xnera @ 2003-05-18 10:21:00 |
Profile update!
Mood: curious
Draco has updated his profile!
He's removed "I HATE HARRY POTTER!" Now there's a lot of talk of stalkers, his father, and becoming Minister of Magic one day.
Also, he's dropped two interests in the past few days, one of which was "purity". Hmmm.
comava @ May 18 2003, 08:43:17 UTC |
No more purity? Is that asking for speculation, or what?!
As this is all very suspicious, it annoys me mightily that if there is something going on between him and Harry, they can't just post openly about it, like Dean and Seamus or Remus and Lupin. I'd be too interested in details. But of course...
Stupid Lucius.
xnera @ May 18 2003, 08:55:31 UTC |
At first I thought the lack of "purity" meant that maybe they found out Narcissa's a mudblood, but he still has "my mother's ancestry" in his interests, so that's not it.
(parent)comava @ May 18 2003, 09:19:09 UTC |
That could be it too... me and my dirty mind didn't even think that far.
Your icon is too cute!
xnera @ May 18 2003, 09:34:15 UTC |
And to tell the truth, my mind is just as dirty, because it immediately started thinking of PS/JH implications. The thing about the bloodlines came later.
comava @ May 18 2003, 09:42:34 UTC |
"I may be dirt, but you're the one who likes to roll in it." from BtVS
I'd say it applies to them as well; from Draco's POV Harry is half mudblood.
But the "purity" thing could work for both. He most likely did mean the bloodlines, but the double-meaning just calls out at you!
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 09:20:54 UTC |
Speaking of Narcissa, she told Draco that she was moving back to the Manor today. I hope Lucius doesn't kill her new-found sense of self.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 18 2003, 09:07:53 UTC |
I don't think potterstinks can very easily talk about something that happened with
just_harry so soon after his freaking-out, can he?
Though it's very interesting to read about the state their mutual astronony project results they handed in are in according to sinistra. *g*
comava @ May 18 2003, 09:26:52 UTC |
yeah, I saw that. Hehe!
But still, I can't picture them annoucing anything concerning the state of their relationship. Even if they'd been together a long time, as long as Lucius, all the Slytherins and co. think it's treacherous, PS probably won't admit anything. Though it would be nice...
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 09:52:26 UTC |
In order to cover up their relationship ( if it actually does exist), therefore, no affectionate banter, no detail about their private meetings. So is there anything else left for speculating? Or we just imagine whatever we prefer in our heads.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 18 2003, 10:32:17 UTC |
Speculating is a nice way to kill time.
For instance, you could always say that Lucius gave PS his blessings, as long as he comes out top.
Didn't he? *looks around innocently*
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thegirlingreen @ May 18 2003, 08:44:55 UTC |
He's also removed the "or face the wrath of my girlfriend Pansy" line.
(parent)xnera @ May 18 2003, 09:30:26 UTC |
Damn. I could have sworn it wasn't there last night. Because I looked at it closely. Guess I didn't look close enough today.
No, wait... he must've just added it back in. Because a few days okay, he had 59 interests listed. Last night it was 58. When I made my post earlier, it was down to 57. Now it's back up to 58. So yeah, it WAS missing, but he added back in!
moonlitpages @ May 18 2003, 09:24:13 UTC |
I just noticed that Harry's also got his profile up again, along with interests. I'm not sure how long that's been there, but for ages everything was gone. Nothing too telling, but he does sound quite cheerful.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 09:32:19 UTC |
Well, Draco can't really hate Harry when he and Seamus are discussing that colors he would look the best in, can he? ^_^
I also like the idea of Harry in a dark blue.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 09:51:19 UTC |
Maybe if someone gave him a shirt. Otherwise, that would be drawing attention to himself, something that is still a no-no in his book.
sistermagpie @ May 18 2003, 09:48:34 UTC |
The conversation between Seamus and Draco is cracking me up. Green is too "matchy matchy" on Harry--I LOVE IT. I had forgotten to comment on how Seamus' original post about puce washing Draco out made me laugh but I'm so glad they picked it up. Harry will be spending money on clothes one of these days, I suspect. He can wear dark blue and pretend it's because Seamus suggested it.
Draco's a winter--I'd say so. Harry too. I'm a summer, myself. My mom and I did one of those color classes when I was 14. Everyone else was like thirty years older than I was but what the hell. It's good stuff to know!
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hezzabeth @ May 18 2003, 21:24:50 UTC |
Fun fact: I'm an Autumn.
This whole thing is starting to fill me with a massive conspiracy blow out. There has to be something going on , defentially.
It's all getting far to suspicious.
Draco and Harry are having an affair , there is no other explanation.
sistermagpie @ May 19 2003, 06:56:35 UTC |
Hey, you're one of the few who can probably wear those colors Wizard's Quarterly has been suggesting then!
I have never felt so affectionate towards ps as when he said, regarding the magazine telling people to wear autumn golds and rusts, "that's just irresponsible." He really is his mother's son.
And he used his SMILING icon in a post that did NOT contain insults. In fact, he complimented Seamus' choice of shirt for Dean, said Dean would look better in the brighter colors Seamus suggests for him (for when he's sitting around looking pensive) and says that Harry isn't short but simply not tall.
Harry must be dying! So much attention and it's truly positive! I think the tall thing might just do it, you know? Because while Harry may not want to find out his proper season for colors I can easily imagine him getting pants to make himself look less short standing next to Ron. Go ps! Go Seamus! Dress up those boyfriends!