shusu @ 2003-05-20 15:08:00 |
Mood: chipper
The Fashion Thread has yielded giggling.
There are NO words.
sistermagpie @ May 20 2003, 13:14:28 UTC |
I was just going to post that I got my wish. It was DEAN that walked in and found the two of them together!
It doesn't get any better than Dean.
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 14:14:38 UTC |
Except when Dean runs off to Gryffindor tower in his horror now and has to be calmed down by Harry. Then they can despair together.
(Note: I did NOT say comforted. Nononono. But Harry wouldn't do that anyway.)
sistermagpie @ May 20 2003, 14:23:32 UTC |
No, but wouldn't it be great if Harry got all possessive and jealous...?
Not to mention Dean...this pretty much pays off the whole "Seamus Rox" gift, doesn't it!
It's so cute that they actually did get together, though--and they did it on neutral ground. Seamus I knew was capable of being this cool but, really, go Draco! Giggling over a magazine with the guy that knocked you out cold into your Meuslix because you dropped a scanner on his boyfriend.
Lucius is so. losing. control. of. Draco.
I wonder if we'll get a description of this from Seamus. At the very least he'll probably reply to Dean to defend himself. And he'd have to report back to Harry, wouldn't he? Can't you just see him: "Harry, mate, he is SO into you. He's yours for the price of a midnight blue shirt."
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 14:33:59 UTC |
"Harry, mate, he is SO into you. He's yours for the price of a midnight blue shirt."
Oh, but that would be a serious miscalculation.
Draco is certainly not that cheap. - Still, the midnight blue shirt might be nice for starters. Especially, if he's allowed to take it off for desserts. *g*
sistermagpie @ May 20 2003, 14:36:42 UTC |
LOL! You're right. (Really though, Draco's ALREADY Harry's. He just won't admit it.)
OH OH OH! Read Harry's reply to Dean!!! Two words leave so much unsaid!!!
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 14:42:17 UTC |
Harry's blank look on his icon is once again simply hilarious.
Oh, and ickle Seamus, so in need to defend himself... "c'mon, Deanie, you know I'm not doing anything... and you're too busy... and you wouldn't like it anyway... Meeeeeep......"
sistermagpie @ May 20 2003, 14:45:13 UTC |
LOL! I know--it's the icon that makes it so funny. "They're giggling?" might as well be, "Go ahead, make my day." Look out, Draco and Seamus.:-)
(parent)milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 14:50:15 UTC |
Looked more like a "Hasta la Vista, baby"-look to me. *evilgrin*
Poor Seamus knows he has it coming. Therefore the attempted bribery in addition to the adorable pouting - "help me, Dean, there's a big, bad Harry glaring at me..."
sistermagpie @ May 20 2003, 14:58:45 UTC |
You know, this makes me just have to laugh and bow down to the glory that is potterstinks. He's disagreeable to pretty much everyone, is demanding, is a complete brat and yet here is again managing to *believeably* have people fighting over him.
I mean, at first I thought yeah, Seamus is trying to hook Harry and Draco up and that is probably what he was doing. But I've no doubt that when Dean came into the library he really did see something that would make any boyfriend boil. I think Draco really did get to Seamus, you just can't resist him! And Seamus really did like talking to him on the fashion thread.
Not that I'm saying Seamus is interested in Draco now. Just that, you know, I think he "gets it" a little bit more now with regards to Harry and maybe so does Dean.
You know what this situation needs now? Ron. He'll manage to make it worse trying to make it better. Maybe he'll tell Seamus to keep his hands off Harry's man or something. C'mon Ron, you can do it!
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 15:16:35 UTC |
Nope, it's Draco-Time.
*runs over squeeing to read snotty-brat comment, before posting a decent reply*
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 15:24:31 UTC |
I don't think seamus_f is actually interested in PS at all - except that he's most probably the only boy in Hogwarts who's interested in clothes and fashion.
(Okay, maybe except for boot_boy - but there are only so many shades of black and purple...)
As for Harry and Dean, none of them could provide a sparring partner on this field. Which is exactly what leaves them so... insecure and shocked.
And if Ron jumps into this thread, we'll finally have some action, I agree. But then, Nocturne Alley has been far too quiet these last days anyway, don't you think? *smirks*
sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 05:47:19 UTC |
Oh no no--I didn't mean he was interested in him that way. Just that he does suck people up in his dramas and is funny. Here's Seamus, the last person you'd expect, and ps has him making paper dolls and giggling. Not that ps isn't giggling himself, of course. But I would LOVE to know what they were saying to make them laugh.
Also it keeps making me laugh that Seamus is the one who suggested this. Just like Harry always seems to wind up being the one to suggest time spent with ps. And don't think I didn't notice he did it again on this thread--gee, I think I'll be going outside now. Is there any wonder ps left the thread after that?
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Anonymous @ May 21 2003, 14:15:18 UTC |
Er... some of the NA players work in an internet-free environment fifty hours a week. It is not necessarily character choice to leave the thread.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 18:59:08 UTC |
I'd rather speculate on why characters stop a conversation than what called their players away from the computer. :shrug:
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Anonymous @ May 22 2003, 12:39:56 UTC |
Um. It's rather fruitless to speculate characters motives if the player just had to go to work, don't you think?
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 22 2003, 16:50:18 UTC |
Not at all. I go with whatever is on NA. That's the story. Within the story not replying to someone is often its own reply. If I'm wrong I'm a particular speculation the worst thing is that I'm wrong. If I start bringing player motivations there's no point in speculating at all for me. Whatever the players do the characters have to have their own motivation for it.
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Anonymous @ May 22 2003, 17:53:56 UTC |
Well, as long as you realise that you'll frequently be wrong, speculate away!
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 22 2003, 18:30:54 UTC |
Oh yeah--I throw stuff out and practically forget it right away because it gets proved wrong in the next post. Good thing on that thread I didn't make a big deal over Draco not replying to Ron. It had crossed my mind but I figured I needed to give it more time to see if it just hadn't been typed yet. Sure enough, the Ron/Draco part of the thread just got entered later.:-)
(parent)notapipe @ May 21 2003, 21:54:21 UTC |
As great as the players are, due to the constraints of aesthetic transactions, we must analyze the text and the character's intentions, not the player's intentions. Plus, it's more fun.
(parent)shusu @ May 20 2003, 14:43:37 UTC |
I think Harry needs time to get over the whiplashy-ness... I mean, Malfoy giggling with Seamus is pretty double-takey.
*Then* the slashy. ;)
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 14:57:41 UTC |
Don't let me even get started on Seamus's "We were just, um, cutting out pictures and stuff."
Well, what stuff exactly, pray tell, Mr. Finnigan? *smiiiiiirks*
lunadeath02 @ May 20 2003, 16:00:05 UTC |
Or something a bit inappropriate... ^_^
Dean's head on the body of a woman ...? Or maybe Harry's?
Nah. they'd never do that. would they?
spoke @ May 20 2003, 16:25:00 UTC |
and the staff! don't forget Dean said students and staff!
my theory: staff+paper dolls= Lupin fussing at the Snape and Black dolls about fashion, and decorating.
and perhaps poking fun at Vector too, i'm not sure.
oh! what if they gave a little paper Snape a little paper Lilitou? XD
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 16:01:28 UTC |
But they aren't dolls. Draco says so, even though he of course doesn't know what they might be.
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Anonymous @ May 21 2003, 04:31:00 UTC |
sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 05:49:07 UTC |
Dean's right, I'm afraid. Paper dolls they be. I believe many girls whose mum's wouldn't buy them paper dolls ended up making them just this way.
It's just too bad they didn't know how to make the little tab thingies on the clothes so they didn't need Spellotape. Maybe somebody could buy them a real set of paper dolls for Xmas or something....
milenalupin @ May 21 2003, 12:50:52 UTC |
Of course Dean is right. He's seen them, after all. And if Draco doesn't know, what paper dolls are anyway, how would he know they're not now? - *concedes willingly to the eye witness*
All they'd need was to ask a girl. Stupid guys. Always playing on their own. Tsk.
(Even though I wonder whether Hermione, muggleborn or not, did ever do such a silly thing like playing with paper dolls when she was a kid.)
myrddin @ May 20 2003, 13:20:56 UTC |
Oh my, that is just too much for me. I could have a large party with myself, lime jello, a wine cooler, and Dean's comment on giggling. Just too much/cute/train wreck/ect *rolling about on the floor if you need me.*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 20 2003, 14:07:18 UTC |
Awwwwww, Seamus and Draco making plans to give Harry's wardrobe a much needed make-over. ^_^
The lines between the Houses blur as they work toward a mutual goal.
So cute!
sistermagpie @ May 20 2003, 14:42:11 UTC |
Draco seems to have caused more trouble in Gryffindor this way than he's ever managed to before! Harry seems apprehensive (at best) at the idea of giggling, Dean is horrified and Seamus is sounding very very guilty.
Of course this happens just as I have to leave the computer. I'll probably log on tonight and find Gryffindor at War.;-)
spoke @ May 20 2003, 16:18:15 UTC |
first of all: squee!
secondly: yes! Gryffindor Tower at War, because Harry made Draco sleep on the couch as punishment for paper dolls, and the other Gryffindors didn't want him there, and while they were arguing about this, Colin came and had a fit about Draco playing with a just_harry doll.
Now, since this will be the first evidence that's what they were really doing, this will be when all heck breaks loose and the curses etc., start flying. ^^
spoke @ May 20 2003, 16:20:14 UTC |
i meant to say, Colin would have found it on the floor or something... oops. ^^;
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 20 2003, 15:18:35 UTC Train of Thoughts |
Soo... potterstinks (while with seamus_f) was trying to arrange fashion advice for fellow students. This involved making cut-outs of said students. Ond such cut-out was of deanthomas, whose attire the aforementioned two had been discussing earlier. At they same time they had also discussed just_harry's fashion sense. It is thus acceptable to presume that a cut-out of just_harry was made, probably by potterstinks as so far it is only he who has admitted to making cut-outs. These cut-outs, used for the purpose of fashioning styles, must've been "fitted" and "dressed" with cut-out clothes. Thus, potterstinks was "dressing" his just_harry cut-out. Cut-outs often being considered a form of toy, one could say he was "playing" with these "dolls." Mainly, "playing" with a just_harry "doll."
Okay, stopping now. :D
milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 15:30:28 UTC Re: Train of Thoughts |
Why do I keep thinking you actually wanted to type "Mainly, "playing" with a just_harry "doll." right now?
*looks innocently*
*does certainly not giggle right now. Much.*
anjaliesque @ May 20 2003, 15:38:16 UTC Re: Train of Thoughts |
Okay, I admit it. That was one train of thought heading for an inevitable collision. *grins unrepentantly*
(parent)milenalupin @ May 20 2003, 16:04:07 UTC Re: Train of Thoughts |
Naughty minds think alike.
I have a hunch that just_harry is with us there. He sounds rather... suspicious.
sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 05:51:08 UTC Re: Train of Thoughts |
We're making progress. Potterstinks has realized how much he wants to dress just_harry. Now it's just a short step to realizing how much he wants to undress him.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 21 2003, 12:53:10 UTC Re: Train of Thoughts |
*wonders, whether they had Just_Harry's paper doll wear boxers or briefs...*
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 15:45:43 UTC |
Worse than Lavender and Parvati? ( oh dear. And, in an hour, I'm going away for a week. Drat you N_A. I just know I'm going to miss a scandle. Why is there no pause button? *crys*
(parent)non_inferno @ May 20 2003, 17:23:52 UTC |
If such a button did exist, and if you were to push it, you would very likely be hunted down and killed by angry fans who will be here for the next week because, really, there's not much else to do. You are safer without the pause.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 21 2003, 13:31:18 UTC |
Which is why I am trying to prevent it. I only look out for the safety of others.
(parent)notapipe @ May 21 2003, 21:58:00 UTC |
I thought that was the job of the NrAged Police. Get off my turf.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 23 2003, 20:46:37 UTC |
Because you with a badge and gun surely means safety for all.
(parent)notapipe @ May 23 2003, 21:47:41 UTC |
What, now I have to worry about the saftey of EVERYONE? But I thought I only had to care about the interests of the landed gentry and people who paid me a little extra.
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 19:07:51 UTC |
Of course not. Which is why it's okay for them to pull back a stump when they do stupid things.
(parent)notapipe @ May 20 2003, 20:06:55 UTC |
You can always read the the scandal in the archives. Plus, if you touched that pause button I would have to cut off your hand. Capiche?
(parent)notapipe @ May 21 2003, 22:01:39 UTC |
Only when you're a representative of the state. Since the state is predicated on violence.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ May 20 2003, 15:46:29 UTC |
just_harry to
potterstinks: What were you doing?
Is it just me, or does this sound like jealousy?
(and yes, he asks where he, Draco, is afterwards... hmm.)
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 16:23:05 UTC |
It totally sounds like Harry's jealous/mad.
I don't understand why though.
It seems like Draco's trying to be lighthearted with his comments on the cauldron cake, but Harry's last reply still seems...mean
babytyggeryss @ May 20 2003, 16:26:01 UTC |
I thought it was fear. He wants to know were Draco is so he can do put a stop to his little doll-dressing session.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 20 2003, 16:20:38 UTC |
Ah! This is what happens when I decide to go nap in the sun for a bit, stuff really gets interesting!
My thoughts thus far:
~Dean fears for his wardrobe: I just know that this is going to end with me in velvet pants.
The idea of Seamus making paper dolls is also frightening for Poor Dean.
~Dean is also willing take the Olive Branch that Seamus offered. The two will talk while Dean eats his dinner. By bedtime, Dean should have the whole story and hopefully won't fear for his pants any long. Or he might wear the pants to make Seamus happy.
~Harry also fears for his clothes. He knows that they were most likely taking about him. But no one is going to be giving him dinner with his explanation. Instead, he gets to listen to Draco's cries for help as he is stuck in the Common Room watching Goyle.
Draco is , of course, able to leave the C.R. but he likes to complain and Harry is always a willing ear.
katrionaa @ May 20 2003, 16:48:45 UTC |
Dean walking Seamus and Draco playing with paper dolls!1! Harry and Draco snarking at each other!! *hyperventilates*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 20 2003, 18:07:10 UTC |
Weasley's tried to chew its own robes off. I don't see why. They were a nice shade of maroon.
Ron HATES maroon, so that isn't a big surprise. But what was the Harry-doll dressed in? People want to know!
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 19:03:13 UTC |
Did they just set up a meeting (, or am I reading way too much into that?
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 21:41:56 UTC |
well I could be reading too much into it with you, but that's definately what I thought. Hmm...
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 05:56:21 UTC |
Oh yeah, I totally thought that. If you cut away all the extraneous stuff you get:
D: I'm just sitting around watching Goyle eat cake.
H: Can you think of anything you'd rather be doing?
D: I have fun when we go outside even though I get grass stains on my robes.
H: I am going outside now.
D: Great. Buggers off thread completely leaving just Dean and Ron talking by themselves. Unless Goyle's cake suddenly got fascinating, I think Draco went off to meet Harry accidentally outside.
tabiji @ May 20 2003, 22:57:35 UTC |
Yep it's looking like a meeting.
The "Good to know" could be intentionally could mean it's good to know that Harry's not subjected to Goyle for a source of entertainment, or (my bet) that it's good to know Harry's going outside.
We know that Draco has been enjoying hanging out with Harry, but with their project done they don't have an excuse to spend time together.
At this point I don't think either of them would say "Hey, let's go study/hang out/whatever together". Draco wouldn't because he's Draco. He's made such a big thing out of hating Harry for so long. He might not even realize he's starting to sort of like Harry (as a person, not even meaning liking him in a romantic sense). Harry probably wouldn't because the whole public crush thing is still out there. It seems like he's been laid back and that he's been letting Draco initiate their interactions.
I'm thinking we could be seeing more "accidental" and random meetings, like this and the left behind Snitch.
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 19:18:22 UTC Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
Personally, I think that ps's choice of icons during this thread show a lot about his changing reactions to j_h. When the comment thread is just between Dean and ps, ps uses the enraged icon when confronting the idea that he was playing with "paper dolls". He switches to the "striking fear" one, as Harry starts to weigh in with very simple, though apprehensive questions. From there, he goes to a "I am perfect" icon when justifying his (benevolent?) motives for the paper doll experience.
However, his icon "suspects something awry" when Harry asks questions about where he is, trying to pin his location down. With the "cauldron cakes", ps's icon changes back to sneering, but the tone of the comment seems to be sneering at Goyle, rather than at j_h. ps adds the "I am perfect" icon to discuss the grass stains on the elbows of his robes. Hmm, wonder *how* he got those grass stains? Am I in the Bad Place to think that it's referring to Pansy-ish things?
The most interesting message in the thread, in my opinion, is ps's last comment. He responds to the knowledge of j_h's location with a cryptic "Good to know," which does NOT come off sarcastic, especially in light of his "I am smugly satisfied" icon.
I believe that ps is becoming "smugly satisfied" with his ability to keep j_h hooked and asking questions. If so, this provides an interesting character development point-- where ps is aware of the tension and (gently) yanking j_h's chain. I say gently because he *does* give j_h a straight answer on the pictures. Other evidence: The grass stains bit, if connected to Pansy, seems to be a reminder that ps still doesn't "need" j_h. Still, this would fit in context with both the power-loving ps we all know and love, and the slowly evolving ps who is becoming more independent of Lucius, more considerate toward j_h and other Gryffindors...if only the ones that know their way around a wizard haberdashery. ^_^
(thanks to all those who have commented about the Lucius-Draco tension, and its implications for character dev: notapipe, sister magipe, et al)
--anonymous, though enthusiastic NA devotee
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 19:29:50 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
Re: Pansy and the grass stains:
Harry seems to know what Draco is talking about. Draco says he has been outside, as evidenced by the grass stains. Harry says that he is planning on going "there" now. I think that "there" is a bit too specific to mean just "outside", especially considering Draco's response: Good to know. And considering that Draco says, over and over in reply to Harry's "Are you busy?", "No I am not, in fact I am divinely bored," -well, I don't know. I can't help but think that they are saying something to each other here, and that they understand what the each other is saying. I think they set up a meeting. I think that it's more likely that Harry was involved with the grass stains than Pansy, who Draco hardly acknowledges these days.
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 19:37:33 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
Hmmm, that's a whole new, much more D/H friendly tack. Puts a new spin on the "perfect" icon, though, doesn't it? *eyebrow wiggle*
Poor Pansy. I've been waiting for her to weigh in on recent developments. You can't tell me that her shapely-girlfriend-super-sense-of-danger wouldn't be triggered by the odd changes in Draco's behavior as of late...
Methinks that Harry should be very suspicious of any desserts that show up unannounced at Gryffindor Tower.
--anonymous enthusiastic
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Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 19:45:41 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
He uses that icon with Harry a lot, especially lately. What I find interesting is what scene that icon is from.
(parent)notapipe @ May 20 2003, 21:34:23 UTC |
Wow. It's like "I have a shapely girlfriend" only it's "I stroke Harry"...
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 06:01:01 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
Yeah, I thought they were setting up a meeting. My own take on the "smugly satisfied" icon was that it is his default. As soon as Harry said he was going outside Draco dashed off one last message--Good to know, followed by an answer to his doll question, plus one last shot at Weasley that in fact references Harry's own joke to Ron about maroon waaaay earlier (wasn't that the first time Harry and Draco ever had a sort of civil alliance, when they were joking about the way Lavender fixed Ron's journal??). Then he dashed off to meet Harry. No time to pick an icon.
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Anonymous @ May 21 2003, 09:46:16 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
He used the "smugly satisfied" icon on purpose. The keywords are in the title when one points at the picture. The default image doesn't use keywords -- the title would just say "Draco Malfoy" if he hadn't intentionally picked that icon.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 11:31:56 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
*Bows to superior eye of Anonymous.*
I stand corrected--he's truly smugly satisfied! And I have learned something besides.:-)
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Anonymous @ May 21 2003, 17:20:47 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
Learning is always good. ;)
(parent)notapipe @ May 21 2003, 22:07:23 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
Wow, that's good to know. Thanks.
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Anonymous @ May 21 2003, 22:40:03 UTC Re: Evidence of PS character evolution through icon use? |
You're very welcome, sir.
(parent)altricial @ May 21 2003, 04:33:40 UTC |
Hey, not to be an ass or anything, but could you screen or edit this comment because it might spoil others who have yet to watch the Buffy finale :(
(parent)shusu @ May 21 2003, 07:42:25 UTC |
Sorry guys... I automatically turn of e-mail notifications on NrAged posts, otherwise I would have screened it faster.
Her comment sans spoiler is below. -_-'
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hezzabeth @ May 22 2003, 00:39:47 UTC Re: |
SO SORRY I thought most people had already seen it. I'll go delete the comment.
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Anonymous @ May 21 2003, 06:13:33 UTC |
(parent)altricial @ May 21 2003, 07:46:25 UTC |
Oi, no need to get mean about it. The Buffy finale has aired anyway, so she might not have considered it a spoiler.
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Anonymous @ May 21 2003, 09:26:57 UTC |
-.- im really sorry. i totally overreacted. i realise she might not have thought it a spoiler. oops
(parent)shusu @ May 21 2003, 07:35:27 UTC |
Sorry, hezzabeth... I'm pretty hardline on spoilers myself.
Her comment, sans unrelated spoiler:
"I'm starting to scan all these comment threads for even more coded " messages" I'm seriously getting suspicious over the whole shapely girlfriend thing as well. Would'nt it be cool if this turned out to be this huge intricate conspiracy theory where every ones working togethor to make sure Draco and Harry get togethor?"
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hezzabeth @ May 22 2003, 00:43:00 UTC Re: |
Sorry , I did'nt mean to blurt that out honestly I had no idea every one was going to read my messages so intently.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 21 2003, 08:06:36 UTC |
I am curuiously warm and fuzzy over Seamus' reply to Draco.
Cause he's all like standing up to popular opinion and defending his paper dolls and the importance of fashion. And he's talking to Draco like a...what's it called? Oh yeah, like a friend. I have such great hopes for a Draco/Seamus friendship now with Harry and Dean of course being friends as well. They can double date. :-)
black_dog @ May 21 2003, 11:40:53 UTC |
Yeah, Seamus is hooked a little bit -- not in a romantic sense, but it seems like he has definitely connected with Draco, and he's charmed, he's invested a little bit. Hey, he even takes on Dean, tells him to lighten up. It feels like Seamus is almost hurt at the thought that Draco would have thrown away all their work, and also a little vulnerable to Draco's "Baby" teasing. I like that Ron chips in here ("you really do sound like that") to take a little of the heaviness off of Draco here.
It's kind of fun that Draco saved the paper dolls after all. One thing that struck me about Draco's initial response to Dean was how he refused to back down, refused to go squishy or get defensive, over something that likely did embarrass him a little. (Even his denial that they were "paper dolls" was more playful than anything else, I thought.) I loved the way he just immediately confirmed the story and put his own defiant spin on it. But it's endearing to catch him in one lie -- pretending to have thrown away the dolls -- until he knows that Seamus really does care a little, wasn't just running away from him when he was caught. So now Seamus and Draco are bonding in their defiance of ridicule.
Hmmm, on second thought, maybe Seamus/Draco does have some potential -- which might get Harry jealous, which might lead to . . . who knows what?
milenalupin @ May 21 2003, 13:14:40 UTC |
Actually, Draco never said he'd thrown them away. He said, he'd "discarded of the collages".
Sure, Draco. Safe in your own trunk, methinks (except for the ones of Remus and Sirius Dean found, that is. And did he lose Snape's, too, or did Terry make his own Severus doll... ?)
Peace- and joyful Seamus & Draco intercourse certainly makes Dean jealous. Which can be a good thing for Seamus. And if it spurns outward... exercising... for Draco and Harry - more the better!