moonhare @ 2003-05-26 19:30:00 |
One of those odd little things
Mood: curious
Just noted that the way in which comments appear for Remus and Snape seem different to standard. Is this a style that has been implemented or new feature?
Not actually seen on any other journal.
anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 11:02:45 UTC |
Not absolutely sure, but I think it's an option for those with paid accounts.
(parent)zorb @ May 26 2003, 12:25:57 UTC |
It's called S2, some new LJ thing. Not sure if it's only paid accounts or what. Personally, I find it annoying. The great thing about the standardized comments page is that no matter how undecipherable someone's layout is, you can always read the comments easily.