kat99999 @ 2003-05-18 11:25:00 |
More Harry/Draco Conversing!
Mood: contemplative
Is it me, or does this thread seem a little... rehearsed? It doesn't seem like their meeting up is so spontaneous to me...
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 03:41:34 UTC |
I think Harry sounds sad. I don't know why. He just sounds glum.
(parent)kat99999 @ May 18 2003, 03:46:01 UTC |
To me, he doesn't sound sad, but maybe that's just because his icon is kind of smiley and it's effecting my reading of it.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 18 2003, 07:03:17 UTC |
Does that icon bug you a little too? All these times he's sad or angry or upset and then there's that smiley icon. Hmm, maybe it's just his way of forcing a happy face on for the benefit of everyone else.
(parent)kat99999 @ May 18 2003, 07:27:32 UTC |
The icon is very sweet, but it does make you think of Harry being cute and happy all the time. But then, that's probably the impression he wants to give off.
Speaking of icons, I LOVE yours! Heeh!
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hezzabeth @ May 18 2003, 03:42:37 UTC |
I'm starting to think that this whole H/D thing is a huge conspiracy theory in order to toy with our emotion affects.
But yes that conversation did seem rather rehersed , it was almost as if they wanted an excuse to see each other.
kat99999 @ May 18 2003, 03:45:08 UTC |
Yeah, exactly. I especially think the whole "Should I find you to give it back?" "Obviously." seems very All Of A Sudden, in a way. As though they want to orchestrate a way to meet up, perhaps, or that's how I read it.
...and why does Harry have Draco's Snitch? Did I miss that?
moonlitpages @ May 18 2003, 08:35:05 UTC |
Maybe Draco took it to Dogear Wyrde so they could play/practise Quidditch. I can't really think of any other reason Harry would have his snitch (well yes, but that's just too easy ;-) *snicker*).
And hm- it almost sounded kind of terse and snappish to me. None of that playful banter. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say it's because they don't want to seem too friendly where Lucius could be watching after PS told him he would stay away from Harry, more or less. Which could be a reason for the pretence, "oh darn, you have my snitch" "well gee, guess you _have_ to come get it". hee.
kat99999 @ May 18 2003, 09:18:24 UTC Re: |
The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say it's because they don't want to seem too friendly where Lucius could be watching
I was thinking that too, it seems like a possibility at least. They don't seem playful or friendly at all, but the way the whole conversation is constructed is as though Draco forgot his Snitch on purpose. "Oh you still have it, you have to come and see me now, haha." Even if it's just in a friendly sort of way or an excuse to snark, it still seems as though they wanted to see each other.
Heeh, snitch. *smirk*
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hezzabeth @ May 18 2003, 04:03:31 UTC |
Your right , Harry's comments are a bit lack luster. Perhaps he is sad because he wants to molest Draco and he cannot.
Poor boy.
It must be so painfully frustrating.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 04:08:25 UTC |
He just sounds dispirited. He's not teasing or playing or anything. He's flat. I wonder what happened.
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hezzabeth @ May 18 2003, 04:09:48 UTC Re: |
Well Draco did say his astronomey project was cranky.
Hopefully the chat will reveal some things.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 04:18:12 UTC |
Maybe they don't want to publicly show their affections towards each other, which 'd surely catch Lucius's attention.
-another anon
sistermagpie @ May 18 2003, 09:41:41 UTC |
Could he be reacting to Millicent's comment about deleting her journal?
I admit I thought it was interesting that Millicent sort of burned him on that and he didn't reply, and Draco drew him a picture. A very funny picture, imo, that should have cheered him up. Colin as an evil overlord with big teeth.
Did he change his default icon? It looks like he's using the other one instead--which I prefer, myself.
kat99999 @ May 18 2003, 09:51:21 UTC |
Nope, his default picture is still "I am sulking. Ravish me." Well, okay it's not called that, its just titled "A picture", heh, but you know. And- oh! Actually, it looks as though he's completely got rid of the smirk-y pic. *complains* I know I said the smirk-y pic was confusing on occasion, but it was still cuuuute!
...the new one is cute too though. Oh, who am I kidding? Harry _is_ cute, full stop.
As for Draco's picture, I think you're right about it being amusing and probably trying to cheer him up in a very Draco 'I'm-going-to-mock-other-people-for-the-s
sistermagpie @ May 18 2003, 10:20:52 UTC |
Oh, that's the one I meant. I had thought for a while he'd changed his default to the, "Look how happy I am!" icon which just seemed so forced on j_h it was kind of stressful to see it. This one is really him, imo, and it fits what he actually writes much better.
LOL Poor Harry. He's got Seamus and potterstinks discussing what colours he should wear, now we're all discussing which icon suits him. It's hard being TBWL.
I look forward to seeing any possible j_h/M.B. interaction. She never lets up on the whole "My life is so hard" thing with Harry and this could ultimately be good for him--sort of like when Draco calls Harry on that in Underwater Light. Harry's life IS hard but he's got a complicated relationship to it. M.B. could maybe help him sort that out...
kat99999 @ May 18 2003, 10:55:11 UTC |
I think the new icon is very Harry, he looks sort of humbled and neither happy or sad - just.. Harry. Aww, just_harry. *pets*
Speaking of icons, I really like the way the icons are made use of in Nocturne Alley. Perhaps it goes without saying that they would be played on to reflect the characters inward emotions/opinions and what not, but I think it's one of the very subtle ways they add to a comment. You know, ps could say "No, really, I'm impressed." but have his "witty" icon on so everyone knows what he really thinks. The play on icons is both ambiguous and very specific at times, but I do enjoy them. [/random tangent]
j_h/M.B. interaction will definately be interesting to see unfold. I think that if j_h is sarcastic and witty toward M.B., and she accepts that, it's showing a mark of respect toward Harry that others may not see. I mean, obviously the school like and respect Harry, but if he breaks past Millicent, who is quite a tough act to face up to, then it gives him a whole new level of respect. It will be interesting to see how Draco's reaction to Harry changes based on Harry and Millicent's interaction, also. Hopefully that commenting session will the start of many!
tabiji @ May 19 2003, 00:03:32 UTC |
Hmmmm...Draco posts Harry should wear dark blue. Harry's new icon background is blue.
kat99999 @ May 19 2003, 03:41:33 UTC |
Possibly coincidence, possibly not.. hmm. *ponders* You know, I think it probably is a coincidence, but I would love if it weren't. *g*
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Anonymous @ May 19 2003, 05:44:32 UTC |
Not that I don't bet that if he hadn't already had that icon up, he would have gone looking for one like it, but Harry had that icon up a couple of hours before Draco mentioned dark blue.
(parent)nightshade24 @ May 18 2003, 07:50:36 UTC |
Okay help out a relative newbie here please...
Why exactly does Draco have his own snitch? Did I miss something from an earlier post? And why did he take it to Dogear Wryde?
I am so confused.
But I, too, am beginning to wonder if we are all just barking up the wrong tree with the H/D stuff. I mean, sometimes the stuff between them is a bit too vague. I know that is the point of the game, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope that in the end, all this mental torture pays off and they do get together. But that's just my two cents.
notapipe @ May 18 2003, 17:35:36 UTC |
There is no previous explanation for the snitch, AFAIK, but it's possible that they just spent lots of time flying instead of doing their project.
I think ending the torture would take the fun out of it.