.
(parent)tabiji @ May 17 2003, 11:12:58 UTC Re: clews? |
Well, hell. I'm getting all excited, and we'll probably find out that NOTHING good has happened and the water stain was caused by the damn dog.
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 11:21:06 UTC Re: clews? |
I agree. That's why I'm so reluctant to squee even though I really want to . They are so cute.
(parent)tabiji @ May 17 2003, 11:34:01 UTC Re: clews? |
Yea, I'm not quite sure what to do with this. It's a HUGE thing that Draco would allow Harry to see such a personal exchange between him and Narcissa, but I'm still holding back on the excitement.
I wonder if it's possible to accidentally injure oneself by chronic suppression of squeeage?
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 11:44:25 UTC Re: clews? |
I know, PS and J_H were so sweet together. But that'd happened before Lucius's post, ruining everything. Hopefully they both know know to handle unwanted interferences.
(parent)tabiji @ May 17 2003, 12:07:25 UTC Re: clews? |
Maybe it's not so bad. Draco's pretty slick...telling Lucius he'd finish the project w/out Harry when the project should pretty much be done by now.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 08:12:55 UTC Re: clews? |
From Sinistra's journal: "..the smashed and crumpled rolls of parchment that Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy turned in.."
Wonder how their homework got that way?
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neveth @ May 17 2003, 11:11:16 UTC |
The art war is fabulous. I <3 M.B. more and more every day.
I DO wonder why ps missed tryouts this morning... Overslept? Harry keeping him up too late? *goes directly to the Bad Place, but passes Go and collects $200*
I now take a moment to thank Semus for making sense of the last few days, and giving us a better picture of Neville's incident in Potions.
musesong @ May 17 2003, 11:27:36 UTC Art War |
I so needed that laugh!
Thank you for the link.
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kearie @ May 17 2003, 12:04:28 UTC |
Has anyone icon-ed those pics yet? It's times like this when I wish I knew how to myself...
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thegirlingreen @ May 17 2003, 12:36:39 UTC yes. |
in other news...
His aastronomy project is cranky.
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 14:22:21 UTC Re: yes. |
I wonder how old that picture is, as it seems to have bunny rabbit Draco in the corner and Ron with tomato ears...Did Ron give Draco bunny ears? I forget..
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thegirlingreen @ May 17 2003, 14:49:00 UTC Re: yes. |
i believe Ron gave Draco bunny ears quite a while back. They were cursing each other, and Ron gave Harry another scar. (An oops on his part.)
So, does that imply Draco has been drawing Harry for a while? :D Or maybe it's just my wishful thinking.
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 16:13:03 UTC Hee |
Perhaps he just has a personal collection of drawings.
Because I'm a loser, I went back and found it, however I am a loser with no html skills, so copy paste, and all that
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 16:13:36 UTC Re: Hee |
Never mind about the copy paste then. Yay Livejournal!
(parent)lunadeath02 @ May 17 2003, 12:43:31 UTC *finally stops laughing* |
I wonder what Ron will say to that picture. ^_^
And will Harry say anything?
kat99999 @ May 17 2003, 13:08:29 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
Eee!! Ty for pointing that out, I woulda missed it!!
Heeeeeh, Draco is being all cute and playfullllll!
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 13:08:45 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
not only did i squee at the giving of the picture... the picture is named "forpotter.jpg"
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 13:31:50 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
I second that "SQUEE" and raise you a bout of hyperventilation.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 16:08:35 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
If Harry draws Draco a picture back I think I shall die of squeeing. I shall have to be resusqueetated.
(parent)black_dog @ May 17 2003, 17:58:48 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
Not a picture, but a reply! And deep, deep Dracoesque snark! Was he wrong to take on Millicient, though.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 18:20:25 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
Interesting move on j_h's part. I mean, M.B. is already rather drawing him into their circle. By referencing her Harry is saying he's seen the other pictures as well--some of which make fun of him.
This would be a bad move if Harry couldn't handle what M.B. could dish out but...I think he may be able to do just that. M.B. already seems to have a kind of exasperated affection for him. As she said, he and Draco are both perfect for each other because they are both drama queens. She's on Harry's side in that respect!
black_dog @ May 17 2003, 18:25:20 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
More than interesting, I think -- it's a big, big move. Because the tone is so unusual for Harry, it really suggest that he is either 1. tapping something new in himself, or 2. surprisingly willing to play on PS's terms.
And the more I think about it, it's perfect, after all, that he takes on Millicent. My first thought was -- he's new at this, and she's very very good and she'll crush him. But she did tease him rather hard in those pictures, and she's accused him publicly of being dull. So Harry needs to establish a relationship with Millicient on some terms, just as PS needs to establish one with Ron.
This is a big deal, I think. Big enough to start a new thread, though I won't do it myself -- hint, hint -- because my mailbox is almost full and needs cleaning out.
sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 20:30:02 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
Bow to the wonder that is M.B. and her response.
(parent)black_dog @ May 17 2003, 20:54:45 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
Getting a little personal there.
How hard is his life? As Ernie might say, that information is available on a need-to-know basis.
Note that on the old thread, Ron is making a reasonably friendly overture, too, but being rebuffed. Is he a peacemaker? Or afraid of Draco-Harry-Millicent as a new trio?
sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 21:13:39 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
I think it's much as M.B. portrayed it--he's Harry's best friend and he's following his lead to be "supportive." Though of course M.B. did draw a picture of him, inviting a response.
Remember the last time Ron tried to talk to Millicent? Didn't he do something while he and Harry were fighting where he invited her to do something the way Harry was inviting Draco? I'm sure Millicent responded much the same way. I can't put it into words but she's responding in, imo, the correct Bulstrode fashion.
shusu @ May 17 2003, 21:24:07 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
D'you suppose M.B. is still chatting with Arthur Weasley? Odd connections.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 21:27:53 UTC Re: DRACO DREW HARRY A PICTURE!!! |
Ah! Good point.
Actually, I do also think that Ron is making sure he's not left behind here--not to mention he probably thinks Harry will need him as a bodyguard if he's going to venture into Slytherin.
sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 16:13:03 UTC |
I think my favorite picture is still M.B.'s very first one about the walk to Potions. Ron and Harry as seen through M.B.'s perspective and, as usual, it's pretty damn accurate!
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 17 2003, 17:23:35 UTC |
I'm particularly fond of Millicent's drawing of Draco's "I have a shapely girlfriend" icon, where Pansy's breast seems to be almost attacking a scared looking Draco. Or maybe I'm reading into it. ;-)
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 17:33:13 UTC |
You are not alone! He looks rather terrified. And M.B. amuses me because she called the image "indeed.gif".
Oh, M.B. You obviously also realize the ridiculousness of the notion that Draco is interested in Pansy.
moonlitpages @ May 17 2003, 18:03:40 UTC |
His expression is most definitely scared, or at least shocked. *laughs* and yes, I think Millicent worked out that Draco is not interested in melons a long time ago ;-)
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ex_meiko437 @ May 17 2003, 20:58:51 UTC |
that is my -absolute- favorite one, too!! I can't help but laugh hysterically when I see it
Draco seems utterly inexperienced and awed at the breast, which I think is what is being suggested
like "oooo... a booob.."
*dies laughing again!*
moonlitpages @ May 17 2003, 21:55:24 UTC |
I love the way it's just popping out at him, larger than life, refusing to be ignored. Hee.
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 17 2003, 22:07:20 UTC Re: <lj-raw><J_H position="behind PS"> "my life is so HARD..."</J_H> |
[J_H position="behind PS"] "my life is so HARD..."[/J_H]
*rolls* I hadn't thought of it that way. Priceless.
What gets me about the photo is that it *isn't* obvious snarky, the first time I saw it I felt like it almost wasn't up to MB's usual standards.
Which- the 'journey to potions' or the busty girlfriend drawing? The latter drawing definitely seemed up to her usual snark, because it's a rather direct hit on PS's relationship with Pansy. Specifically, his "I have a shapely girlfriend" icon he's always strategically throwing about. Her drawing seems to retort "yes, you have a shapely girlfriend, but do you have any clue what to do with her?" heh.
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Anonymous @ May 17 2003, 17:18:42 UTC |
I think it's interesting that M.B. and Draco refer to Harry as Draco's Astronomy Project.
Is there a reason? Did I miss something in a post? Maybe an inside joke? Am I over-analysing? Is this entire community full of over-analysing? Should I stop using the question mark now?
notapipe @ May 17 2003, 18:04:51 UTC |
Yes, they are doing an astronomy project together. Maybe. Maybe. That's impossible. Ditto. No.
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hezzabeth @ May 17 2003, 17:42:44 UTC |
I also want to know why P_S Astronomey project happens to be cranky.
Did something happen that night ? or am I to over anaylising things?
sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 18:09:53 UTC |
Yes, it is a mystery. Is it because of Lucius? Feeling sad after seeing the ps/Narcissa reunion? Something else?
Or is he simply refusing to get ps yet another drink and ps has decided to call it cranky?
mimulus_arbutus @ May 17 2003, 19:55:11 UTC |
maybe it refers to the picture, where "the astronomy project" appears to be rather cranky over draco and ron fighting....
(parent)darlulu @ May 17 2003, 19:20:24 UTC |
Okay, stupid question here, but what does TBWL (the label referring to the real JH in the picture’s link below) stand for?
darlulu @ May 17 2003, 20:10:05 UTC |
Well, apparently I should have prefaced my question with a well-deserved 'very' preceding the 'stupid' or simply scratched 'stupid' altogether and upgraded to 'moronic'!
Thanks though for informing the HP ignorant. ;)
mimulus_arbutus @ May 17 2003, 19:53:04 UTC "hello, i am the dark mark." |
for some reason this just amused me, a talking tattoo.
these pictures are great!
sistermagpie @ May 17 2003, 21:20:57 UTC Re: "hello, i am the dark mark." |
It's not even just that it talks it's that...if the Dark Mark were to talk this is the last thing you'd expect it to say.