zhonnika @ 2003-03-27 20:42:00 |
Mood: bouncy
Looks like we should be calling her Queenie GreenKNEES now. HA! http://www.livejournal.com/talkpost.b
Poor Queenie *snicker*
dayafternext @ March 27 2003, 19:53:43 UTC |
I hope potterstinks knows he isn't fooling anyone.
*points wildly at icon*
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 03:04:02 UTC |
I was just shocked that potterstinks actually let her get into
just_harry's territory... I mean, a date as a cover up for being a gay is not too bad, but that... Well, he did introduce her to his knee in the end...
Poor just_harry. He must be devastated. And jealous... I bet he wanted to be under that robe...
milenalupin @ March 28 2003, 04:13:49 UTC |
Don't worry.
Harry's defending his territory just fine. At least the one in potterstinks LJ.
Did you notice that he replied with a full 5 comments on ALGAE STAINS??
Possessive, are we? - but in a very nice and helpful way.
tonic_x @ March 27 2003, 19:58:58 UTC |
HAHA! Hahahahaha! *snort* Oh, well, that just made my night.
(parent)bookshop @ March 27 2003, 20:04:11 UTC |
Waaaaah this is so sad!!! Everything is going all wrong! :(
Draco had a horrible experience with Queenie and he *still* didn't mention Harry, not once! Harry probably sat there and sulked the whole time because of his fight with Ron! And now Draco knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, if he's been paying *any* attention at all, that Harry wants to be his "friend" (not even counting whatever happened that night harry got drunk), and he's still not making any moves in his direction!
Ron and Ginny aren't speaking to each other, Hermione is nowhere to be found, Harry thinks Ron is a homophobe because of his reaction to Ginny, and they aren't speaking to each other either; Hermione would most likely dump Ron if she ever returns to find out about this because he's being an ass, which would leave *all* of them alone to wallow in their own pain with none of the others to lean on! *wail* Isn't anybody else hand-wringing at this point??
spastichair1000 @ March 27 2003, 20:13:43 UTC |
Well, it's a bit of a toss up between hand-wringing, giggling madly, and clicking refresh.
However, potterstinks's reaction to Queenie is such an obvious betrayal of his true feelings that giggling wins out over wibbling.
I, for one, can't wait for just_harry's account of the night and his inevitable comment that
potterstinks will ignore.
spastichair1000 @ March 28 2003, 22:41:35 UTC |
Oh, unbelievably so. Especially in light of this.
Though I'm quite disappointed he didn't mention his own detention of the previous night.
However, he manages to reference Malfoy on Quidditch and get another Saturday detention with him all in one, without even mentioning his name, so it's all good.
zhonnika @ March 27 2003, 20:17:38 UTC wah! |
I know! I'm starting to think the A in NA stands for Angst. Someone needs to talk reason to these kids! And where are the other Ravenclaws to support Cho? (*whistles*)
And this would be the PERFECT time for Draco to swoop in and accept Harry's friendship; especially with Ron being the epitome of a Hippogriff's arse. To hell with Greenie whatsherface!
At least Ginny and Cho have each other...
bookshop @ March 27 2003, 20:20:54 UTC Re: wah! |
"Well, it's a bit of a toss up between hand-wringing, giggling madly, and clicking refresh."
*kudos spastichair1000. That's such a .sig file quote, dude. :D
And this would be the PERFECT time for Draco to swoop in and accept Harry's friendship
Yes, and I am thinking there is some sort of major Reason why he isn't. >:0!!!
ishuca @ March 27 2003, 20:30:06 UTC Re: wah! |
and what's the probability that we're never going to find out, or it'll be faintly referenced months later to no effect! argh!
:tears hair out:
this whole situation with ron, harry, draco, ron, ginny, and cho is just- >____<
where is hermione when you need her to kick some weasley butt? i know she's not been around a great deal, but she really need to step in! because it doesn't matter if supports queerness in people not exceptionally close to him. what he's saying with ginny and not accepting her romantic choices most certainly applies to harry, emotionally. and harry obviously sees that.
:tears out hair:
oh, and aja- love you for making this group!
weatherby @ March 27 2003, 20:32:31 UTC Re: wah! |
Well, I don't see Ron's horror as having anything to do with gay issues at all. He mentions that Ginny is a girl, but I don't think it's homophobia. I think it's just that he doesn't want his sister to date, well, anyone.
(parent)ishuca @ March 27 2003, 20:43:11 UTC Re: wah! |
Well, I don't see Ron's horror as having anything to do with gay issues at all.
very true. it seems like just the random thing ron might seize upon (though not random to him) as a huge point in his argument. but by only saying that she's a girl, he leaves the rest to be inferred. he definitely focuses more on cho lying to ginny as the true evil, and most certainly would have hated anyone for being with ginny.
but to put ginny being a girl as a point on his list? what's bothering me more than anything about that is how others could read that. ginny and cho and yes, harry potentially. yes, everyone knows that ron is definitely a hothead, but that won't stop feelings from being hurt and doubt from being placed. i think.
ron has definite foot-in-mouth disease, and this has for now nulled (most of) his good intentions.
weatherby @ March 27 2003, 20:49:05 UTC Re: wah! |
Actually I thought Ron putting it on the list was him grasping completely at straws. He doesn't mind Remus and Sirius, so we know he's not homophobic. I think it was just that he really doesn't want anyone NEW in Ginny's life, so he was trying to come up with reasons why she shouldn't be--and of course found none. It seems to me almost like listing "Ginny has RED HAIR." Something completely ridiculous that Ron secretly knows doesn't matter, but thought, "Aha! That will work!" about. And I also think it is very Ron to say something completely homophobic without even realising it, and then say something like, "Oh! Like I care if she's a girl, I'm not stupid!" later.
(parent)anamirza @ March 27 2003, 21:03:00 UTC Re: wah! |
One gets the impression Ron will say just anything when he's like this, and be totally unaware or unconcerned with the consequences. Which, yeah, means he's probably not homophobic - but it doesn't really undo the damage he does. Especially vis a vis Harry.
(parent)ishuca @ March 27 2003, 21:07:55 UTC Re: wah! |
He doesn't mind Remus and Sirius, so we know he's not homophobic.
in most situations, yes, but family can be different, and is obviously so for ron. just because ron doesn't care about lupin and sirius doesn't mean that he might have different, more conflicted/complex feelings when it comes to someone he deeply cares about. especially his ginny. it's much easier to think/say something when it's not so close to home. a lot of people who claim they are queer-friendly often still have many issues when family or very close friends comes out. it's a different type of understanding that's called for, and a more emotional one.
this also could play into ron's feelings of protectiveness and upset over losing ginny and no longer being the most important person in her life.
of course, this is also me playing devil's advocate, because to be honest i think that your analysis is probably right. NA ron would do just such a thing, not see it until much later, and not understand the fuss.
metaphoracle @ March 28 2003, 01:54:16 UTC |
I actually thought Ron's comments were rather homophobic, and was suitably shocked by them. I mean it's fine if his player wants to play him that way. Whether or not he was 'grasping at straws' I don't think that GINNY IS A GIRL is in the slightest way related to GINNY HAS RED HAIR.
Seemed pretty obviously homophobic to me.
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 15:32:43 UTC |
I agree with Katie, to a point. I think the comments were obviously homophobic, but I don't really think he intended them to be. One gets the impression Ron will say just anything when he's like this, and be totally unaware or unconcerned with the consequences.<-- I think what Ana said is an excellent point--I think the main thing he was concerned with was that Cho had lied to and deceived Ginny, not that Cho had tried to snog her or was a girl. If he'd really been consciously focused on the sexual orientation part of it he would have been more vehement in stressing that Ginny was taken advantage of, that she wasn't like that really, and that Cho was obviously poisoning her. But as it was he just focused his insults on Cho herself, not really anything about her. I mean, the rice-bowl comment was a negative one but it was definitely a 'grasping at straws' type insult. Whereas, I think if he'd realized Cho and Ginny were involved and had serious issues with it, he'd've been flinging much more stronger epithets Cho's way.
metaphoracle @ March 28 2003, 15:39:15 UTC |
Agree that Ron was not intentional homophobia and that if Ron HAD been intentionally trying to be homophobic and anti-Cho would have been much angrier.
The GINNY IS A GIRL thing seemed to be typical heterosexual puzzlement. What do you mean, you kissed her? Ginny is a GIRL! How could you miss this? Are you stupid? Type thoughts. Outside of the realm of Ron's imagination that his little sister could have a lesbian relationship because it just isn't done.
La la. 'Nuff on Ron. Must go back to angsting over Just_Harry and Potterstinks.
altricial @ March 29 2003, 07:54:29 UTC |
Ron has the potential to be homophobic. He is selectively racist in canon. Strongly against all Slytherins but very cool with Muggles. So I think he can be selectively homophobic. He's cool with Remus and Sirius but he's not sure what to make of it when it comes to people he is close to. Especially Ginny because he does not want her to date anything that moves until she is 30. So yeah, it was a veiled homophobic comment but more aimed at NO DATING MY SISTER than DIE LESBIANS DIE.
(parent)bookshop @ March 27 2003, 21:25:05 UTC Re: wah! |
>:0!!!! Speaking of love! *gasp* WAH Chapter 15 of PoL has been up at Schnoogle and I MISSED IT and I just now found it and WAH woman, damn you for my tendency to skim LJ! >:0
*glues eyes to monitor and reads*
ishuca @ March 27 2003, 21:54:59 UTC lol |
:laughs nervously:
erm, that's prolly my fault. i posted the notice for it under a huge announcement that the latest volume of bronze (~huge~ slash japanese comic) had finally been released.
:promises to be better from now on:
spastichair1000 @ March 27 2003, 21:24:16 UTC crackpot theories! Yay! |
So I'm convinced that this is a sure sign that if just_harry did try anything that fateful, drunken night, there's no way malfoy resisted.
He admits it himself! As long as they were someplace more interesting than the lake, he could never have turn him down.
And naturally Queenie seems so cliche now, compared to Harry's recent performance.
greenapricot @ March 28 2003, 05:35:45 UTC Re: crackpot theories! Yay! |
Mmm, yes intriguing. Their reactions totally fit too. Harry figures that whatever they did means they are now friends so he's acting that way and being all sweet and helpful and Draco completely freaks about it and tries to ignore the entire situation and hide his feelings. It will get to him eventually though, he's already starting to crack and Harry will be right there when he does.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ March 28 2003, 10:27:44 UTC Re: crackpot theories! Yay! |
Oh, but then why is Harry so persistently apologizing? Maybe did something stupid and is trying to make sure Draco isn't mad. I don't think potterstinks even knows he likes Harry, and I don't think they would just suddenly decide to have sex in a hallway. I don't think anything sexual happened at all.
(parent)spastichair1000 @ March 28 2003, 11:35:13 UTC Re: crackpot theories! Yay! |
Well, when I originally read it all, my mind immediately jumped to some illicit drunken shag between the two wherein Draco got caught up in the moment only to realize the severity of what he'd done afterwards, leading to denial of what he really feels. Harry is just apologizing because that's what he does. He feels responsible for everything. Plus he was drunk so maybe he doesn't even remember it all exactly.
But you're right. It could go a million different ways and I guess they are only suppose to be kids, not like Sirius and Remus, shagging everyone left and right...
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 10:30:18 UTC Re: crackpot theories! Yay! |
also, this is random, but i need to tell you that i am in love with your icon. C&H<333333!!!
(parent)spastichair1000 @ March 28 2003, 11:25:18 UTC Re: crackpot theories! Yay! |
Thanks! I adore C&H.
Needless to say, your icons are always admirable as well.