teardrop69 @ 2003-05-20 21:26:00 |
Mood: enthralled
First I just want to send out a huge thank you to all the players who were at the chat on Sunday morning. It was ... just phenom. It just added to the addiction and the appreciation for what you guys do. The heart you put into your characters is noticeable, and it takes guts to put part of yourself out there for critique and sometimes end up crushed. I, personally, and humbly, thank you for each and every post.
Secondly, I had wished that the players of lupercus and
jadedsirius (among others, but these specifically) could have been there, because I wanted to just convey how incredible their portrayal is to me. Feel the love. Carry on.
Thirdly, potterstinks,
deanthomas, and
seamus_f, kudos to you all for the magnificently squeeful Fashion Tips and Paper
Doll Model Caper threads. The fact that the four of them unconsciously seem to be so young and innocent, but trying so hard not to be... it makes my heart break.
Sadly, I have to confess that I regularly add nocturne_alley posts to my memories in my personal journal. They just rock my world.
Enough of the Fangirl Rant. I will not be stalking outside your homes, but I will be stalking outside your journals. Can't help myself.
woolf @ May 20 2003, 18:29:49 UTC |
The paper doll thing? Inspired.
A big Wordy McWordstein on the rest.
taradiane @ May 20 2003, 19:05:38 UTC |
You and me both...I have a section of memories titled 'Nocturne Alley goodness' ;-)
(parent)notapipe @ May 20 2003, 20:01:32 UTC |
I need to start doing that memorizing (memorying?) of NA posts. That's a good idea.
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 20 2003, 21:40:15 UTC |
Sadly, I have to confess that I regularly add nocturne_alley posts to my memories in my personal journal.
You are not alone. I do this too. I have an 'NA' category *laughs*. Sounds like the big group chat was awesome, and I can't wait to read the transcript.
teardrop69 @ May 20 2003, 22:04:49 UTC |
Sounds like the big group chat was awesome, and I can't wait to read the transcript.
It was, and me either. My log of it puked. :( v. sad.
spoke @ May 20 2003, 22:58:20 UTC |
put... NA posts... in memories...?
this is brilliant? why did i never think of this? no more hunting up the entries that i liked best! whoo-hoo!
(runs off to make new memories) ^__^
teardrop69 @ May 20 2003, 23:14:29 UTC |
Good deed for the day... Go me! And it's only 2am. I have a shot at another one, or an almost freebie day!
(parent)spoke @ May 20 2003, 23:43:34 UTC |
Cool! Ooo, does my facilitating your good deed count as my good deed? 'Cause i'm a couple of days behind, myself. ^^
(parent)teardrop69 @ May 20 2003, 23:45:43 UTC |
Why not. You know, if we add enough people to this good deed chain, we can probably cure world peace. Or achieve world hunger. Woo!
(parent)notapipe @ May 21 2003, 00:39:16 UTC |
World hunger would be quite an accomplishment. I did not think anyone short of the Hamburgler was capable of such feats.
(parent)teardrop69 @ May 21 2003, 00:59:56 UTC |
I live outside of Chicago. Home of the Hamburgler. The McUniversity. If he's the one to do it, I can probably find him.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ May 20 2003, 23:22:29 UTC ag |
So that's what the locked posts were about.
This marks the only time I've ever wished I'd gotten a LJ.
Would it be crass to ask what was discussed?
teardrop69 @ May 20 2003, 23:34:14 UTC Re: ag |
Not crass, I think. It was mostly a Q & A type thing. They will be posting a transcript of it, I'm sure they are just cleaning it up, or compiling it. I think several people were logging it.
It was fun. We laughed. We cried. We laughed at the criers.
NO, not really. But it was extremely fun, and very enlightening. I know "Things Never to Post In NrAged". :) And I know we, the obsequious fans, scare the bejeezus out of some of them. Go us! (Still not stalking...)
spoke @ May 20 2003, 23:46:48 UTC Re: ag-oh!ohohoh! |
"Things Never to Post In NrAged". :)
dies of jealousy while cursing the fate that had her working that night!
(Still not stalking...)
stalking? us? (is not currently putting all 'shiny' moments in her memories) (not potions master, or where'smytoad, either)
teardrop69 @ May 21 2003, 00:08:28 UTC Re: ag-oh!ohohoh! |
Ok, that was not very nice. I swear if my log hadn't died, I would have sent it to you this very minute.
(I have Remus/Sirius christmas in memories!)
spoke @ May 21 2003, 00:17:03 UTC Re: ag-oh!ohohoh! |
I swear if my log hadn't died, I would have sent it to you this very minute.
Thank you anyway, it's very sweet! ^_^
I don't think i've even read thier Christmas, as I came in pretty recently... let's see. Well crap. I know I read stuff before shiny!Looshie, but's as far back as-wait. Snape and origami cranes, and before that... (is lost in jumble of memories. stupid organic memory that has no organizing function!)
teardrop69 @ May 21 2003, 00:31:32 UTC Re: ag-oh!ohohoh! |
This one is lovely Lupin's: A Rooftop Lullabye.
And this one is Jaded, but wonderful.
I only found them when some other wonderful person linked them, but they are probably my favorites.
liasantana @ May 22 2003, 06:16:10 UTC Re: ag-oh!ohohoh! |
Hi, I also recently joined and I just want to thank you for pointing out these posts. They are absolutely loverly, I read both posts and nearly got tears in my eyes - I admit it, I'm a sap. Oh, and feel free to join me in your list of good deeds - enlightening me about both the posts and the memories section! Thanks.
teardrop69 @ May 22 2003, 08:54:47 UTC Re: ag-oh!ohohoh! |
Those two are by far my favorites. The Ernie McMillian post with the 20's lingo is right up there, the post where snape is retracing his steps in creating the potion that turned Lupin to a woman.
There are a few others, and I haven't read about half of the older posts. (I'm working on it!) Reading the older posts is fun, but lots of the links and posted pictures no longer work, so it's a little depressing.
I'm counting those good deeds for today. Woo!