shusu @ 2003-05-25 16:05:00 |
live thread
Mood: sick
Cooking lessons. And in progress, more fashion.
metaphoracle @ May 25 2003, 13:20:21 UTC |
Who cares about fashion? Draco's little fit about Harry not commenting back to him right away made my night. And Harry's apology today just makes it that much better.
Aww. Look at the happy couple. Aren't they cute?
shusu @ May 25 2003, 13:23:17 UTC *raises a brow* |
Who cares about fashion?? PS is screaming at Ron over flannel!
That's entertainment :p
metaphoracle @ May 25 2003, 15:02:04 UTC |
t'would be Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom. Capped from a manip found somewhere in cyberspace. I'm not on my computer, else I would give you the link to the real photo. :)
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 25 2003, 15:08:49 UTC |
The flannel was fabulous--I love the way that Ron speaks so little of fashion!speak he doesn't even understand Draco telling him he's offending all that is good and right.
Personally, my favorite part is where Seamus says that j_h has indeed bought new clothes all specifically to ps's specifications and Draco asks, but why???
Does he really not know why? Because if he doesn't Seamus isn't telling. I almost wish Ron would shut up about it, though. I mean, I don't because I love Ron and it's hysterical reading it, but I think j_h would have much preferred to just casually walk in in a nice outfit that fit. But then, Ron's job appears to be an unwitting difficulty between all the gay couples. Will Seamus and Dean get that time alone? Will Seamus be able to do...the thing?
My other favorite part was Draco appealing to Seamus for help with Ron: "Just clothes?? Where is Finnigan?"
black_dog @ May 25 2003, 17:26:36 UTC |
But why?
And Seamus, wisely, refuses to bite. Why what? It's like Draco feigning ignorance when Harry asks him if "this is all about what I said before."
My other favorite part was Draco appealing to Seamus for help with Ron
Yeah, the three-way dynamics were just priceless. I think it was right after the fashion appeal to Finnigan (and you can feel Draco's genuine alarm!) that PS mutters "Morons. Everyone is a moron." Except Seamus, of course.
I think I love Seamus to death. I laughed out loud at the way he defused Draco: "if you've reached that point [of trying to talk sense to Weasley] things are too far gone . . . Redirection often works, though." And Draco climbs right down! And of course Seamus tosses a mollifying "Her Majesty" reference at Ron before urging them both to play nicely.
Seamus is so much the anti-Pansy. All that social intelligence, all in the service of a few snogs for himself and [hopefully] others. But on second thought, what more appropriate reward is there for social competence?
sistermagpie @ May 25 2003, 19:47:37 UTC |
I loved watching Seamus running interference as well, especially with the way Ron and Draco both insisted it wasn't necessary because they were getting along just fine! Points to both of them for not saying anything about Seamus' placating of the other--no "Oi!" from Ron in response to Seamus saying it was too late to try to talk sense to Ron, no fit from Draco over the "her majesty" comment.
It's really interesting the way Seamus can keep a foot in both their worlds. He's boyish and Gryff-ish enough to talk easily to Ron man to man, but just poncy (not!) enough to make a joke about Draco being a big queen without it being mean.
I wonder if Draco is sort of squirming at the idea of Harry buying those new clothes. He completely backed off and refused to answer Seamus' "why what?" possibly because he knew he wasn't able to deal with it publically.
black_dog @ May 25 2003, 22:44:03 UTC Re: |
possibly because he knew he wasn't able to deal with it publically.
Yeah I agree. He wanted Seamus to set it up so he could make fun of it, and Seamus tossed it right back at him, daring him to make an issue of his own curiosity.
I wonder if Draco is sort of squirming at the idea of Harry buying those new clothes.
He's just being flooded with opportunities for connecting with Harry, isn't he? The clothes provide an obvious thing to bond over, and for the summer coming up, they could travel to the same place, they could stay home and Draco's mother could take cooking lessons from Sirius -- I see PS just maybe a little confused and overwhelmed, not sure whether to run with these opportunities or retreat back into his hole.
His ambivalence I thought was very obvious on yesterday's thread -- a little horrified at the idea of Harry going off to China, so impatient and possessive about Harry not responding, then not really following up much with Harry, directly, when he does respond (though that may have been a matter of timing.)
Hmm, I've shifted from Seamus to PS. But that's OK, Seamus is busy, I imagine. OK, what do you make of tonight's post by PS? Dangling quidditch-bait in front of Harry, trying to provoke a conversation? I'm a little afraid that Ron will bite, trying to be ever-helpful.
And what about the Austria thing? I tried to think of any significance, but failed, except that it's probably an easy trip to either Romania or Italy from Austria. Keeping his options open? I felt sorry for the tentative way he expressed himself, probably thinking that too positive a choice would be maliciously overruled by his father. I'm glad Narcissa spoke up so definitely. But was he refusing Harry's offer of a stay-at-home summer, or opening the bidding for Harry to match? Or is he not thinking of Harry at all and being perfectly straightforward about his thoughts?
black_dog @ May 25 2003, 22:51:22 UTC |
Just saw the Austria thread below. If the players are really playing off that one, I will giggle uncontrollably until I lose consciousness.
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 23:32:34 UTC |
I don't care if they're really playing off of it or not, it made me fall out of my chair and laugh uncontrolled, non-stop for over five minutes anyway. I have been informed that it was rather frightening.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 07:46:23 UTC |
I see PS just maybe a little confused and overwhelmed, not sure whether to run with these opportunities or retreat back into his hole.
Also we probably shouldn't underestimate the fact that Harry comes along with a whole army of Gryffindors who are now part of the relationship. (And this is ps's own fault--if he hadn't outed Harry they probably wouldn't even know about it.) Nowadays every move he makes gets picked up by enthusiastic Ron and ps ends up on the defensive.
Speaking of being on the defensive, the clothes may be another thing that makes him nervous. He may have at least felt a little in control with Harry in that at least he (ps) dressed better, but if Harry starts looking fabulous that's one more thing to throw ps off-balance. Plus, it may make it harder for him to deny being attracted to Harry if he's wearing dark blue!
I notice Harry didn't reply at all to ps's saying that he knew they were going on holiday, he just didn't yet know where. It didn't call for a reply, exactly, but it may be significant that Harry didn't offer suggestions. He seems to know what a delicate operation this is, so he concentrates on nailing down the cooking lessons: "Does Draco like salmon too?" OMG, Harry is learning to cook Draco's favorite dishes to woo him--how hysterical is that? I can't wait until Draco deigns to learn something for Harry. (This would be far in the future, of course, as Draco is the woo-ee in this relationship, not the woo-er.)
I have a feeling Draco at least thinks he's just bein straightforward with his thoughts. I have a feeling he never allows himself to think about his motives and just desperately clings to the superficial explanations for his thoughts on vacations etc. But I can't believe he really is. There's that little suggestion of Austria, followed by major backpedaling (I've heard it's interesting but I can't imagine WHY) and insistance that Father's choices are always best.
The Quidditch talk will definitely interest Harry--ah, the memories of that first great conversation! It will also draw Ron, of course. Interesting that it's almost in response to Ron's own post, they both post Quidditch-heavy messages at once. To which will Harry respond?
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 15:12:28 UTC |
Nowadays every move he makes gets picked up by enthusiastic Ron and ps ends up on the defensive.
And not just on the defensive, but positively bewildered, at least if I am reading this correctly.
Ron said something similar to Harry, when Harry asked if he wanted to practice that night, and Ron's answer was "if you're around HA HA."
Am I correct in thinking that Ron has leapt to the conclusion that they're sleeping together, while this is still far, far off? Poor PS is going to have a fit when he fully understands the implication. I think he's probably way too skittish right now to handle it. And I can see Ron precipitating things by beeing a little bit too forward . . .
I know there's lots of evidence that Draco is MIA in Slytherin -- even Millicient asks him if he remembers what pajamas are. But I think he may just be taking long walks by himself, thinking, like he did when he was a prefect. What do you think? Am I being naive, and they're already screwing like bunnies?
it may make it harder for him to deny being attracted to Harry if he's wearing dark blue!
I really, really hope Harry picked out better clothes than Ron did. Or did Snape just see Ron in some Chudley Cannons outfit? Luckily Harry at least had Seamus to help him. I'm looking forward to the first time Draco notices.
that's one more thing to throw ps off-balance
I notice Harry didn't reply at all to ps's saying that he knew they were going on holiday
they both post Quidditch-heavy messages at once. To which will Harry respond?
Off-balance is a good word for the whole dynamic between Harry, Draco, and Ron right now. On the Harry-Draco front, I don't have a clear picture. My working hypothesis is that they're still working off last week's offscreen fight, where Harry is angry about Draco's evasiveness as to whether they have a friendship. Harry is signalling care and interest in all sorts of posts all over the place, but he's not making himself available in terms of time, he's not "stalking." It's as if he's withholding himself until he gets a stronger declaration from Draco, while being careful to let Draco know he's not actually feeling hostile to him.
Draco's reaction is more puzzling. It's always possible that WYSIWYG -- that he still has no conscious interest in Harry, doesn't understand the fuss, and is just doing his thing without calculation. But the impatient posts on Harry's journal, and the quidditch post today, seem to show that, at least subconsciously, he wants proximity to Harry, wants attention from him, even if he has no clear understanding why.
I loved Harry's reply to Draco's post about making Ron eat socks the other day. First because he was willing to obliquely tease Ron in front of Draco, implicitly putting them all on the same level. Second because of its content -- a gentle reminder that a narcissist might just "wish" a fate on his adversary, but an engaged social person has to actually put more thought and effort into things. It's amusing that Draco responded in minutes, but Harry didn't follow up further. I think Harry was slightly disappointed with Draco's reply.
And finally, Ron has now really set Draco off by repeating something negative Harry said about him. More evidence that Draco is hooked. Is it also evidence that Ron, despite all his effort, is partly hoping to sabotage things?
Much is in doubt, much is in suspense! Fascinating to watch.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 15:47:06 UTC |
I think Harry needs to drag Ron away from the computer or something.:-) But no, because Ron tells the truth and we want to know the truth.
Here's my thoughts on where ps and j_h are now. I think they may very well be seeing each other at night but I don't think they're sleeping together. ps, to me, still seems wonderfully innocent on that front. Lucius loves caperberries, Draco has never had them. (I can just see them having them at dinner and Lucius telling Draco he's not old enough to drink wine or have caperberries--wouldn't want him bouncing off the walls.) He's still very adamant with M.B. that he "doesn't want any Gryffindor ham." (Dear lord, the implications of that!) I think it's a lot like the bananas. He's now beginning to admit he and Harry are friends but the slightest suggestion that Harry is his boyfriend would set him off a-running. Little digs are okay (like M.B.'s) but none of Ron's YOUR SECRET IS SAFE WITH ME. As far as ps is concerned, imo, there is no secret. It's all above board.
Draco's impatience with Harry not replying seems very ps to me, though. Remember when Harry didn't show up for their golf date (right before the outing) and ps had to go and collect him (read: drag him off)? He's very insecure about not getting attention when he puts himself out there, I think. Sort of makes sense given how little control he always had with his parents on this score.
I wonder if Ron's attempting to be part of the new fashion craze by wearing complementary colors, but he's picked them out himself based on Dean's talks with him instead of really going shopping. He wasn't with Seamus and Harry--I suspect Harry wouldn't have wanted him to be. (Plus he wouldn't have had a pass to Hogsmeade perhaps.) Harry loves Ron but I really don't think he wants his advice on how to get Malfoy. Seamus, now, he's the person to speak to about it. As Seamus said, Dean understands things technically but Ron isn't very good at putting these things into practice. I fully believe that Ron is wearing the most hideous outfit imaginable as we speak and thinking he's just supporting Harry. PS has commented on the fashion magazines and I think he may be temporarily blinded by the results sometime soon.
I notice too that Ron started off talking about Harry still having the penant and then didn't he come back and ask whether he still had it? PS is of course pretending he's no way of knowing whether or not but I think once again Ron may have bumbled his way into a tiny secret.
Re: Draco's response to Harry about being patient, I didn't think Harry was too disappointed. Draco's reply was a bit of a backing-off thing, I thought. He's not really interested in coming up with another plan to make Ron pop like a fat sausage.
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 16:52:46 UTC Re: |
I think Harry needs to drag Ron away from the computer or something.
I was so relieved that Ron caught himself before he did anything irreparable. Though it was extremely amusing that he talked about going to the bathroom in the same huge font he'd been screaming in. I'm not sure where things are going with the resumption of their conversation, though, LOL. Though PS was a little touchy about the "glasses" comment. So maybe Ron is on to more than I thought.
I think they may very well be seeing each other at night but I don't think they're sleeping together.
You have them farther along than I do, but that's OK, because I hope they are and I'm reassured that you read it this way. I was looking for evidence about time they may have spent together, and I can't see it as every night, but there are some suggestive gaps:
The night of the 20st, Draco is a no-show "outside" after the paper doll incident.
The night of the 21st Harry and Draco meet and presumably fight about it off-screen. The next day, Draco complains about Crabbe being in his bed, and about the bed legs being sawn short.
The night of the 22nd, they fight on-line and don't seem disposed to see each other that evening.
The afternoon and perhaps evening of the 23rd, Draco is hosting his new beater -- though perhaps he and Harry see each other that night, because he doesn't post about the beater until Sunday. He also doesn't reply to Pansy's posts making fun of his looks until the next day. Can't find any evidence of what Harry did that night. So, Friday night is a candidate for a long make-up night together.
The morning of the 24th, Harry posts, seeming cheerful. The night of the 24th Harry falls asleep after talking to Sirius and Remus, after a day in Hogsmeade, and is late replying to Draco's comments.
The afternoon of the 25th Ron, Draco, and Seamus are arguing. The night of the 25th, Harry had offered to fly with Ron and went to Dogear to fetch his broom. His post the next morning suggests he had been alone, waiting for Ron, was disappointed, and "guessed something had come up." He also posts about getting "all those emails" from the Ron-Draco-Seamus exchange, and in the morning posts the "better plan" comment to Draco. Does this feel like a postscript to an evening together, or just a funny late reply because Harry had been busy?
Of course, some of this may have had to do with LJ server issues and player work/exam schedules.
So I still say, "not proven" but if you're hopeful, I'm hopeful! I'd still like to see more evidence, though -- shared jokes, or shared allusions between JH and PS, even in passing. You may be on to something, though, with the pennant.
ps, to me, still seems wonderfully innocent on that front. Lucius loves caperberries, Draco has never had them
Actually, although Draco wisely doesn't seem to do much sexual boasting (except the mildest sort), it occurs to me that he may be offended by the suggestion that he needs an aphrodisiac. Leave that for old men like his father!
He's still very adamant with M.B. that he "doesn't want any Gryffindor ham."
Now when he clarifies that Millicient is the only raw, gaping, breadless ham sandwich for him, does that imply that Harry is somehow breaded? We can only hope!
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 17:19:36 UTC |
Actually, Friday the 23rd is out per Seamus' latest post -- Harry was hanging out in the common room with the other Gryffindors. Hmmmm, this is making evening get-togethers seem less and less likely. :(
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 17:28:26 UTC |
But remember they're not really evening get-togethers but night get-togethers. Draco hasn't been getting any sleep, which would mean he's seeing Harry (if he is, of course) he's seeing him when he should be in his jim jams and in bed. So there's plenty of time for hanging out in the common room earlier.
(parent)black_dog @ May 26 2003, 17:50:28 UTC Re: |
You give me hope. You give me strength to carry on.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 16:16:22 UTC |
Oh, and with regards to Ron thinking they're sleeping together, I don't know...I get the feeling that as supportive of Ron is of this in theory he doesn't really think along the lines of Harry and Draco having sex. You know what I mean? I think he'd absolutely freak out if he walked in on the two of them snogging, for instance. He seems blissfully clueless about this, like the most he imagines with them as boyfriends would be that they played Quidditch together. So I just don't get the impression that Ron would be placing them in bed any quicker than he had too. I think that's going to be another hurdle he has to overcome in time.
(parent)black_dog @ May 26 2003, 16:57:24 UTC |
*dies* I can see that. Poor Ron, it's unthinkable! Quidditch, perhaps, and long walks, and soulful conversations. I don't think Ron is entirely an innocent, but repressions can be powerful. Still, he seems to be watching Draco almost obsessively now -- especially when he comes back after the screaming match. What's going through his head?
(parent)black_dog @ May 26 2003, 17:22:29 UTC |
And Seamus' latest post is also revealing of how wierded out Ron is by the whole sex thing -- not just Harry/Draco, but even Seamus/Dean! He keeps getting in the way, stalking obsessively, interfering. Poor w00bie!
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 17:27:11 UTC |
Oh, but even better! Poor potterstinks seems quite sad about somebody dressing Harry up. He's not Potter if he's not wearing his dreadful baggy clothes!
Usually ps looks at the clothes, but not when he's looking at Harry. He doesn't want fashion, he wants his love Harry!
Dying to find out what's happening with Ron and Seamus and Dean. Ron seems to be going over and edge here somehow...I'm remember his comments now: Is everybody gay? Should I be?
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 17:57:27 UTC Re: |
He's not Potter if he's not wearing his dreadful baggy clothes!
He's terrified of seeing Potter as attractive, perhaps. Or even thinking of him in those terms?
But we may not know for a while, because:
Ron seems to be going over and edge here somehow...
Damn him, he knows better. He's got to be incredibly threatened by the whole H/D thing, to lose it like this and make such a shambles of things.
I would not want to be Ron, asleep-unconscious, in the Gryffindor dormitory tonight.
And I still love Seamus, trying desperately to salvage things: Ron! What an idea! *dies*
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 18:22:39 UTC |
And dare I hope it's significant that ps really does seem to want to drop it? Or at least to be talked down by Seamus? He seems to have accepted Seamus' explanation that Ron makes things up for no reason and that they're all dealing with his fantasies.
Yet a perverse part of me hopes Ron continues to argue with Seamus about it.:-P
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 18:34:10 UTC |
I stand corrected. Ps is blaming it on Harry, it seems.
You know, I'm willing to think that some of Ron's intentions aren't entirely honorable. Not that he was planning to ruin things--that's not his style. But I get the feeling he's frustrated at being out of the loop with Harry and that's why he's almost angry about the whole thing and won't shut up about it. If Draco's not Harry's boyfriend or whatever than Ron may want to know what is going on and why he's not involved.
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 18:56:08 UTC |
Actually, I'm thinking now that if Draco is Harry's boyfriend, Ron has even more reason to feel hurt at being left out. Given their rivalry with one another over Harry, I can see an attempt at secrecy that leaves them both feeling let down -- Draco because he assumes Harry really did tell Ron after being sworn to secrecy, Ron because of the secrecy in the first place.
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 18:48:24 UTC Re: |
He seems to have accepted Seamus' explanation that Ron makes things up for no reason
I thought so too, at first, and breathed a sigh of relief. But look at PS' latest exchange with Narcissa.
Now I'm considering a new theory that contradicts everything else I've said today.
In the exchange with Narcissa, N asks why Ron would have said such a thing, and PS says "Because Potter told him!" Not, what Ron saidto him, but told him.
The first time Draco challenges Harry indignantly, over what Ron was saying, his line is, "Potter what is wrong with you?" Not incredulity or disgust, but indignation, maybe betrayal. And Harry's reply is "I didn't say anything! . . . I never told him anything." Implying there was something to tell.
Could they really, after all, have had something going on? And the condition was, that it be kept a strict secret from everyone? And Ron really did make the assumption by himself, but now Draco feels he betrayed him by telling Ron?
I'm fascinated that after a very rapid series of posts, it took Draco 15 minutes to answer Narcissa's final question -- "Why would Harry say such a thing as that."
I think his answer is kind of ambiguous.
Just a thought.
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 13:41:17 UTC |
I can't say how much the fashion discussion cracks me up. In large part because it's on a level I can understand. (Yay! Someone who understands less about fashion than I!)
Or maybe I just love Draco freaking out at flannel. I think someone should buy him a flannel set of robes.
blankcanvas @ May 25 2003, 13:55:11 UTC |
Oh, the flannel was terrible. When I saw it, I backed away from my computer. *shudders* Red and green flannel....
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 14:00:18 UTC |
I hear ya. It even hurt ME. I couldn't fashion my way out of a wet paper bag. I even support understated flannel (not that sort of hunter!flannel, though) in some cases (with emo glasses and a very bad tie).
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 13:45:31 UTC But what about pleather? |
Just_Harry. In. Leather. I cannot take it. It's just too much hilarity.
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 14:02:39 UTC |
Is Dean trying to pirate a copy of Photoshop? If so, good for him.
(parent)shusu @ May 25 2003, 14:56:45 UTC |
There will be art lessons now! Go Dean ^^
I feel so educated ;p
kat99999 @ May 25 2003, 14:04:44 UTC |
All I gots to say is- rock on, Ron. I love him so much, lmfao. This thread has made my evening!
(parent)imochan @ May 25 2003, 14:27:51 UTC |
"I am going to feed Weasley his socks one by one until he pops like a fat sausage." -- His Majesty Potterstinks.
<3333 I would say how much I've missed this, but then I know I'd have to knock on wood or something equally superstitious else NA decides to go all kablooey again. >:D
lunadeath02 @ May 25 2003, 16:00:46 UTC |
I am so adoring this!! Ron and Seamus are just so damn cute the way they try and get along with Draco. It all had me smiling.
(parent)![]() |
luleh @ May 25 2003, 16:56:20 UTC |
I so <333333333!!!! Ron!!
He is just the cutest thing!
black_dog @ May 25 2003, 17:38:50 UTC |
Did anyone sense a certain sulkiness, or reserve, on Harry's part toward Remus, in this thread?
Does he disapprove of "the idea" that Remus wants the three of them to do together as a family? Or is he just a typical teenager who wishes his parents would shut up, already, about his summer plans and clothing and his other delicate conversational gambits with PS?
katrionaa @ May 25 2003, 18:03:15 UTC |
I did think Harry wasn't as enthusiastic as he's been in other cases. His long list of possible places to go and then his eagerness to ask Draco where he is going made me think perhaps Harry was trying to go somewhere Draco would be too. And once Draco replied back dismissively that it hadn't been decided yet, the whole travel thing became less fun to talk about.
(parent)black_dog @ May 25 2003, 18:08:15 UTC |
His long list of possible places to go and then his eagerness to ask Draco where he is going made me think perhaps Harry was trying to go somewhere Draco would be too.
Yeah, me too. "We could go to China . . . or we could stay home . . ." He's definitely keeping his options open!
I can't decide if Draco sounds dismissive, or maybe a little bitter, when he mentions he hasn't been consulted yet on where he's going for the summer. Going back to an old thread (which I'm too lazy to find and link to) I thought it was a little chilling the way Lucius jumped in with travel ideas the moment Narcissa and Draco started talking about it.
katrionaa @ May 25 2003, 18:29:02 UTC |
I can't decide if Draco sounds dismissive, or maybe a little bitter, when he mentions he hasn't been consulted yet on where he's going for the summer.
He seemed more dismissive than bitter to me. Of course he may be wanting to keep his options open as well.
I thought it was a little chilling the way Lucius jumped in with travel ideas the moment Narcissa and Draco started talking about it.
Yeah, it was back to old times with Lucius in charge. It'll be interesting to see what direction that takes too.
sistermagpie @ May 25 2003, 19:41:17 UTC |
And what to make of ps's latest post where he falls all over himself saying that it's up to Lucius where they go? (Unless it's to Austria, which I admit made me think of fashion again--wasn't there a reference to Draco's not being gay but Austrian on one of our nraged threads...?)
(parent)katrionaa @ May 25 2003, 19:45:42 UTC |
And what to make of ps's latest post where he falls all over himself saying that it's up to Lucius where they go?
Typical ps MO - talk to Harry, seem all friendly then retreat and emphasize it by bringing up the Pureblood Family.
(Unless it's to Austria, which I admit made me think of fashion again--wasn't there a reference to Draco's not being gay but Austrian on one of our nraged threads...?)
That sounds familiar but I can't remember where...I'm sure someone will though. :D
sistermagpie @ May 25 2003, 20:13:52 UTC |
I thought too that maybe Harry is frantically backing off making firm plans for vacation because he is really hoping his and Draco's trips will come together. Wherever Lucius picks Harry could always say, "Hey, what a great idea! Have I mentioned how I've always wanted to see Austria? Dudley and I used to watch The Sound of Music all the time!"
(parent)black_dog @ May 26 2003, 06:08:01 UTC |
It came to me suddenly -- Austria . . . lederhosen!
Eh? Eh?
OK, I'll be quiet now.
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 09:20:41 UTC Re: *strong sad voice* |
I'm sorry I missed your original thread. :( Have I stolen the lederhosen from you? Here, you can have them back -- only slightly used!
(parent)notapipe @ May 26 2003, 14:54:01 UTC these fully lined leather sprinker pants that I like to call... Lederhosen-hosen |
*sobs* I just wanted to wear lederhosen okay! It's a stupid affection, I admit. I just wanted to be Bavarian for ONE BRIEF SHINING MOMENT! Is that so wrong? *sobs*
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 15:38:23 UTC Re: these fully lined leather sprinker pants that I like to call... Lederhosen-hosen |
They're not just Bavarian, you know!
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 20:45:02 UTC I am redeemed! |
I always knew he was a closet Austrian.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 25 2003, 20:50:36 UTC Re: I am redeemed! |
You know, I was almost positive it was you who had told us about Austrians. You definitely get a gold star for that one!
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 21:00:05 UTC I don't see any Gold Stars. Where is my gold star? |
Be honest, were you almost positive because it was completely inane and silly?
(parent)imochan @ May 25 2003, 22:06:32 UTC Re: I don't see any Gold Stars. Where is my gold star? |
Yes and no, our pipeless wonder.
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 23:23:27 UTC YIPEE! I pwned that gold star! |
Yes and no
And what, exactly, is THAT supposed to mean?
imochan @ May 26 2003, 06:12:19 UTC Re: YIPEE! I pwned that gold star! |
Ceci n'est pas une réponse. >:D
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 07:27:18 UTC Re: I don't see any Gold Stars. Where is my gold star? |
I seem to have lost my capability to give gold stars! Dammit!
Believe it or not, I think it was there was a kind of "guy's guy" tone to it."-)
notapipe @ May 26 2003, 09:29:41 UTC Sokay, imochan got the save |
This may be the first time that anyone has ever considered me even a pale reflection of a "guy's guy". It makes me feel vaugely uncomfterable.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 10:07:56 UTC Re: Sokay, imochan got the save |
Well, guy's guy as compared to me...;-)
(parent)notapipe @ May 26 2003, 10:56:55 UTC Re: Sokay, imochan got the save |
Okay, but then again, if you had wanted to differentiate from yourself you could have just noted the lack of intelligent consideration in that comment.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ May 25 2003, 23:44:15 UTC |
It makes me think of the post, a while back, where Lucius made a vague reference to disowning Draco. I imagine he's still worried about that to some extent, since that's a very serious threat to the slightly spoiled kid that he often is. And I'm sure that if Lucius found positive evidence that Draco was in a relationship with Harry, he'd hit the roof.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 07:29:18 UTC |
Good point--we should probably always remember that Draco's got this whole other front to be skittish on. We've seen Lucius use his friendship with Harry against him and when he did it he specifically set it up in terms of Draco having to choose "cavorting with Potter" or his family.
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Anonymous @ May 25 2003, 20:23:20 UTC |
On the other hand, Harry spent the evening talking to Remus. I imagine that they covered all of this that night. It would be odd for Harry to decide to address all of that the next day in comments. He didn't answer Ron's question, either, but instead asked him to do something later that day.
(parent)black_dog @ May 25 2003, 22:11:45 UTC Re: |
Hmm. Good point. I'm getting too much like Ernie. ;)
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 09:16:15 UTC I have a sudden craving for salmon. |
I am not sure, as there are several nraged threads that I been a bit out of the loop of, but has anyone squeed about the salmon yet?
He calls him Draco. He wants to know his culinary preferences. He wants to make salmon even though he doesn't like fish himself. And I imagine right now he is tearing apart the kitchens for maple and caperberry (and as a side note- caperberry?!) glaze.
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 09:22:25 UTC Re: I have a sudden craving for salmon. |
Don't you think "maple and caperberry" is the "red and green flannel" of cuisine? Have we discovered Draco's weak spot?
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 11:00:03 UTC Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
Mwah, his mother has betrayed him! He may claim impeccable taste where both fashion and cuisine is concerned, but perhaps he harbors a secret fondness for a plebeian dish of salmon with maple and caperberry glaze.
But wait a moment! Perhaps there is a more amusing reason for his preference for caperberries, as seen here. *breaks down laughing*
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 14:22:43 UTC Re: Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
She has unexpected depths, that one does! I can just see the dinner table scene, as Draco and Harry start to stretch uncomfortably and adjust their collars . . .
I stand corrected on the use of maple as a salmon glaze -- I am a plebeian lox man myself -- but it still strikes me as forest green trousers with a purple jacket.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 15:30:51 UTC Re: Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
So do we think Narcissa's mistake was unintentional? I tend to think so myself, that ps is right and she is thinking Lucius liking the caperberries. Draco, of course, has never
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 15:45:53 UTC Re: Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
My first thought was that Narcissa couldn't calculate something like this if she used both hands. But I suppose the one thing even the most wooly-headed aristocrat understands is matchmaking. No doubt she learned the caperberry trick from her mother.
I suppose we really have no evidence here, but that just gives us more room to maneuver! Perhaps she tried the caperberry trick in the past on Draco and Pansy, and Draco is embarassed and trying to play off her acknowledged faulty memory.
I do think Draco's taking a rather nasty shot at his father, though. Good for him!
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 15:52:59 UTC Re: Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
But does Narcissa see a potential match with Harry and Draco?
I sort of hold out for further trouble down the line on the gay front with the Malfoys because whatever they support in their friends Draco is supposed to produce and heir and get married. Narcissa has presumably never acknowledged Lucius' peccadillos. (Check out the word I just used and probably didn't spell correctly!) I can see her thinking it was great if Harry was gay like his godfathers but having it never enter her mind that he and Draco are anything more than school chums.
black_dog @ May 26 2003, 17:10:11 UTC Re: Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
I can see her thinking it was great if Harry was gay like his godfathers but having it never enter her mind that he and Draco are anything more than school chums.
Even if she did, I can see her thinking of it as a phase, too. Or at worst, something Draco can take care of in the traditional way, through a sham marriage.
Narcissa is so odd, though. I doubt her dynastic feelings are as strong as Lucius'. She admits she's not overly fond of children. She doesn't always think very clearly, or think about the consequences of things -- and the flip side of this is that as prejudiced as she is in the abstract, she can be very accepting when confronted with a fait accompli, as long as she's not actually burdened by circumstances.
I can see her asking very little of Harry and Draco, beyond providing amusing company for her.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 18:35:21 UTC Re: Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
Hmmm...her latest entry, though, seems to indicate she is furious on Draco's behalf for Ron's insinuations...
(parent)black_dog @ May 26 2003, 19:03:56 UTC Re: Caperberry: a stimulant and aphrodisiac! |
But she's not satisfied, or glossing over, his ambiguous answer on why Harry would say such a thing. Not a complete fool, Narcissa.
I wouldn't be surprised if Narcissa turns out to be an important source of emotional support for PS.
Am venturing over to newer threads . . . see you here, or there!