shusu @ 2003-05-18 11:39:00 |
I have a theory.
Mood: okay
Snitch, water stain, split lip, locking spells, crumpled homework.
Indoor Quidditch with waterguns. Hamburgers after.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 11:30:46 UTC |
It's interesting.
But how?
Would they just toss the Snitch, and whoever shoots it with a watergun first wins?
If so, I want to play!
non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 13:11:14 UTC |
My first thought upon reading about the water stains was 'Slip 'n Slide!', but that would be a bad theory to suggest here, especially since this is one of the first things that comes up in a Google image search. Your theory is much better.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 18 2003, 13:24:21 UTC |
Eep! My fond memories of Slip 'n Slide will never be the same.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 13:43:34 UTC |
Same. I always thought Slip 'n Slide was about Fun in the Sun, but apparently it's about snitches, split lips, and locked doors.
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jgoreham @ May 18 2003, 16:30:11 UTC |
Heeeee, slip'n'slides make me think of an X-Force fanfic by desert nomad, I think it's called "It's too #!$$! Hot in Here!" that involves various X-Men related baddies using a slip'n'slide inside and the fic ending in disaster.
But that has nothing to do with NA... =^^=;;
notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:12:09 UTC I am nothing more than a marionette |
Hey, what about that new X-men movie? That was good.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 18:18:05 UTC Re: I am nothing more than a marionette |
Have not seen it yet, but I did see Lizzie McGuire.
(parent)notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:21:59 UTC Re: I am nothing more than a marionette |
What is Lizzie McGuire? Does it involve superheroes or singing?
(parent)non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 18:26:41 UTC Re: I am nothing more than a marionette |
Singing, yes, but not in an especially good way. It's a Disney Channel show that they made into a movie.
(parent)notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:36:28 UTC Re: I am nothing more than a marionette |
Then I'm sorry. I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy.
(parent)notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:25:41 UTC X2 r0x |
Additionally: you should see it. It's better than the first.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 18:30:12 UTC Re: X2 r0x |
I have not seen the first either, and Blockbuster did not have it in. I had to watch Chamber of Secrets again instead to kill time.
(parent)notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:35:26 UTC Heads |
You should see one of the following instead of rewatching CoS:
Rozencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Sweeny Todd (the one with Angela Lansbury that Blockbuster and co carry)
But I'm a Cheerleader
That other movie I watched recently whose name I forgot.
notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:45:18 UTC Re: Heads |
Sweeny Todd involves singing and human-filled meat pies.
Rozencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead involves Hamlet. Is he a superhero?
But I'm a Cheerleader has a corny cheer about true lesbian love in it. I do not know if this counts as singing
That other one did.
non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 18:49:49 UTC Re: Heads |
I can rent one of these with my Blockbuster gift certificate that I won today (extensive Bible knowledge again). X-Men first though.
Did that other one have both superheroes and singing? Or just one?
notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:52:53 UTC The Demon Barber of Fleet Street |
Just singing. And not good singing. Sweeny Todd has the best singing. Sweeny Todd has the best everything. I would consider Sweeny Todd a superhero in his own right, since he's like the Punisher but for everyone.
(parent)notapipe @ May 18 2003, 19:05:04 UTC Re: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street |
Not just interesting. It is the reason I love Sondheim. I doubt I would even like musicals much were it not for Sweeny Todd.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 19:10:51 UTC Re: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street |
I do not know much about Sondheim. I am so out of place.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 18 2003, 19:32:39 UTC Re: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street |
Sweeny Todd=Best musical ever.
Just thought I should back that up. Really. It's great.
non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 19:38:20 UTC Re: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street |
Okay. Now I really do have to see it.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 19:14:26 UTC Re: Heads |
Catholic school education and church. Exciting learning experiences.
(parent)notapipe @ May 18 2003, 21:49:14 UTC Re: Heads |
So your church or whatever pays you prizes for Bible trivia?
(parent)delirieuse @ May 19 2003, 01:06:06 UTC Re: Heads |
EEE!! Rosencrantz and Guildenstern! I loff that movie. I loff the play. I loff Tom Stoppard...
I've seen But I'm a Cheerleader, too. That also rocks.
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neveth @ May 19 2003, 07:13:56 UTC Re: Heads |
Huzzah! I thought I was alone in my love for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead! I LOVE that moooooive.
*flips a coin* Heads.
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jgoreham @ May 19 2003, 05:05:14 UTC Re: I am nothing more than a marionette |
It was amazing!! Non-comic book fans shouldn't go with us comic book fans, though, my kind ruin it for normal people.
(parent)notapipe @ May 19 2003, 14:37:27 UTC Re: I am nothing more than a marionette |
I wish the people I had seen it with had been comic book fans. (I like comics, just haven't read X-Men (except a little of Ultimate X-Men in the airport on Sunday)) They could have answered some of our problems.
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neveth @ May 18 2003, 13:18:26 UTC It could be bunnies! |
That sounds like Austrialian Indoor Rules Quidditch from Mac Hall. Sounds a like a great deal of fun, and keeps me away from the Bad Place for a bit.
It seems feasable, plus we all know Lupin keeps a supply of water guns in the house.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 13:32:13 UTC Re: It could be bunnies! |
Water guns=good discipline for naughty dogs ^_^
(parent)non_inferno @ May 18 2003, 14:03:12 UTC Re: It could be bunnies! |
They also help to keep cats off of Christmas trees.
And that was somewhat off-topic, but Hogwarts has both cats and Christmas trees, and you never know when this kind of information will be useful.
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 15:10:40 UTC Re: It could be bunnies! |
I really can't see McGonagall or Mrs Norris climbing trees. It's too undignified for McGonagall and students never hide in trees so Mrs Norris has no interest in them.
It does make a rather funny mental picture. ^_^
anjaliesque @ May 18 2003, 15:29:58 UTC |
Ah, but Crookshanks on the other hand... Hermione would need a vast water-loaded arsenal to chase him off.
(parent)notapipe @ May 18 2003, 18:06:58 UTC Bunnies aren't all cute like everybody supposes. |
Anything that brings in Mac Hall can only be a good thing. Unless it involves Cthulu, since that's cliched.
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neveth @ May 19 2003, 07:15:26 UTC They've got those hoppy legs |
Indeed. Mac Hall is goodness.
*has 'I Have a Theory' fighting with 'Into The Woods' fighting for supramacy in her head*
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neveth @ May 19 2003, 19:56:22 UTC Agony! Beyond power of speech! |
Oh, it won. It beat I've Got A Theory over the head with a sack of magic beans.
... And now it won't go away.
notapipe @ May 19 2003, 23:37:01 UTC Agony! Far more painful than yours! |
No one is alone. I too, have Sondheim stuck and not going away (Pacific Overtures, and it'd be far less painful if it weren't for that fucking "Welcome to Kanagawa" song and the "on the streets of boston" line of "Poems" (and I shouldn't listen to that 24-7, but it's all that I have until my computer gets home)).
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 16:01:56 UTC Rough sex...ahem. |
"Snitch, water stain, split lip, locking spells, crumpled homework."
My dirty mind thinks that that might not be water.
Though I don't know where the Snitch would come in in that scenario.
spoke @ May 18 2003, 16:38:51 UTC Re: Rough sex...ahem. |
Maybe whoever catches the Snitch gets to top? <.< >.>
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 17:46:37 UTC Re: Rough sex...ahem. |
Good idea!
*is inspired to write JH/PS smutfic*
"We were just doing homework...honest!"
"Oh, sod that, Potter. You're a worse lier than Snape!"
~Bailey ((why do I keep signing my name?))
spoke @ May 18 2003, 17:50:51 UTC Re: Rough sex...ahem. |
~Bailey ((why do I keep signing my name?))
Because it is compulsive?
I cannot write jh/ps. i am trying to convince my Neville he does not want to be evil, but it is taking over the au anyway. wah!! (not really >:) ) stupid muses with minds of thier own...
spoke @ May 18 2003, 18:26:57 UTC Re: Rough sex...ahem. |
*whistles* *all innocent-like*
... *runs away to work*
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 21:09:47 UTC Re: Rough sex...ahem. |
Are there N_A fanfics? where? where? why have I not heard of this before?
~Not Bailey
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 22:45:00 UTC Re: Rough sex...ahem. |
I, also, would like to know if there are any N_A fics out there. I haven't seen any, but there has to be one or two somewhere!
~Bailey o.O'
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 22:42:08 UTC Re: Rough sex...ahem. |
I've never really written N_A fic before. But when plot bunnies appear, I can't not write for them, lest they annoy me to death.
Also, Neville is v. cute good or evil ^_^
~Bailey ((Maybe I am compulsive, but now I can't stop!))
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Anonymous @ May 18 2003, 21:20:48 UTC |
Maybe the water stain wasn't from Indoor Quidditch With Waterguns (because why would there only be one stain? and why only on the floor? why not the walls?) or from a slip'n slide (same reason: why only one stain?) Maybe it's simpler. Maybe one of the many drinks J_H got for PS was water. Maybe, somehow, it spilled. Maybe they got distracted long enough for the water to stain. How long does that take I wonder? And prehaps at the same time they accidently knocked over the water glass they also accidently squished their parchments and J_H's lip got split. Naturally they would want to lock the door while involved in this activity (I call it: Nraged baiting) so as not to be interupted.
*mind wanders off to inspect the gutter*
notapipe @ May 18 2003, 21:53:26 UTC Into the gutter |
I think PS would have to have split J_H's lip for quite a while for it to stain.
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Anonymous @ May 19 2003, 02:01:27 UTC |
Molly mentioned Harry's CUT (and not split) lip the day after the wedding. That means it happened LAST FRIDAY. Why does anyone think it has anything to do with their project?